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Cred ca o sa fac un astfel de post, dar cu unelte mai noi, insa cand o sa am ceva timp.
Ban. E periculos baiatu, nu vreau sa avem probleme Sau doar nu imi plac ratatii
Suntem lideri: Romania, tara cu cel mai rapid Internet din Europa
Nytro replied to Nytro's topic in Stiri securitate
"Up to 50Mb superfast broadband" 1 Mb inseamna 1 Mega BIT. 1 MB inseamna 1 Mega BYTE. 1 BYTE = 8 BIT Regula de 1337 simpla: 50 Mb = 6.25 MB Deci BANDA este de 6.25 MB, viteza care in practica nu prea se atinge. Ideea e simpla, pe langa datele trimise/primite la nivelul aplicatiei, sunt adaugate mai multe headere (YMSG, TCP, IP... ) care au si ele o anumita dimensiune. -
[PHP] Ajutor, nu pot lista directorul. Nu gasesc bugul in acest cod.
Nytro replied to Krisler12™'s topic in Programare
Amice, apuca-te de ceva anume, nu incepe sa "inveti" toate prostiile, ca te apuci de multe si nu o sa stii nimic. Ia o carte de PHP de la librarie/biblioteca, citeste-o si o sa intelegi. Nu iei orice cod si te astepti sa il poti intelege perfect, tu Rambo al programarii. -
Suntem lideri: Romania, tara cu cel mai rapid Internet din Europa Suntem lideri: Romania, tara cu cel mai rapid Internet din Europa Romania este tara europeana cu cea mai mare viteza medie de conectare la Internet, potrivit raportului "State of the Internet" pe trimestrul doi, realizat de Akamai Technologies. Raport "State of the Internet" Q2, Akamai Techonologies (PDF; 2,157 KB) Cu o viteza medie de conectare la Internet de 6,8 Mbps in trimestrul doi, in crestere cu 8,4% fata de aceeasi perioada din 2009, Romania s-a plasat pe locul 4 in topul tarilor (regiunilor) cu cea mai rapida conexiune la Internet, dupa Coreea de Sud, Hong Kong si Japonia, conform raportului mentionat. Totodata, Romania este prima tara europeana din top 10, unde mai sunt prezente Olanda, Letonia, Suedia, Cehia si Danemarca, scrie TelecomTV. Romania este fruntasa Europei si la capitolul numarului de orase incluse in Top 100 localitati cu cea mai mare viteza medie de conectare la Internet. Trei sferturi din cele 100 de orase sunt din Asia, in vreme ce doar 15 sunt din Europa. Din cele europene, o treime, adica 5, sunt din Romania. Orasele romanesti prezente in Top 100 sunt Constanta (cu o viteza medie de conectare la Internet de 8,5 Mbps in trimestrul doi), Iasi (7,9 Mbps), Timisoara (7,4 Mbps), Cluj Napoca si Bucuresti (6,3 Mbps). Constanta este de asemenea orasul european in care s-a inregistrat cea mai mare viteza de conectare la Internet in trimestrul doi, de 37,7 Mbps. Compania americana Akamai Techonologies este unul dintre cei mai importanti jucatori la nivel mondial in domeniul dezvoltarii de software pentru continut web. Infiintata in 1998, compania a avut anul trecut venituri de 860 mil. dolari si un profit net de 146 mil. dolari cu 1.750 de angajati. Sursa: Suntem lideri: Romania, tara cu cel mai rapid Internet din Europa
Lesson #1 - Introduction into VB.NET http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oY9uf7hgMoQ Lesson #2 - Variables in VB.NET http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uNEQ9hgUSM Lesson #3 - If Statements http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4Z3Zb1Mv48 Author: ViRuzz™ (cred)
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ITSecTeam Sell v2.1 ITSecTeam Shell version 2.1 released and you can download it from Tools section. New features of this version are: 1. Adding server informaton, php version and safe mode to the top of the shell page for ease of use. 2. System drives listing. 3. Adding icons to files and folders. 4. Opening files with direct link. 5. Downloading all of the files and folders of a special folder in zip format without using a specific function. 6. Direct downloading a file. 7. Maintaining working directory to use of whole site features. 8. Adding symlink in 2 ways: using os command line and php abilities. 9. Changing string to other formats. 10. Mail Boomber. 11. Local Crashing of php and apache. 12. Dumping databse into sql and gzip format. 13. Mass defacing of all folders with write access permission. 14. Downloading a file from other servers. 15. Performing remote DDoS attack. 16. Searching for all writable folders. 17. Bypass symlink and Mod security via htaccess and disabling safe mode and disable functions via php.ini if server configured unsuitable. 18. Remonving shell automatically. 19. Copying a file without using copy function. 20. Changing of shell template. 21. Removing bugs of former versions. 22. Adding event of last activities. 23. Disabling magic qoute in runtime. and so much more... Download: http://itsecteam.com/files/itsecteam_shell_2.1.rar
