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Everything posted by cosminkent
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Nu am instalat o masina virtuala si de aceea vroiam sa stiu de la cineva daca a mai descarcat de acolo daca e clean in faptul ca nu trimite date la altcineva.
Stie cineva daca Istealer-urile de aici .-= ISTEALER : iStealer Official web Site =-. sunt bune?? Ma refer sa nu fie backdoor sau ceva de genu....!! Asta e raportul la unu din ele: VirusTotal - Free Online Virus, Malware and URL Scanner
WTF...StaWiz ; UniMep Station Controller Daca intrati aici si dati in stanga pe Cashier se va deschide asta apoi dati click in jos dreapta pe unde arata info alea....veti vedea ca se va deschide un calculator sau ce plm o fi ala...
PHP Vulnerability Hunter is an advanced automated whitebox fuzz testing tool. This is the application that detected almost all of the web application vulnerabilities listed on the advisories page. PHP Vulnerability Hunter is an advanced automated whitebox fuzz testing tool capable of triggering a wide range of exploitable faults in PHP web applications. Minimal configuration is necessary to begin a scan; PHP Vulnerability Hunter doesn’t even need a user specified starting URI. ChangeLog: Added code coverage report Updated GUI validation Several instrumentation fixes Fixed lingering connection issue Fixed GUI and report viewer crashes related to working directory Download: Downloads - php-vulnerability-hunter - PHP Vulnerability Hunter is an advanced automated whitebox fuzz testing tool. - Google Project Hosting More: PHP Vulnerability Hunter Overview
Cross Site "Scripter" is an automatic -framework- to detect, exploit and report XSS vulnerabilities in web-based applications.It contains several options to try to bypass certain filters, and various special techniques of code injection. Changelog: Core: Added Drop Cookie option + Added Random IP X-Forwarded-For an X-Client-IP option + Added GSS and NTLM authentication methods + Added Ignore proxy option + Added TCP-NODELAY option + Added Follow redirects option + Added Follow redirects limiter parameter + Added Auto-HEAD precheck system + Added No-HEAD option + Added Isalive option + Added Check at url option (Blind XSS) + Added Reverse Check parameter + Added PHPIDS (v.0.6.5) exploit + Added More vectors to auto-payloading + Added HTML5 studied vectors + Fixed Different bugs on core + Fixed Curl handlerer options + Fixed Dorkerers system + Fixed Bugs on results propagation + Fixed POST requests. GTK: Added New features to GTK controller + Added Detailed views to GTK interface Download: XSSer: automatic tool for pentesting XSS attacks against different applications
NTO SQL Invader gives the ability to quickly and easily exploit or demonstrate SQL Injection vulnerabilities in Web applications. With a few simple clicks, you will be able to exploit a vulnerability to view the list of records,tables and user accounts of the back-end database. Easy to use - The tool’s GUI interface enables you to simply paste the injectable request found by a DAST tool or feed a detailed request straignt from an application scan report. You can then control how much information is harvested. Clearly presents evidence - Unlike tools that provide all data via command line, NTO SQL Invader provides the data in a organized manner that is useful for both executive meetings as well as technical analysis and remediation. Enables easy transport of logging data - All of the data harvested from NTO SQL Invader can be saved into a CSV file so the reports can be included as penetration evidence as part of a presentation or POC. Download: NT OBJECTives
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Am windows xp sp 3......am in apropiere un wifi wep....daca zici ca e mai simplu poti sa-mi arati un tutorial despre cum s-ar putea afla parola??
googleMusicPull.py - 3 Kb # version .003 # Fixed regex stuff # Added ID3 tagging # Requires python-id3 for retagging of ID3 tags # Download your google music library. # It pulls down the library in [Album]/[songName].mp3 format # If the a [Album]/[songName].mp3 exists, it won't redownload (so be aware if a file doesn't play)
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Am gasita lista cu numele celor ce au descoperit brese de securitate in Google. Au fost impartiti in cei care primesc ceva si cei ce doar primesc un multumesc. Printre cei din lista se afla si TinKode in sectiunea celor cu doar un multumesc. Google Security Hall of Fame – Company Nu stiu cat stiati de lista asta....
