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  1. Ce au mai facut virusii de la inceputul acestui an 26 mai 2009 Desi riscul prezentat de viermele Conficker in luna aprilie 2009 s-a dovedit a fi exagerat de presa dar si de catre producatorii de securitate, spammerii si hackerii au continuat sa fie deosebit de activi in exploatarea intereselor publice. Bazandu-se pe comportamente specifice userilor de e-mail si stiri de larg interes, spamerii au obtinut profituri considerabile din activitatea de disipare a "gunoiului" comunicational. Marele subiect al lunii aprilie l-a constituit gripa porcina, pe care spamerii nu au ezitat sa il exploateze in propriul interes, adaptandu-si mesajele in concordanta. Acest gen de subiecte sunt o reteta clasica de ademenire a utilizatorilor de e-mail, reteta folosita si in cazul mesajelor cu subiecte privind teribilul cutremur din Italia sau sezonul de plati fiscale din SUA. Au fost de asemenea lansate felicitari electronice cuprinzand linkuri catre programe scareware, iar botnetul Waledac a fost folosit pentru a promova orice, de la pariuri online la bunuri de larg consum false. In general spam-ul este intr-un proces de "renastere", inca de la data faimoaselor evenimente din noiembrie privind caderea McColo Corporation, evenimente ce au condus la o reducere temporara dar drastica a spamului. Rapoarte pe aceasta tema indica o revenire de aproximativ 70% a fenomenului. Studiile efectuate de AppRiver in luna mai 2009 confirma cresterea nivelului spamului inregistrat in luna aprilie 2009, valorile din aceasta perioada fiind similare cu cele din luna martie 2009, una dintre cele mai active raportate de cercetatori in ultima vreme. Desi majoritatea mesajelor de tip spam au fost trimise din Europa, America de Nord si Asia, luna trecuta America de Sud s-a alaturat acestei liste infame, cu o rata aproape egala cu cea a continentului asiatic (20% America de Sud, 22% Asia). Intr-un clasament al tarilor "emitatoare" de spam Brazilia ocupa primul loc, la mare distanta fata de celelalte candidate, fiind secondata de Statele Unite ale Americii, Turcia, India, Rusia, Polonia, Korea, Columbia, Ucraina si Romania. Din fericire numarul de virusi din mesajele spam a scazut substantial in ultima luna. Chiar si in aceste conditii AppRiver sustine ca filtrele companiei au capturat in jur de 11 milioane de virusi continuti de mesajele de e-mail. Cea mai importanta revenire o inregistreaza insa spamul prin imagini si fotografii. Desi parea putin probabil ca nivelurile de transmitere din luna martie (cand numarul mesajelor spam cu imagini au insumat mai mult decat cifrele inregistrate in lunile ianuarie si februarie cumulate) sa fie depasite, frecventa spamului grafic in aprilie a crescut cu un spectaculos 300%. 610 milioane de mesaje blocate si aproximativ 6% din spamul de orice tip aflat in circulatie acum reprezinta cifrele celui mai ridicat nivel de diseminare a spamului pe baza de imagini din ultimul an. Sursa: GecadNet
  2. Overview Visual Studio 2010 and the .NET Framework 4 mark the next generation of developer tools from Microsoft. Designed to satisfy the latest requirements of developers, Visual Studio delivers key innovations in the following areas: Democratizing Application Lifecycle Management Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) crosses many roles in a development organization. Traditionally, not every role has had an equal part in the process. Visual Studio Team System 2010 continues to empower an organization to build a platform for functional equality and shared commitment across its ALM process. Enabling emerging trends Every year the industry develops new technologies and new trends. With Visual Studio 2010, Microsoft delivers tooling and framework support for the latest innovations in application architecture, development, and deployment. Inspiring developer delight Ever since the first release of Visual Studio, Microsoft has set the bar for developer productivity and flexibility. Visual Studio 2010 continues the tradition by significantly improving the experience for all software development roles. Riding the next generation platform wave Microsoft continues to invest in the market-leading operating system, productivity applications, and server platforms to deliver increasing customer value. With Visual Studio 2010, customers will have the tooling support that is required to create amazing solutions around these technologies. Info: http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/products/2010/default.mspx Download: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=85520793-68fc-4361-a8b6-dc2cff49c8d2&displaylang=en Testing...
