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Posts posted by Dragos

  1. Excluzand ideea ca astazi e ziua fratilor Nytro si SirGod, vreau sa punctez faptul ca este si ziua Drapelului National, o zi nationala destul de importanta, alaturi de Ziua Nationala si Ziua Imnului.

    La multi ani Drapelului National! La multi ani tuturor romanilor!


    • Upvote 1
  2. cd9SBNOmJP25PLk1guUTt0BTdtfZ0LDc7YGO4zAzIxA.png

    Întrebarea este, celelalte bloguri cum ne enervau s? "ne înregistr?m" prin ei ?

    Linkul de inregistrare era in fiecare post din blog.


    M-am inregistrat sub tine, ce-i drept fara sa vreau :)) Just kidding

    Crezi ca e serioasa treaba asta ? Chiar vor plati ? Ma tenteaza si pe mine sa ma implic mai mult, ce-i drept e cam noua treaba asta pentru RO, din cate stiu eu.

    Insa dupa logarea in cont observ ca multe facilitati inca sunt in lucru.

    Am analizat ceva platforma si teoretic nu exista nimic neinregula. Putem zice ca e o solutie win-win pentru user, advertiser si admin.

  3. Scoatem copiii din ecuatie cu blogurile lor gratuite pe Blogspot sau Wordpress.

    Am creat un blog nou despre vivaSMS viva-sms.ro. Scopul lui principal nu este sa enervez utilizatorul sa se inregistreze prin mine pe reteaua asta, ci sa ofer sfaturi, informatii si tool-uri pentru cei care vor sa-si promoveze linkul lor de refferal.

    Precizez, nu este o mina de aur din care sa castigi sute de mii de euro, ci un site ce iti poate aduce un ban in plus in buzunar.

    Am experienta in sistemele PTC si Lyoness, asa ca am decis sa o aplic pe vivaSMS.

  4. Site facut cu Google Translate.

    Timp ramas pana activarea servicile sms la vivaSMSiulie 1st, 2013

    10 zile to go.

    // Daca vreti sa faceti bani mai ok moca, bagati-va pe Lyoness. Am lucrat in trecut cu Traistariu pe carduri de reduceri si am castigat destul cat sa pot iesi in oras in weekend.

  5. By Jay Rossiter, SVP, Platforms

    Over the last few months, we’ve made exciting changes to some of your favorite Yahoo! products, like Flickr, Mail, Weather, the Homepage and Search. Today, I’m excited to share with you our next big push: we want to give our loyal users and new folks the opportunity to sign up for the Yahoo! ID they’ve always wanted.

    If you’re like me, you want a Yahoo! ID that’s short, sweet, and memorable like albert@yahoo.com instead of albert9330399@yahoo.com. A Yahoo! ID is not only your email address, it also gives you access to content tailored to your interests – like sports scores for your favorite teams, weather in your hometown, and news that matters to you.

    So, how are we making these Yahoo! IDs available? We’re freeing up IDs, that have been inactive for at least 12 months, by resetting them and giving them a fresh start. In mid July, anyone can have a shot at scoring the Yahoo! ID they want. In mid August, users who staked a claim on certain IDs can come to Yahoo! to discover which one they got.

    What if you haven’t logged into Yahoo! for over a year, but want to keep your Yahoo! ID? It’s easy. All you have to do is log on to any Yahoo! product before July 15th.

    We’ve got a lot more in store that will make your everyday routines even more inspiring. We’re happy to have you as a part of the Yahoo! community!

    Sursa: http://yahoo.tumblr.com/post/52805929240/yourname-yahoo-com-can-be-yours

  6. Principal security firms detected a new variant of Facebook Zeus malware that is exploiting the popular social network to target user’s bank accounts.

    A Facebook Zeus malware variant (aka ZeuS/ZBOT) has been detected by principal security firms confirming the longevity of malicious code and the ability of cybercrime to customize it according to its needs.

    Symantec was one of the first companies to detect the Facebook Zeus virus and its capability to drain user’s bank accounts, the malicious code exploits phishing messages as a method of propagation. A compromised account is used to automatically send messages to its contact with links to ads, usually to video or product.

    The new Facebook Zeus instance is able to infect only Windows users, there is no news of variant that targeted Linux or Mac OS X systems.

    Continuare: Facebook Zeus malware targeting bank accounts - Security Affairs

  7. Edward Snowden, the man who became known all over the world after leaking classified details on the US National Security Agency’s PRISM surveillance program, has reiterated the fact that the United States is “hacking everyone everywhere.”

    In an interview he had with the South China Morning Post on Wednesday, Snowden has revealed that the NSA has conducted over 61,000 global hacking operations.

    “We hack network backbones – like huge internet routers, basically – that give us access to the communications of hundreds of thousands of computers without having to hack every single one,” Snowden said.

    According to some documents possessed by the whistleblower, the NSA has been hacking computers from China and Hong Kong since 2009.

    The evidence that’s in Snowden’s possession doesn’t say anything about the Chinese military. Instead, the NSA’s targets appear to be universities, public officials, students and businesses.

    He claims that of the 61,000 hacking operations carried out by the NSA, hundreds targeted computer systems from the mainland and Hong Kong.

    Snowden’s allegations shouldn’t be surprising, especially after we have learned that the NSA’s Fort Meade complex in Maryland houses a secretive cyber unit called the Office of Tailored Access Operations (TAO).

