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Everything posted by wirtz

  1. Cine a decis castigatorul alegerilor din SUA? Poate nu stiati, insa un roman a salvat Planeta, fara nici o gluma! Numele lui este Marcel Lazar Leher sau Guccifer, hackerul roman care a spart contul de e-mail al lui Hillary Clinton! Pacat, nimeni nu sufla o vorba, cand acest om merita o statuie, un premiu Nobel! Asa sunt oamenii in ziua de azi, nu mai vad padurea de copaci. Momentan compatriotul nostru este dupa gratii, desi merita sa fie eliberat, ba mai mult merita sa primeasca o functie in SUA in cadrul securitatii cibernetice din partea lui Donald J. Trump, sau cine stie si o medalie! VIDEO/SURSA: http://www.nationalisti.ro/2016/11/romanul-care-salvat-omenirea-guccifer-l-adus-la-putere-pe-trump-video/
  2. Marcel Lazăr Lehel ar trebui să primească o decorație și să fie sprijinit de toți aceia care înțeleg ce fel de satane sunt alde Clinton și Soroș. Din datele lor secrete scoase de iveală de românul din Arad afli lucruri cutremurătoare despre candidata lui Soros – participarea la organizații secrete, apartenenta la un cult satanic, ritualuri demonice, mega ciordeli de bani, sume incredibile, de mii de miliarde, o Rețea teribilă ce căpșează lumea întreagă a propulsată pe scârnăvia lui Soros în vărful puterii, cu scopul de a impune o Agendă cu adevărat înfricoșătoare. Toate aceste date au fost scoase inițial de iveală de românul Marcel Lazăr, urmat apoi de alți soldați anonimi…de doi ani sunt scoase la iveală enorme cantități de date secrete, ascunse în fișierele marilor oligarhi și totodată adoratori ai unor misterioase secte păgîne, de influență clar demonică. Astfel, citind măcar dezvăluirile wiikileaks, dacă cărți nu pot citit că le vine cu leșin, poate cretinii de hipsteri ce strigă acum împotriva credinței creștine poate înțeleg de unde vin banii instigatorilor, cei di Rețeua Soroș, cei de teapa Tatianei Alina Muingiu Pippi, Simionică cu Harta Mică, lindicul Tatianei, Neicușor Dan, Mircea Voma, Remus Cernea, Monika Makovei, etc samd. Sunt de citit mii de pagini, cu creionul în mână, că se merită adnotări și scheme extinse. Eu citesc din Arhiva Guccifer de vreo doi ani și tot nu apuc să termin, are 9 giga. Nu sunt singurul care a primit pe mail arhiva, mai știu vreo doi ziariști cel puțin dar văd că ei tac mâlc. Taximetristul din Arad a adus un serviciu enorm omenirii întregi. A primit pentru asta 7 ani de pârnaie în Românie plus, după executare, mai este potcovit cu încă 52 de luni de pușcărie în USA, nu înțeleg de ce. Citiți cu atenție povestea sa și unde duc firele… ”Lehel had no fancy equipment, only a clunky NEC desktop and a Samsung cellphone, and no special skills”. Cu răbdare și inteligență a obținut date de o importanță covârșitoare. From December 2012 to January 2014, Lehel hacked into the email and social media accounts of high-profile victims, including a family member of two former U.S. presidents, a former U.S. Cabinet member, a former member of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff and a former presidential advisor. Had successfully hacked the e-mail account of Sidney Blumenthal, a former aide to former president Bill Clinton. It was this revelation that ultimately led to the identification of Clinton’s personal account and multiple servers, where sensitive government records were transmitted along with personal communications and Clinton Foundation business. He distributed private memos from Blumenthal to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton involving recent events in Libya, including the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attack. Before distributing the memos, he copied and pasted the text into his own new documents, then reformatted them with pink backgrounds and Comic Sans font…gagiul avea/are și umor… In early May 2013, Lehel hacked into online accounts owned by two members of the Council on Foreign Relations, as well as accounts owned by Adam Posen and his wife and another owned by a former Federal Reserve Board official. The State Department wound up chiding Clinton for using private email. The FBI, for its part, concluded its investigation into the matter by calling Clinton and her colleagues “extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information,” but recommended that no charges be brought against her. Attorney General Loretta Lynch agreed. Dar acum FBI a revenit asupra deciziei inițiale, la timp pentru a o distruge pe satană. Surse citate de publicaţia The Washington Examiner au declarat că un document clasificat sustras de