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Everything posted by sevex

  1. Nu se intampla nimic iti ia un dolar- cam 3 lei si ai domeniu.... Dupa cateva ore iti va veni un mail in care iti cer sa le trimit un scan dupa card pe spate sa se vada alea 3 cifre si in fata ultimele 4, pe celelalte le "cenzurezi" in paint (nu conteaza in ce) sa nu se vada...Asa vor fi siguri ca a fost cardul tau.
  2. )))) da dar e ff ieftin si e CRIZAAAAAA
  3. AI BAGAT " DOLLARDOMAIN" ? Acolo unde zice ceva de ticket
  4. Si oferta cred ca e limitata, eu ziceam de contul meu PayPal ca e limitat, dar poti plati direct cu cardul fara PayPal+Ca iti da 20 de mb si 1000 mb banda
  5. Contul meu PayPal meu e limitat si am platit direct cu cardul fa si tu la fel - PLATESTE CU CARDUL (Fara PayPal)
  6. Asa... Astazi am dat de o surpriza ca sa-i zic asa.Un prieten care e blogger mi-a dat de dimineata un link cu un articol Domeniu .com .net .org .info la numai 1 dolar ! | De Toate ! Am ramas uimit... Apoi mi-am luat si eu domeniu la 3 lei A fost gata pe loc, inregistrat. Tot ce trebuie sa faceti dati search acolo cu numele pe care il vreti dupa ce va alegeti dati continue dupaia no thanks si dupa zice ceva de un ticket .Bati "DOLLARDOMAIN" apoi completati blablabla si va alegeti metoda de plata.Eu am platit direct cu cardul si dupa ce am dat submit mi-au aparut datele de logare! bafta!
  7. " Inchidetile ba postu la astia 2 " suna romaneste.... @on: Nu e postul meu!
  8. Nu ai bun simt. Te inscrii doar pt a vinde ceva... Go On .|.
  9. on: bine ca nu sunt scoase din p**da ca era nasol... on: Cred ca aici nu e piata... Ai merita un "ban"...
  10. @loki : Eu am card VISA facut la Raifaissen facut pe moka... Mi-am facut si cont PayPal special pt. asta. Deci ar mai conta varsta daca primesc pe PayPal ?
  11. Eu am card de la Raiffaisen, dar tot nu pricep legatura intre w union si raiffaisen
  12. mda... dar totusi vreau macar pe cineva sa mi raspunda care are asa ceva sau care stie pe cineva... si in + trebuie sa mai merg si cu cel pe care e trecut numele (C: nu as mai vrea sa implic pe altii pt "nimicuri d'astea")
  13. Am card "valid" . Dar intrebarea e daca trebuie neaparat sa am 18 ani pt cont...Ca sunt nedumerit...Unii imi spun ca trebuie sa am 18 ani, pe net scrie ca nu neaparat...
  14. Ca sa pot face cont la Google Adsense trebuie sa am 18 ani neaparat?
  15. sevex

    iPad Released

    As promised, Apple has launched its latest creation to the public this weekend. Locations like Apple’s Pittsburgh retail store saw huge waiting lines ahead of the tablet’s release, while others, like the Palo Alto store, saw even more excitement than originally anticipated - a surprise visit from Apple CEO, Steve Jobs. TUAW picked up on a Mercury News story saying that Steve Jobs showed up to casually check out how things were going on Saturday at one of the company’s retail establishments. The CEO reportedly brought his wife and daughter. Their visit occurred around noon (Pacific time). Jobs said he merely wanted to observe the festivities, but he inadvertently delivered an unexpected thrill to iPad shoppers, these reports state. Other tech-sites, like electronista, say that early estimates of iPad sales show Apple may have sold between 600,000 and 700,000 iPads on Saturday alone. Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster had originally predicted some 300,000 shipped units for the product’s first day in the wild, but he reportedly changed that prediction when he learned of the long queues at flagship retail locations like the 5th Avenue Apple store (New York City), where over 700 people lined up before the iPad’s launch. The report includes a comparison with the iPhone 3G’s launch, when 540 stood in line before the store opened its doors to the anticipating crowd. The figures undoubtedly exceeded even the most optimistic expectations. Reports focusing on findings after the iPad was released reveal more surprises, this time from a technical point of view. iLounge, the source dealing almost exclusively with Apple i-products, claims that Apple accessories believed to be compatible with the device, like the iPod Camera Connector, are, in fact, not suitable for the tablet. “Upon connecting the five-year-old accessory to the iPad, a simple notification dialog pops up to say that ‘[t]his accessory is not supported by iPad’,” the source states. It then points out to the new Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit, which includes both a Dock Connector-to-USB adapter and a Dock Connector-based SD Card reader, as the appropriate hardware to buy. It’s this accessory that allows users to download photos from the connected camera or card onto the iPad, and vice-versa. It has also been revealed that iPad has a space for a camera which, for now, the device doesn’t sport. Other relevant findings from iFixit’s teardown have been reproduced below: - The significantly improved 9.7 inch LED-backlit glossy widescreen with Multi-touch is perfect for all your movie watching, e-book reading needs. - A first peek under the hood reveals two huge Li-ion Polymer batteries taking up most of the space in this device. […] The 3.75V, 24.8 watt-hour battery provides the juice for an advertised 10 hours of use. In contrast, the iPhone 3GS has a 4.51 watt-hour battery and the MacBook Air has a 40 watt-hour battery. […] It weighs 148g with the casing. - The display data cable connector is the same style used in all of the new Unibody MacBooks. - The logic board is about 4.5" wide, spanning about 60% of the iPad's width. - […] the A4 processor is probably being manufactured by Samsung. - The connector found on the speakers and other components is typical of the connectors seen in MacBook Unibody laptops. - The ambient light sensor lives in a compartment that a camera would love to call home. Finally, readers can hit up Apple’s web site for a complete list of details of the iPad. Source: Softpedia
  16. Care amandoua? Ca e acelasi link, numai ca, descrierea la al doilea e in engleza ))
  17. Am si eu o problema cu acest program. Dupa ce decompilez un program imi "ingheata" optiunea "Save decompiled project" , care pana sa imi aleg un program care sa-l decompilez, era accesibila, dar fara niciun folos..... Daca imi puteti spune care e cauza, (e din cauza versiunii- Pro) sau imi puteti recomanda un alt decompiler. Multumesc!
  18. Am descoperit site-ul acum 2 zile
  19. super tare bravo!
  20. Sa le dam foc!!!
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