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Un fost ?ef de banc? a fost re?inut de procurori sub acuza?ia de fraud?, dup? ce ar fi coordonat un grup care au retras ac?iuni în valoare de 200.000 de euro din contul ?efei Misiunii B?ncii Mondiale în România. Anchetatorii au o pist? în cazul ac?iunilor în valoare de 200.000 de euro, care au disp?rut din contul ?efei Misiunii B?ncii Mondiale în România. Trei persoane au fost re?inute ast?zi, la Sibiu, iar alte cinci sunt cercetate în stare de libertate. Potrivit procurorilor, capul re?elei este fostul director al B?ncii Agricole din Sibiu. Potrivit anchetatorilor, pentru ca infractorii s? scoat? ac?iunile de la Societatea de Brokeraj, s-au folosit de un act de identitate fals ?i au avut contribu?ia unei femei cu înf??i?are apropiat? de ce a oficialului B?ncii Mondiale. Surse din interiorul anchetei sus?in c? Ana Maria Mih?escu ar fi sesizat furtul ac?iunilor în luna aprilie a acestui an în momentul în care ?i-a verificat tranzac?iile financiare la Burs?. ?efa misiunii B?ncii Mondiale în România a observat atunci c?-i lipsesc câteva sute de mii de euro dintr-un cont de investi?ii. Mai mult, ultima tranzac?ie fusese f?cut? în luna februrie, printr-o societate de brokeraj la care femeia nu avea cont. Imediat, femeia a alertat poli?ia ?i Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiar?. Ana Maria Mih?escu nu ?i a recuperat suma pierdut?. Ancheta autorit??ilor s-a încheiat abia dup? ?apte luni, când au reu?it s? îi identifice pe f?pta?i ?i s? îi re?in?. Ei risc? pân? la 20 de ani de închisoare pentru fraud? financiar?. Source & Video: ?efa Misiunii B?ncii Mondiale, jefuit?. Un fost director de banc?, re?inut
Download | Demo So you’ve seen videos being used as backgrounds across the web and you’re thinking ‘how do I do that?’. The main issue usually being making the video cover the entire screen. Normally when you set a video it will resize in accordance with its aspect ratio, meaning it won’t cover the entire background. Well don’t worry, for I am here to guide you on your enthralling quest towards background video freedom. Read on, young warrior. Getting off the ground First off, set up a div with the video you want as the background, and then have a content div for putting all the content. Don’t forget to take a screenshot of the video and save it as a jpg called poster.jpg. This will serve as a background for users who do not have browsers that support the video tag. <div id="container"> <video autoplay loop muted> <source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4"> <source src="video.webm" type="video/webm"> </video> <div class="content"> </div> </div> Next up, set up a bit of CSS to set the content to be positioned absolutely on top of the video: #container { position: relative; overflow: hidden; } #container .content { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; } Great! Now all we gotta do is figure out how to make the video fit the entire screen. We have to use a bit of Javascript magic to make this work: A little bit of Javascript As discussed, the issue is that the video aspect ratio will make the video very difficult to cover the entire screen. How do we fix this? Well we need to make a comparison of the aspect ratio of the window against the aspect ratio of the video. Then we can multiply the width of the video by this calculation making the video always fill the screen, no matter what size the user’s screen is. Don’t forget to include jQuery! Your code should look a bit like this: $(function() { // IE detect function iedetect(v) { var r = RegExp('msie' + (!isNaN(v) ? ('\\s' + v) : ''), 'i'); return r.test(navigator.userAgent); } // For mobile screens, just show an image called 'poster.jpg'. Mobile // screens don't support autoplaying videos, or for IE. if(screen.width < 800 || iedetect(8) || iedetect(7) || 'ontouchstart' in window) { (adjSize = function() { // Create function called adjSize $width = $(window).width(); // Width of the screen $height = $(window).height(); // Height of the screen // Resize image accordingly $('#container').css({ 'background-image' : 'url(poster.jpg)', 'background-size' : 'cover', 'width' : $width+'px', 'height' : $height+'px' }); // Hide video $('video').hide(); })(); // Run instantly // Run on resize too $(window).resize(adjSize); } else { // Wait until the video meta data has loaded $('#container