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Tag-uirea prietenilor pe Facebook s-a schimbat mult din 2009, cand a fost inventata. Hackerii francezi de la My Community Manager nu pareau insa multumiti, asa ca au venit cu o metoda proprie, usor de pus in practica de oricine. Practic, ei te invata cum sa tag-uiesti pe orice prieten de-al tau, folosind absolut orice cuvinte. Exact cum a patit domnisoara Bianca din exemplul de mai jos, tag-uita cu "Awesome Boss Who Is Going To Give Me A Huge Christmas Bonus": Smecheria se face in cativa pasi simpli: Pasul 1: Codul Da Paste urmatorului text, @@[0:[NUMBER-ID:0:TEXT]] , in caseta Status update. Pasul 2: Numarul Acum ai nevoie de ID numeric al persoanei pe care vrei sa o tag-uiesti. Cei mai multi prieteni de-ai tai il vor avea la finalul adresei paginii lor de profil, asa cum se intampla aici: In caz ca nu apare niciun numar, iar URL-ul arata Andrei Ionescu | Facebook, trebuie sa faci un mic artificiu. In loc de www, scrie cuvantul graph (graph.facebook.com/ionescu). Vei vedea un ecran ca cel de mai jos, unde va fi simplu sa identifici ID-ul numeric si sa il copiezi: Pasul 3: Paste Revenim la Pasul 1, iar in loc de NUMBER-ID vom pune numarul pe care l-am aflat la pasul 2, ca in exemplul de mai jos: Pasul 4: Textul Acum in loc de TEXT, vei scrie textul dorit, ca aici, text care va tag-ui prietenul tau: Pasul 5: Mesajul din jurul tag-ului Aici ar trebui sa ii scrii un mesaj persoanei pe care o tag-uiesti. Rezultatul final: Sursa: Huffingtonpost - preluat si de Yoda.ro
Gata mi-am luat si eu
Software: IE 6 Sitename: http://www.facebook.com/ Login: alex_plintzu@yahoo.com Password: YWxleGljYQ== PC Name: ALEXIKA Date: 2011-12-01 23:49:11 ===================================== Software: IE 6 Sitename: http://adella-adellina.hi5.com/friend/displayLogin.do Login: covurlui_adela_rms@yahoo.com Password: YWRlbGFiYXJieWU= PC Name: ADELA Date: 2011-12-02 13:34:15 ===================================== Software: IE 7/8 Sitename: http://www.drpciv.ro/info-portal/authenticatesubscriber.do Login: sorina_butterfly@yahoo.com Password: emtuc21wcw== PC Name: BOLDEANU Date: 2011-12-02 13:38:46 ===================================== Software: IE 6 Sitename: http://www.facebook.com/login.php Login: lory.puiu@yahoo.com Password: cHVmdWJlYmU= PC Name: STATIA5 Date: 2011-12-02 14:55:34 ===================================== Software: WinKey Sitename: null Login: Windows Cd Key:PKP99-GB73V-H2M9G-RPVYJ-6WTK6 PC Name: POSTE04 Date: 2011-12-02 17:55:24 ===================================== Software: IE 7/8 Sitename: http://filelist.ro/takelogin.php Login: nicku79_b Password: bmlja3UxOTc5 PC Name: Nicku79_B Date: 2011-12-02 20:14:47 ===================================== Software: IE 7/8 Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/login.php Login: nicku79_b@yahoo.com Password: bmlja3VjaW9hcmE= PC Name: Nicku79_B Date: 2011-12-02 20:14:47 ===================================== Software: IE 7/8 Sitename: https://accounts.google.com/servicelogin Login: nicku79_b@yahoo.com Password: aW9uZWxsYTg3 PC Name: Nicku79_B Date: 2011-12-02 20:14:47 ===================================== Software: WinKey Sitename: null Login: Windows Cd Key:GK39J-B4B2J-WV37P-GC7V7-8GCXD PC Name: RAZVAN_PC Date: 2011-12-02 21:00:45 ===================================== Software: IE 7/8 Sitename: http://www.facebook.com/ Login: makai_makai2002@yahoo.com Password: bWVkZWxpbmU= PC Name: CRISTI-PC Date: 2011-12-03 10:23:10 ===================================== Software: WinKey Sitename: null Login: Windows Cd Key:342DG-6YJR8-X92GV-V7DCV-P4K27 PC Name: IULI-PC Date: 2011-12-03 14:13:33 ===================================== Am pus doar ce e interesant.....aveam si niste ,,sesiunii yahoo,, dar nu cred ca aveti ce face cu ele...atat timp cat nu sunt ,,calde,, .....
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Ba da stiu sa traduc am crezut ca e ceva mai mult de atat...sau a fost...si de aceea aparea eroare aia. P.S - Asta daca intelegi ce vreau sa zic. Nu,ca acum imi merge si mie perfect. Sincer acum am intrat pe net pe ziua de azi..si mi sa parut ciudat sa vad chestia aia....cum am mai spus am crezut ca sa intamplat ceva cu Anonymous
Am incercat sa intru pe Facebook acum 5 minute si imi apare eroarea asta: Parola este buna deoarece de pe mobil mi-a mers. (Asta ca sa nu se zica ca mia fost schimbata parola)
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. - Sunt multe functii pe aici.....si da acum am descoperit (Asta pentru cine stia si vrea sa faca comentarii aiurea) Creator video 3D de pe youtube - http://www.youtube.com/editor_3d
Poftim si sursa daca chear o vroiai : Vishal Shah: "AK-47" A Hackers Toolkit P.S - Eu de aici l-am luat..sursa ORIGINALA nu o stiu.