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da asta ce-i ? ? ii http ?
dec cu win rar bnu o mers "desfiletat" , da cu 7 zip sau cum so numi ala , o mers ! sper sa fie bun progu ca am momentan un "prieten" "ff" "bun"
Recover My Files v.3.98.5061 Recover My Files data recovery software will quickly and easily recover deleted files emptied from the Windows Recycle Bin, or lost due to the format or corruption of a hard drive, virus or trojan infection, unexpected system shutdown or software failure.
eh , si io am avut o vacantza de vo luna , si cand am revenit , am avut o alta mentalitate eram obsedat dupa ... "hack" ca nici nu faceam ceva kalumea , f***** forumuri si ma bucuram ca un copil cand ii dadeai o ciocolata ... acum e altfel
Format: PDF Pages: 80 Size: 47.6 The Ultimate Do-it your self guide Download: Password:
Tool - sunt facute pt a pacali rapuidshare-ul , adica s anu mai asteptzi 1 ora etc. Search All Files - cauta fisiere uloadate dupa nume web suport cred ca se vede ce e
'> 0 Windows 2000 SP0 (english) 1 Windows 2000 SP1 (english) 2 Windows 2000 SP2 (english) 3 Windows 2000 SP3 (english) 4 Windows 2000 SP4 (english) 5 Windows XP SP0 (english) 6 Windows XP SP1 (english)
kaht 3 merge si pe sp2 ? ca kaht 1 si 2 stiu ca merg pe sp1 ... ! [sunt vechi programele ... lea-m folosit prima data am facut ravagii in retzea ... ]
ai premiu un os carnos si La Multzi Ani
facut la ocmanda , rapid ... nu e cine stie ce ... poat fac altu ... asta chiar ca-i facut la graba ,m e najpa , dacatzi palce ok daca nu iarasi ok [am pelcat la somn ca dim las sc ... ] edit : am avzut ca are dunga aia alba , am tras-on paint ... binentzeles ,se vede amprenta panitului , da oriucm nu itzoi placea nu ?
1.Bun venit sper sa faci treaba buna si sa te si distrezi 2.666 ce masuri trebuie pt avatar ?
Download: Addon / Info sper sa fie acelas ... astept 1 confirmare daca nu e ... asta e .. am mai gasit in 2 locuri pe rapidshare da era sters
ProtectX is a hacker protection system for your PC. Whilst loaded, it constantly monitors your PC on the specified ports, and if anyone tries to connect, you are notified by an alarm, and their IP address is logged. The user will then be disconnect from your computer. ProtectX can also trace malicious users Internet Service Provider, including address, phone number and e-mail. Logs can be created to send to your ISP if anyone attempts to hack into your system so that further action can be taken. Download:
The 15 Clone Site Scripts pack * Clone clone clome clone clone clone rapidsendit clone clone clone clone clone clone clone clone clone Download links: Code: ‹ Select › Code:'> Code: ‹ Select › Code:'> Code: ‹ Select › Code:'> Code: ‹ Select › Sunt'> Sunt ceva cam diferite , sincer nu stiu sa le "folosesc" , am pus un "demo" [ ] daca stie cineva , cum , se "folosetse" spune aici ... ! Datele de la lx [care-i bulangiu si pune kkaturi sau sterge ... sa ... ] : Contul a fost creat! Parola dumneavoastra: cheloo (in cazul in care o uitati puteti merge aici pentru a o recupera) Site-ul este vizibil pe internet la adresa sau Din'> Din acest moment va puteti conecta la contul dumneavoastra de FTP pentru a uploada fisiere. Pentru a face acest lucru veti avea nevoie de un client FTP (va recomandam SmartFTP) . Datele de conectare la ftp sunt: * Hostname: '> * Username: * Password: cheloo Tot acum a fost creata o baza de date numita rstdemo_lx_ro pe care o puteti administra la aceasta adresa. Datele de conectare la baza de date sunt: * Hostname: * Username: rstdemo_lx_ro * Password: cheloo P.S. : E facut pe un e-mail ... a lu nu-s cine )) victima de scam !