video').on('loadedmetadata', function() { var $width, $height, // Width and height of screen $vidwidth = this.videoWidth, // Width of video (actual width) $vidheight = this.videoHeight, // Height of video (actual height) $aspectRatio = $vidwidth / $vidheight; // The ratio the video's height and width are in (adjSize = function() { // Create function called adjSize $width = $(window).width(); // Width of the screen $height = $(window).height(); // Height of the screen $boxRatio = $width / $height; // The ratio the screen is in $adjRatio = $aspectRatio / $boxRatio; // The ratio of the video divided by the screen size // Set the container to be the width and height of the screen $('#container').css({'width' : $width+'px', 'height' : $height+'px'}); if($boxRatio < $aspectRatio) { // If the screen ratio is less than the aspect ratio.. // Set the width of the video to the screen size multiplied by $adjRatio $vid = $('#container video').css({'width' : $width*$adjRatio+'px'}); } else { // Else just set the video to the width of the screen/container $vid = $('#container video').css({'width' : $width+'px'}); } })(); // Run function immediately // Run function also on window resize. $(window).resize(adjSize); }); } }); Now the video will cover the entire screen size on user resize or anything! Things to note: Mobiles dont support autoplayed videos, so we can't do this on mobile. Instead we'll show an image as a background called poster.jpg. Same goes for IE8 and below! For those browsers the poster.jpg image will be used instead. Full screen background videos are really exploding on the web design scene, so I'm sure you'll find a use for it at some point. The footage I'm using is from Vimeo's free HD Stock Footage, so go check that out. Have a great day! Source: Quick Tips: Using Videos as Backgrounds | InsertHTML
RWD Wireframes was created for designers who want to make responsive web design wireframe quickly and be able to share with others easily. You can find the live application at Responsive Wireframes . Install Note RWD Wireframes application has a client side and server side component. This repo is the client side code. You'll find the server side code by searching "rwdwire-server". The client side is functional by itself, it just won't have the login, register, and save functionality. The main application is mainly located in public/js. The Entry point is main.js. After you clone the repo, you will need bower to install the dependencies. You'll need to create a facebook.js file in public/js/. You can read about facebook SDK. facebook.js is the initialization code. TODO Convert Server from Codeigniter to Laravel 4 Better testing Better, persistent authentication Source: https://github.com/howlowck/rwdwire
Features Search thousands of assets, including popular icon packs, without leaving Photoshop. Drag assets into your current composition and use them in the original format (layers, vector objects, adjustment layers and so on) It's FREE. All the assets are provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License * not yet, but we're ambitious How to install Close Photoshop before installing the extension. If you don't have it, download and install Adobe Extension Manager Double click the .zxp file from your computer. It will launch Adobe Extension Manager. Open Photoshop and choose Window - Extensions - Blendmein. Enjoy! Download CS6 Extension | Download CC Extenstion BlendMe.in Photoshop Extension - Browse thousands of Icons, Vectors and other assets directly from Photoshop
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CSP Is Awesome Content Security Policy Header Generator What is Content-Security-Policy? A mechanism web applications can use to mitigate a broad class of content injection vulnerabilities, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) Oh, and it’s awesome. So why the different headers? Since the spec is still a draft. Firefox is using X-Content-Security-Policy and Webkit (Chrome, Safari) are using X-WebKit-CSP. Once the spec is locked down they’ll move to a canonical header. What does it look like? Here are some examples borrowed directly from the Working Draft 1.0 document Example 1: A server wishes to load resources only form its own origin: Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' Example 2: An auction site wishes to load images from any URI, plugin content from a list of trusted media