Cracking WPA/WPA2 Wireless Encryption Video: http://romanware.com/tutorials/cracking-wpa-with-back-track
Cracking WEP wireless with Back Track 4 (Virtual Machine) If you haven't heard of BackTrack yet, check it out! BackTrack is a Linux-based penetration testing arsenal that aids security professionals in the ability to perform assessments in a purely native environment dedicated to hacking. This system is a hacker's wetdream and is even used by the NSA for training. However, the purpose of this article is not to teach you to perform malevolent hacks! I wish to demonstrate to you the relative ease with witch a WEP encrypted wireless system can be compromised. WEP is useless for security these days and should not be ever used. Even when you restrict only allowed MAC addresses to your router, it still is not going to protect you! Probably around 80% of all wireless routers are currently using WEP. IF you are using WEP, switch to WPA or WPA2 encryption. With a very good password, WPA/WPA2 is pretty much uncrackable. Though I recommend actually installing BackTrack4 on a regular laptop as a full operating system, I will demonstrate using the BackTrack4 VM image since it is easier for most people to get working. You will need a USB wireless adapter to use the VM system and only a few I know of actually work. I recommend the TP-LINK TL-WN321G adapter. Its cheap and uses The rt73 chipset that is well supported for BackTrack4 and aircrack (installed on BackTrack already). NETGEAR WG111 USB wireless adapter will work ok too but has some minor flaws. To run the VM image , you'll need the vmware player. If you don't aready have it , its free here: vmware player (after you sign up and tell them a bunch of stuff!). Video: http://romanware.com/tutorials/cracking-wep-with-back-track
Nu mai postati aici la Offtopic lucruri care se incadreaza in alte categorii. Aici puteti posta ce nu are legatura cu restul categoriilor. Se umple sectiunea de tot felul de posturi care isi au un loc al lor si se ajunge la haos. Dupa cum va imaginati, sa nu va mirato daca veti primi avertisment in caz ca veti posta aici o cerere sau daca aveti nevoie de ajutor, de exemplu.
New Zero-Day Vulnerability Hits Internet Explorer Microsoft recently released a security advisory for a vulnerability in Internet Explorer which allows remote code execution. According to the report, the vulnerability—which affects Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8–is caused by an invalid flag reference within Internet Explorer, and was initially found on a single website, which has since been taken offline. Our researchers were able to acquire a sample of the exploit for the said vulnerability and have analyzed the threat. We detect the main page that delivered the exploit as HTML_BADEY.A. This page downloads a backdoor, which is detected as BKDR_BADEY.A. This backdoor, in turn, downloads various encrypted files. These encrypted files, when decrypted, contain the commands that the backdoor will perform. Further attacks exploiting this attack are likely. We have seen a new hacking tool, HKTL_ELECOM which allows cybercriminals to generate pages that contain the JavaScript code which exploits this vulnerability. This makes exploiting the vulnerability easier, which means that attacks that target will probably become more commonplace. It is not clear when this vulnerability will be patched, but until then users can take some steps to protect themselves. The beta version of Internet Explorer 9 is not affected by this vulnerability, and users can upgrade to this version to protect against this vulnerability. Other mitigating steps are mentioned in the advisory, but these mitigating steps will cause most, if not all, websites to load improperly. The mitigating steps force the use of a user-specified CSS style sheet (breaking site formatting) and disabling scripting (disabling many site features). Users can also check that Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is enabled, which will help reduce the potential effects of any exploits. Instructions for these mitigation steps are found in the Microsoft security advisory. Trend Micro users are well protected against this threat, with the malware threats used in this attack already detected. We also suggest downloading Browser Guard, an add-on for Internet Explorer that protects against IE vulnerabilities, including this particular attack – for free. Sursa: New Zero-Day Vulnerability Hits Internet Explorer | Malware Blog | Trend Micro
Universitatea Bucuresti, Facultatea de Matematica-Informatica, Sectia Informatica.
