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  1. Update zilnic: https://www.facebook.com/rstforum
  2. Hak5 WiFi Hacking Workshop Part 1.1 This time on the show, part 1 of our WiFi from-the-ground-up series. Darren presents a wireless workshop at the Noisebridge hackerspace in San Francisco. If you're into Hak5 you'll love our new show by hosts Darren Kitchen and Shannon Morse. Check out Revision3 > HakTip Whether you're a beginner or a pro, Revision3 > HakTip is essential viewing for current and aspiring hackers, computer enthusiasts, and IT professionals. With a how-to approach to all things Information Technology, HakTip breaks down the core concepts, tools, and techniques of Linux, Wireless Networks, Systems Administration, and more. And let's not forget to mention that you can follow us on Hak5 (Hak5) on Twitter and Hak5 | Facebook, http://revision3.com/hak5/follow to the show and get all your Hak5 goodies, including the infamous wifi-pineapple over at HakShop — Welcome . If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to contact us at feedback@hak5.org. Hak5 WiFi Hacking Workshop Part 1.2 Published on Jul 19, 2012 by Hak5Darren This time on the show, part 1 of our WiFi from-the-ground-up series. Darren presents a wireless workshop at the Noisebridge hackerspace in San Francisco. If you're into Hak5 you'll love our new show by hosts Darren Kitchen and Shannon Morse. Check out Revision3 > HakTip Whether you're a beginner or a pro, Revision3 > HakTip is essential viewing for current and aspiring hackers, computer enthusiasts, and IT professionals. With a how-to approach to all things Information Technology, HakTip breaks down the core concepts, tools, and techniques of Linux, Wireless Networks, Systems Administration, and more. And let's not forget to mention that you can follow us on Hak5 (Hak5) on Twitter and Hak5 | Facebook, http://revision3.com/hak5/follow to the show and get all your Hak5 goodies, including the infamous wifi-pineapple over at HakShop — Welcome . If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to contact us at feedback@hak5.org. Hak5 WiFi Hacking Workshop Part 1.3 Published on Jul 19, 2012 by Hak5Darren This time on the show, part 1 of our WiFi from-the-ground-up series. Darren presents a wireless workshop at the Noisebridge hackerspace in San Francisco. If you're into Hak5 you'll love our new show by hosts Darren Kitchen and Shannon Morse. Check out Revision3 > HakTip Whether you're a beginner or a pro, Revision3 > HakTip is essential viewing for current and aspiring hackers, computer enthusiasts, and IT professionals. With a how-to approach to all things Information Technology, HakTip breaks down the core concepts, tools, and techniques of Linux, Wireless Networks, Systems Administration, and more. And let's not forget to mention that you can follow us on Hak5 (Hak5) on Twitter and Hak5 | Facebook, http://revision3.com/hak5/follow to the show and get all your Hak5 goodies, including the infamous wifi-pineapple over at HakShop — Welcome . If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to contact us at feedback@hak5.org. Hak5 WiFi Hacking Workshop Part 2.1 Published on Jul 25, 2012 by Hak5Darren This time on the show, part 2 of our WiFi from-the-ground-up series. Darren presents a wireless workshop at the Noisebridge hackerspace in San Francisco. Hak5 WiFi Hacking Workshop Part 2.2 Published on Jul 25, 2012 by Hak5Darren This time on the show, part 2 of our WiFi from-the-ground-up series. Darren presents a wireless workshop at the Noisebridge hackerspace in San Francisco. Hak5 WiFi Hacking Workshop Part 2.3 Hak5 WiFi Hacking Workshop Part 2.3 Published on Jul 25, 2012 by Hak5Darren This time on the show, part 2 of our WiFi from-the-ground-up series. Darren presents a wireless workshop at the Noisebridge hackerspace in San Francisco. Hak5 WiFi Hacking Workshop Part 3.1 Published on Jul 31, 2012 by Hak5Darren This time on the show, the conclusion of our WiFi from-the-ground-up series. Darren presents a wireless workshop at the Noisebridge hackerspace in San Francisco. Hak5 WiFi Hacking Workshop Part 3.2 Published on Jul 31, 2012 by Hak5Darren This time on the show, the conclusion of our WiFi from-the-ground-up series. Darren presents a wireless workshop at the Noisebridge hackerspace in San Francisco. Hak5 WiFi Hacking Workshop Part 3.3 Published on Jul 31, 2012 by Hak5Darren This time on the show, the conclusion of our WiFi from-the-ground-up series. Darren presents a wireless workshop at the Noisebridge hackerspace in San Francisco.