  3. The Microsoft .NET Framework 4 provides the following new features and improvements: The .NET Framework 4 works side by side with the Framework version 3.5 SP1. Applications that are based on earlier versions of the Framework will continue to run on that version. Just a subset of functionality is shared by all versions of the Framework. Innovations in the Visual Basic and C# languages, for example statement lambdas, implicit line continuations, dynamic dispatch, and named/optional parameters. The ADO.NET Entity Framework, which simplifies how developers program against relational databases by raising the level of abstraction, has many new features. These includes persistence ignorance and POCO support, lazy loading, test-driven development support, functions in model, and new LINQ operators. Enhancements to ASP.NET: New JavaScript UI Templates and databinding capabilities for AJAX. New ASP.NET chart control. Improvements in WPF: Added support in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) for Windows 7 multi-touch, ribbon controls, and taskbar extensibility features. Added support in WPF for Surface 2.0 SDK. New line-of-business controls including charting control, smart edit, data grid, and others that improve the experience for developers who build data centric applications. Improvements in performance and scalability. Visual improvements in text clarity, layout pixel snapping, localization, and interoperability. Improvements to Windows Workflow (WF) that let developers to better host and interact with workflows. These include an improved activity programming model, an improved designer experience, a new flowchart modeling style, an expanded activity palette, workflow-rules integration, and new message correlation features. The .NET Framework also offers significant performance gains for WF-based workflows. Improvements to Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) such as support for WCF Workflow Services enabling workflow programs with messaging activities, correlation support, durable two-way communication and rich hosting capabilities. Additionally, .NET Framework 4 provides new WCF features such as service discovery, router service, simplified configuration and a number of improvements to queuing, REST support, diagnostics, and performance. Innovative new parallel programming features such as parallel loop support, Task Parallel Library (TPL), Parallel LINQ (PLINQ), and coordination data structures which let developers harness the power of multi-core processors. Download: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=ee2118cc-51cd-46ad-ab17-af6fff7538c9&displaylang=en
  4. Kaspersky sucks, sa vad ce pot face
  5. Maine daca nu uit, imi ia mai putin de 1 minut, dar nu va mai merge pe versiunea 8. Postez aici.
  6. Ce iti e de ajutor, ca nu e nici un link, nu mai e bun de mult.
  7. Trebuie modificat un simplu sir ca sa mearga. PS: Folositi v1.2
  8. Florin Salam & Diana - Tu si eu
  9. Il inchizi de la procese.
  10. Da, fara testul cu broastele. Pai ma plictisesc si eu... Oricum nu sunt multi de banat... Nu cred ca are rost un test, daca aici se dadeau gogosi gratis mai ziceam.
  11. 91827 91872 92817 92871 97812 97821 ?
  12. Inregistrarile ar trebui sa fie libere, pentru oricine, chiar si pentru cei care vor CQ Killer. Cel putin asa, macar o parte din o sa inteleaga ca nu mai merge de 15 ani.
  13. Google Chrome cu 30 de procente mai rapid de Alex Hanea | 22 mai 2009 Browserul de la Google: Chrome, a primit un nou update, prin care se urmareste cresterea competitivitatii acestuia fata de concurenti si inlaturarea problemelor aparute pana acum. Acest update a modificat componenta “Java” a acestui browser astfel incat acum promite performante cu 30 de procente mai mari decat pana acum si deasemenea, ultimul update aduce cateva imbunatatiri si in ce priveste alte functionalitati, imprumutate de la alte browsere. Momentan Chrome inca nu poate fi folosit pentru alte sisteme de operare decat cele de la Microsoft, versiunile pentru Linux sau MAC OS fiind inca in dezvoltare.
