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Posts posted by ripoff

  1. Masonii sau "astia care conduc lumea" din pacate nu isi dau seama ca o conduc intr-un mod distructiv si nu constructiv,daca ar vrea s-ar putea eradica saracia,bolile fatale si toate nenorocirile astea,ce dracu` a trimis omul roboti pe marte si mai departe :)

    si partea proasta e ca...din pacate pentru noi toti ,ei decid cate ore muncesti,cat ai salariu ,cat de bine o duci ,daca ai datorii sau nu etc...Despre partea cu datu` socoteala cred ca nu e unu p`aici care sa nu vrea sa aiba puterea lor si sa dea socoteala...cand o fi.

  2. Detin un site cu niste articole forex,business,money online etc cu trafic ~2000 unici pe zi .Am pus adsensul pe el ieri si totul mergea bine anunturie au aparut dupa circa 5-10 minute.Azi cand intru pe site vad ca in loc de anunturi apare "[AD]" am repus codul nimic.Contul nu cred ca a fost banat pt ca nu imi zice nicaieri acest lucru,si nici nu am primit vre-un email de la google.Stie cineva ce am patit?

  3. Zi-ne ce nick-uri are pe forum...


    | username | password | email |


    | london0 | 44d09539bf5b3fad225b5983c875dc43 | andreia.mihaela85@yahoo.ro |

    | rapt0r | 34cd6f53114e63e9d0504cc0f46f2c0e | sharku_no1@yahoo.com |


  4. la ce iti trebuie sa generezi toate hashurile posibile "de la 00000000000000000000000000000000 pana la ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff " eu nu inteleg.Majoritatea parolelor sunt de cel mult 15 caractere si contin cuvinte sau nume uzuale ,sunt multe baze de date pentru hashuri ,trebuie doar sa venim fiecare cu ce are sa le combinam.Inceputul e greu la noi :D

  5. 1) Run the bot

    2) Put in your account details and click login

    3) The box with 120 is the post timer, I prefer using 45-60 (pick an exact number)

    4) At the bottom remove the text and enter in your comment

    5) The search function allows you to search videos related to your keyword and scrape them. I do 6 pages as that gives around 20 videos per keyword

    7) Now your all done and its time to get to the good part click "TEST" to start the bot

    If everything runs fine without an error then hit start auto.

    Make sure to be smart with your posts, put brackets, commas or whatever around "." or com. Y0uTub3 doesn't allow stand alone links.

    The command functions are used to bypass the captcha requirement for multiple comments. You don't have to click those bots, the bot does its own thing.


    File Info

    Report date: 2011-05-11 23:18:23 (GMT 1)

    File name: youtube-bot-exe

    File size: 45056 bytes

    MD5 Hash: 8672ea85e7e20c649443007e827c5e8b

    SHA1 Hash: 0d106483cdf12cef06461afe4310a675d62c011a

    Detection rate: 0 on 6 (0%)

    Status: CLEAN


    AVG -

    Avira AntiVir -

    ClamAV -

    Emsisoft -

    TrendMicro -

    Zoner -

    Scan report generated by


    • Upvote 1
  6. Who Should Read This Book

    If you’re a system administrator in a Linux environment, you’ll benefit greatly by knowing how to

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    it running, you’ll want to start automating some of the routine administrative tasks. That’s where

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    data files to generating reports for your boss.

    Download Bible_-_Linux_Command_Line_and_Shell_Scripting.pdf for free on Filesonic.com

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