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wtfid last won the day on April 23 2011

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    Jungla de asfalt
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  1. are cineva baza de date doar cu mobile phone numbers pt usa ? PM me
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  4. wtfid

    Port Scanner

    link de download dead, reupload?
  5. wtfid

    PMA Vuln !

    3 ip merg din toata lista , ai gresit categoria trebuiau postate la trash, daca tot vrei sa pari marinimos ca dai tu share , da la ceva bun ca aici nu e cos de gunoi , pe principiu mai bine postez decat sa dau delete
  6. wtfid

    PMA Vuln !

    daca am zis ca am 1 mb de link pma vechi , banuiesc ca se deduce ca am idee cu ce se mananca nu ?
  7. wtfid

    PMA Vuln !

    lasand pierderea de timp, si stiu cum se intra in ele , eu am intrebat daca merge vreun link pt ca pot sa postez si eu 1 mb de link pma care sunt vechi . plus ca ce a zis el ca poate scana la cerere contra const nu are nici un rost , cine stie sa intre in ele (nu ca ar fi vreo inginerie) ar putea sa isi scaneze singuri ... vroiam doar sa intreb ce rost are postarea daca e doar junk ?
  8. wtfid

    PMA Vuln !

    zi-mi si mie te rog un link care merge din tot ce ai dat tu share , eu am dat in ele si nu merge nimic , poate ma insel eu
  9. wtfid

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    am nevoie de 1 wm , da doar 1 ca sa pot face o tranzactie , ofer la schimb rdp root sau ce mai vreti voi
  10. cand am zis lista ma refeream la 10 15 ....
  11. salut , daca ai de usa o lista mai mare , mi-ar fi foarte folositoare
  12. oare a vazut cineva ca postul asta e din 2011?
  13. HAHAHAHAHAHAHa , scuze nu m-am putut abtine . Chiar daca ar exista vreodata "un hack" pt pokerstars sigur ar valora mult mai mult si nu cred ca l-ar vinde cineva.
  14. In special pt copii care intra de pe "RDS-ul de acasa" pe root:123456 [~] 0x333shadow => hide your tracks version 0.1 [~] coded by nsn of outsiders ~ 0x333 Security Labs www.0x333.org [~] Usage: ./0 [action] -i [string] -l [secs] -m [ dir1/file1 ] [ dir2/file2 ] [ ... ] where action have to be: -a clean all default dirs (recursive scan) you can use even -m. (include option -s, -. -b clean only binary (utmp, wtmp, utmpx, wtmpx, lastlog) files. other options: -l clean after n secs, any system can log to logout, so you exit, and it try will clean (bg mode). -m specify more dirs or text files (if you don't specify -a, -b, -s, default dirs and logs will be skipped ... so only dirs/files specified will be cleaned). -i string by search, choose it with sense -s enable research other logs watching in syslogd newsyslog confs. -h show this help. other auto actions: read the DOCUMENTATION. this tool watch in these directory by default: /var/log /var/adm /usr/adm /var/mail correct use various example: ./0 -a -i string ./0 -b -i string -s ./0 -b -i string ./0 -a -i string -l 60 ./0 -i string -m /var/log/messages USE: ./0 -a -i IP http://ulla.no/w/0
  15. sarcasticule te-ai trezit si tu sa faci putin off nu ?
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