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  1. Daca nu au conexiune sa le valideze cum procedeaza? Vrei sa spui ca ca aparatul rescrie unele valori pe cartela cand tu consumi din sold? (altfel ai avea aceasi suma initiala pe fiecare terminal daca nu au conexiune si nici nu updateaza). Daca updateaza pe cartela si la 24 ore se sincronizeaza/valideaza/etc datele procesate de terminale, probabil 24 ore vei putea folosi cartele clonate pana la detectarea unor anomali si blocarea lor..
  2. Merge bine afacerea?
  3. worm128, am facut acest 'proiect' pentru mine in trecut si de nu l-as fi facut 50$ mi se pare mult oricum pentru o chestie atat de simpla. Daca nu rupi google/stackoverflow.com la fiecare linie e munca de 5-10minute in Python. Nu a fost intentia mea, probabil nu estimez eu bine 'valoarea'.
  4. Cantitatea mare de DNS Requests probabil necesita si folosirea mai multor servere de DNS, iar pentru o cantitate atat de mare probabil e necesar si multithreading sa nu stai langa script 2 zile pana termina. In cei 50$ iti fac tot ce trebuie. PM
  5. On April 12th, 2016, a crucial security bug in Windows and Samba will be disclosed. We call it: Badlock. Engineers at Microsoft and the Samba Team are working together to get this problem fixed. Patches will be released on April 12th. Admins and all of you responsible for Windows or Samba server infrastructure: Mark the date. (Again: It's April 12th, 2016.) Please get yourself ready to patch all systems on this day. We are pretty sure that there will be exploits soon after we publish all relevant information. Q&A Which Samba versions will get patches? Patches will be available for Samba 4.4, Samba 4.3 and Samba 4.2 on April 12th. With the release of Samba 4.4.0 on March 22nd the 4.1 release branch has been marked DISCONTINUED. Please be aware that Samba 4.1 and below are out of support, even for security fixes. We strongly advise users to upgrade to a supported release, so that you will not have to make a major version update at the time you need to get the security fix installed. Why announce Badlock before April 12th, 2016? The main goal of this announcement is to give a heads up and to get you ready to patch all systems as fast as possible and have sysadmin resources available on the day the patch will be released. Vendors and distributors of Samba are being informed before a security fix is released in any case. This is part of any Samba security release process. Weighting to the respective interests of advance warning and utmost secrecy we chose to warn you beforehand, so that everyone has a chance to be ready to install the fixes as soon as they are available. Once the patch is released to the public, it will point to attack vectors and exploits will be in the wild in no time. Yet Another Bug With A Logo? What branded bugs are able to achieve is best said with one word: Awareness. Furthermore names for bugs can serve as unique identifiers, other than different CVE/MS bug IDs. It is a thin line between drawing attention to a severe vulnerability that should be taken seriously and overhyping it. This process didn't start with the branding - it started a while ago with everyone working on fixes. Who found the Badlock Bug? Badlock was discovered by Stefan Metzmacher. He's a member of the international Samba Core Team and works at SerNet on Samba. He reported the bug to Microsoft and has been working closely with them to fix the problem. Where to find more information? This page will get updates regularly. Please come back for more information. http://badlock.org/
  6. Acest viciu mi-a provocat si mie aceasi depresie pe care o ai tu in momentul asta, "stai linistit" ca nu esti singurul care se afla in situatia ta. Sunt sigur ca majoritatea spun ca e lucru manual si ca gandind problema, esti doar un prost care-si pune speranta in jocurile de noroc.. insa nu e asa, sunt suficient de multi oameni destepti care au luat boala asta si care nu au inceput in speranta de a castiga ceva, nu le lipsea nimic... insa incet incet distractia se transforma in sperante ..mizele se maresc, iar daca esti suficient de bine pe plan financiar si inaintat in varsta.. ai distrus tot (familie/bani/psihic..etc) intr-o clipa. Insa, daca mai ai suficient timp incat sa conteze pentru tine o schimbare si esti doar un pusti sau pe aproape, e posibil sa iesi din infern.. 1) Prima parte si cea mai importanta, renunta la absolut toti prietenii/cunostintele sau ce or fi care au aceasi problema/''hobby'', chiar daca realizezi ca ramai oarecum singur iar viata ta sociala.. si psihicul tau e distrus deja din cauza problemelor de genul, stai linistit.. depresia de singuratate nu se compara cu raul provocat de acest ''hobby'' iar un nou cerc de prieteni nu v-a dura foarte mult pana ti-l vei face iar. (Evident eviti acelas fel de oameni ca in trecut) 2) Iti faci o prietena, care iti v-a umple oarecum golul lasat de vechile tale 'cunostinte' si timpul pierdut la joculete la fel. 3) In prima faza cand ai banuti investeste-i rapid in tine, in ea, in excursii .. in orice incat nici sa-ti doresti sa-ti mai incerci norocul sa nu ai posibilitatea..(Da,la sfarsitul lunii vei simti buzunarul la fel de gol ca atunci cand erai jucator, insa de data asta ai si o satisfactie.. tu/ea, sau probabil o realizare, depinde cum te gandesti tu sa-ti strici banutii) 4) Evident, cel putin in cazul meu viciul nu a disparut complet insa nu se mai pune problema pierderii noptilor in casino sau pierderea unor sume considerabile. Iti impui o limita foarte mica de bani care vrei sa o strici .. o data pe saptamana sau cand mai mergi sa-ti incerci norocul.. insa strict cand mergi acolo nu iei cu tine nici un ban in plus! Si nu faci din asta o obisnuinta incat sa mergi de 10ori pe zi sau in fiecare zi.. recomandat ar fi sa reusesti sa le eviti total, insa din experienta mea .. nu a fost posibil. 5) Nu am ajuns la psiholog si nu am idee daca intradevar te ajuta asta, insa descarcandu-te unui (mai multor) prieten in care ai incredere v-a mai taia din intensitatea stresului care ti-a fost provocat. 6) Vei vedea ca dupa o perioada cand se stabilizeaza tot, starea financiara,stresul dispare ..esti bine, vei incerca iar 'norocul' asta blestemat si aici trebuie sa gandesti tu bine daca chiar iti doresti sa treci prin ce ai trecut in trecut si sa fie nevoie sa te gandesti unde-ti agati latul.. Success! :)
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