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Everything posted by youjnhuhn2

  1. are cineva sau ma poate ajuta cu: https://www.udemy.com/learn-linux-in-5-days/
  2. http://savnet.ro/
  3. Dupa cum spune si titlul: Steam Community :: SkyDeldro https://steamdb.info/calculator/76561198047057965/ Singura problema este ca are VAC ban pe CS:GO in rest totul e in regula, are si marchet activat. Pretul oferiti-l voi..astept pm
  4. Buna am si eu o problema daca ma poate ajuta cineva cu ceva calcul/relatii de calcul. Calculand sarcina pe care o pot dezvolta diverse baterii (1.5V si 12V), calculati numarul de condensatoare de 1000uF conectate in paralel, necesare stocarii aceleasi sarcini, alimentate la tensiunea inscrisa pe baterie. Nu prea stiu ce si cum sa incep
  5. Am venit cu inca 4: Qf/uQf11SDgseDgsSGXofH1oAskgDtQIOgHggh1oiDkGif0TOg3siGXGTsgqbfP6S456S4/JifXifH59DGzuiYkhAk0hg8K9iHAGDskgAf6Me8W6SGGtQfPuQfPqb4nuDJ0DOgPNeGW9iHXLef0IOgblb459gGAPAgLTQf11T2gseDgsShzNAkzmfDkMAJkOOgQGTtPuTskhHhXDOH/NfHLDSWCC
  6. Dupa cum spune titlul 1) 2KF2H2-Z9HF-BRJ9G2-2MGJ-MJF7HZ 2) TKD8FK-D9ZJ-R7ZTGW-PDWM-DTPV4C 3) PCYWPB-KP6C-7DWZ2H-2N6P-JTV8CF 4) D4EVT8-ZPPR-6ZKW9F-44EC-TT6GY2
  7. Salut.. m-ai ajutat acum un an de zile cu un program in delphi am o rugaminte daca cumva ai timpul necesar si doresti sa ma ajuti sa transpun un program din pascal in c++ ?

  8. matematic e cam imposibil sa imparti 25 de cai vii si intregi in 4 grajduri
  9. din pacate doar atatea am primit
  10. https://www.facebook.com/SpaceComGame/app_174961479209942 like si primiti key
  11. FEPOLA-921-BOLOFA-200 CEXUFE-301-BAWOCE-231
  12. Daca imi dai un motiv destul de bun incat sa nu le dau pe steam market cu 1.60euro iti dau 50 de keys ))) Steam Community Market :: Listings for Treasure Key
  13. https://www.facebook.com/Bianca9211 daca intereseaza pe cineva
  14. si totusi care e poanta?
  15. imi poate spune cineva un vpn cu care pot face cont sa pot juca jocuri pentru ca-mi zice ca nu sunt available in my region
  16. poate folosesc proxy uita-te in Internet options -> Connections -> Lan settings si daca e bifat Proxy
  17. Oust tu in ce clasa esti de vi cu matrici d-astea ? clasa 9 ?
  18. ceva dovezi de plata ? Ce se mai stie despre site?
  19. http://ms.upt.ro Pasul 1: http://postimg.org/image/69avujm7h/ Pasul 2: Logare/ DreamSpark/ StartDownload http://postimg.org/image/o05n4p1zt/ Pasul 3: Profita! De aici va descurcati http://postimg.org/image/mxcy4m699/
  20. http://postimg.org/image/vqhfjqqin/ uite mailul de confirmare
  21. Index of / inregistrat azi
  22. 10euro trebuie sa platesti daca nu detii domeniu si vrei sa inregistrezi unul nou. De ce nu te uiti mai intai si dupa aceea sa comentezi ?
  23. Take the integral: integral csc(x+1) csc(x+2) dx Write csc(x+1) csc(x+2) as 2/(cos(1)-cos(2 x+3)): = integral 2/(cos(1)-cos(2 x+3)) dx Factor out constants: = 2 integral 1/(cos(1)-cos(2 x+3)) dx For the integrand 1/(cos(1)-cos(2 x+3)), substitute u = 2 x+3 and du = 2 dx: = integral 1/(cos(1)-cos(u)) du For the integrand 1/(cos(1)-cos(u)), substitute s = tan(u/2) and ds = 1/2 sec^2(u/2) du. Then transform the integrand using the substitutions sin(u) = (2 s)/(s^2+1), cos(u) = (1-s^2)/(s^2+1) and du = (2 ds)/(s^2+1): = integral 2/((s^2+1) (cos(1)-(1-s^2)/(s^2+1))) ds Simplify the integrand 2/((s^2+1) (cos(1)-(1-s^2)/(s^2+1))) to get 2/(s^2+s^2 cos(1)-1+cos(1)): = integral 2/(s^2+s^2 cos(1)-1+cos(1)) ds Factor out constants: = 2 integral 1/(s^2+s^2 cos(1)-1+cos(1)) ds Factor cos(1)-1 from the denominator: = 2 integral 1/((cos(1)-1) ((s^2 (1+cos(1)))/(cos(1)-1)+1)) ds Factor out constants: = 2/(cos(1)-1) integral 1/((s^2 (1+cos(1)))/(cos(1)-1)+1) ds For the integrand 1/((s^2 (1+cos(1)))/(cos(1)-1)+1), substitute p = s cot(1/2) and dp = cot(1/2) ds: = (2 tan(1/2))/(cos(1)-1) integral 1/(1-p^2) dp The integral of 1/(1-p^2) is tanh^(-1)(p): = (2 tan(1/2) tanh^(-1)(p))/(cos(1)-1)+constant Substitute back for p = s cot(1/2): = csc(1/2) sec(1/2) (-tanh^(-1)(s cot(1/2)))+constant Substitute back for s = tan(u/2): = csc(1/2) sec(1/2) (-tanh^(-1)(cot(1/2) tan(u/2)))+constant Substitute back for u = 2 x+3: = csc(1/2) sec(1/2) (-tanh^(-1)(cot(1/2) tan(x+3/2)))+constant Which is equivalent for restricted x values to: Answer: | | = csc(1) (log(sin(x+1))-log(sin(x+2)))+constant
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