providers (including a content distribution network), and scripts only from a server under its control hosting sanitized ECMAScript: Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; img-src *; object-src media1.example.com media2.example.com *.cdn.example.com; script-src trustedscripts.example.com Example 3: Online banking site wishes to ensure that all of the content in its pages is loaded over TLS to prevent attackers from eavesdropping on insecure content requests: Content-Security-Policy: default-src https: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' More information https://rstforums.com/forum/69690-user-interface-security-directives-content-security-policy.rst Content Security Policy Header Generator
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Scapy Documentation [+]Introduction * About Scapy Scapy is a Python program that enables the user to send, sniff and dissect and forge network packets.This capability allows construction of tools that can probe, scan or attack networks.Inotherwords, Scapyisapowerfulinteractivepacketmanipulationprogram. Itisabletoforgeordecodepackets of a wide number of protocols, send them on the wire, capture them, match requests and replies,and much more. Scapy can easily handle most classical tasks like scanning, tracerouting, probing, unittests, attacks or network discovery. It can replace hping, arpspoof, arp-sk, arping, p0f and even someparts of Nmap, tcpdump, and tshark). Scapy also performs very well on a lot of other speci?c tasks that most other tools can’t handle, likesending invalid frames, injecting your own 802.11 frames, combining techniques (VLAN hopping+ARPcache poisoning, VOIP decoding on WEP encrypted channel, ...), etc.The idea is simple. Scapy mainly does two things: sending packets and receiving answers. You de?nea set of packets, it sends them, receives answers, matches requests with answers and returns a list of packet couples (request, answer) and a list of unmatched packets. This has the big advantage over toolslike Nmap or hping that an answer is not reduced to (open/closed/?ltered), but is the whole packet.On top of this can be build more high level functions, for example one that does traceroutes and give as aresult only the start TTL of the request and the source IP of the answer. One that pings a whole network and gives the list of machines answering. One that does a portscan and returns a LaTeX report * What makes Scapy so special * Quick dem * Learning Pytho [+] Download and Installation * Overvie * Installing Scapy * Installing Scapy * Optional software for special features * Platform-specific instruction [+] Usage *Starting Scap * Interactive tutoria * Simple one-liner * Recipe [+] Advanced usage * ASN.1 and SNM * Automat [+] Build your own tools * Using Scapy in your tool * Extending Scapy with add-on [+] Adding new protocols * Simple exampl *Layer * Dissecti * Buildin * Field [+] Troubleshooting * FA. * Getting hel [+] Scapy development * Project organizatio * How to contribut * Testing with UTScapy Ebook 2: * Basic Commands * Constructing Packets * Specifying Addresses and Values * Displaying Packets * Sending Packets * fuzzing * sniffing packets Ebooks 3: PacketCraftingUsingScapy Download File : Size 1.6Mb Mirror: Scapy Documentation Scapy Documentation - Turk Black Hat | TBH | Home | Hacking Forum
Clam AntiVirus is an anti-virus toolkit for Unix. The main purpose of this software is the integration with mail servers (attachment scanning). The package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon, a commandline scanner, and a tool for automatic updating via Internet. The programs are based on a shared library distributed with the Clam AntiVirus package, which you can use in your own software. Changes: Code quality fixes in libclamav, clamd, sigtool, clamav-milter, clamconf, and clamdtop. Code quality fixes in libclamav, libclamunrar and freshclam. Valgrind suppression rules for dl_catch_error complaints. Download: Download: Clam AntiVirus Toolkit 0.98 ? Packet Storm
How to get full access to photo gallery bypassing the passcode on any iDevice with iOS7 final. When doing double click on home button, the second click is slightly stretched. The Magic Touch is doing . _ (point + stripe) in the home button. That is, double click on the "home button" but the second click should be slightly extended. Source: iOS 7 Bug Lets Anyone Bypass iPhone's Lockscreen To Hijack Photos, Email, Or Twitter - Forbes