  3. [h=1]DeepSec 2010: LTE Radio Interface and its Security Mechanism by Herbert Koblmiller[/h] Published on Jul 30, 2012 by Sicherheitsforschung LTE Radio Interface structure and its security mechanism Herbert Koblmiller, T.B.A. LTE is using complete different Radio Architecture than GSM and UMTS and tries to simplify its Procedure- and Layer structure in order to improve data throughput and latency. Getting rid of the signalling overhead of UMTS but being comparable robust to GSM will possibly the path for LTE to become the successor for the next centuries. This could mean that security mechanism in the radio interface have to be flexible to future developments like LTE advanced.
  4. [h=1]nullcon Goa 2012: Application security cost management - By Ketan Vyas[/h] Published on Aug 1, 2012 by nullOxOO Increasing awareness about cost of data breach, regulatory compliance requirements and operational risk have increased spending for application security however economic downturn brought back the buzz word "do more with less". Security in development lifecycle hits budgetary constraints. This session will cover alternatives for business leader to achieve desired level of application security at rationalized cost.
  5. [h=1]DEFCON 15: LAN Protocol Attacks Part 1 - Arp Reloaded[/h] Uploaded by ChRiStIaAn008 on Jan 29, 2011 Speaker: Jesse "x30n" D'Aguanno Praetorian Global & Digital Revelation Ever wanted to hijack a connection between machines on a LAN, deny service between a host you're attacking and a log server or intrusion detection system, or maybe wanted to sniff traffic on a switched network? Now you can! Er, wait... You already could with the ARP attacks we all know and love. While these network attacks are quite effective, they do have their weaknesses, as well as security controls to help prevent them. In this talk I will build on the previous research in this field and introduce new, more reliable attacks against the ARP protocol which are much less identifiable and able to protect against. For more information visit: http://bit.ly/defcon15_information To download the video visit: Index of defcon-15-video - Good.net
  6. [h=1]25c3: OnionCat -- A Tor-based Anonymous VPN[/h] Uploaded by ChRiStIaAn008 on Dec 10, 2010 Speakers: Daniel Haslinger, Bernhard Fischer Building an anonymous Internet within the Internet OnionCat manages to build a complete IP transparent VPN based on Tor's hidden services, provides a simple well-known interface and has the potential to create an anonymous global network which could evolve to a feature- and information-rich network like we know the plain Internet today. Tor provides so-called "Hidden Services". These are services which are location hidden within the Tor network. This means that not only users are hidden but also services (destination). Tor manages this by assigning virtual addresses to them, so-called .onion-URLs. Tor builds all connections based on them. Unfortunately, access to hidden services is currently not very user-friendly which makes them unattractive although they could provide high privacy in today's world. OnionCat provides an IP-transparent service which does on-demand connections to designated hidden services. This is a Tor-specific virtual private network (VPN). Because of its IP-transparency any client program can use hidden services without further workarounds. This talk is about OnionCat in general, gives a brief introduction into its internals and application examples. More information about the 25th Chaos Communication Congress can be found via the Chaos Communication Congress website: 25C3: 25th Chaos Communication Congress Source: Conference Recordings - 25C3 Public Wiki
