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Posts posted by Dragos

  1. Built, as always, based on your feature requests, we've just pushed the final version of Interspire Email Marketer 6 live. This is hands down our best release yet and includes two major features which really do turn the product into an all-in-one communications platform, which is our tagline for version 6 - they are surveys and dynamic content blocks (a feature you'd typically only find in $10,000+ enterprise email marketing software).

    Interspire Email Marketer 6 now has everything a small-to-medium business needs to effectively communicate and close more sales with their prospects and customers, including email marketing, autoresponders, surveys and contact management with calendar integration.

    It's been a long time coming but we've finally realized our vision for the product since it was first released in 2004 as a basic email marketing tool.

    A lot has changed at Interspire since we first started development on the product, including increasing the size of our team by a factor of 9x, selling in over 100 countries and attracting some of the biggest companies in the world (Cisco, Xerox, Virgin and HP to name a few) as Interspire Email Marketer clients, but we've fulfilled our goals with this release and we really hope you'll like it as much as we do.

    The two main features of this release are:

    Surveys and feedback forms: We've built a great drag & drop survey designer which makes it easy to create customized surveys quickly. We looked at all of the survey tools on the market and used our own experience with these tools from the consumer point of view to come up with what we think is an easier way to create a survey.

    Once you've created your survey you can link to it inside your email campaign or autoresponder and your subscribers can fill in their responses. The responses can be viewed as a report, browsed individually and exported for further processing in Microsoft Excel.

    Dynamic content blocks: Custom fields allow you to personalize your campaigns but dynamic content blocks take that one step further. Dynamic content blocks allow you to personalize a section of your email message based on custom field values. For example, if the subscriber's hobby is golf, you can show a golf ball. If it's hockey, you can show a hockey stick, etc.

    This feature has typically only been available in enterprise-level email marketing platforms up until now - you won't find it in any of our competitors and when used properly it's an excellent way to boost the readership and click-thru rates of your email campaigns.

    You can learn more about Interspire Email Marketer 6 and try the demo = Email Marketing | Email Marketing Software | Interspire Email Marketer.

    Existing customers can upgrade for free (assuming you have a valid maintenance plan) from the client area. Just click the "Download Products" link on the left and then the "Upgrade" link next to your copy of Interspire Email Marketer.

    For a narrated walk through of the new features in Interspire Email Marketer, see this video = http://www.interspire.com/content/blogs/484/Video-Interspire-Email-Marketer-6-Sneak-Peek-and-Beta-Invites.html which I recorded last week.

    Download: https://rapidshare.com/#!download|775p11|318903385|Interspire_Email_Marketer_6.rar|6791|0|0

  2. fp3tK.jpg

    The MailChimPHP will enable you to insert a custom form on any webpage of your website and let people subscribe themselves to your MailChimp Newsletter list.

    This script uses xHTML and the official PHP 5 MailChimp API .

    The package contains :

    Two examples of integration into your website. The Complex and Simpler Form versions.

    The ability to use your own form.

    The API class file for contacting MailChimp servers

    A central configuration file.

    A generic css styling sheet.

    The PHP file treating the information received by the form.

    A documentation file to help you with the easy integration.

    The installation process don’t take more than 5 minutes.

    You’ll just have to edit the configuration, copy-paste the form code to your own website, upload them and it’s done !

    Preview: PHP Scripts - MailChimPHP - Customizable Subscription Form | CodeCanyon



  3. CS-Cart Professional Edition is ideal for established or fast-growing businesses with ambitious goals.

    With CS-Cart Professional web shopping cart you can build a full-fledged ecommerce website that will automate your online business processes and improve customer loyalty. You will see how easy it is to add products to your store, manage inventory, handle return requests, target shoppers from different regions and countries, build a network of affiliates and more!

    Download: DepositFiles

  4. V0dUM.png


    Flashcoms Chat 7 is a feature-rich, award winning, turnkey many-to-many flash video chat application.

    Cutting-edge functionality, full integration with existing users' database, handy plugins, advanced

    administration and moderation make Flashcoms Chat the ideal solution for web site of any type.