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Georg T. Becker , Francesco Regazzoni , Christof Paar and Wayne P. Burleson University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA TU Delft, The Netherlands and ALaRI - University of Lugano, Switzerland Horst Göortz Institut for IT-Security, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany Abstract. In recent years, hardware Trojans have drawn the attention of governments and industry as well as the scienti?c community. One of the main concerns is that integrated circuits, e.g., for military or criticalinfrastructure applications, could be maliciously manipulated during the manufacturing process, which often takes place abroad. However, since there have been no reported hardware Trojans in practice yet, little is known about how such a Trojan would look like, and how di?cult it would be in practice to implement one. In this paper we propose an extremely stealthy approach for implementing hardware Trojans below the gate level, and we evaluate their impact on the security of the target device. Instead of adding additional circuitry to the target design, we insert our hardware Trojans by changing the dopant polarity of existing transistors. Since the modi?ed circuit appears legitimate on all wiring layers (including all metal and polysilicon), our family of Trojans is resistant to most detection techniques, including ?ne-grain optical inspection and checking against “golden chips”. We demonstrate the e?ectiveness of our approach by inserting Trojans into two designs — a digital post-processing derived from Intel’s cryptographically secure RNG design used in the Ivy Bridge processors and a side-channel resistant SBox implementation — and by exploring their detectability and their e?ects on security. http://people.umass.edu/gbecker/BeckerChes13.pdf
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State of the art editor. Awesome compiler. codebender provides you with great development tools to help you code faster and easier, and finish what you are building faster, so you can move on to other cool stuff. We offer a state of the art editor which great features, such as: syntax highlighting indentation code completion (coming soon) code folding If you have no idea what we're talking about, let's just say, it's a great editor, and you feel that when you use it. But we don't just stay at the editor. With codebender, you can compile your code much faster. No installations. No need to manage outdated tools. Just use our wicked fast, online compiler and get the work done. Not only that, but we're also helping you squash bugs faster too. Trying to understand exactly what's wrong can get hard. codebender gives you much a better error output, so you can pinpoint the mistake. No more cryptic messages, no more vague error outputs. Deploy Hassle-free. USB cable or the cloud. It doesn't matter. Traditionally, you would need to install an IDE, which includes all the necessary software, find and install the correct drivers, set permissions, etc. It can take 10-60 minutes. Or it can be a total mess. With codebender, you can program your Arduino straight from your browser. No need to find, install, update and manage libraries and drivers. codebender does that for you. Just install our browser plugin and follow our Getting Started guide. From having an Arduino, to having a programmed Arduino. In mere minutes. After installing the pluggin, you can flash any codebender sketch to your device. See the code bellow? You could load that to your device, straight from this page! And if you have an Arduino Ethernet or Arduino & Ethernet Shield, you can also program it through the network using our "Cloud Flash" feature. Do It Together From DIY to DIT. Share and Collaborate. You're building something awesome. Why keep it to yourself? With codebender, you can share your code with the rest of the world. Plus, if you're building something, like an automatic pet feeder for your vacations, chances are someone has already built something similar. Why start from scratch? With codebender, you can: share your work with the world flash an existing sketch to your device clone an existing sketch and modify it to your needs embed code in your website, blog, or tutorials With codebender, you can show people the exact code you're using and make your posts more interesting. In fact, that's exactly what we did here. Source codebender