  7. Postasei la Tutoriale Video, nu vad tutorialul video.
  8. [h=3]CVE-2012-2808 : Android 4.0.4 DNS poisoning vulnerability Exposed[/h]Posted On 7/25/2012 12:19:00 PM By THN Security Analyst Android's DNS resolver is vulnerable to DNS poisoning due to weak randomness in its implementation. Researchers Roee Hay & Roi Saltzman from IBM Application Security Research Group demonstrate that how an attacker can successfully guess the nonce of the DNS request with a probability thatis su cient for a feasible attack. Android version 4.0.4 and below are Vulnerable to this bug. Weakness in its pseudo-random number generator (PRNG), which makes DNS poisoning attacks feasible. DNS poisoning attacks may endanger the integrity and con dentiality of the attacked system. For example, in Android, the Browser app can be attacked in order to steal the victim's cookies of a domain of the attacker's choice. If the attacker manages to lure the victim to browse to a web page controlled by him/her, the attacker can use JavaScript, to start resolving non-existing sub-domains. Upon success, a sub-domain points to the attacker's IP, which enables the latter to steal wild card cookies of the attacked domain, and even set cookies. In addition, a malicious app instantiate the Browser app on the attacker's malicious web-page. If the attacker knows the PID (for example, a malicious app can access that information), the attack expected time can be reduced furthermore. Vulnerability dubbed as "CVE-2012-2808" Android 4.1.1 has been released, and patches are available on AOSP. The random sample is now pulled from /dev/urandom, which should have adequate entropy by the time network activity occurs. Sursa: CVE-2012-2808 : Android 4.0.4 DNS poisoning vulnerability Exposed | The Hacker News
  9. [h=1]Introduction to Parallel Computing[/h] [TABLE=width: 100%] [TR] [TD]Author: Blaise Barney, Lawrence Liver[/TD] [TD=align: right][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [h=2]Table of Contents[/h] [LIST=1] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#Abstract"]Abstract[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#Overview"]Overview[/URL] [LIST=1] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#Whatis"]What is Parallel Computing?[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#WhyUse"]Why Use Parallel Computing?[/URL] [/LIST] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#Concepts"]Concepts and Terminology[/URL] [LIST=1] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#Neumann"]von Neumann Computer Architecture[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#Flynn"]Flynn's Classical Taxonomy[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#Terminology"]Some General Parallel Terminology[/URL] [/LIST] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#MemoryArch"]Parallel Computer Memory Architectures[/URL] [LIST=1] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#SharedMemory"]Shared Memory[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#DistributedMemory"]Distributed Memory[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#HybridMemory"]Hybrid Distributed-Shared Memory[/URL] [/LIST] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#Models"]Parallel Programming Models[/URL] [LIST=1] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#ModelsOverview"]Overview[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#ModelsShared"]Shared Memory Model[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#ModelsThreads"]Threads Model[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#ModelsMessage"]Distributed Memory / Message Passing Model[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#ModelsData"]Data Parallel Model[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#Hybrid"]Hybrid Model[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#SPMD-MPMD"]SPMD and MPMP[/URL] [/LIST] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#Designing"]Designing Parallel Programs[/URL] [LIST=1] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#DesignAutomatic"]Automatic vs. Manual Parallelization[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#DesignUnderstand"]Understand the Problem and the Program[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#DesignPartitioning"]Partitioning[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#DesignCommunications"]Communications[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#DesignSynchronization"]Synchronization[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#DesignDependencies"]Data Dependencies[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#DesignLoadBalance"]Load