Module 1: Ethics and Legality What is an Exploit? The security functionality triangle The attacker's process Passive reconnaissance Active reconnaissance Types of attacks Categories of exploits Goals attackers try to achieve Ethical hackers and crackers - who are they Self proclaimed ethical hacking Hacking for a cause (Hacktivism) Skills required for ethical hacking Categories of Ethical Hackers What do Ethical Hackers do? Security evaluation plan Types of Ethical Hacks Testing Types Ethical Hacking Report Cyber Security Enhancement Act of 2002 Computer Crimes Overview of US Federal Laws Section 1029 Section 1030 Hacking Punishment Module 2: Footprinting What is Footprinting Steps for gathering information Whois CODE Code: Hacking Tool: Sam Spade Analyzing Whois output NSLookup Finding the address range of the network ARIN Traceroute Hacking Tool: NeoTrace Visual Route Visual Lookout Hacking Tool: Smart Whois Hacking Tool: eMailTracking Pro Hacking Tool: Module 3: Scanning Determining if the system is alive? Active stack fingerprinting Passive stack fingerprinting Hacking Tool: Pinger Hacking Tool: WS_Ping_Pro Hacking Tool: Netscan Tools Pro 2000 Hacking Tool: Hping2 Hacking Tool: icmpenum Detecting Ping sweeps ICMP Queries Hacking Tool: Port Scanning TCPs 3-way handshake TCP Scan types Hacking Tool: IPEye Hacking Tool: IPSECSCAN Hacking Tool: nmap Port Scan countermeasures Hacking Tool: HTTrack Web Copier Network Management Tools SolarWinds Toolset NeoWatch War Dialing Hacking Tool: THC-Scan Hacking Tool: PhoneSweep War Dialer Hacking Tool: Queso Hacking Tool: Cheops Proxy Servers Hacking Tool: SocksChain Surf the web anonymously TCP/IP through HTTP Tunneling Hacking Tool: HTTPort Module 4: Enumeration What is Enumeration NetBios Null Sessions Null Session Countermeasures NetBIOS Enumeration Hacking Tool: DumpSec Hacking Tool: NAT SNMP Enumertion SNMPUtil Hacking Tool: IP Network Browser SNMP Enumeration Countermeasures Windows 2000 DNS Zone transfer Identifying Win2000 Accounts Hacking Tool: User2SID Hacking Tool: SID2User Hacking Tool: Enum Hacking Tool: UserInfo Hacking Tool: GetAcct Active Directory Enumeration Module 5: System Hacking Administrator Password Guessing Performing Automated Password Guessing Legion NTInfoScan Defending Against Password Guessing Monitoring Event Viewer Logs VisualLast Eavesdroppin on Network Password Exchange Hacking Tool: L0phtCrack Hacking Tool: KerbCrack Privilege Escalation Hacking Tool: GetAdmin Hacking Tool: hk Manual Password Cracking Algorithm Automatic Password Cracking Algorithm Password Types Types of Password Attacks Dictionary Attack Brute Force Attack Distributed Brute Force Attack Password Change Interval Hybrid Attack Cracking Windows 2000 Passwords Retrieving the SAM file Redirecting SMB Logon to the Attacker SMB Redirection Hacking Tool: SMBRelay Hacking Tool: SMBRelay2 SMBRelay Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) SMBRelay MITM Countermeasures Hacking Tool: SMBGrinder Hacking Tool: SMBDie Hacking Tool: NBTDeputy NetBIOS DoS Attack Hacking Tool: nbname Hacking Tool: John the Ripper LanManager Hash Password Cracking Countermeasures Keystroke Logger Hacking Tool: Spector AntiSpector Hacking Tool: eBlaster Hacking Tool: SpyAnywhere Hacking Tool: IKS Software Logger Hardware Tool: Hardware Key Logger Hacking Tool: Rootkit Planting Rootkit on Windows 2000 Machine _rootkit_ embedded TCP/IP Stack Rootkit Countermeasures MD5 Checksum utility Tripwire Covering Tracks Disabling Auditing Auditpol Clearing the Event Log Hacking Tool: Elslave Hacking Tool: Winzapper Hacking Tool: Evidence Eliminator Hidding Files NTFS File Streaming Hacking Tool: makestrm NTFS Streams Countermeasures LNS Steganography Hacking Tool: ImageHide Hacking Tool: MP3Stego Hacking Tool: Snow Hacking Tool: Camera/Shy Steganography Detection StegDetect Encrypted File System Hacking Tool: dskprobe Hacking Tool: EFSView Buffer Overflows Creating Buffer Overflow Exploit Outlook Buffer Overflow Hacking Tool: Outoutlook Module 6: Trojans and Backdoors What is a