  14. Microsoft, prins la furat inventii de Alex Hanea | 21 mai 2009 Microsoft, cel mai mare producator de software din lume, a fost obligat de o instanta americana sa plateasca daune de 200 milioane dolari unei companii canadiene pentru ca a folosit fara drept o inventie a acesteia in cadrul produselor Microsoft Word, transmite Bloomberg intr-un comunicat preluat de Mediafax. Instanta a gasit ca Microsoft a folosit cu intentie si fara drept o inventie brevetata de i4i LP, pentru procesarea electronica a documentelor prin produsele Microsoft Word. Compania canadiana poate cere instantei sa interzica folosirea inventiei. Microsoft a anuntat ca va ataca verdictul. "Credem ca dovezile demonstreaza clar ca nu am incalcat brevetul, care nu este valid", a declarat David Bowermaster, purtator de cuvant al companiei americane. Microsoft a mai fost obligat, la inceputul lunii aprilie, sa plateasca aproape 390 milioane de dolari despagubiri pentru folosirea fara drept a unei aplicatii care previne piratarea programelor, brevetata de compania Uniloc din Singapore.
  15. PE Explorer: Get the Power to Look Inside Executable Files. PE Explorer is the most feature-packed program for inspecting the inner workings of your own software, and more importantly, third party Windows applications and libraries for which you do not have source code. PE Explorer lets you open, view and edit a variety of different 32-bit Windows executable file types (also called PE files) ranging from the common, such as EXE, DLL and ActiveX Controls, to the less familiar types, such as SCR (Screensavers), CPL (Control Panel Applets), SYS, MSSTYLES, BPL, DPL and more (including executable files that run on MS Windows Mobile platform). Your Way for Viewing and Editing PE Files PE Explorer gives you the power to look inside these PE binary files, perform static analysis, reveal a lot of information about the function of the executable, and collect as much information about the executable file as possible, without executing it. PE Explorer leaves you with only minimal work to do in order to get an analysis of a piece of software. Once you have selected the file you wish to examine, PE Explorer will analyze the file and display a summary of the PE header information, and all of the resources contained in the PE file. From here, the tool allows you to explore the specific elements within an executable file. Besides being an effective Resource Editor, PE Explorer also provides several tools that elevate it to Power Coder status: an API Function Syntax Lookup, Dependency Scanner, Section Editor, UPX Unpacker, and a powerful yet easy-to-use Disassembler. With PE Explorer you can view and inspect unknown binaries, examine and edit the properties of EXE and DLL files, and correct and repair the internal structures of any PE (portable executable) files with the click of a button. With PE Explorer You Can - See what's inside an executable and what it does - Change and customize the GUI elements of your Windows programs - Track down what a program accesses and which DLLs are called - Understand the way a program works, behaves, and interacts with others - Verify the publisher and the integrity of the signed executable files - Say good bye to digging through bloated help files just to hash out an API reference - Open UPX-, Upack- and NsPack-compressed files seamlessly in PE Explorer, without long workarounds - Special support for Delphi applications One Program, Many Tools - PE Header and Section Viewer/Editor - Fast Resource Viewer and Advanced Resource Editor - Exported/Imported API Function List Viewer - Disassembler - Dependency Scanner - Digital Signature Viewer - UPX, Upack and NsPack Static Unpackers PE Explorer overview: http://www.heaventools.com/download/PE.ExplorerDataSheet.pdf Help file: http://www.heaventools.com/download/PE.Explorer.Manual.chm Download: http://www.heaventools.com/download-pe-explorer.htm
  16. Nytro


    Bun, sa alegem tema proiectului. Dar eu voiam sa alegem aceasta tema in functie de cei care pot participa. Ce teme de proiecte propuneti?
  17. Nytro


    Nu e ceva de moment, incerc sa indemn lumea sa nu piarda timpul degeaba.