Balancing[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#DesignGranularity"]Granularity[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#DesignIO"]I/O[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#DesignCosts"]Limits and Costs of Parallel Programming[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#DesignPerformance"]Performance Analysis and Tuning[/URL] [/LIST] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#Examples"]Parallel Examples[/URL] [LIST=1] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#ExamplesArray"]Array Processing[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#ExamplesPI"]PI Calculation[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#ExamplesHeat"]Simple Heat Equation[/URL] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#ExamplesWave"]1-D Wave Equation[/URL] [/LIST] [*][URL="https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/#References"]References and More Information[/URL] [/LIST] [TABLE=width: 100%] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: #98ABCE] Abstract [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] This tutorial is the first of eight tutorials in the 4+ day "Using LLNL's Supercomputers" workshop. It is intended to provide only a very quick overview of the extensive and broad topic of Parallel Computing, as a lead-in for the tutorials that follow it. As such, it covers just the very basics of parallel computing, and is intended for someone who is just becoming acquainted with the subject and who is planning to attend one or more of the other tutorials in this workshop. It is not intended to cover Parallel Programming in depth, as this would require significantly more time. The tutorial begins with a discussion on parallel computing - what it is and how it's used, followed by a discussion on concepts and terminology associated with parallel computing. The topics of parallel memory architectures and programming models are then explored. These topics are followed by a series of practical discussions on a number of the complex issues related to designing and running parallel programs. The tutorial concludes with several examples of how to parallelize simple serial programs. Tutorial: https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/
  10. [h=1]Joe Stewart on APTs and Cyber Espionage[/h]August 1, 2012, 3:17PM by Dennis Fisher Podcast and Downloads digital_underground_101.mp3 Dennis Fisher speaks with Joe Stewart of the Dell SecureWorks Counter Threat Unit about his team’s new research on the landscape of APT malware families, who is behind the use of these tools and how poorly prepared most organizations are for attacks by these crews. *Podcast audio courtesy of sykboy65 Sursa: Joe Stewart on APTs and Cyber Espionage | threatpost
  11. [h=1]Seeing Through Walls With a Wireless Router[/h] Wi-Spy Click here to see this amazing image even larger. Kevin Hand In the 1930s, U.S. Navy researchers stumbled upon the concept of radar when they noticed that a plane flying past a radio tower reflected radio waves. Scientists have now applied that same principle to make the first device that tracks existing Wi-Fi signals to spy on people through walls. Wi-Fi radio signals are found in 61 percent of homes in the U.S. and 25 percent worldwide, so Karl Woodbridge and Kevin Chetty, researchers at University College London, designed their detector to use these ubiquitous signals. When a radio wave reflects off a moving object, its frequency changes—a phenomenon called the Doppler effect. Their radar prototype identifies frequency changes to detect moving objects. It’s about the size of a suitcase and contains a radio receiver composed of two antennas *and a signal-processing unit. In tests, they have used it to determine a person’s location, speed and direction—even through a one-foot-thick brick wall. Because the device itself doesn’t emit any radio waves, it can’t be detected. Wi-Fi radar could have domestic applications ranging from spotting intruders to unobtrusively monitoring children or the elderly. It could also have military uses: The U.K. Ministry of Defence has funded a study to determine whether it could be used to scan buildings during urban warfare. With improvements, Woodbridge says, the device could become sensitive enough to pick up on subtle motions the ribcage makes during breathing, which would allow the radar to detect people who are standing or sitting still. See image above for how it'll work. 1. MOVING SUBJECT When Wi-Fi radio waves bounce off a moving object, their frequency changes. If, for example, a person is moving toward the Wi-Fi source, the reflected waves’ frequency increases. If a person is moving away from the source, the frequency decreases. 