Trojan Horse? Overt and Covert Hacking Tool: QAZ Hacking Tool: Tini Hacking Tool: Netcat Hacking Tool: Donald dick Hacking Tool: SubSeven Hacking Tool: BackOrifice 2000 Back Oriffice Plug-ins Hacking Tool: NetBus Wrappers Hacking Tool: Graffiti Hacking Tool: Silk Rope 2000 Hacking Tool: EliteWrap Hacking Tool: IconPlus Packaging Tool: Microsoft WordPad Hacking Tool: Whack a Mole Trojan Construction Kit BoSniffer Hacking Tool: FireKiller 2000 Covert Channels ICMP Tunneling Hacking Tool: Loki Reverse WWW Shell Backdoor Countermeasures BO Startup and Registry Entries NetBus Startup and Registry Keys Port Monitoring Tools fPort TCPView Process Viewer Inzider - Tracks Processes and Ports Trojan Maker Hacking Tool: Hard Disk Killer Man-in-the-Middle Attack Hacking Tool: dsniff System File Verification TripWire Module 7: Sniffers What is a Sniffer? Hacking Tool: Etheral Hacking Tool: Snort Hacking Tool: WinDump Hacking Tool: EtherPeek Passive Sniffing Active Sniffing Hacking Tool: EtherFlood How ARP Works? Hacking Tool: DSniff Hacking Tool: Macof Hacking Tool: mailsnarf Hacking Tool: URLsnarf Hacking Tool: Webspy Hacking Tool: Ettercap Hacking Tool: SMAC MAC Changer ARP Spoofing Countermeasures Hacking Tool: WinDNSSpoof Hacking Tool: WinSniffer Network Tool: IRIS Network Tool: NetInterceptor SniffDet Hacking Tool: WinTCPKill Module 8: Denial of Service What is Denial of Service Attack? Types of DoS Attacks How DoS Work? What is DDoS? Hacking Tool: Ping of Death Hacking Tool: SSPing Hacking Tool: Land Hacking Tool: Smurf Hacking Tool: SYN Flood Hacking Tool: CPU Hog Hacking Tool: Win Nuke Hacking Tool: RPC Locator Hacking Tool: Jolt2 Hacking Tool: Bubonic Hacking Tool: Targa Tools for Running DDoS Attacks Hacking Tool: Trinoo Hacking Tool: WinTrinoo Hacking Tool: TFN Hacking Tool: TFN2K Hacking Tool: Stacheldraht Hacking Tool: Shaft Hacking Tool: mstream DDoS Attack Sequence Preventing DoS Attack DoS Scanning Tools Find_ddos SARA DDoSPing RID Zombie Zapper Module 9: Social Engineering What is Social Engineering? Art of Manipulation Human Weakness Common Types of Social Engineering Human Based Impersonation Important User Tech Support Third Party Authorization In Person Dumpster Diving Shoulder Surfing Computer Impersonation Mail Attachments Popup Window Website Faking Reverse Social Engineering Policies and Procedures Social Engineering Security Policies The Importance of Employee Education Module 10: Session Hijacking What is Session Hijacking? Session Hijacking Steps Spoofing Vs Hijacking Active Session Hijacking Passive Session Hijacking TCP Concepts - 3 way Handshake Sequence Numbers Sequence Number Example Guessing the Sequence Numbers Hacking Tool: Juggernaut Hacking Tool: Hunt Hacking Tool: TTYWatcher Hacking Tool: IP Watcher Hacking Tool: T-Sight Remote TCP Session Reset Utility Dangers Posed by Session Hijacking Protection against Session Hijacking Module 11: Hacking Web Servers Apache Vulnerability Attacks against IIS IIS Components ISAPI DLL Buffer Overflows IPP Printer Overflow msw3prt.dll Oversized Print Requests Hacking Tool: Jill32 Hacking Tool: IIS5-Koei Hacking Tool: IIS5Hack IPP Buffer Overflow Countermeasures ISAPI DLL Source Disclosure ISAPI.DLL Exploit Defacing Web Pages IIS Directory Traversal Unicode Directory Listing Clearing IIS Logs Network Tool: LogAnalyzer Attack Signature Creating Internet Explorer (IE) Trojan Hacking Tool: IIsexploit Hacking Tool: Hacking Tool: cmdasp.asp Escalating Privilages on IIS Hacking Tool: IISCrack.dll Hacking Tool: ispc.exe Unspecified Executable Path Vulnerability Hacking Tool: CleanIISLog File System Traversal Countermeasures Microsoft HotFix Problems UpdateExpert Cacls utility Network Tool: Whisker N-Stealth Scanner Hacking Tool: WebInspect Network Tool: Shadow Security Scanner Module 12: Web Application Vulnerabilities Documenting the Application Structure Manually Inspecting Applications Using Google to Inspect Applications Directory Structure Hacking Tool: Instant Source Java Classes and Applets Hacking Tool: Jad HTML Comments and Contents