  18. Nytro


    S-a vorbit mai demult despre asa ceva, dar fara nici un rezultat. Nimeni nu a mai facut nimic de mult, desi multi ar fi in stare. Eu unul nu prea am timp, dar o sa ajut cu ce pot, vreau sa va ajut sa va organizati intr-un proiect. Ce proiect? Nu conteaza, orice. V-ar ajuta foarte mult la lucrul in echipa. Ma refer in general la cei carora le place programarea. Asadar, daca ati fi interesati sa lucrati intr-un proiect, postati mai jos ce cunostinte aveti, preferabil mai detaliat ( nu "incepator" sau 300% - care e o mare tampenie ). In ce va consta proiectul decideti voi. Voi va veti organiza. Eu sunt doar cel cu initiativa, insa ma bag si eu. Ma bag in orice proiect care se va face in PHP ( + MySQL, cURL... ) sau in Visual Basic. Pentru inceput, cine se descurca binisor in PHP sau Visual Basic si are putin timp liber?
  19. xZu: Incepusem sa ma uit la Certified Ethical Hacking, dar m-am plictisit pentru ca nu sunt in romana sau titrate. Si cum am spus, initial am incercat sa pun nearhivate, dar nu a mers, o eroare ceva. Nici mie nu imi convine sa ocup 6,3 GB degeaba. dan_wtf: Nu pot, e prea mare. Ar dura prea mult. coolbyte: Daca nu ai cont nu prea ai ce face.
  20. '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Module : mDelRes ' DateTime : 16/05/2009 18:53 ' Author : Cobein ' Mail : cobein27@hotmail.com ' WebPage : http://www.advancevb.com.ar ' Purpose : Delete Version Info from a PE file ' Usage : At your own risk ' Requirements: None ' Distribution: You can freely use this code in your own ' applications, but you may not reproduce ' or publish this code on any web site, ' online service, or distribute as source ' on any media without express permission. ' ' History : 16/05/2009 First Cut.................................................... ' 16/05/2009 First Replace PADDING string Added........................... '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit Private Const RT_VERSION As Long = 16 Private Const FINDTHIS As String = "PADDINGXXPADDING" Private Declare Function BeginUpdateResource Lib "kernel32" Alias "BeginUpdateResourceA" (ByVal pFileName As String, ByVal bDeleteExistingResources As Long) As Long Private Declare Function EndUpdateResource Lib "kernel32" Alias "EndUpdateResourceA" (ByVal lUpdate As Long, ByVal fDiscard As Long) As Long Private Declare Function UpdateResource Lib "kernel32" Alias "UpdateResourceA" (ByVal lUpdate As Long, ByVal lpType As Long, ByVal lpName As Long, ByVal wLanguage As Long, lpData As Any, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetFileVersionInfo Lib "Version.dll" Alias "GetFileVersionInfoA" (ByVal lptstrFilename As String, ByVal dwhandle As Long, ByVal dwlen As Long, lpData As Any) As Long Private Declare Function GetFileVersionInfoSize Lib "Version.dll" Alias "GetFileVersionInfoSizeA" (ByVal lptstrFilename As String, lpdwHandle As Long) As Long Private Declare Function VerQueryValue Lib "Version.dll" Alias "VerQueryValueA" (pBlock As Any, ByVal lpSubBlock As String, lplpBuffer As Any, puLen As Long) As Long Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (dest As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long) Public Function DelVerInfoResource(ByVal sFile As String, Optional