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Everything posted by XtremeGamer

  1. Treaba functioneaza in felul urmator : Cine vrea invitatie pe TorrentLeech , TranceRoute , Waffles , Bit-Gamer si IPTorrents va trebui sa isi cumpere invitatia de la ei si eu o trimit.Preturile difera intre 3-25 $ , cine vrea sa stie mai multe , PM me si va voi da un SS cu pretul de pe tracker ! Daca vreti o invitatie pe alt tracker gen , Bitme-TV , Goem , RevTT , tehconnection , TTi si altele , spune-ti si voi incerca sa fac rost + ca bonus veti primi si o invitatie pe BIT-HDTV ! Tot ce este aici este contra-cost , nu accept schimburi decat daca aveti TranceTraffic si pentru ce-i care au deja invitatii pe trackere-le de mai sus , faceti-va topic si dati-le , nu postati aici! Eu nu castig nimic , nu iau nici-un ban , eu voi primi doar VIP ! L.E : primu servit primeste si o invitatie pe freshon.tv
  2. Pana la urma o disparut singur , prima data o disparut pt 5 minute , o reaparut , o mai facut asa de vreo 3 ori si de 2 ore vad ca nu mai apare ; poate de la frig sau o fi intrat apa in el In fine , bine ca am rezolvat. Alta problema Cu doua zile in urma am scos cartela mea de Vodafone si am bagat una de Orange numa ca sa vad ceva pe ea(am facut asta cand telefonul era pornit).Dupaia am bagat cartela de Vodafone inapoi si culmea imi zice ca nu is abonat la un serviciu celular de date.Mentionez faptul ca in acea zi a mers netul(de vreo 2 luni nu o facut figuri) si nu am umblat la setari.Am incercat sa-i dau restart/hard reset , sa scot cartela , sa bag alta inapoi si nimic , chiar nu mai stiu ce sa fac.Ceva idei?
  3. M-am uitat si am incercat cablul(ma gandesc ca poate o fi gata).Am facut asa , am bagat telefonu la incarcat(in priza) , cand scot cablul apare mesajul acela , dupaia l-am conectat la PC si tot asa face.Mi se pare ca ii un bug de software , ca daca cablul nu ii bun mi-ar fi zis asta in momentul in care conectam telefonul la pc/priza
  4. Am reusit ! Am facut asa , am intrat in SBSettings --> Mobile Substrate Addons --> aici am dezactivat toate programele instalate de mine(mofturi) , mai putin ultrasnow , sandcastle , etc Dupa respring nu mi-o mai aparut Safe Mode , asa ca am luat fiecare program in parte , am pornit un program -->respring , am pornit altul -->respring , pana am ajuns la "vinovatul" , in cazul de fata DreamBoard.Ii ciudat faptul ca din cauza lui tot imi intra telefonul in Safe Mode , pt ca pana acuma o mers fara probleme. Acuma ca am rezolvat problema asta , o mai ramas alta problema : " Incarcarea nu este adminsa cu acest accesoriu " , imi apare mesajul asta dar telefonul meu nu este conectat la PC , casti sau altceva.Cu asta cum rezolv?
  5. Nu ii in DFU sau Recovery , astea doua nu au treaba cu Safe Mode , la asta ma refer : Nu l-am scapat in zapada/apa/foc dupa ce am dat "Resetati toate configurarile" , telefonul o repornit si de atunci o tine intruna in Safe Mode. Hai ca incerc o chestie in SBSetting si revin cu edit , sa vad poate scap de Safe Mode.
  6. Pff , nu-mi place sa fac asta , i-am mai facut odata update la ios 5 , dupaia downgrade la 4.2.1 si mi-o luat vreo 4 zile.Ce prostie , dintr-o chestie ca asta trebe iar sa fac jailbreak.Cand i-am facut eu mai demult jailbreak am folosit un program care imi facea custom IPSW(cred ca asa ii zice) iar apoi din Itunes : Shift + Restore si selectam acel custom IPSW ; cum se numeste programu ala ca nu mai stiu? (o sa fac restore si jailbreak daca nu am de ales , dar mai astept raspunsuri)
  7. De doua zile tot imi apare pe lockscreen "Incarcarea nu este admisa cu acest accesoriu" , dar chestia ii ca acest mesaj apare fara ca eu sa am telefonul la incarcat , cand ii la incarcat nu imi apare nimic.I-am dat restart , hard reset si tot nu disparea acel mesaj.Acuma i-am dat "Resetati toate configurarile" si pe langa faptu ca acel mesaj nu mi-o disparut , nu imi mai iese din safe mode.M-am uitat pe google/youtube si am gasit rezolvari dar numai daca eu as fi instalat recent , ceva aplicatii pe telefon(nu am mai instalat vreo aplicatie pe el de vreo 2 saptamani , mentionez ca azi am dat restart/hard reset si nu mi-o intrat deloc in safe mode. Ce ii fac? Inafara de a da Restore si chestii ce tin de ios , am jailbreak la el nu de alta.
