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Dragos last won the day on July 19

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    Think outside of the box
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  1. Ai asteptari mari ca serviciul roman sau politia sa fi stiut sa faca mitm pe vremea aia.
  2. Daca folosesti Arc, ti-o meriti. Nu am vazut functionalitati wow care sa nu fie si la alte browsere, doar chestii de feng shui si design. In spate tot Chromium.
  3. IT teams around the world are scrambling to fix a massive outage and it is unclear exactly how large the disruption has become. Airlines, banks, media outlets and various other businesses worldwide have been left reeling from what appears to be a global Microsoft outage. The global IT issue has caused chaos, with airlines around the world reporting delays to their flights. There are reports of various PCs showing the famous ‘blue screen of death’ – a Windows error message. The Verge reports that this issue was first noted by Australiann businesses, but it has since spread with airlines across Europe reporting issues. Multiple media outlets are sharing live updates on the issue and the reports of disruptions appear to be pouring in worldwide. One recent update from the BBC is that the outage has caused disruptions to the UK’s National Health Service, causing GPs to only see the most unwell patients. Sky News says it is struggling to broadcast its live TV service, Ryanair is reporting disruptions, banks have been impacted – the scale of the disruption appears to be massive. While the scale of the issue is clear, the cause is less certain. Microsoft reported an issue earlier today (19 July) of users being “unable to access various Microsoft 365 apps and services”. The tech giant said it rerouted affected traffic to “healthy infrastructure” and reported “continuous improvement” two hours ago. The wave of IT issues is being linked to a faulty update from Crowdstrike, a cybersecurity provider used on various Windows PCs. Australia’s National Cyber Security Coordinator said it is aware of a “large-scale technical outage” and that it appears the outage relates to a “technical issue with a third-party software platform employed by affected companies”. Crowdstrike told media outlets that it is aware of the reports of Windows systems crashing. In a support note seen by The Verge, Crowdstrike said it identified the issue and reverted the faulty update, but it does not appear to have fixed the ongoing issue. It is unclear if the earlier Microsoft error is linked to the Crowdstrike update. It will take time to see confirm the exact cause and the true scale of the disruption. Regardless, the outage will likely be a significant hit to the reputation of Microsoft, which has been criticised for its connection to massive breaches in recent years. https://www.siliconrepublic.com/enterprise/massive-microsoft-crowdstrike-outage-grounds-flights-global-disruption
  4. Le trebuie un curs de Excel si toti o sa fie experti digitali.
  5. Control panel-urile depind de sistemul de operare pe care il ai pe vps. Daca vrei doar sa-ti setezi cateva site-uri, poti sa-ti faci direct din ssh: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-ubuntu-18-04 https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-apache-mariadb-php-lamp-stack-on-centos-8
  6. Protocol hasn't changed, but you can get IP banned from most of email providers today for using this method.
  7. Hai ca poate si PHP-ul intr-o linie C:\laragon\www\rst\>php -r "preg_match_all('/[a-zA-Zăţâ\-]+/',file_get_contents('a.txt'),$matches);print_r(array_count_values($matches[0]));" Array ( [A] => 2 [fost] => 2 [odată] => 1 [ca-n] => 1 [poveşti] => 1 [ca] => 1 [niciodată] => 1 [Din] => 2 [rude] => 1 [mari] => 1 [împărăteşti] => 1 [O] => 1 [prea] => 1 [frumoasă] => 1 [fată] => 2 [Şi] => 5 [era] => 1 [una] => 1 [la] => 1 [părinţi] => 1 [mândră-n] => 1 [toate] => 1 [cele] => 1 [Cum] => 2 [e] => 1 [Fecioara] => 1 [între] => 2 [sfinţi] => 1 [luna] => 1 [stele] => 1 [umbra] => 2 [falnicelor] => 1 [bolţi] => 1 [Ea] => 1 [pasul] => 1 [şi-l] => 1 [îndreaptă] => 1 [Lângă] => 1 [fereastră] => 1 [unde-n] => 1 [colţ] => 1 [Luceafărul] => 1 [aşteaptă] => 1 [Privea] => 1 [în] => 1 [zare] => 1 [cum] => 1 [pe] => 2 [mări] => 1 [Răsare] => 1 [şi] => 2 [străluce] => 1 [Pe] => 1 [mişcătoarele] => 1 [cărări] => 1 [Corăbii] => 1 [negre] => 1 [duce] => 1 [] => 3 [l] => 1 [vede] => 2 [azi] => 1 [îl] => 1 [mâini] => 1 [Astfel] => 1 [dorinţa-i] => 1 [gata] => 1 [El] => 1 [iar] => 1 [privind] => 1 [de] => 2 [săptămâni] => 1 [i] => 1 [cade] => 1 [draga] => 1 [ea] => 2 [coate-şi] => 1 [răzima] => 1 [Visând] => 1 [ale] => 1 [ei] => 1 [tâmple] => 1 [De] => 1 [dorul] => 1 [lui] => 1 [inima] => 1 [sufletu-i] => 1 [se] => 1 [împle] => 1 [cât] => 1 [viu] => 1 [s-aprinde] => 1 [el] => 1 [n] => 1 [orişicare] => 1 [sară] => 1 [Spre] => 1 [negrului] => 1 [castel] => 1 [Când] => 1 [o] => 1 [să-i] => 1 [apară] => 1 )