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I spent my Saturday evening working on probably the most convoluted computer problem I’ve ever seen. This computer was infected with a rootkit virus that went undetected for who knows how long, no thanks to Symantec Endpoint Protection. I didn’t realize that at first though because there wasn’t any obvious signs of infection, and like I just mentioned, Symantec wasn’t throwing any alerts. Microsoft released a security update on Tuesday, KB2859537, that prevents a rogue application from hijacking the kernel via a particular exploit. Automatic updates installed it among 11 other updates Wednesday night. When staff came in Thursday, the computer was stuck at the “Starting Windows” screen. I started by attempting to fix the issue as if it was a problem with Microsoft Windows Update. I used every utility imaginable to clear/reset/fix Windows Update. I also reset the BIOS, screwed with the IRQs, sat through a system file check and hard drive check (which takes over an hour.) I even did a full hardware diagnostic to make sure the memory, CPU, etc wasn’t failing. Also removed unnecessary applications as well as Symantec to make sure nothing was interfering. I eventually narrowed the problem to a specific update by installing 1 update at a time, rebooting, next update, repeat. After identifying which update caused the computer to not load, I searched the web to see if others had the same problem. That’s when it happened: there was a dialog popping up in the bottom left of IE to install the latest Media Player. I had seen this dialog once before when I was on a Microsoft site today, and it looked official, so I didn’t think much of it. But now it was popping up on a non-Microsoft forum. I immediately downloaded TDSSKiller and removed two rootkits that it found (Rootkit.Win32.BackBoot.gen and Rootkit.Boot.Cidox.b.) Rebooted, installed and updated mbam. Rebooted into safe mode, ran mbamfull scan. It found 2 results (both Tojan.Vundo variants.) Rebooted and the IE popup was gone, but I ran ComboFix just to be safe. It found a few malicious files and folders (FunWebProducts, DownloadHelper to name a couple.) Then, I reset IE to make sure there wasn’t any lingering Add-ons. Next, I installed the August malicious software removal tool. After a reboot, I re-attempted to install security update KB2859537. This time, instead of locking up, the computer booted normally. Yay! Praise be to the computer gods. What was happening: KB2859537 corrected an exploit that a rootkit virus was using to hijack the computer. Because the exploit was fixed after installing the update, upon the next reboot, the rootkit is now blocked from functioning. This causes the entire computer to lock up and even BSOD in some cases. By removing the rootkit virus, I was able to install the security update without the computer locking up. I wish I could say that was fun. Hope this saves someone else some time. Update: If your computer is already locked up from the update, use your Windows disc to launch Startup Repair. During the repair, it will ask if it can use System Restore. Proceed through the menus and it will restore the computer to before the update was installed. I had a better success rate of doing this with the Windows disc than with F8 as the Rootkit corrupted the system restore utility. Source/proof: By request, I’ve gathered all of the logs from the computer and made them available to the public here. Via: Microsoft Update KB2859537 prevents PC from booting if Rootkit is present – James Watt
http://www.pakoug.com/index.php USER: obqDureJNU PASS: MUZJmGMqfL Scan: Check type: ???? Subject: d19e929657198e7ceaea435c6302c2ba.exe Size (bytes): 749671 Started at: 14:25 01.09.2013 Finished at: 14:25 01.09.2013 Duration: 00:00:37 MD5: cadc018ae58477e680503dec835c7118 SHA1: a2875ab3e74183c9ec8dfb07d7a61861a8abac3e URL: http://chk4me.com/check/public/Z42p_...kb281zAJ3dreX6 Detections: 0/23 arcavir - Ok avast - Ok avira - Ok bitdefender - Ok clamav - Ok drweb - Ok emsisoft - Ok nod32 - Ok fprot - Ok fsecure - Ok ikarus - Ok kaspersky - Ok mcafee - Ok microsoft - Ok norman - Ok panda - Ok quickheal - Ok sophos - Ok etrust - Ok trendmicro - Ok vipre - Ok vba32 - Ok virusbuster - Ok
Generator de identitati - ar putea folosi la ceva?