    Demo: Community Video Chat


    Flash chat software, video chat script. Community flash chat software overview and main features

    Community video chat demo page



    Chamunlash.7z - Speedy Share - upload your files here

  5. Features - 9Gag Clone Script

    Admin Control Panel

    General Website Settings

    Manage Gags

    Validate Gags

    View Reported Gags

    Manage Members

    IP Banning

    Manage Advertisements

    Manage Static Pages

    Manage Admins

    Infinity OR Normal Paging Setting

    Supports Multiple Languages

    Multilingual - Support For Multiple Languages

    Pre-Loaded With Four (7) Languages (English, Spanish, French, Russian, Turkish, German and Portuguese)

    Easily switch between any language by clicking on the language name

    Adding Content

    Upload Picture

    Add Picture Link

    Add Youtube Video

    Add FunnyOrDie Video

    Fix Picture / Fix Video


    Voting - Uploaded photos and videos go to the voting section where members can vote on them. Admins can set the number of voted needed to move on to trending or be deleted.

    Trending - Once photos get the admin set number of votes they move onto the trending page where anyone can vote or favorite for them. Admins can set the number of voted needed to move on to hot.

    Hot - Once photos exceed the admin set number of voted they appear in the hot section of the website.

    View Photo / View Video

    Sharing Options - Twitter, Facebook, Google and StumbleUpon

    Previous / Next Picture

    Report - Notifies the admin of inappropriate content

    Random Pictures

    Comment Using Facebook

    Static Pages

    Terms and Conditions

    Privacy Policy


    9 Rules


    Member Profile

    Set Custom Profile Color

    Add Profile Photo

    Show User Submitted Pictures

    Show Pictures User Likes

    Send User Messages


    Featured gags bar added to the homepage with admin panel on/off control.

    Grid view added to the hot, trending and vote sections (pictures only).

    Top Members Section Sorted by Points

    Points system added with admin controllable points rewards for gags and views.

    Animated Gif Support

    Anti-Cheat System for Voting

    Image watermarking system has been added for jpg and png images.

    Support has been added in the character limiter for multi-byte characters.

    Infinity scrolling has been added to the hot, trending and vote sections.

    Add Video/Picture to Favorite

    Set Your Twitter Account Username - Show up on side menu

    Search for photos and videos.

    Fast Section - Light layout that loads very fast.

    Button to show users a Random Gag

    Contact Form which sends the message to the admin's e-mail.


    Front-end demo here: 9Gag Clone Script

    Administrator panel here: 9Gag Clone Script Admin Panel

    Login: admin

    Password: admin

    Download: Download 9gag clonescript25 and module10b.rar for free on uploading.com

  6. Elevii romani au castigat patru medalii - doua de aur, una de argint si una de bronz - la Olimpiada Balcanica de Informatica pentru Juniori, anunta Ministerul Educatiei, Cercetarii, Tineretului si Sportului (MECTS).

    Medaliile de aur au fost obtinute de Paul Andrei Gramatovici (elev in clasa a VIII-a la Colegiul National de Informatica "Tudor Vianu" din Bucuresti) si Costin Andrei Oncescu (clasa a VI-a/ Colegiul National "Dinicu Golescu" din Campulung Muscel, judetul Arges).

    Palmaresul Romaniei la acest concurs a fost completat de medalia de argint castigata de Vlad Andrei Tarniceru (clasa a VIII-a/Colegiul National de Informatica din Piatra-Neamt) si de cea de bronz obtinta de Casian Patrascanu (clasa a VIII-a/ Scoala cu clasele I-VIII nr. 56 "Jose Marti" din Bucuresti).

    Olimpiada Balcanica de Informatica de Juniori, ajunsa la a sasea editie, s-a desfasurat in Macedonia, la Ohrid, intre 9 si 15 august.

    La editia din acest an au participat peste 50 de concurenti din 10 tari.


  7. nu sunteti buni de altceva decat sa jigniti si sa creati probleme. sunteti crescuti in pestera, niste marlani necivilizati. pacat ca exista asemenea specimene pe pamant.

    Crezi ca daca faci cearta o sa inceapa cineva sa te atace? Nu o sa iti strice nimeni calculatorul ca sa ai dovada sa dai in judecata membrii forumului, asa ca stai linistita..

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