  8. De curand Postman a scos scratchpad-ul care te lasa sa folosesti rulezi colectii si environment-uri local si forteaza pe toti sa-si faca cont si sa salveze toate datele in cloud-ul lor. Anuntul lor e aici. Presupun ca nu sunt singurul care nu poate la munca sa stocheze credentiale si colectii de API-uri in cloud-ul celor de la Postman, asa ca va intreb, voi ce alternative GUI folositi unde lucrati?
  9. Probabil, daca o sa faca ceva, o sa o transforme intr-o birocratie cu NDA, copie dupa CI si alte balarii ca sa ai dreptul legal din data X pana in data Y sa faci pentest. Daca nu sunt sisteme de stat, sunt sisteme de-ale UTI sau altii care mananca o caruta de bani doar sa schimbe un cablu sau sa dea restart la un server si aia o sa va dea in judecata daca va vad pe loguri.
  10. Kevin Mitnick, a reformed hacker who was once one of the FBI's "most wanted" cybercriminals, has died at the age of 59. Mitnick spent five years in prison for computer and wire fraud following a two-year federal manhunt in the 1990s. But after his release in 2000 he reinvented himself, becoming a renowned "white hat" hacker, cybersecurity consultant and author. He died on Sunday following a 14-month long battle with pancreatic cancer. "Kevin was an original; much of his life reads like a fiction story," his obituary reads. "He grew up brilliant and restless in the San Fernando Valley in California, an only child with a penchant for mischief, a defiant attitude toward authority, and a love for magic." In the 1990s, Mitnick gained notoriety breaking into government websites and corporate networks, including Pacific Bell, and stole corporate data and credit card information. He was involved in the theft of thousands of credit card numbers and data files across the country in addition to working his way into the country's cell networks, vandalizing corporate, government and university computer systems. A brief history of hacking He was dubbed as the "most wanted" computer hacker in the world by investigators. A two-year-long nationwide FBI manhunt led to his 1995 arrest and he eventually pleaded guilty to computer and wire fraud. Authorities believed he had access to corporate trade secrets worth millions of dollars. In his 2011 memoir, Ghost in the Wires, Mitnick denied using his skills to steal or exploit information for financial gain. "Anyone who loves to play chess knows that it's enough to defeat your opponent. You don't have to loot his kingdom or seize his assets to make it worthwhile," he wrote. His arrest sparked a 'Free Kevin' movement in the hacking community, which lobbied on his behalf, including with rallies outside the prison where he was held. Following his release from prison, he became a "white hat" hacker, writer and public speaker. A "white hat" hacker aims to use their skills and identify vulnerabilities or security issues of organisations to test security configurations. In 2003, he founded Mitnick Security Consulting, which advised Fortune 500 companies and government agencies on cybersecurity. In 2011, he became "chief hacking officer" and part owner of KnowBe4, which offers phishing security awareness training. "Kevin will always remain 'the world's most famous hacker' and was renowned for his intelligence, humor and extraordinary skill with technology, surpassed only by his talent as the original 'social engineer,'" the company said in a statement on Thursday. Sursa: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66263235
  11. Intri din browser si nu ar trebui sa fie protectie
  12. Depinde acum daca au avut alte probleme medicale. Am avut un caz in familie si i s-a recomandat de medic sa nu faca vaccinul.
  13. Dragos


    Se pot intampla multe, fii mai specific
  14. Dragos


    E iPhone sau Android? Pe iPhone pare sa fie problema recenta cu toate notificarile.
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