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ripoff last won the day on March 26 2012

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    On Death Row

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  1. pune un "prieten" sa-l bage in locul tau
  2. Metodele 1 ,2 si 3 sunt de ewhore..cu asta poti face mult mai multi bani din afilieri cu siteurile de dating
  3. fa47bb06f6ea83e49cc70cd2a130f1dc
  4. Intrebare:noi de ce nu putem exploata asa zisul aur de acolo?Cum zic baietii aia in reclama ca si tata lu` tata a lucrat in mina...Acum de ce nu mai lucreaza? Va zic eu ce cred ..politicieni tradatori au inchis exploatarea( cum au inchis toate fabricile lu` ceasca) sa o vanda la corporatistii astia.Bine a zis cine a zis mai sus "asasinat economic" asta am patit noi,vina e tot a noastra ca am dormit in ghete
  5. ripoff

    phone login

    Am nevoie de un script care sa trimita un cod de acces pe telefonul userului pentru a face login(cum e la gmail). Nu stiu de unde sa pornesc,banuiesc ca sunt websiteuri 3rd party care ofera astfel de servicii dar nu reusesc sa gasesc nimic...Orice pont e binevenit.
  6. probabil se referea la donpen
  7. In this tutorial i will be going through how to set up a java driveby. Stage 1 - Downloading the java drive by 1.Download The Java Drive By Here 2. The password for the .zip is 'Fud.Drive-by.v2.Not.For.Noobs.By.Sinlord' *Credits For providing the java drive by go to Sinlord of HF* Stage 2 - uploading your files 1. You are going to want to sign up to Fileave (my personal favourite) or alternatively you Could sign up to any other file hosting website. 2. once you have your account ready navigate to the upload file tab, you are going to want to click upload>then browse As you can see i have navigated to the 'java drive by' folder and then i clicked on the template (facebook *highlighted green*) name i wished to use. 3. Upload all of the files in the template folder AND Upload you Keylogger/RAT aswell. It should look like this - *RED HIGHLIGHT = MY SERVER* Stage 3 - Making it work 1. Go to your files in Fileave. 2. Click edit on *index.htm* 3. scroll down to the bottom and replace 'http://www.yoursite.com/yourprogram.exe' with the direct link to your server. The link to your JavaDriveBy will be 'accountname'.fileave.com Your Java Drive By is Finished!!!
  8. Si chiar daca ai un site securizat 100% scris doar in html punctul slab va fi adminul,prin social engineering poti face orice.
  9. faceti update la drivers database doar,NU si la program. Driver Magician 3.50 Portable.rar download - 2shared
  10. hai ca ti-l fac eu pentru $100 ,ti-am dat pm cu idul, da-mi add doar daca esti de acord cu pretul.
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