2. REGULAR OL' ROUTER A Wi-Fi Internet router already in the room fills the area with radio waves of a specific frequency, usually 2.4 or 5 gigahertz. 3. BASELINE SIGNAL One antenna of the radar system tracks the baseline radio signal in the room. 4. SHIFTED SIGNAL A second antenna detects radio waves that have reflected off of moving objects, which changes their frequency. 5. PERP, SPOTTED By comparing the two antennas’ signals, the computer calculates the object’s location to within a few feet as well as its speed and direction. [h=2]BREATHE EASY[/h] Breathe Easy: It’s possible to detect a person’s breathing rate by surrounding him with radio waves. Neal Patwari’s wireless engineering group at the University of Utah designed a network of 20 inexpensive radio transmitters that are placed around a patient’s bed. Then they created an algorithm that detects a stationary person’s breaths better than current detectors do. Patwari plans to upgrade the algorithm by the end of the year to filter out body movements too. The system could someday be used in hospitals in place of tubes and masks. —Elbert Chu Sursa: Seeing Through Walls With a Wireless Router | Popular Science
  12. New Trojan “Aida1” has been Identified 2012-07-28 Hi After we ran our new Security Tool “Venak Could Technology” ( it’s not on public now, it’s on Maintenance ) we identified new Trojan called “Aida1” This Trojan used new Social engineering techniques to force computer users to execute the Trojan by user’s Rights click; also the Trojan has been spread By local Iranian Video Services ( “Aka Iranian YouTube” ) www.aparat.com As you can see the Trojan used lots of Enumeration Functions like Files and process and Etc. The attacker or attackers upload some free videos there and then attached this Trojan into comments part. MD5: 9c7002442ee10ee02d338e96708fb619 SHA1: dfdd88fc876d43a612d152e8c866619289255ff8 SHA256: a163d452b3d91e195ed9ece81ad5df331ca56a93baf488750079dd9776bf3913 Also Aida1’s Trojan used Internet Explorer Rights to bypass user’s Firewalls or Internet Security tools. Attackers sent a Message for someone – Aida is name of a Female Girl in Persian language We identified the other version of same Style worm which is used same trick to bypass most Anti Viruses and Internet Security solutions. As you well know most of Anti Viruses will be monitor the .exe files for hunting worms, but this worm will be Ran on “.Tso” file extension not “.exe” The system administrators or power user could not capable to detect the worm via Security tools like Task manager or Process explorer or anti Rootkits. PID 3748 is the Target Worm ( Process Explorer Can’t Verify that because it used the unusual Character ) But it is very similar to the original windows Service. The Worm’s file extension is “.Tso” not “.exe” – Venak and Avenak MPS Edition result If you had any comments and Questions you can ask it Via our Support Team at idea@u0vd.org or Support@u0vd.org Past week “Mehdi” or “Madi” worm was detected worldwide, this week “Aida1” ,we remembered the Alice and Bob ! , what the Nice Couples in Virus World ! Thanks, Support Team. Sursa: http://u0vd.org/index3.htm
  13. Cineva capabil sa faca acele tool-uri.
  14. Ba, Alina Dumitru a reprezentat cu SUCCES Romania la Jocurile Olimpice, si FIIND ACCIDENTATA a reusit sa castige medalia de ARGINT. Pula bleaga, Badea asta, pe langa faptul ca vorbeste mult si prost, ce pula mea a facut?
  15. [h=1]NIST Draft Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and Handling[/h]Tuesday, July 31, 2012 NIST announces the public comment release of Draft Special Publication 800-83 (SP) Revision 1, Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and Handling for Desktops and Laptops. Malware is the most common external threat to most hosts, causing widespread damage and disruption and necessitating extensive recovery efforts within most organizations. This publication provides recommendations for improving an organization’s malware incident prevention measures. It also gives extensive recommendations for enhancing an organization’s existing incident response capability so that it is better prepared to handle malware incidents, particularly widespread ones. Draft SP 800-83 Revision 1 updates the original SP 800-83, which was released in 2005. NIST request comments on draft SP 800-83 Revision 1 by Friday, August 31, 2012. Please send comments to 800-83comments@nist.gov, with the subject "SP 800-83 Comments" Downloiad the NIST Draft Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and Handling here: Guide to Malware Incident Prevention.pdf Sursa: NIST Draft Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and Handling