Lehel de la Hillary Clinton, candidatul democrat la preşedinţia SUA, ori de la colaboratori ai acesteia a fost găsit într-un PC din România. Mai exact în amărâtul de PC al lui Lehel, din sătucu Sâmbăteni, de lângă Arad, unde au sărit pe taximetrist gealații de la DIICOT. Lehel a trimis o scrisoare de mână din pârnaie, către FoxNews în care afirmă: Guccifer: Hillary Clinton Is A High Priestess Of The Illuminati The prolific hacker – whose real name is Marcel Lehar – described the Illuminati as an “evil, profoundly corrupt” international cabal intent on controlling world affairs. It was the stated goal of his “Guccifer Project” to expose their agenda. “Hillary Rodham Diane Clinton is one of the high priests, a goddess of this occult, (sic) satanic, shadow group. One must see their evil and profoundly corrupt motive to understand what I am talking about.” “Though I know I invested a great deal of time and effort trying to expose the crimes of the Rockefellers, the Bush Klan (sic) the Clinton, and many others, maybe my skills were NOT matching my faith,” he wrote. “So I apologize in front of the unknown soldiers who struggle to take this fight against these monsters to a glorious end. Many of ‘em are risking their lives, while doing this behind the computer screens, from inside or outside the system.” Extraordinar, asta înseamnă să te implici cu adevărat în mega cafteala mondială, nu să freci menta cu hăulituri pe străzi de-ampulea… Taximetristul este un erou, cel puțin eroul meu personal… http://yournewswire.com/wikileaks-email-links-hillary-clin…/ Wikileaks Email Links Hillary Clinton To Bohemian Grove A new Wikileaks email directly links Hillary Clinton, Colin Powell and Henry Kissinger to the Bohemian Grove. A new Wikileaks hacked email directly links Hillary Clinton, Colin Powell and Henry Kissinger to the Bohemian Grove, mentioning the notorious occult playground of the globalist elite by name. The hacked email, sent by Sidney Blumenthal to Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State, describes Democrats and Republicans colluding with globalists at the Bohemian Grove and working the agreed message into the national narrative. This is not the first time Clinton, Powell or Kissinger have been linked to the Bohemian Grove. Hacked pictures of Powell partying with elites and actors at the top-secret resort were leaked by the original Guccifer in 2013. Colin Powell pictured at the Bohemian Grove in a photo hacked by Guccifer According to the Examiner, “Two of the men in the photos appear to be George Kennedy — from Dallas and The Naked Gun — and Malcolm McDowell — from A Clockwork Orange and numerous television shows.” Mary Moore, of SCFP, told Examiner today, ” … a lot of actors do go up there mostly as guests but some do belong. They’re considered ‘men of use’ as are the musicians and others in show biz.” Hillary Clinton was also exposed as a member of the globalist elite with occult tendencies – and a close associate of the Rothschild family -in the previous batch of Wikileaks emails released in 2015. The Democratic presidential nominee is so deeply entrenched in the elite New World Order establishment that she even bows down to Moloch, the same occultist god they perform human sacrifice rituals for at the annual Bohemian Grove meetings. In an email from August 29 2008 that has been made available to search by Wikileaks, a senior government staffer writes to Hillary Clinton, “With fingers crossed, the old rabbit’s foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch.” Hillary Clinton worships moloch. Nobody randomly uses Moloch in a conversation. Most people don’t even know what Moloch is. However the Bohemian Grove has been performing sacrifice rituals to Moloch, the ancient God of human sacrifice, since the 1800s – offering burnt human flesh according to some reports. Moloch, the ancient god of human sacrifice worshipped at the Bohemian Grove Given the reputation Bohemian Grove has for deciding the next President of the United States the year before the election (see former Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan, the Bush dynasty, as well as Bill Clinton), it should come as no surprise that Hillary has wormed her way into their top-secret world. Nixon bohemian grove Clinton, Powell, and Kissinger are far from the only elite names linked to the Bohemian Grove. According to Bohemian Grove Exposed, the Queen of England has even visited, and was received with “an ecstatic pagan dance ceremony. Bohemian Grove Exposed reports: The names you’ll recognize: Former U.S. Presidents