  8. chiar ca btw , am facut 15 euro cu codurile 1212 , 1215 si 1217. 5 euro/cod , codurile merg o singura data.Care o mai reusit sa faca mai mult?
  9. aici ii "oferta" : Transpaygo Am folosit codurile 1212 , 1215 si 1217 = 15 euro Mai stie careva alte coduri?am incercat spre ex cu 1219 dar zice ca ii invaild,acuma daca trimit iar sms cu codurile alea imi zice ca pin-ul a fost folosit deja.
  10. ...ai folosit acelasi cod?sau pe toate trei? eu am reusit sa reincarc de doua ori (10 euro) //15 euro..corectez
  11. Si mie mi-o luat 15 eurocenti dar am primit 5 euro Mersi domnu
  12. Ii prea mica pt un tracker doar cu filme HD/Blue-ray/3D
  13. Dau invitatii nelimitate pe tracker-ul BIT-HDTV , postati aici un SS cu viteza voastra pe un server din Olanda iar daca sunteti acceptati va voi cere email-ul prin PM! //da-ti si voi REP daca a-ti primit invitatia !
  14. Il stiu pe prostu asta , mi l-o aratat un prieten acu 2 zile , imi place faza de la min 2 cand pica prostu .Bata-l soarele zici ca ii noul Fernando de la Caransebes
  15. Din ce am citit eu la ei pe site , va trebui sa utilizezi doar Google Chrome pt a fi monitorizat.Deci daca vrei sa faci bani si sa nu faci nimic , te bagi Apropo,acei 25$ is ca "gift card" , deci daca un joc pe Amazon costa 25$ il pot cumpara?Sau doar daca poate fi cumparat cu gift cards?
  16. Ii interesant site-ul , in 3 zile am facut 0.50$
  17. Asta-i simplu ! BTW , ca sa il faci ca executabil(.exe) : click dreapta pe desktop-->Shortcut-->si scrii acolo ce ai scris tu in tutorialul tau.Mai usor si mai "credibil".
  18. -->>How to make money with adf.ly and sharecash !! <<-- 1.First you have to make an account to adf.ly , sharecash and youtube. Making accounts to adf.ly and sharecash it's simple and FREE , use links: ShareCash : ShareCash.Org - Make Money Uploading Files! <<-- Adf.ly : AdF.ly - The URL shortener service that pays you! Earn money for every visitor to your links. <<-- 2.After you make the accounts go to sharecash and upload any file you want with a proper name.You must upload a file that probably is'nt free and only you have it,this is how you ar gonna convince people to download it.For example you can upload a file called "Need For Speed World Online Trainer 2012" or Top Eleven Be A Football Manager Tokens Hack" , any name you want. 3.Then go to "Upload Manager" and copy your link from the file you have just upload it. 4.Go to Adf.ly , paste your link and press "Shrink" , then you will get a shorten url.This is the link you have to share it to friend,forums,etc.People must click your link and then to download it from sharecash,this is how you ar gonna make money. 5.How to share your link: Method 1: Youtube This is an easy way to get started. People will download anything from youtube. So to get started make sure you have an account with youtube. Next go over to daily motion and find a good strip tease video where the girl gets naked at some point in the video. Download the video from daily motion using KeepVid: Download and save any video from Youtube, Dailymotion, Metacafe, iFilm and more! and fire up windows movie maker. The idea is that we want to post the video up to the point where it becomes obvious that the girl is about to show off some skin (boobs or bottom half) and then we cut the video right there. Now what your going to do is upload the cut portion to youtube. Since there is no actual nudity in this video (since you cut it out) youtube will not take the video down. Upload the entire video to sharecash and put the link in the description box next to your video. Give the video a long sexy name and watch as people download the entire video from your link in order to see the girl naked! Tons of people search for girls on Youtube so your videos will get plenty of views very fast. Method 2: Orkut and Myspace Signup to yahoo and myspace account. Make around 300-400 friends on them. It will take little bit of time but you can do it easily if you spend around 1 hour daily on that and add around 50 persons a day. Its not so easy but its not even so hard. I got around 500 friends within two weeks. Most important thing: Concentrate only of UK, US and Canada people because sharecash only pays for these countries signups. It would be much easier for you if you join US and UK communities. If you are comfortable then try to make your profile by a girl’s name. Mostly people add a girl more commonly than a guy. After creating a ID with 400-500 friends. Add your uploaded pic in your profile or update status. Method 3: Forums are your friend! Ahh yes forums my favorite place to get downloads from. So what we're gonna do for this method is find any porn forum and copy a few porn passwords that people post up. If you just look around at a few places like Dumpster Sluts Free Porn Forum you'll find a few passwords. Now go ahead and copy those passwords into a text document and archive it with winrar. Here's where we're going to do things a little differently. Most people will go and outright post these