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denjacker last won the day on January 3 2012

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About denjacker

  • Birthday 01/01/1950

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  1. Lasa ca veniti si voi tare din urma. Va astept in club )
  2. Oricum o sa ma ajuti . Ca mi-e dor de el... asta e alta treaba.
  3. mai stie cineva daca mai traieste fl0 fl0w, eventual cum as putea lua legatura cu el. cine ma poate ajuta , rog PM !! tnx
  4. Russian security researchers appear to have hacked a cash machine and used it to play a game of Angry Birds. In a video, first picked up by SC Magazine, posted on YouTube by Positive Technologies' Dmitry Evteev, a man is seen carrying out a normal transaction at an ATM. Then, with a few taps of the touchscreen he seems to be able to instruct the machine to print off a series of PANs (primary account numbers) which could be of use to crooks. However, the hacker seems more intent on fun than theft, and with a few more taps on the screen pulls up a game of Angry Birds and begins training his eye on some bad piggies. This is not the first time that Russians have combined Angry Birds with money; last year the game's developer Rovio teamed up with Promsvyazbank on a popular branded debit card.
  5. This is ???Dan. He touches himself at night !
  6. http://www.slideshare.net/DefCamp/advanced-data-mining-in-my-sql-injections-using-subqueries-and-custom-variables In slide este si varianta cu benchmark .. cea despre care ratangii de pe HF inca n-au habar. Daca o posteaza unu acolo, imediat apar zeci de tutoriale si se umfla toti ca o stiau de cand erau ei mici. Mue HF, MUE 8===> ???Dan
  7. This blog post covers a fascinating method of leveraging Local File Inclusion to gain Remote Code Execution on a vulnerable host. It has several downfalls, but overall is one of the more interesting methods I have found, and I have not found any references to it anywhere that I looked online. PHP has many “wrappers” to parse certain types of things. For example, the php://input or php://filter wrappers, which have been used in the past for both code execution and information disclosure – notably the PHP-CGI Arguement Injection exploit, which uses the php://input wrapper to inject code after making modifications to PHP.ini directives. One of the more entertaining ones I stumbled across is how PHP handles the expect:// “wrapper”. For those who do not know, “expect” is a program/scripting language of sorts that one can use to interact with other interactive programs. Some of you may be familiar with pexpect from Python, which is used to interact with SSH sessions for automation. It is a rather powerful utility, and is often used by sysadmins to automate procedures which would normally require human interaction. As it happens, amongst PHP’s many wrappers, there is an “expect://” wrapper. I stumbled across it by accident while looking up the correct way to use php://filter to read files via LFI (I will document that method later, it deserves a post of its own). I knew expect looked familiar, so when I looked more into it, I found examples of people using it in PHP scripts to automate things like ssh-ing to remote boxes, etc. After a while it dawned on me that something interesting might just happen if I passed expect://ls to an include() call in a PHP script, so I decided to see what would happen. I used the following vulnerable (to LFI) PHP script, and called test.php?hax=expect://ls <?php $code = $_GET['hax']; include($code); ?> It provided me with a directory listing of my webroot. After a few minutes of thinking “oh, this is interesting”, I decided to see if I could knock up an interactive shell in Python to automate the whole procedure. First off, I decided to see could I get it all to work out using Pythons “requests” module… Seeing as it worked, now it was time to write a “shell”. Yes, I now had a somewhat interactive “shell” on the vulnerable host (localhost…). I considered releasing the proof of concept right there, however further messing about was warranted first, obviously. I needed to see how far I could “push” this vuln, and how cool I could possibly make the PoC tool before releasing it to the wild, where someone would doubtlessly give me much abuse about my python So, without further ado, here is the video demo of it. It now checks if the host is vuln (very rudimentary check), and offers the “inline shell” or a reverse shell Download links at bottom // Err, the video is on its way, I did not have time to clean it up sadly. I will edit this post in a day or so with the finished video, I promise http://insecurety-research.googlecode.com/files/expectsh-0.3.py SURSA: http://insecurety.net/?p=724
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  8. plm .. m-am apucat si eu de ala Hard si.. surpriza!!! ... NU E HARD .!.
  9. Bine ai revenit bai tata ! Capu' sus ca mergem inainte
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