    TAO is said to have carried out cyber operations for the last 15 years, many of which against China.

    In addition, Chinese officials have started to respond to the numerous accusations made by US officials. The country’s CERT has issued a report which shows that in the first quarter of 2013, over 2.9 million mainframes from China were hijacked with the aid of more than 4,000 US-based control servers.

    Over the past weekend, US President Barack Obama had a meeting with his Chinese counterpart.

    White House National Security Advisor Tom Donilon said that Obama warned Xi Jinping that cybersecurity concerns might have an impact on economic relations, but experts doubt that he pressed the Chinese president too much on cyber espionage issues, considering that the US is also launching such operations.

    Sursa: Snowden Says He Has Evidence That the NSA Has Been Hacking China Since 2009

  8. NSA nu are voie sa investigheze cetatenii SUA.

    Mi-a atras atentia citatul asta inca de cand am citit stirea originala. Telefoanele si celelalte aparate fabricate in America au backdoor-uri din '94 cu legea despre wiretap. Cum americanii exporta la greu, fiecare tara are cel putin un aparat de la ei.

    NSA nu are voie sa investigheze cetatenii SUA, dar pe ceilalti?

  9. Eu personal nu cred ca ne pot vedea conversatiile de pe facebook. :-?

    Messenger-ul de pe Facebook este centralizat. Astfel, toate mesajele pe care le scrii pe facebook sunt trimise prin HTTP catre serverul facebook, de unde merge inapoi catre persoana careia i-ai scris mesajul.

    Uite un exemplu:

    - tu scrii mesajul si dai enter

    - mesajul se trimite prin retea catre router

    - din router porneste catre switch-ul de pe scara blocului

    - de pe scara blocului merge catre switch-ul zonal

    - din switch-ul zonal merge catre serverul central al orasului

    - din serverul central al orasului pleaca pe cel regional

    - din cel regional pleaca pe unul central din tara

    - din cel central pleaca in afara tarii spre serverul FB

    Dupa cum vezi, trece prin multe locatii pana iese din tara. Este de ajuns pe unul din servere sa fie un filtru si baietii iti fac oglinda la tot ceea ce vorbesti.

  10. parerea mea este ca ar trebui sa nu mai permiteti injuraturi..jigniri .etc pe forum pentru ca pierdeti si userii actuali dar si viitorii useri, cei care injura sau fac reclama aiurea la un site ...forum sa primeasca ban , daca faceti ce am zis eu aici cred cu tarie ca forumu se va dezvolta mai mult !!!!

    Vad ca esti nou aici.

    S-a mai discutat acest lucru si in trecut si am ajuns la concluzia ca e mai bine sa lasam o exprimare libera pe forum pentru ca omul sa se simta in largul lui. Nu sunt tolerate injuraturile nejustificate care fac atac la persoana.

    A existat la un moment dat un forum paralel cu RST-ul, hackpedia.info, pe care era acelasi limbaj cum e acum pe RST. Administratorii de acolo au decis atunci sa penalizeze limbajul ofensiv. Rezultatul? Activitatea a scazut foarte mult si forumul a murit.

  11. Daca e cineva curios, sunt 1 432 397 de conturi sub forma mail, prenume, nume, link profil. Cel mai probabil acestea vin dintr-o aplicatie populara de pe Facebook, gen Farmville, in care s-a gasit un SQLi.

    EDIT: Unele randuri sunt doar emailuri, fara alte informatii.

  12. @TheTime imi pare rau de tine. Oftica doare asa-i ?

    A gresi e omeneste.

    Crezi ca daca scri u un post de 10000 cuvinte o sa te pupe astia in cur si te vor respecta?

    Felicitari :)

    Daca iti vorbim frumos nu intelegi...

    Nu intereseaza pe nimeni ca ai castigat 300$ din e-whoring. Da, bravo, felicitari ca ai facut-o la 15 ani. Daca ai rabdare sa inveti si sa intelegi, poti sa o faci si la 12 ani.

    Zici ca ai facut banii astia din noroc. De ce ii consideri pe ceilalti ofticati daca incercam sa-ti explicam frumos ca nu ne intereseaza norocul tau? Scoate-ti din cap ideea ca doar tu poti sa faci bani prin noroc. Si da, daca faci bani prin noroc, intr-o saptamana busesti toti banii facand cinste la colegi, cumparandu-ti obiecte inutile si laudandu-te cu ele, etc.

    Sau mai bine joaca-i la pariuri ca sigur castigi cu norocul tau.

  13. German researchers revealed that Microsoft is able to intercept Skype conversation for security reason. Which are risks to the users’ privacy?

    Microsoft intercept Skype conversations, the topic is at the center of a heated discussion. Before Microsoft acquisition the popular VOIP application was considered very secure and wiretap-proof, it was officially recognized that was impossible to intercept Skype conversation due its complex architecture and mechanism for the management of audio / video and text streams.

    The situation changed when Microsoft acquired Skype for $8.5 Billion and its architecture was changed, officially for maintenance ameliorative. Just one month after the acquisition Microsoft obtained a patent for “legal intercept” technology specific for VOIP services such as Skype. This is pure randomness? Does Microsoft intercept Skype conversation?

    Continuare: Does Microsoft intercept Skype conversation to protect its users?

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