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Nu asa, pack. Am mai stat o zi intreaga sa tot pun teme pe localhost sa vad care ar fi mai stralucite si erau numai porcarii. Alegeti cateva teme, mai reusite, mai intunecate, nu stiu, care sa dea bine.
O intrebare simpla: de ce? PS: Daca gasiti tema X360, parca asa se cheama, ceva asemanator cu tema curenta, ne mai gandim.
Da, trebuie un alt text, momentan nu prea am idei, veniti si voi cu una.
Salut. Deocamdata nu stiu cine esti, dar schimbatul username-urilor poate provoca multa confuzie in randul celorlalti utilizatori. Dar uneori mai schimb cate un username, doar la cei cu putine posturi.
E aiurea chestia cu "mata-i grasa"... Intre timp ganditi-va la un text mai potrivit, in loc de "we don't care...".
De la cel animat parca ma dor ochii, dar celalalte doua imi plac. Sa vad ce zic si ceilalti.
Mie imi place, dar sa fie altceva in dreapta, sau sa nu fie deloc. Si acele texte: shellcode, ASM-ul... Sa fie aranjate altfel, nu stiu, sa se cuprinda mai bine in peisaj.
Inj3ctor aveau o copie dupa milw0rm. Cat despre Happy Ninjas, tocmai asta e ideea, nu trebuie sa stie nimeni cine sunt, sunt "underground".
Da ma, asta voiam sa zic, ei doar se lauda cu lucruri facute de altii. De asta sunt niste ratati.
Defcon 2010 - Who cares about IPv6 Sam Bowne Tocmai l-am vazut, mi s-a parut interesant si prezinta cateva lucruri care ar trebui sa ne intereseze pe toti, lucruri bine de stiut. Durata: 26:57 Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIUgH2wVt_0
Nu stiu, probabil destul de mult, sunt multe articole intregi postate pe forum. Nu membrii ocupa mult spatiu.
De sarbatori RST a atins numarul de 40000 de membri. Este un numar destul de mare, speram sa creasca si mai mult, dar pe langa cantitate dorim si o crestere a calitatii discutiilor si a mesajelor de pe forum, putin mai multe discutii "tehnice". Speram sa fiti alaturi de noi nu numai ca numar, ci si ca activitate, sa va implicati mai mult. Nu aveti nimic de pierdut cat timp respectati regulile forumului, ale bunului simt si ale eticii. Sunt sigur ca avem printre noi multe persoane foarte inteligente, dar care raman in umbra. Am dori sa ni se alature si impreuna sa realizam ceva. Poate fi doar parerea mea, dar cred ca lucrurile incep sa se indrepte. Vreau doar sa va spun ca am vazut in globul de cristal ca in 2020 va veni un virus care se va numi Covid-19 si eu stiu de el.
Inca o data ratatii de la inj3ct0r au demonstrat ca sunt niste copii si ca nu prea ii duce capul. Ai dreptate pyth0n3. E motivul pentru care mi-am schimbat total impresia despre acesti baieti. Daca erau hackerii in vechiul sens al cuvantului, ar fi facut orice pentru accesul liber la informatie, adica NU ar fi cerut bani pentru niste cursuri care de fapt sunt mai mult pentru script-kiddies. Nici o data nu mi-au placut tutorialele despre "cum sa folosesti un program".
Merge si cu prima. Folderul se deschide cu executabilul "explorer.exe". E in C:\Windows\explorer.exe. Si daca apar spatii folosesti ghilimele. Cu placere
Se poate deschide in Explorer (cred ca asta vrei) cu functia asta: WinExec Function (Windows) Sau mai urat cu: CreateProcess Function (Windows) Nu stiu Delphi, dar cred ca aceste functii se afla intr-un fisier pe care trebuie sa il incluzi. In C++ mai e functia "system" din stdlib.h, dar nu cred ca te ajuta prea mult.
Ooo da, un vechi fan de-al meu cred. Nu stiu cum poti spune ca tu m-ai invatat VB6, cred ca nici macar nu stii VB6. Si nu cred ca am discutat foarte multe noi. Uite cum am invatat VB6: eram moderator pe un alt forum, care exista si azi sub un alt nume, si un baiat pe nickname E.M.I.N.E.M. m-a ajutat. Apoi am citit o carte "draguta" de 900 de pagini si inca una de 700 de pagini care era pentru VB5. Si multa practica, programele de 2 lei. Cum m-ai ajutat tu? Pe PSC am postat cateva proiecte la mult timp dupa ce le-am facut. Oricum, nu stiu prea multe despre tine, doar am o banuiala ca esti doar una dintre "victimele" mele. Nu imi aduc aminte mai nimic de tine, deci nu te-ai facut remarcat cu nimic, nici macar in sensul rau. In fine, ideea e simpla. Eu nu am nimic cu utilizatorii normali. Dar cand apar tot felul de specimente care nu aduc nici un folos forumului si tot ce fac e sa comenteze aiurea, nu am decat sa fac ceea ce trebuie, si sa le dau ban. Cine respecta regulile forumului, ale eticii si ale bunului simt nu are nici o problema cu mine. fmmets: As dori sa vad acel post. Da, mai facem publice adrese de mail si IP-uri ale persoanelor care incearca sa infecteze membri forumului sau cine stie ce tampenii mai fac. In rest nu facem asa ceva. Ar fi mai multe lucruri de spus, dar ce am spus aici cred ca e de ajuns.
Cum "sa afisezi"? Vrei sa listezi toate fisierele din acel folder, sa le ai in program, sau sa il deschizi in Explorer?