bReplacePadd As Boolean = True) As Boolean Dim lUpdate As Long Dim lLangId As Long lLangId = GetLangID(sFile) If Not lLangId = 0 Then lUpdate = BeginUpdateResource(sFile, False) If Not lUpdate = 0 Then If Not UpdateResource(lUpdate, RT_VERSION, 1, lLangId, 0, 0) = 0 Then If EndUpdateResource(lUpdate, False) Then If bReplacePadd Then Dim iFile As Integer Dim sBuff As String Dim sReplace As String sReplace = String$(Len(FINDTHIS), vbNullChar) iFile = FreeFile Open sFile For Binary Access Read Write As iFile sBuff = Space(LOF(iFile)) Get iFile, , sBuff sBuff = Replace(sBuff, FINDTHIS, sReplace) Put iFile, 1, sBuff Close iFile End If DelVerInfoResource = True Exit Function End If End If Call EndUpdateResource(lUpdate, True) End If End If End Function Private Function GetLangID(ByVal sFile As String) As Long Dim lLen As Long Dim lHandle As Long Dim bvBuffer() As Byte Dim lVerPointer As Long Dim iVal As Integer lLen = GetFileVersionInfoSize(sFile, lHandle) If Not lLen = 0 Then ReDim bvBuffer(lLen) If Not GetFileVersionInfo(sFile, 0&, lLen, bvBuffer(0)) = 0 Then If Not VerQueryValue(bvBuffer(0), _ "\VarFileInfo\Translation", _ lVerPointer, _ lLen) = 0 Then CopyMemory iVal, ByVal lVerPointer, 2 GetLangID = iVal End If End If End If End Function
  21. A big collection of IT, hacking, programming, security ebooks, tutorials, articles, videos. Cel mai mare forum romanesc de securitate: Romanian Security Team PS C:UsersAdmin.Admin-PC> dir D:Informatica Directory: Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreFileSystem::Informatica Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- d---- 5/18/2009 6:02 PM 100 linux tips and tricks(pdf) da--- 1/11/2009 7:05 PM Abstractizarea Datelor. Clase si Obiecte d---- 5/2/2009 5:06 PM Algoritmi d---- 9/8/2008 7:08 PM Aplicatii multimedia d---- 1/13/2009 1:57 PM Application_Programing_Interfaceafcaf da--- 9/7/2008 9:00 PM Arhitectura Calculatoarelor d---- 1/11/2009 7:07 PM Atestat FoxPro da--- 9/7/2008 9:01 PM Automatica d---- 1/13/2009 1:58 PM Baze de date da--- 1/13/2009 1:59 PM Baze de Date FoxPro da--- 1/13/2009 1:59 PM C++ d---- 11/7/2008 4:13 PM Calculatorul electronic.doca2a03.doc d---- 1/13/2009 2:00 PM Carte MySQL Romana d---- 4/12/2009 5:05 PM CEH Videos d---- 4/12/2009 5:01 PM Certified_Ethical_Hacker_Lab_3.0 d---- 9/8/2008 7:27 AM Cibernetica da--- 9/8/2008 7:20 PM Clase Derivate. Mosteniri. Functii Virtuale da--- 9/9/2008 11:38 AM Curs ECDL da--- 1/13/2009 2:04 PM Curs Java da--- 9/8/2008 6:38 PM Curs Retele d---- 1/13/2009 2:03 PM Curs Word d---- 5/18/2009 6:02 PM Curs.Retele.de.Calculatoare da--- 1/13/2009 2:08 PM Cursuri pentru Fox Pro d---- 8/25/2008 1:06 PM Curs_Pascal d---- 2/23/2009 12:55 PM Defcon 15 d---- 9/8/2008 7:27 AM Despre programare d---- 11/7/2008 4:13 PM E-mail.doc07b21.doc d---- 11/7/2008 4:13 PM Emailc8f2c d---- 5/2/2009 9:13 PM Ethical Hacking v6 d---- 4/12/2009 5:05 PM Ethical Hacking Videos d---- 1/13/2009 2:06 PM grafuri2a4ed d---- 1/13/2009 2:06 PM GRAFURI_NEORIENTATE[1]e6512 d---- 1/13/2009 2:05 PM Hackeri.docd9c02.doc d---- 4/12/2009 5:01 PM HackersBlackBook d---- 5/18/2009 6:02 PM Hackersblog Tutoriale d---- 1/13/2009 2:06 PM Hardware.doc7d375.doc d---- 1/13/2009 2:07 PM INF - 3D.docfd537.doc da--- 9/9/2008 11:38 AM