William Howard Taft, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr. and Jr. Most of our present Bush administration’s top officials, such as Colin Powell, are also members of this exclusive men’s club. California Governor Pete Wilson, the mayors of Los Angeles, San Francisco and other major cities; astronauts Wally Schirra and Frank Borman; former FBI and CIA directors; former Secretaries of State George Schultz and Henry Kissinger; international bankers; heads of big oil companies (ARCO, Mobil, Pennzoil, Texaco), and corporate CEO’s frolic in the redwoods with some of the most famous creative people in history: Mark Twain, Ambrose Bierce, Bret Harte, Jack London, Will Rogers, Douglas Fairbanks, Charlie Chaplin and Art Linkletter all “let their hair down” here. Even Great Britain’s Queen Elizabeth showed up in 1983. Her Majesty was honored with an ecstatic pagan dance ceremony, complete with expensive, elaborate stage props such as Egyptian pyramids and Babylonian ziggurats. Yet, even the Queen of England could not join this club if she applied for membership. Why? Because this club is exclusively all male. Women have not ever been allowed since the club’s founding in 1873. https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/11933 Wikileaks Reveal Clinton Ties To Rothschilds And Occult Cabal The Wikileaks classified email dumps have exposed Hillary Clinton for what she really is – a member of the infamous Rothschild family’s inner sanctum, with occultist beliefs. The Wikileaks classified email dumps have exposed Hillary Clinton for what she really is – a member of the infamous Rothschild family’s inner sanctum, with occultist beliefs. Lending further credibility to the idea that Presidents are not elected but are selected by a global shadow government, the Wikileaks email dumps expose Hillary Clinton’s close relationship with the infamous Rothschild banking family and hints for a potential Rockefeller-State partnership. RELATED CONTENT Wikileaks classified email dump has exposed Hillary Clinton for what she really is – a member of the establishment with occultist beliefs, worshiping the human sacrificing God Moloch Wikileaks Email Dump Reveals Clinton Ties To Occultist Group Lending credence to the saying that presidents are selected not elected, WikiLeaks emails prove that Hillary was selected by the Rothschilds even before she gained the Democratic Party nomination. WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton’s Rothschild Sweetheart Deal Exposed The fact the mainstream media have been exposed colluding with the Clinton campaign cannot come as a surprise, considering she is the Rothschild’s selected candidate. . Lynn Forester de Rothschild wrote an email on April 18, 2010, in which she tells Hillary she would “love to catch up” — and “I remain your loyal adoring pal.” Clinton responds “let’s make that happen,” and signs her response, “Much love, H.” On September 23, 2010, Clinton emailed Lynn Forester de Rothschild saying, “I was trying to reach you to tell you and Teddy that I asked Tony Blair to go to Israel as part of our full court press on keeping the Middle East negotiations going …” Rothschild responds, thanking Clinton for “personally reaching out to us,” and adds, “You are the best, and we remain your biggest fans.” A January 9, 2012, email discusses a meeting set to take place at Jacob Rothschild’s “historic estate, Waddesdon.” OCCULTIST TIES Hillary Clinton is so deeply entrenched in the elite New World Order establishment that she even bows down to Moloch, the same occultist god they perform human sacrifice rituals for at the annual Bohemian Grove meetings. In an email from August 29 2008, a senior government staffer writes to Hillary Clinton, “With fingers crossed, the old rabbit’s foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . .” Thanks to the Wikileaks Hillary Clinton Email Archive (containing 30,022 emails, free to search), we now have more concrete proof that Hillary Clinton and other globalist elites have occult ties. Nobody randomly uses Moloch in a conversation. Most people don’t even know what Moloch is. Hillary Clinton New world order. But Bohemian Grove, the playground of the world’s most wealthy and powerful men, has been performing sacrifice rituals to Moloch since the 1800s, offering charred human flesh according to some reports. Given the reputation Bohemian Grove has for deciding the next President of the United States in the year before the election (see former Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan, the Bush dynasty, as