Sa vad daca reusesc sa dau de kwe.
Cred ca merge si asa Sau asa: Stiu, PS de 2 lei, nu ma pricep, dar am incercat si eu cate ceva.
VirtualBox 4.0 Simplifies Virtual Operating System Management, Adds Extensions Windows/Mac/Linux: VirtualBox 4.0 makes creating virtual operating systems a lot less bothersome. The interface is easier to get around, the virtual machines easier to move or wipe away, display and hardware compatibility is improved, and new "extensions" can add new capabilities. Previously, moving your virtual machines around, or deleting them and all their snapshots, required some knowledge of how VirtualBox stored your stuff, and some tricky XML editing. No longer, as VirtualBox adds commands to do a complete wipe of a machine, and also explains where your stuff is stashed. Beyond that deep-down fix, the interface has seen a pretty nice upgrade—stuff you would regularly look for before, like the prompt to load up an ISO file as a virtual CD drive, are now front and center, and the Settings dialog easier to move through progressively. There aren't many Extensions right now, but third-party coders may soon add some nice capabilities to this free virtual machine manager. And Oracle does offer up one extension, USB management, that will likely allow users of the open source version (usually distributed by Linux desktops) to get that previously unavailable capability. VirtualBox 4.0 is a free download for Windows, Mac, and Linux systems. If you're intrigued and want to get started with VirtualBox and virtual operating systems, try our beginner's guide to virtual machines, or take on the seemingly impossible by running Mac OS X on Windows in VirtualBox. VirtualBox 4.0 Changelog: Changelog - VirtualBox Sursa: VirtualBox 4.0 Simplifies Virtual Operating System Management, Adds Extensions
Florin Salam & Costi Ionita - M-am saturat de oameni perversi
Nu am PSD, nu am nimic. Trebuie decupat logo-ul de aici: O sa incerc si eu sa fac asta. Modificare: Am incercat eu sa decupez, fara acea urma alba. Apoi am pus putin Stroke. PSD: http://www.2shared.com/photo/bYgJ34Nn/RST_Logo_3.html http://www.filehost.ro/1639680/RST_Logo_3_psd/ http://www.mediafire.com/?4mhdzzcdhnk4b8u
Asta sa fie, cu vechiul logo, vechiul scut cu cei 3 si fara bordura, sau una mica de 1-2 pixeli. Cam asta e parerea mea.
Trebuie vechiul logo. Si sa se potriveasca cu tema. Si craciunita/craciunite, si ceva 1337 si RST. Cam asta ar fi pe scurt.
Botnets A botnet is a network of compromised computers that are controlled remotely and surreptitiously by one or more individuals, called bot-herders. Computers in the botnet, called nodes or zombies, are usually ordinary computers with always-on broadband connections, sitting on desktops in homes and offices around the world. Usually, computers belong to botnets because their owners or users have been tricked into installing malware that secretly connects the computer to the botnet and performs tasks like sending spam, hosting malware or other illegal files, and attacking other computers. Often the user never knows his or her computer is being used for nefarious ends. A botnet is in many ways the perfect base of operations for computer criminals. Botnet malware is designed to operate in the background, without any visible evidence of its existence. Often the victim has no idea that his or her computer is infected and so is less likely to subject it to a malware scan that might detect and remove the infection. By keeping a low profile, botnets are sometimes able to remain active and operational for years. Botnets are also attractive to criminals because they provide an effective mechanism for covering the tracks of the botnet user—tracing the origin of an attack leads back to the hijacked computer of an innocent user, where the trail ends. Getting a botnet up and running is only the first step. A botnet can be used as a platform for a variety of criminal activities, depending on how the bot-herders choose to configure the individual nodes. In addition to identity theft, botnets have many uses, including: Sending spam. Much of the spam sent today originates from botnets, which use several different techniques to get their unwanted messages past recipients’ mail filters. In addition to renting out the botnet to spammers, bot-herders also send spam themselves in an effort to increase the size of the network. Perpetrating distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. In a DDoS attack, multiple computers attack a target server (typically a web server) by flooding it with traffic, saturating the target’s bandwidth, and rendering it effectively unavailable to other users. Criminals sometimes threaten companies with DDoS in an effort to extort money from them, or they launch DDoS attacks against security researchers or others they believe have wronged them. DDoS has even been used in “cyber-warfare” attacks launched against countries or regions. Hosting malware or illegal content. Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks are effective mechanisms for retrieving or distributing media content. They work like search engines to locate media that people have made available. Some content is illegal, either to own or to distribute, so criminals often use hijacked computers as a place to store illegal content. Unwitting owners of hijacked computers may be delivered lawsuit papers by rightful content owners for distributing copyrighted material—or arrested by police for distributing child pornography. Hijacked computers are also used to host web pages used in phishing attacks and to host and distribute additional malware. Perpetrating click fraud. Criminals sometimes use botnets to generate fraudulent “clicks” on pay-per-click advertisements, such as those hosted by some search engines and other websites. The advertiser pays a fee to the advertising network for every click its advertisement receives, so click fraud can be used to financially harm a competitor. The most common method used for controlling botnets is Internet Relay Chat (IRC), a distributed system for real-time chatting. When the botnet is installed on a victim’s computer, it connects to an IRC channel that the bot-herder has established and waits for instructions. From there, all the bot-herder has to do to activate the bots is connect to the channel and type in some predefined commands, and they’re off—sending spam, launching DDoS attacks, hosting phishing pages, or whatever else the herder has in mind. Recently, botnets have even used P2P mechanisms for command and control, making them more difficult to shut down once discovered. Sursa: Reference Guide