files on the forums with your download link. Now this will bring in a few bucks, but when the passwords run out or someone sees a few postings about how they already use these passwords, your thread is pretty much dead. Instead your going to sign up to as many porn forums as you can and place your download link in your signatur with anchor text such as "Free GangBros Passwords." Then just post all over the place saying things like "Wow nice video" or "Thanks for the videos" stuff like that so people will see your name and signature. If the forum will not allow your download link in the signature just make a free blogger blog with the download link on there and have your signature redirect them there with the same achor text. You will see huge traffic with this method, trust me everyone wants free porn passwords! Method 4: Roms and Emulators This is my biggest money maker by far, and its actually pretty easy to set up. The only reason that this is the most advanced method is because it requires a few things such as a website, hosting and some experience in creating a website and making it look decent. If you can make this method happen you will see a huge amount of downloads come through. What you do is search for nintendo ds roms and emulators in google. Now when you find a good site just download as many as you can. I use a few sites to download ds roms, but starting up I just went to mininova and downloaded a huge file with like 100+ ds roms. This got my site off the ground much faster and took the hassle out of downloading a 100 or so files seperately. Just upload all the files to sharecash seperately and post them on your new website. If you keep your site updated with new releases you can get a couple thousand downloads in a day easy. If you submit your site to any of the top 100 Rom lists you can get some awesome traffic that way. Altermatively you can submit to digg and reddit claiming that you've found the best DS Rom site on the web. Just remember to put a disclaimer on your site stating that all roms downloaded need to be deleted within 24 hours unless the legal copy is owned. That statement will keep your rom site legal so dont forget it! Method 5: Digital Comics Digital Comics are very popular on the web currently, and no one is using sharecash to promote online comics. There are a few things you can do here. For one you can visit Free Online Comic Books and download a few comics and then post them on a blogger blog. Of course digg traffic works well here since comics usually cost money to download online. Now what you do is visit the comic section pick a comic book you downloaded and post the front cover and then next to that post the download link. A small description will help with this and get a couple people commenting on it. Method 6: Exploit Lazyness This is probably my favorite method just because its actually very creative. What you need to do is go to any manual traffic exchange (look on google you'll find a ton) and sign up to a few. Upload a large picture or any small program that is about 1 to 2 megs in size and name it "Traffic Exchange Bot." Make a quick blogger blog and delete everything from the page except for the post and title. Make The title large and the body easy to read. State that you have a free traffic exchange bot that they can have to use for the traffic exchange they are on. You can customize the page and make one for each traffic exchange you use. People will download the file hoping for a bot, even if you dont have a bot for them to download once they download the file and see that its not a bot they will more than likely just move on with their traffic exchanging while you just got a download out of it! Make sure you .rar the file that you upload so it appears believable. You can participate in the exchange to get credits or just buy some, either way you will get conversions easily since everyone hates having to do manual traffic exchanges. Method 7: Take help of websites or blogs It was the simplest method and yet most reliable method. If you have a good website which got around 1K-2K visitors per day then create a simple banner and clock it with your sharecash URL. Try to give free ebooks related to your niche. Peoples just love free stuffs. For getting free ebook or something you can simply search on google, rewrite the whole content and then go. If you want to be bully then simply copy paste that method and give it for free. Ask your friends to place your free stuff clocked banner of URL to place on their websites or blogs. Method 8: Make your website or blog especially for sharecash People just love free stuffs. When you are start getting some decent money from sharecash, just invest in buying a domain and hosting and make website dedicated to downloading free stuffs. SEO it regularly or to improve traffic always do yahoo answers posting along with link back to your website. Just don’t spam them otherwise you will be punished.
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