well as Hillary’s husband Bill Clinton), it should come as no surprise that Hillary is wriggling her way into their dark, secretive world. . Former President George W. Bush and his father attending Bohemian Grove The Bohemian Grove club might be infamously male only, but temporary exceptions have been made for women before, and as it is apparent the New World Order has decided it is in their interest to ordain Hillary as the next President then they will bend their rules to let her in. Moloch – the ancient God of human sacrifice. This explains why the mainstream media – and social media platforms – are working overtime to get Clinton elected. The global elites have spoken and the mainstream media has begun marching to the beat of their drum – supporting their selected candidate, and destroying the chances of anyone they see as a threat to their corrupt, elite club. http://yournewswire.com/wikileaks-reveal-clinton-ties-to-rothschilds-and-occult-cabal/ Articol de George Roncea Sursa: nationalisti.ro - http://www.nationalisti.ro/2016/11/cazul-hackerului-guciffer-erou-national-al-romaniei-evreica-bisexuala-hillary-clinton-fosta-amanta-evreicei-nuland-parte-unui-cult-satanic/
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  10. nu prea. sa cititi bine ce e pe net despre asta. totodata am sunat si de pe alt "nume" la anaf acum ceva zile si exista impozit si pt treburi de genul. ei tot ce vad ca intra intr-un cont, de la firme precum adsense/paypal/adnow s.a.m.d. , baga la impozit iar apoi iti pot baga poprire pe conturi. am mai patit doar cu niste amenzi pe care a trebuitsa le platesc ce e drept, treaba cu poprirea, insa legat de ce am specificat mai sus, treaba e destul de serioasa. s-au pus pe facut bani (pt mariri de pensii speciale celor ce fura de sus banuiesc)
  11. Salut, Din cate am aflat de la un prieten, ANAF-ul va verifica conturile celor ce fac bani pe net, mai ales cei ce incaseaza sume destul de bunicele de la adsense si alte companii de monetizare. Stie cineva ceva? Este neaparat necesar sa mergi sa declari la anaf pana pe 1 mai venitul pe anul trecut? Precizez ca persoana care mi-a zis se pricepe si face destul de mult pe net din siteurile care le detine. Alte surse: http://www.luizadaneliuc.ro/modalitatea-declarare-romania-veniturilor-obtinute-strainatate-catre-freelanceri-2016/
  12. daca doream sa te intreb pe tine, te intrebam pe fb sau la tel )) insa l-am intrebat pe Costin si nu stie sigur. poate se gasesc aici oameni care au trecut prin aceste probleme... motiv pt care m-am adresat pe forum.
  13. Se pot incasa diverse sume de bani prin serviciul Western Union in cazul in care contul bancar are poprire? Are legatura una cu alta? Eu unul cred ca nu insa doresc sa ma asigur. Merci.
  14. Salutari iar... Sunt dispus sa pun la dispozitie de moment un VPS sa vedem cum merge o noua retea de socializare romaneasca. Facebook a inceput sa pna restrictii tuturor. Am nevoie de cineva cu PFA/SRL sa fim ok cu ANAF-ul. Daca merge bine noua retea de socializare voi contracta pe @aelius cu un server dedicat. Totodata avem nevoie de programatori care sa se ocupe. Castigurile se impart in functie de munca depusa. Chiar daca sunt intiatorul, nu doresc sa castig mai mult decat face un programator experimentat. Cine doreste sa incerce treaba sa ma contacteze. Doresc doar useri cu reputatie si vechime pe acest forum. Usor, usor poate vom face ceva, fara atatea restrictii cum are FB. Oricum, va imaginati ca ne vor "arde" pe la spate cei din serviciile secrete dupa un anumit numar de utilizatori in caz ca merge reteaua... Cei ce doresc sa se implice in proiect sa puna in fata raul... (am nevoie de patrioti care sa nu toarne la garda informatiile cu toate ca le fura SRI pe ascuns) Accept user/i cu PFA/SRL cu referinte de la admini/moderatori. eu pun la dispozitie absolut tot la inceput si sunt dispus sa investesc cateva mii de lei la start. IN LEGATURA CU BANII: presupun ca dupa un timp vom scoate banii (investitia) in maxim un an sau mai putin. Apoi (legali fiind, cu PFA/SRL), firmele ne vor contracta pt reclame ca si pe FB. + de asta, vom scoate si cu traficul normal prin reclamele de la firme precum adnow , proftishare , adsense, etarget etc. in plus, (locuri de munca pt persoane fara CM //momentan// care isi pierd timpul pe net) vom putea angaja baieti si de pe aici de pe forum cu acte, operatori.... cu un minim pe economie macar.... ca tot stau cu orele la pc... dc sa nu castige ceva in plus.... din partea mea.... oricare imi putea lua ideea, macar sa faca ceva... eu *sper* ca este o una buna...