  16. Demonstrati-ne tuturor ca se poate. Imi place ca aveti initiativa. Bafta!
  17. [h=1]DeepSec 2010: Detection of Hardware Keyloggers[/h] Thanks to the DeepSec organisation for making these videos available and let me share the videos on YouTube. Speaker: Fabian Mihailowitsch, Independent Researcher Hardware keyloggers are tiny devices that are plugged between a computer keyboard and a computer. They are available for PS/2 as well as USB keyboards. Once plugged, they are able to record all key strokes and store them using an internal memory. Current models have various megabytes of memory, store the recorded data encrypted, support timestamping of the keyboard events and some even can transfer the key strokes wireless. However the main focus of hardware keyloggers is to stay undetected. Most manufacturers promote their models cannot be detected by software and thus have an advantage over software based keyloggers. But not just the manufacturers' claim hardware keyloggers to be undetectable, even the common belief is they cannot be detected. However that's not correct. Hardware keyloggers make slight changes to the interaction between the keyboard and the computer. These changes can be detected by software and used to determine whether a hardware keylogger is present or not. For example some USB keyloggers change the USB signaling rate or act as USB hub. These changes are quite obvious and can be detected easily. When trying to detect PS/2 keyloggers, things gets more difficult. Nevertheless it is possible. For example whenever PS/2 keyloggers tap the wire actively (this means the data is redirected via the microcontroller of the keylogger), this influences the transfer rate between the keyboard controller (KBC) on the motherboard and the microprocessor of the keyboard. Measuring this time delay, PS/2 hardware keyloggers can be detected too. During the talk an introduction to hardware keyloggers will be given. This introduction covers their features, how they work and gives a short market overview. Afterwards various techniques will be described to detect hardware keyloggers. Some of them are theoretical as they didn't work for the tested models. However others are practical and can be used in real case scenarios. For each technique a detailed presentation will be given, explaining the basic idea, the necessary technical background and the results in practice. Finally a proof of concept tool will be released, that implements some of the techniques to detect PS/2 and USB hardware keyloggers. For more information visit: Schedule - DeepSec IDSC 2010 Europe - Vienna, November 23-26, 2010 To download the video visit: DeepSec 2010 on Vimeo
  18. [h=1]DeepSec 2010: DIY Malware Analysis with Minibis by Aaron Kaplan and Christian Wojner[/h] DYI malware analysis with Minibis Aaron Kaplan & Christian Wojner, CERT.at This talk will show people how to use Minibis - the "mini Anubis" - massmalware analyzer. Since most malware is still easily run-time analyzable via virtualization, we can extract a wealth of knowledge via mass malware analysis. Participants will learn how to crunch through large numbers of malware samples and extract any information they seek such as resolved domain names, the top registry changes, etc. L. Aaron Kaplan and Christian Wojner work at CERT.at, the national CERT of Austria.
  19. [h=1]DeepSec 2010: LTE Radio Interface and its Security Mechanism[/h] Published on Jul 30, 2012 by Sicherheitsforschung LTE Radio Interface structure and its security mechanism Herbert Koblmiller, T.B.A. LTE is using complete different Radio Architecture than GSM and UMTS and tries to simplify its Procedure- and Layer structure in order to improve data throughput and latency. Getting rid of the signalling overhead of UMTS but being comparable robust to GSM will possibly the path for LTE to become the successor for the next centuries. This could mean that security mechanism in the radio interface have to be flexible to future developments like LTE advanced.
  20. BackTrack 5 R3 - Blackhat Edition ### Comment This is an upload of the BT 5 R3 ISO that was given to each attendee of Blackhat 2012. ### Screenshot bayimg - image: Screen Shot 2012-07-29 at 4.13.2 - free uncensored image hosting ### From Backtrack-linux.org The BackTrack Development team will be releasing an R3 revision of our Penetration Testing distribution in 2 weeks. This release focuses on bugfixes and over 50 new tool additions ?Çô making it the most potent revision yet. We have released a BT5 R3 preview in BlackHat Vegas for the enjoyment of conference attendees, which can be found in their delegate bags. The DVD contains a BT5 R3 Gnome, 32 bit edition ?Çô burnt as an ISO (as opposed to an image). We will be taking in our last bug reports and tool suggestions from the BH / Defcon crowds for our upcoming official release, which will be on August 13th, 2012. Current BT5 users can simply upgrade to the latest release using the regular update commands. More details will be released along with the full listing of new tools on the 13th of August. We hope you enjoy this fine release as much as we do! Source: http://www.backtrack-linux.org/backtrack/backtrack-5-r3-release-aug-13th-2012/ ### Hashes MD5: e2aed11ee6b63053ca2342a5441b22bc SHA1: 6c2ad022deb0219d990904c27aea4977f32a5f3c SHA512: 98cae81b41ab9405d3b8ab1caccad465a8e8b1bc41c7dac752614dd057b48404ee7820634f2d5729ec807efa5c49b7f45f6fee5e1fb062ca8fa2215e05e485fe Enjoy. -breadtk Download: http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/7486622
