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Everything posted by eXs

  1. eXs


    Poti sa pui alt link te rog frumos
  2. eXs


    Bine ai venit
  3. Ce versiune de firefox ia ?
  4. E bun la incercat cinva?
  5. ionutz.postolache Y!M

  6. eXs

    Salut Rst

    Nu am furat cine stie ce dar m-am descurat cu ele ( steam-uri ,yahoo-uri ) si ma jucam cu copii si facem rost de credit/bani !
  7. Thk EDIT :Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/a4857640/public_html/index.php on line 203 Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/a4857640/public_html/index.php on line 220 2 Erori
  8. eXs

    Salut Rst

    Hi .. Ma numesc Ionut , sunt din Vaslui si am 19 ani , stiu de mult site-ul vostru dar acum am ales sa imi fac "intro" sunt mai mult pasionat de keylogger si stealere dar vreu sa invat cate putin din toate daca se poate . Pace
  9. http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/7499/isrv.jpg ######################################################## #Made in: Romania, Europe #Release date: 27.02.2012 #Gfx by: Y.xakep and Tinkode #Credits: Cobein, 7, Bilal Ghouri, SqUeEzEr, Rtflol and Nirsoft team. #Beta testers : linuxgirl, zippy and wav3 #Updated: 10.03.2012 #Developed for: InSecurity.Ro #Send logs to my sql data base(php) #Change server icon #Steal options: Internet Explorer (All Versions) Mozilla Firefox (All Versions) Google Chrome (All Versions) Opera (All Versions) Safari (All Versions) VPN/Network Accounts Yahoo Messenger 8/9/10 Password Msn Messenger Pidgin Filezilla Internet Download Manager (IDM) jDownloader Trillian Download: Download ISR.Stealer.zip @ UppIT Edit : Stiu ca sunt nou luati-l cu incredere nu e nimic altceva !
  10. Mersi de program !
  11. Nu imi merge nici un key sa descarc versiunea full . Hai cu un nume si un key va rog .
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