  15. wirtz


    chiar am fost chemati a 2a zi iar.... inclusiv s-au dus sectoristii pe la parintii celor ce au participat sa ii anunte cum ca umbla cu extremisti care protesteaza antidrog. iti dai seama ce penalitate. in fapt, nici protest nu era, era o simpla campanie de informare. ma rog. scuze de offtopic. detalii aici: Buz?u: Extremi?tii au protestat contra etnobotanicelor | adevarul.ro UPDATE: REVOLTATOR: POLITIA TINE PARTEA TRAFICANTILOR DE DROGURI! VIDEO SOCANT! - Nationalisti.ro — Nationalisti.ro
  16. wirtz


    nu. au dorit doar.....sa ma ameninte, sa ne sperie... insa aveau dreptul.... noroc ca am mentionat protest spontan pt care nu necesiti aprobare. faza veche din 2011 parca a fost.
  17. wirtz


    ok ... aparentele insala, plus ca e o simpla tigara... stai linistit. ai un +rep de la mine ca arunci vina pe drogati.
  18. wirtz


    exact... tocmai eu... nu? ) mai omule, uite aici: exact omul potrivit sunt eu pt asa ceva ) hai la o bere si discutam mai multe despre cum e treaba cu nationalismul si ce presupune. din anumite articole redactate ai lua niste bani cu tot cu acces la conturi precum adsense si alte firme publicitare. am nevoie de patrioti pentru articole insa nu date pe net. le vreau in mana. plus ca mai exista si alte treburi din care ies bani in mod legal insa metodele le tin mai asa... p.s.: nationalismul condamna acest lucru (a te droga/pastila). nu vreau sa fac nimic nasol. doar ca nu doresc sa discut pe net. motivul? se afla daca ne vedem. da un search pe google la numele meu (marius tranca fascist) , e simplu, nu am chef de probleme. treaba e legata de nationalism si anumite persoane de pe Plevnei stau si pe aici.... p.s. 2: nu iti mai pune locatia la profil si nici poza; eu macar am fost condamnat si e egal cu zero ca ma ascund sub un user sau nu.. insa nu iti doresc sa treci prin anumite lucururi sau sa intre ei sa te fileze. ai putin cap.
  19. wirtz


    Salut, Care esti din Buzau, lasa un P.M. sau un mail pe webmaster at nationalisti punct ro. Vba de afaceri ce nu pot fi discutate pe net cu toate ca-s legale. LE: doar useri cu reputatie si vechime pe forum.
  20. 1. Sa nu uiti sa postezi aici pentru ce te-au "fript". R: o sa aflu miercuri de la ING. 2. Pe WU sau payoneer nu iti ia impozit sau care e faza cu astea, explica mai bine, te rog ca sa stiu si eu ca foarte posibil sa am nevoie in viitorul apropiat ? Paypal nu face parte tot din aceeasi categorie ? R: pe WU nu iti intra in contul poprit, nu au cum sa te vada. 3. Cum adica sa bagi paypal la alte persoane ? Pai nu or sa plateasca aia pe numele carora e contul de paypal si tot acolo iesi ? R: adica din contul meu de paypal sa bag ce castig in alte conturi verificate ale unor prieteni/rude sa-mi dea banii in mana apoi dupa ce fac retragerea din conturile lor personale. logic ca nu te vede nici aici. 4. WU si payoneer sunt la fel de sigure ca si paypal sau risti sa nu mai scoti nici un ban de pe ele ? R: WU si payoneer sunt sigure, ti-a explicat si baiatul mai sus. 5. Se poate face respingerea platii pe wu si payoneer asa cum se face si pe paypal si sa te trezesti ca iti iei teapa dupa ce vinzi ceva cuiva ? R: aici nu stiu dar nu poate avea legatura cu ANAF sigur, doar de la vreo eroare.
  21. @bubbles - dupa ploaie .... ce vine?
  22. pai nici nu trebuie, sun direct la ING ca atunci au spus si dumnealor ca vor avea notificarea completa pt ce si dc. sunt chiar curios. ma stiu cu toate platile la zi si curat din toate punctele de vedere. insa uite cum te "iubeste" statul roman... ca sa nu folosesc alt termen.
  23. absolut NIMIC nu am facut @ZeroDoi .... am avut doar amenzi pe legea 61 care nu se prescriu (luate pt scandaluri pe stadioane) si care le-am platit chiar anu asta la inceput. am chitante si tot, dar erau doar 400 lei. p.s. la vremea respectiva nu luam un leu pe net. nici macar nu aveam paypal. pur si simplu aveam siteu, dar fara reclame, fara profit, fara abs nimic nimic. nu ma ocupam cu banii. ce sfat ai? bag adsense pe WU si restul gen paypal la alte persoane sau payoneer?
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