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Posts posted by ICEBREAKER101010

  1. Stoned Bootkit is a new Windows bootkit which attacks all Windows versions from 2000 up to 7. It is loaded before Windows starts and is memory resident up to the Windows kernel. Thus Stoned gains access to the entire system. It has exciting features like integrated file system drivers, automatic Windows pwning, plugins, boot applications and much much more. The project is partly published as open source under the European Union Public License. Like in 1987, "Your PC is now Stoned! ..again".



    Have Funk!

  2. Ce-i cu tine frate??

    De ce induci in eroare useri (Clone with entire users db) ??

    Ce daca era in alta categorie eram obligati sa il downloadam??

    Asasinezi limba romana...

    Deci ,nush ce problema ai.Daca am gresit un cuvant asta nu inseamna ca asasinez limba romana.Nu te mai da tu mare cunoscator.Si nu induc pe nimeni in eroare.Daca o sa dai copy la numele topicului si apoi sa cauti pe google ,vei vedea ca nu sunt eu cel care induce lumea in eroare.

  3. Nu.Nu va merge.Cred ca e mai degraba problema de servere yahoo.Am aceiasi problema.Si e foarte enervant.La munca imi merge perfect cu acelasi messenger.Dar acolo ies prin proxy.Faza e ca si acasa imi merge ,chiar daca ies direct si nu prin proxy,dar are toane.Si nu imi merge nici pe webmessenger.Singurul unde merge e pe meebo si pe pidgin.Daca folosesc alt id pe acelasi messenger ,merge.Mai mult ca sigur problema e de la serverele lor.Si ar fi o idee,cautat pe pidgin si vazut ce servere foloseste pentru login si apoi modificat in registrii cu serverele de pe pidgin. :)

  4. Colectie diverse surse VB6 :

    Anti Viruses & Firewalls:

    - Advanced Firewall

    - Anti Trojan

    - Antivirus

    - BG Antivirus

    - FTP API Update

    - Simulanics AV

    - vn Antivirus


    - d3xter's Downloader

    - Downloader Example

    - Fast Downloader

    Host Booters:

    - BBO v2

    - BioZombie

    - Epidemic bandwith attack

    - GB v3

    - Metus v1.7

    - Metus v2.0

    - Mini DoS

    - SCB Lab's Botnet

    - Zombie Slayer V1


    - 539 IRC Bot

    - dexbot

    - Fudsonly Botnet Plus Version 1.0

    - vBot


    - Digital Keylogger v2

    - Digital Keylogger v3

    - JackoLogger v2.0

    - Keylogger

    - Yahoo Keylogger

    Mess Tools:

    - Anonymous E-Mail Sender with attachments

    - Yahoo Answer

    - Azarie

    - Mod MSN

    - MSN Status Changer

    - MSN Password recovery

    - Multi Messenger

    - Yahoo Manager

    - Yahoo Member Search

    - Yahoo ID Deleter

    - Yahoo ID Creator

    - Yahoo ID Locker

    - Other Yahoo Source Codes

    RATs (Remote Administrative Tools):

    - Aqua

    - Black Dream

    - Diamond Wireless Remote Admin

    - Dis Magoor 1.0.0

    - DSK v1

    - Egypt

    - G-Hack

    - GoodLuck 3.0 FULL

    - Handle-X RAT

    - Intruder

    - Messiah V2.0

    - Minimo

    - Net Trash

    - Network Spy

    - Nirvana

    - Omega v1.1

    - OpenDC Beta

    - Rage 1.0

    - Revenger

    - Sequel

    - ShareADD

    - Shark V2.1 RAT

    - Shell

    - Simplu

    - Ullysse

    - Ultra Spy

    - Unexplained 1.0

    - YellowKoza - LAN&Internet Trojan

    - YuDeePee RAT


    - Basic recovery

    - Chrome recovery

    - En/Decrypt AIM Passes

    - FireFox 3.5.x

    - FireFox recovery Source

    - Firefox Password Recovery

    - FireSteal

    - Get Pidgin

    - ICQ 6+7 Password recovery

    - IMVU

    - Mozilla Firefox Password recovery

    - MSN Password recovery

    - MSN Password Recovery

    - NO-IP recovery

    - recovery by mar

    - Super recovery

    - USB recovery v1.0

    - Windows CD Key recovery

    - Zero recovery


    - Rainerstoff 3.2b

    - Fly Crypter v2d + USG 0.3

    - Azarel Binder

    - Biohazard Binder

    - bl0b Binder + USG

    - bl0b Protector v1

    - Cyber Crypt 7

    - Devil Binder 1.0

    - Dynasty Crypter + USG

    - Easy Bind

    - Exe Binder

    - EXE Protection Software

    - Extra Element Crypter

    - FuzzBuzz Crypter

    - Half-Polymorph Crypter

    - Hao Crypter

    - Incrypter Private

    - NRG Binder

    - Protect Process

    - Rainerstoff

    - Relapse Private Crypter

    - SCB Lab Malware Tool

    - SHNI Joiner Source

    - SkullByte Crypter

    - VB Undetector

    - White Crypt

    - P-Obfucator 1.1

    - Source Undetector 2.5


    - DLL Exe Icon Viewer

    - Full MP3 Player

    - App Restarter

    - Assembler

    - Bandwidth Killer

    - Basic Proxy Tool

    - Capture Screen

    - CD Info

    - Change Icon

    - Icon Change

    - Change Startup

    - Change Internet Explorer Name

    - Clone File Information

    - CMD Source

    - Compare Files

    - Compress

    - Compression

    - Cool Multi-Tab Browser

    - CS Internet Tools

    - CS Translator (Counter Strike)

    - CyberCafe Timer

    - DDoS Source

    - Deep Freeze Password Remover

    - Disable Task Manager and Others

    - DLL Register

    - Drag & Drop

    - Drive Info

    - Encrypt Algorithms

    - EOF Packer

    - File Spliter

    - File Version Info

    - Get and Put in FTP

    - Get IP

    - Hardware ID Anti-Crack

    - Hash Tables

    - iCam v1.0

    - Icon Viewer

    - Icon Changer

    - Icon Changing

    - IP Locator

    - IP + DHCP Statistics

    - IP and Username

    - Junk Code Generator

    - Kill Switch

    - Melt

    - Melt and Install

    - MP3 Player

    - MSN Freezer Live

    - OCR

    - OCX

    - Port Scanner

    - Process Hide

    - Process Hide Other

    - Process Injection

    - Process viewer

    - Remote File Manager

    - Remote Webcam Capture

    - RS Account Checker

    - Socks4 Example

    - Socs5

    - Sub7 Startup Method

    - TEA

    - TEB

    - USB Spread

    - Unique RunPE Maker v1.0

    - USB Detection

    - Vampire Worm

    - VB Compiler

    - VB Crypto

    - Webcam Capture

    - WinBig

    - YouTube Bot v1.1.3

    Download link:

    Download VB6 Pack 2.rar for free on uploading.com

    Si pentru pack 1 :



    Have Funk! :)

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