Hacking Tool: Lynx Hacking Tool: Wget Hacking Tool: Black Widow Hacking Tool: WebSleuth Cross Side Scripting Session Hijacking using XSS Cookie Stealing Hacking Tool: IEEN Module 13: Web Based Password Cracking Techniques Basic Authentication Message Digest Authentication NTLM Authentication Certificate based Authentication Digital Certificates Microsoft Passport Authentication Forms based Authentication Creating Fake Certificates Hacking Tool: WinSSLMiM Password Guessing Hacking Tool: WebCracker Hacking Tool: Brutus Hacking Tool: ObiWan Hacking Tool: Munga Bunga Password dictionary Files Attack Time Hacking Tool: Varient Hacking Tool: PassList Query Strings Post data Hacking Tool: cURL Stealing Cookies Hacking Tool: CookieSpy Hacking Tool: ReadCookies Hacking Tool: SnadBoy Module 14: SQL Injection What is SQL Injection Vulnerability? SQL Insertion Discovery Blank sa Password Simple Input Validation SQL Injection OLE DB Errors 1=1 blah' or 1=1 Stealing Credit Card Information Preventing SQL Injection Database Specific SQL Injection Hacking Tool: SQLDict Hacking Tool: SQLExec Hacking Tool: SQLbf Hacking Tool: SQLSmack Hacking Tool: SQL2.exe Hacking Tool: Oracle Password Buster Module 15: Hacking Wireless Networks 802.11 Standards What is WEP? Finding WLANs Cracking WEP keys Sniffing Trafic Wireless DoS Attacks WLAN Scanners WLAN Sniffers MAC Sniffing Access Point Spoofing Securing Wireless Networks Hacking Tool: NetTumbler Hacking Tool: AirSnort Hacking Tool: AiroPeek Hacking Tool: WEP Cracker Hacking Tool: Kismet WIDZ- Wireless IDS Module 16: Virus and Worms Cherobyl ExploreZip I Love You Melissa Pretty Park Code Red Worm W32/Klez BugBear W32/Opaserv Worm Nimda Code Red SQL Slammer How to write your own Virus? Worm Construction Kit Module 17: Novell Hacking Common accounts and passwords Accessing password files Password crackers Netware Hacking Tools Chknull NOVELBFH NWPCRACK Bindery BinCrack SETPWD.NLM Kock userdump Burglar Getit Spooflog Gobbler Novelffs Pandora Module 18: Linux Hacking Why Linux ? Linux Basics Compiling Programs in Linux Scanning Networks Mapping Networks Password Cracking in Linux Linux Vulnerabilities SARA TARA Sniffing A Pinger in Disguise Session Hijacking Linux Rootkits Linux Security Countermeasures IPChains and IPTables Module 19: IDS, Firewalls and Honeypots Intrusion Detection System System Integrity Verifiers How are Intrusions Detected? Anomaly Detection Signature Recognition How does IDS match Signatures with Incoming Traffic? Protocol Stack Verification Application Protocol Verification What Happens after an IDS Detects an Attack? IDS Software Vendors SNORT Evading IDS (Techniques) Complex IDS Evasion Hacking Tool: fragrouter Hacking Tool: TCPReplay Hacking Tool: SideStep Hacking Tool: NIDSbench Hacking Tool: ADMutate IDS Detection Tools to Detect Packet Sniffers Tools to inject strangely formatted packets onto the wire Hacking Through Firewalls Placing Backdoors through Firewalls Hiding behind Covert Channels What is a Honeypot? Honeypots Evasion Honeypots vendors Module 20: Buffer Overflows What is a Buffer Overflow? Exploitation Assembly Language Basics How to Detect Buffer Overflows in a Program? Skills Required CPU/OS Dependency Understanding Stacks Stack Based Buffer Overflows Buffer Overflow Technical Implementation Writing your own Buffer Overflow Exploit in C Defense against Buffer Overflows Type Checking Tools for Compiling Programs StackGuard Immunix Module 21: Cryptography What is PKI? Digital Certificates RSA MD-5 RC-5 SHA SSL PGP SSH Encryption Cracking Techniques
Includes: - Antiwpa versions - Hacked UX Theme For SP2 BUiLD 2180 - WGA_Working - Windows Validation Bypass - Windows Xp Sp2 Keygen with auto key changer - Windows XP_2003 x64 Edition Activator - xp validation By pass - XP-Tips download: pass: UPby:Source_Of_The_Chaos
- Password: crackme
mam apucat si io de 3 zile dupa o pauza de vo 5 luni [p.s. ce semnatrura are asta de deasupra ]
PC World Magazine May 2006 file pdf/ 3.16MB
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