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Everything posted by roby09

  1. roby09


    Cum sa ii dau parola?...I-am dat doar adresa de email.
  2. roby09


    Am dat un mail de al meu unu tip sa imi trimta 10$ pe PayPal iar peste 10 min cand m-a loghez pe PayPal imi cere mail de rezerva si pe Gmail la fel. Ce a facut?
  3. Eu am primit codul,este din 3 cifre.Pe PayPal nu am primit nimic deocamdata.
  4. 1. Navigate to m.appredeem.com You must do this while you are on your iPod / iPad / iPhone. 2. You will now have to register an account on this site simply click "Signup for free" or navigate to m.appredeem.com/signup. Note! The email you use must be the same as your PayPal email. 3. They will now ask you to install their "Bookmark". Just follow the instructions and install it. 4. You will not be redirect to download your first app, this usually pays ~$0.15. 5. Sometimes it will ask you to confirm your locating using your cell phone, simply enter your phone number and you will receive a text message with a code. Then fill in this code. 6. Now when you have completed this you will be taken to a larger list with offers. Source:Drixxel - Tutorial : Make money with your iDevice (iPhone, iPod, iPad)
  5. roby09

    Script ca wta plm

    scuze de dublu...
  6. roby09

    Script ca wta plm

    Forbidden You don't have permission to access /wtrafic.com.zip on this server.
  7. Nu merge...
  8. @Nokia94: schimba toate parolele
  9. http://mynasa.nasa.gov/portal/site/mynasa/template.REGISTER/
  10. kingswoodimg on Facebook Am vazut ca incearca sa descarce un .mp3
  11. roby09

    domeniu .ro

    Inregistreaza cineva de aici domenii .ro?Sau stiti un site de incredere cu plata anuala? Multumesc
  12. Cred ca sunt facute cu Cinema 4D
  13. IMEI-ul unui telefon nu se poate schimba. E un cod unic pentru fiecare terminal in parte. Cu ajutorul lui se poate identifica un anumit telefon.
  14. roby09

    .net sau .org

    Am sa aleg .net!Va multumesc pentru sugestii
  15. roby09

    .net sau .org

    .com nu mai este disponibil
  16. roby09

    .net sau .org

    Care extensie este mai buna pentru un site de vanari? LE:siteu o nu o sa fie pentru Romania
  17. VirusTotal - Free Online Virus, Malware and URL Scanner
  18. Vrea sa faca si el bani cu sharecash ShareCash.Org - Make Money Uploading Files! - make money.rar
  19. Unde inregistrez domenii mai ieftin?
  20. Este de incredere sau nu? Gazduire, Domenii, Servere
  21. roby09


    esti prost?
  22. roby09


    google.com.bd - C?utare Google
  23. roby09


    HackeD by TiGER-M@TE
  24. Acest domeniu nu exista Acest domeniu nu exista.
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