  21. [h=1]PEBrowse Professional Interactive[/h] [h=2]Windows Debugger (Win32/Win64)[/h] PEBrowseDbg64 Interactive (v3.1) is a 64-bit executable and requires the .NET framework. It will debug Win32/Win64 executables, managed (.NET) and/or native. PEBrowse Professional Interactive (v9.3.3) is a debugger for Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista32, and Windows 7. PEBrowse Professional Interactive and PEBrowseDbg64 Interactive build upon the framework presented by PEBrowse Professional to create very powerful, versatile, and customizable Win32 and Win64 user mode debuggers/disassemblers, respectively. PEBrowse Interactive is not a source code debugger, but operates at the Intel x86 instruction level and therefore at the lowest level where your program executes. The debugger fully supports Microsoft .NET managed processes and seamlessly allows interop or mixed-mode debugging. PEBrowseDbg64 Interactive is an x64 native-code debugger that fully supports 32 and 64-bit .NET programs, includes using pre-JITted metadata to set breakpoints and steps through .NET thunks. PEBrowse Interactive can be set as the startup debugger using the system registry Image File Execution Options key - useful for debugging ASP.NET applications. There is a large array of breakpoint opportunities, including: [TABLE=class: pagetable, width: 95%] [TR] [TD=width: 33%] process initialization module load thread startup module exports [/TD] [TD=width: 33%] debug symbols JITted (Just-In-Time) methods user specified addresses [/TD] [TD=width: 34%] memory breakpoints conditional breakpoints one-time breakpoints [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] When a breakpoint fires or an exception in the process occurs, the interface provides easy access to full process context, including: [TABLE=class: pagetable, width: 95%] [TR] [TD=width: 33%] loaded modules valid memory ranges debug log messages register values (including debug, floating-point, and segment registers) stack addresses disassembly at the breakpoint or exception address [/TD] [TD=width: 33%] virtually unlimited numbers of disassembly and memory displays additional process information, including thread information kernel, USER32, GDI32 objects (32-bit only) critical sections process environment startup parameters [/TD] [TD=width: 34%] heap display (32-bit only) execution path summary subroutine discovery intermediate language disassembly (for .NET managed modules) [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] There are all of the usual debugging features, such as single-stepping, stepping into/over call statements, executing until a selected instruction, as well as running to the next branch instruction. You can even add breakpoints on a specific IL statement in a .NET managed method. Memory DWORD/QWORD displays automatically indicate if the value is a valid memory address in the context of the debugged process and these values whenever possible resolve to symbolic names or important process regions, e.g., thread stacks, process heaps, and module sections. The color-coded disassembly displays also attempt to use symbolic information as well as offering various highlighting options designed to allow easy analysis of the code. There is even convenient access to a scratchpad, a calculator, and tables for hex-to-ASCII values, common Win32 error codes (32-bit only), and Windows message codes (32-bit only). There are many more options available on each window by accessing the context-sensitive menu items (popups are present also). Screenshot PEBrowse Professional Interactive: Screenshot PEBrowseDbg64 Professional Interactive: Download PEBrowse Professional Interactive. Download PEBrowseDbg64 Interactive. Read the Tutorial. Sursa: Windows Debugger