Internet Explorer 9 Beta Guide for Developers Contents Introduction All-around browser performance Web standards support for same markup New graphics capabilities harnessing the power of Windows PCs List of New Features Improved Interoperability through Standards Support Cascading Style Sheets, Level 3 (CSS3) CSS3 2D Transforms CSS3 Backgrounds & Borders Module CSS3 Color Module CSS3 Fonts Module CSS3 Media Queries Module CSS3 Namespaces Module CSS3 Values and Units Module CSS3 Selectors Additional CSS Capabilities CSSOM View Module DataURI Document Object Model Improvements Introducing the Enhanced DOM Parsing and Serializing XML to and from the DOM Document Object Model (DOM) Levels 2 and 3 DOM Core (L2 and L3) and Views (L2) DOM Element Traversal DOM L2 and L3 Events DOM L2 HTML DOM L2 Style DOM L2 Traversal and Range DOM Whitespace Handling ECMAScript 5 HTML5 HTML5 video and audio Elements HTML5 canvas Element HTML Parsing Improvements HTML5 Selection APIs HTML5 Semantic Elements ICC Color Profiles Selectors API Level 2 Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Basic Shapes Clipping, Masking, and Compositing Coordinate Systems, Transformations, and Units Document Structure Gradients and Patterns Interactivity Linking and Views Painting and Color Paths Text New Tools for Web Developers Pinned Sites Platform Versioning New Document Mode User-agent (UA) String Developer Tools Console tab Network tab User-agent switcher tool Measuring real-world performance Revision History Cateva lucruri utile din HTML5 si CSS3, in relatie cu Internet Explorer 9 (Platform Preview): http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/ie/ff468705.aspx
Gavin's Guide to 80x86 Assembly Copyright © Gavin Estey, 1995, 1996. All rights reserved. E un tutorial care ni l-a recomandat laboranta de Arhitectura Sistemelor de Calcul, unde facem Assembly, nu stiu daca l-am mai postat. E aici: http://stuff.pypt.lt/ggt80x86a/asm1.htm
vLaDdO96, astept o explicatie.
Singura problema e ca nu a dat credite cand a copiat tutorialul, desi tutoriale "Cum sa folosesti un program cu 2 butoane" sunt foarte inutile, autorul trebuia mentionat. Apoi, daca e de pe forumul ala de ratati, e 98% infectat. Cred ca toti de acolo au parolele tuturor de acolo, deh, ei sunt hackeri si "stiu" sa foloseasca un program cu 2 butoane. Sfatul meu e in primul rand sa nu va ocupati cu astfel de prostii, doar daca nu aveti cumva un motiv foarte serios, si daca vreti sa folositi asa ceva, cred ca acel forum nu este cea mai buna locatie de unde sa alegeti un astfel de program.
Da, comentezi aiurea, ii dadeam ban pana acum link-ul e scos... Nu vad unde e problema. Doar ca se muta la Gunoi.
Si asa nu o sa gaseasca nici un domeniu cei care chiar ar avea nevoie de unul. Pentru ca 45% dintre voi nu veti folosi nici un domeniu ales, si 45% veti folosi doar unul. Dar ce conteaza ca nu va trebuie, luati sa aveti Eu am luat doar nytro.free, sa speram ca il voi primi prin 2012.
Asta inainte de ce e mai sus: YouTube - Telecomanda Plural - NU STIU
La ce foloseste sa modifici un fisier text?
Am nevoie de codul sursa (PHP) al unui blog. [COMPLET!]
Nytro replied to Krisler12™'s topic in Off-topic
Parca la Selenity CMS facusem un mic sistem de blogging, dar chiar nu iti recomand porcaria aia ca materia de studiu. Invata HTTP/HTML/PHP/MySQL/JavaScript/CSS si o sa intelegi singur cum se face. -
Nu mai bine facem un program util, care sa faca ceva frumos?
Nu am acces, dar daca ii dai lu kwe sarutu ala o sa iti mareasca el spatiu. PS: Sa nu te prind fara o sticla de alcool, poimaine fac 3 zile de cand n-am mai baut :-> A, eu nu merg prea des la scoala, dar am si zile in care stau la aproape toate cursurile. Dai un semn. Mai e cineva la Universitatea Bucuresti la Informatica?
Am avut o mica problema cu mesageria privata, problema se datoreaza vBulletinului si browserelor cred, dar s-a rezolvat. Daca cineva mi-a trimis in ultimul timp un mesaj ce prezinta o anumita importanta, il rog sa imi trimita din nou. Nu voi detalia cauzele problemei, pot sa apara si la alte conturi, dar cred ca singura problema a fost la contul meu datorita unor "teste"
Basic: http://visualbasic.freetutes.com/learn-vb6/ Advanced: http://visualbasic.freetutes.com/learn-vb6-advanced/