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Posts posted by wildchild

  1. The system sets up a data transmission communication environment whose users are unidentifiable. This safeguards user privacy, as well as improving information exchange security, making both data sending and receiving more effective. To do this, it uses multipoint software based on client-server applications.

    The aim of the project was to develop a secure and efficient communications system that is easily deployed on any organizational network and is able to control all established connections, providing an effective and efficient service with sustained security performance.

    A Java code based application

    This application was developed in Java using the Eclipse multi-platform open source integrated development environment for the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems, although it can be made compatible with Unix systems.

    The application includes OpenSSL-inspired security mechanisms. OpenSSL is a freeware or open source software project that supplies information encryption functions. OpenSSL consists of an administration toolkit and a set of libraries. This is all related to cryptography, the discipline behind information encryption.

    These tools can implement SSL/TLS security protocols, such as the HTTPS protocol, which gives web browsers secure access to web sites requiring the transfer of personal data. This protocol also enables the creation of digital certificates signed by a certifying authority.

    This way, the confidentiality of the data to be transferred is assured, the participating users are identified to prevent deception, and the security of all the parties in the event of attacks by third parties is guaranteed.

    Depending on needs, different information transport protocols have been established, using UDP sockets if the priority is message flow and rapid operations management or TCP sockets if resources have to be reserved to provide an on-line service.

    To further increase information flow security, the system has a built-in network control mechanism employing an algorithm that calculates optimal routes.

    A visionary security project

    This project has managed to set up a secure communication channel developed by an anonymous system including security mechanisms that use authentication and encryption techniques to protect all the data that are transported over the network from different organizations.

    To increase the information transmission security, TCP/SSL network access will be confined to machines that have valid digital certificates. Additionally, UDP datagram encryption using the Blowfish symmetric algorithm enables the organizations participating in the communication to encrypt and decrypt a shared session key, making the system more secure.

    Another strength of the system, product of a final-year project, is its data traffic management performance. Its success in this field is thanks to a routing algorithm that calculates the most efficient routes depending on environment conditions. The algorithm distributes and updates routes over time, enabling a considerable extension of the network without having to worry about the number of connected machines lowering system performance.

    Finally, this project leaves the door open to further research into improving secure data transmission in delocalized corporate networks; using confidential and authenticated web services; modelling high-level computational tasks in neural networks and mathematical problems; creating an agent participating in secure communication; developing a user interface to select network use preferences; optimizing the routing algorithm for use on an internet or building the anonymous system with automatic route management into a quantum key distribution system (QKD).

    Sursa:ScienceDaily: Hacking News

  2. surge, cred ca tu erai pe la masa mea. nu te-a obligat nimeni sa vii si pe aici sa afirmi din nou ce ai afirmat pe un topic anterior.

    Femeile ca tine sunt niste comori, de aceea ele trebuie ingropate.

    PS: poti sa fi oricat de buna, daca esti proasta ca noaptea eu n-as iesii cu tine pe strada ca m-ai face de ras

  3. ce destepti va dati uni dintre voi :) uite io unu caut un program ca asta de foarte mult timp cine stie de unde as putea lua acest program sa-mi lase un mesaj va rog multumesc :)


    Primul link.In cazul in care engleza ti-e la pamant, Download inseamna Descarca.

  4. @ Mr49r cu totii stim ce a facut Tinkode si cat e de capabil si este chiar admirabil talentul sau insa asta nu inseamna ca suntem de acord automat cu modul lui de gandire.majoritatea userilor de pe aici nu se dau in vant dupa personalitatea lui si nu are nici multi fani pentru ca nu stie cum sa se comporte.personal ii admir talentul si nimic mai mult.ce are la partea cu tehnica ii lipseste la omenie.si totusi, intr-o comunitate poate invata si el multe, chiar si neme a spus ca per total RST-ul a avut efect pozitiv asupra lui.daca Tinkode o sa puna osul la treaba si o sa-i pese de comunitate nu doar sa-si alimenteze propriul ego, prevad un RST asa cum multi si l-ar dori.hai ca se poate coae, totul e sa vrei!

    • Upvote 1
  5. in ziua alegerilor, la principalul provider net din botsani, google.ro era redirectionat pe o pagina cu alege candidatul din nu's ce futut de partid,soo...


    later edit:la partea cu varsta, eu cred ca ar putea avea serioase implicatii legale daca "hackerul" ar "lucra" pentru el, varsta legala de munca fiind de +=16 ani.daca i-ar da in gat si ar zice ca a prestat servicii contracost, ar da de dracu.minorii nu pot munci legal decat cu acordul parintilor si nu cred ca s-ar complica ei atat

  6. S? modifice pagina de concurs (fisierul "concurs.txt" de pe server), în sensul c? î?i vor trece numele ?i prenumele în dreptul premiului, în ordinea în care a fost editat fi?ierul. Aten?ie! Premiile vor fi acordate în ordinea în concuren?ilor care au editat pagina, chiar dac? un concurent î?i va trece numele pe o pozi?ie completat? anterior de un alt concurent.
    tind sa cred ca vor sa afle care e cel mai bun dintre participanti.Am un vag sentiment ca vor sa se foloseasca de el dupa, si sa faca ceva murdar.But that's just me:)

    De asemenea, ceva nu-i in regula cu faptul ca vor sa stie numele si adresa de ip; sper ca nu au de gand sa faca crosscheck cu un atac si sa puna mana pe atacator.Posibil sa fi scanat pe whois un IP si sa apara cum ca-i din Botosani, de aceea sa fi pus acea conditie.

  7. Lattitude are o inclinatie spre business, ceea ce inseamna ca bateria o sa tina mai mult, componentele o sa fie mai bune ca si calitate.desi componentele sunt aproape la fel mai putin procesorul(modelul la inspiron e mai nou), singura diferenta as zice ca e la calitatea componentelor.de ex:unul poate avea rami facuti printr-un colt al chinei in timp ce altul are rami made in japan.

  8. da, sa incerci in joc optiunea.si am mai gasit aici ceva interesant:

    HDTV - Games Wiki



    Check the game's video options to be sure. Although some games have a hidden Progressive Scan option which can only be accessed by holding X and Triangle while the game is starting up

    Mortal Kombat Deception suporta modul HD, deci trebuie sa mearga:D

    apropo, progressive scan functioneaza doar pentru Component Cable.Daca tu ai 3 cabluri o sa activezi tweak-ul in felul urmator:

        Turn the PS2 on with no disk.
    Wait 10-20 seconds.
    Press Down on the D-pad once to go to System Configuration.
    Press X to select System Configuration.
    Press D-pad Down three times.
    Press X to activate Component Video Out.
    Press D-pad Right to toggle between RGB and YPbCr.
    Press X to activate the new setting. It should take effect immediately.

    Cele mai multe detalii le gasesti in link-urile furnizate.Spor, n-are decat sa mearga :D

  9. I3-ul.Procesor mai bun, ai arhitectura si pe 64 de biti.La banii aia cam aici de incadrezi, eventual daca iti iei un procesor mai puscat poti sa mai pui cativa rami.doresti neaparat dell?

  10. dap, tocmai ce am trimis un fisier pe win si merge.in plus, mailul este foarte misto, nici nu trebuie sa intrii in browser pentru a vizualiza sau trimite mailuri.suporta pop3, imap + altele

    @hammerfall: unele programe de client messenger aveau probleme cu adresele serverelor are serviciilor respective; desi softul era functional, serverul avea probleme cu unele procese.tin minte ca intr-o vreme nu puteam sa ma loghez cu pidgin pe serverul de yahoo decat de pe adresa de Japonia

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