  22. [h=1]PEBrowse Professional[/h] [h=2]Windows Disassembler[/h] PEBrowse64 Professional (v3.1) is a 64-bit executable and requires the .NET framework. It will display both Win32 and Win64 executables, native, managed and mixed. PEBrowse Professional (v10.1.4) is a static-analysis tool and disassembler for Win32/Win64 executables and Microsoft .NET assemblies. With the PEBrowse disassembler, one can open and examine any executable without the need to have it loaded as part of an active process with a debugger. Applications, system DLLs, device-drivers and Microsoft .NET assemblies are all candidates for offline analysis using either PEBrowse programs. The information is organized in a convenient treeview index with the major divisions of the PE file displayed as nodes. In most cases selecting nodes will enable context-sensitive multiple view menu options, including binary dump, section detail, disassembly and structure options as well as displaying sub-items, such as optional header directory entries or exported functions, that can be found as part of a PE file unit. Several table displays, hex/ASCII equivalents, window messages and error codes, as well as a calculator and scratchpads are accessible from the main menu (calculator, messages and codes in PEBrowse Professional only). While the binary dump display offers various display options, e.g., BYTE, WORD, or DWORD alignment, the greatest value of PEBrowse comes when one disassembles an entry-point. An entry-point in PEBrowse is defined as: [TABLE=class: pagetable, width: 95%] [TR] [TD=width: 33%] module entry-point exports (if any) [/TD] [TD=width: 33%] debug-symbols (if a valid PDB, i.e., program database file, is present) imported API references [/TD] [TD=width: 34%] relocation addresses internal functions/subroutines any valid address inside of the module [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Selecting and disassembling any number of these entry-points produces a versatile display rich in detail including upper/lowercase display, C/Pascal/Assembler suffix/prefixing, object code, color-coded statements, register usage highlighting, and jump/call target preview popups. Additional information, such as variable and function names, will also be present if one has access to a valid PDB file. Disassembly comes in two flavors: linear sweep (sequential disassembly from a starting address) and recursive traversal, aka, analysis mode (disassembly of all statements reachable by non-call statements - extended analysis disassembles all internal call statements as well). The latter mode also presents local variables with cross-referencing, highlighting, and renaming options. If one adds/changes variable name or adds comments to specific lines, these can be displayed in a session file which will record and save all currently opened displays. PEBrowse Professional will decompile type library information either embedded inside of the binary as the resource "TYPELIB" or inside of individual type libraries, i.e., .TLB or .OLB files. PEBrowse Professional and PEBrowse64 Professional also display all metadata for .NET assemblies and displays IL (Intermediate Language) for .NET methods. They seamlessly handle mixed assemblies, i.e., those that contain both native and managed code. Finally, the 32-bit PEBrowse can be employed as a file browse utility for any type of file with the restriction that the file must be small enough that it can be memory-mapped. Screenshot of PEBrowse Professional: Download PEBrowse Professional. Download PEBrowse64 Professional. Read the Tutorial. Sursa: Windows Disassembler
  23. Nytro


    Scot cand ajung acasa.
  24. Site-ul demite-l.ro a fost spart Posted July 28, 2012 by George in Stiri IT Site-ul demilte-l.ro a fost spart de un hacker,utilizatorilor care doreau sa acceseze site-ul, le aprea un mesaj “RST” pe un fundal negru. RST vine de la Romanian Securiry Team. Administratorul site-ului demite-l.ro a reactionat imediat si a redictionat site-ul catre pagina de facebook “Demite-l.ro”. Pe forumul celor de la RST , utilizatori isi dau cu parerea privind spargerea acestui site. Unul dintre administatori forumului RST scrie “Nu cred ca am vazut site impotriva USL. Internetul e (inca) al nostru, apolitic. PDL si USL, aceeasi mizerie!“ iar un alt utilizator spune “Pentru ca era un site tampit A,da,hai sa-l dam jos pe basescu si sal punem pe..cine?un copil idiot(ponta) sau un idiot copil(crin)?“ Sursa Foto : RSTCenter.com Sursa: Site-ul demite-l.ro a fost spart Altele: - De ce Siteul demite-l.ro a fost SPART - www.tamtamuri.ro | www.tamtamuri.ro - REFERENDUM 2012: Siteul demite-l.ro a fost SPART de hackeri - Politic/Administrativ - ?tiri de Cluj - REFERENDUM 2012. Lovitur? de propor?ii - Siteul demite-l.ro a fost SPART | REALITATEA .NET - Site-ul "demite-l.ro" spart de hackeri - Stiri Interne - Forum Craiova Center - Site-ul Demite-l.ro a fost spart. Hackerii: Internetul e apolitic - Site-ul pentru demiterea lui Traian Basescu, spart de hackeri - REFERENDUM 2012. Lovitur? de propor?ii - Siteul demite-l.ro a fost SPART
  25. Nytro


    Baaa, jur ca nu stiam Am pus forum.php pe Default, mai fac ceva modificari zilele astea. Thanks.
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