Fi8sVrs replied to speew's topic in Programe utile
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ultimul pre? pentru asus eee pc - 100 ron Acer Aspire-One KAV60 dfect [pt tastatura, cam, hdd, ram, etc] ( fara display, acumulator si incarcator ) - 50 Ron U0FNU1VORyBHVC1JODM1MCBub3UgKGRpc3BsYXkgY3JhcGF0LCBjb3N0dWwgcmVwYXJhdGllaSAzMDAgcm9uKSBwcmV0IDUwIHJvbiA= base64
PenQ is an open source, Linux-based penetration testing browser bundle we built over Mozilla Firefox. It comes pre-configured with security tools for spidering, advanced web searching, fingerprinting, anonymous browsing, web server scanning, fuzzing, report generating and more. Testing Solution for SMBs A secure website is crucial to any online business - small, medium or enterprise scale. PenQ can save companies from huge investments in proprietary tools and over-sized testing teams. Integrated with resource links, security guidelines, and testing tools, PenQ empowers even less experienced testers to do a thorough job of checking for security loopholes. A Slew of Tools PenQ lets security testers access necessary system utilities and tools right from their browser, saving time and making tests a lot faster. Tools built-in range from those for anonymous browsing and system monitoring to ones for taking down notes and scheduling tasks. View the entire set of tools under features. Debian Based PenQ is configured to run on Debian based distributions including Ubuntu and its derivative distros, and penetration testing operating systems such as BackTrack and Kali. With all its integrations, PenQ is a powerful tool. Be mindful of what use you put it to. Responsible use of PenQ can help secure web apps in a zap. Tested in Ubuntu BackTrack R3 Debian BackTrack R2 Linux Mint BackTrack R1 Kali Linux BackBox Steps to install and run PenQ Download the PenQ package. Open the command-line interface (CLI) and navigate to the location of the downloaded file. cd [path to PenQ file] Assign executable permission to this file. chmod +x PenQ-installer-1.0.sh Run PenQ installer file from CLI. ./PenQ-installer-1.0.sh Provide sudo password and wait for installation to complete. Once installed, double-click the PenQ icon on desktop or run ‘penq’ from CLI to open and use the tool. To uninstall PenQ, navigate to the PenQ folder at '/usr/share/PenQ' and run the uninstaller. Download QBurst - PenQ Security Testing Browser Bundle
CookieCatcher is an open source application which was created to assist in the exploitation of XSS (Cross Site Scripting) vulnerabilities within web applications to steal user session IDs (aka Session Hijacking). The use of this application is purely educational and should not be used without proper permission from the target application. For more information on XSS visit the following link: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Cross-site_Scripting_(XSS) For more information on Session Hijacking visit the following link: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Session_hijacking_attack Features Prebuilt payloads to steal cookie data Just copy and paste payload into a XSS vulnerability Will send email notification when new cookies are stolen Will attempt to refresh cookies every 3 minutes to avoid inactivity timeouts Provides full HTTP requests to hijack sessions through a proxy (BuRP, etc) Will attempt to load a preview when viewing the cookie data PAYLOADS Basic AJAX Attack HTTPONLY evasion for Apache CVE-20120053 More to come Requirements CookieCatcher is built for a LAMP stack running the following: PHP 5.x.x PHP-cURL MySQL Installation Download the source from github git clone https://github.com/DisK0nn3cT/CookieCatcher.git or use the ZIP file and extract it on your server. Setup the directory as a virtualhost in Apache (I won't go over these details, however, you may ask me via email or you can use google.) Create a database for the application and load the SETUP.sql file. Setup a cron job as shown in the SETUP.cron file. DEMO A live demo of the application can be viewed at CookieCatcher BETA v0.1. Small domain names are recommended to cut down on the character space needed for the payloads. Contribute If you have ideas or suggestions on how to improve upon the existing application and would like to offer your time, please contact me via email. Credits @disk0nn3ct - Author danny.chrastil@gmail.com https://github.com/DisK0nn3cT/CookieCatcher
U2FsdXQsDQpEZXRpbiBob3N0ICsgc2NyaXB0IHBocCBwZW50cnUgc2l0ZSBlc2NvcnQgYWdlbmN5LCBjYXV0IHBhcnRlbmVyIGN1IGRvbWVuaXUgLnJvIHNhdSAueHh4DQpkZSBhZG1pbmlzdHJhcmUgc2kgc2VvIG1hIHZvaSBvY3VwYSBldSwNCmNhc3RpZ3VyaWxlIHNlIGltcGFydCBpbiBtb2QgZWdhbA0KcGVudHJ1IG1haSBtdWx0ZSBkZXRhbGlpIHBt base64