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mDOS last won the day on May 30 2020

mDOS had the most liked content!

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  1. Pfooaaa....Poate vin cu un update in maxim 2 luni
  2. Multumesc de raspuns, dar aveti idee cam la ce varsta pot da de el?
  3. Ce parere aveti de certificatele LPI?
  4. Aparent in 2020 "HACKER" esti numai daca intri la ore online cu link-uri sharuite Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94KOF9VsPRs Raspuns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDXFwy9P5cs&t=194s
  5. Cat oferi?
  6. Ai uitat sa zici : -Cu stima userul Zatarra
  7. mDOS


    Asa te vreau
  8. mDOS


    WebPwn3r is a Web Applications Security Scanner coded in Python to help Security Researchers to scan Multiple links in the same time against Remote Code/Command Execution & XSS Vulnerabilities. Poza: https://imgur.com/a/fEGGAaB Tool: https://github.com/zigoo0/webpwn3r
  9. mDOS


    @aismen Da si la prietenul nostru o invitatie.
  10. mDOS

    Bug Bounty

    Pe Bugcrowd am "patit" asta: https://ibb.co/XtrRvFg https://ibb.co/SJZtbY2
  11. mDOS

    Bug Bounty

    Am folosit Bugcrowd, iar acum am facut cont pe HackerOne
  12. mDOS

    Bug Bounty

    Salutare, mai este cineva de pe aici interesat de BUG BOUNTY?
  13. Pe Kali Linux stiu ca este un program numit Maltego si este folosit pentru "information gathering".
  14. San Francisco: Electric automaker Tesla has once again challenged hackers to find bugs in its connected cars. The Elon Musk-run company is returning to the annual hackers' competition "Pwn20wn" to be held in Vancouver in March, reports electrek. Some Model 3 cars and $1 million in award money will be up for grabs. In March last year, a group of hackers won a Tesla Model 3 and $35,000 for hacking into its systems. Amat Cama and Richard Zhu of team called 'Fluoroacetate' exposed a vulnerability in the vehicle system during the hacking competition. The hackers targeted the infotainment system on the Tesla Model 3. According to the Electric Vehicle maker, such hacking events it test as well as improve its security systems. Hackers have also demonstrated how they could trick a Tesla Model S to enter into the wrong lane by using a method called "adversarial attack", a way of manipulating a Machine Learning model.
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  15. Ce ai mane....Omul nostru se ocupa cu asa ceva. Mereu cand cineva a avut nevoie de invitatii, prietenul nostru AISMEN a dat cate o invitatie...
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