Informatica d---- 1/13/2009 2:09 PM Informatica_Codul_hackerului92178 da--- 1/13/2009 2:09 PM Inginerie Software d---- 1/13/2009 2:10 PM Interfere grafice d---- 8/25/2008 1:05 PM Java books d---- 1/13/2009 2:10 PM Java vizavi de C.doc13afb.doc d---- 1/13/2009 2:11 PM Limbaj de asamblare da--- 9/8/2008 7:21 PM Limbaj de Programare d---- 5/18/2009 6:02 PM Limbajul.C.in.Limba.Romana-FL.part3 d---- 11/7/2008 4:13 PM LinuxNou_B5_verc34eb d---- 1/13/2009 2:12 PM Macromedia Flash d---- 5/18/2009 6:03 PM Manuale d---- 1/13/2009 2:12 PM Manual_compresie_Video1e3fb d---- 1/13/2009 2:13 PM Metoda_Backtaking78253 d---- 1/13/2009 2:14 PM Microprocesoarelede2ce d---- 1/13/2009 2:14 PM pointeri.doc63b1c.doc da--- 9/8/2008 7:23 PM Prezentari in Power Point Turbo Pascal dar-- 9/8/2008 7:22 PM Programare in Limbaj de Asamblare da--- 9/7/2008 9:00 PM Programare Orientata pe Obiecte da--- 9/7/2008 9:01 PM Programarea Interfetelor Aplicatiilor Windows d---- 1/13/2009 2:21 PM Proiect SCR.docdf7b8.doc d---- 1/13/2009 2:21 PM Protocoalele_ARP,_RARP,_DHCP6ca82 d---- 1/13/2009 2:22 PM retele_de_calculatoare7b4f5 d---- 11/7/2008 4:13 PM retele_de_calculatoare984d8 d---- 1/13/2009 2:23 PM Robotica.docee279.doc d---- 1/13/2009 2:23 PM root.doca9cce.doc d---- 1/13/2009 2:23 PM Schema_de_alocare_a_fisierelor_pe_medii_de_stocarec2350 d---- 4/12/2009 5:06 PM Secrets_of_a_super_hacker d---- 1/13/2009 2:24 PM securitatea_si_elemente_de_eticaee28a da--- 9/8/2008 7:23 PM Supraincarcarea Operatorilor si Functiilor d---- 1/13/2009 2:25 PM switchul_de_retead4e02 d---- 5/18/2009 6:03 PM Symbian C++ Programming ebooks d---- 1/13/2009 2:26 PM TCP.doc8c479.doc da--- 9/8/2008 7:23 PM Tehnici de Compilare dar-- 9/9/2008 4:03 PM Totul despre Office si Visual Basic da--- 9/8/2008 6:41 PM Tutorate Internet d---- 1/13/2009 2:27 PM Tutorial LAN_W2k_Xp.pdf8306b.pdf d---- 1/13/2009 2:27 PM Tutorial MySQL.zip d---- 1/13/2009 2:27 PM vectoribd4a5 d---- 1/13/2009 2:28 PM Visual C d---- 5/18/2009 6:03 PM Windows Vista Annoyances Tips, Secrets, and Solutions - allfreebooks.tk d---- 5/20/2009 8:39 PM WindowsPowerShell_English_DocumentationPack.zip d---- 5/18/2009 6:03 PM Wrox.Beginning.PHP.6.Apache.MySQL.6.Web.Development.Jan.2009.eBook-DDU -a--- 5/18/2009 1:25 PM 227168 %28Ebook - Computer%29 Hacking The Windows Registry.pdf -a--- 10/16/2006 7:43 PM 6360398 A Practical Guide to Security Engineering and Information Assurance.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:51 AM 2703359 Accelerated C++.pdf -a--- 4/15/2009 7:56 PM 58200708 Addison Wesley - Fuzzing Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery_2007_Scaned.p df -a--- 4/13/2009 7:51 AM 1232674 Addison Wesley - More Exceptional C++.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:42 AM 5317174 Addison Wesley - OSPF. Anatomy of an Internet Routing Protocol.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:50 AM 9912987 Addison Wesley Advanced Windows Debugging.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 8:25 AM 33981351 Addison.Wesley.Cocoa.Programming.for.Mac.OS.X.3rd.Edition.May.2008.txt -a--- 4/13/2009 8:28 AM 2805708 Addison.Wesley.Design.Patterns.in.Ruby.Dec.2007.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:47 AM 24907459 Addison.Wesley.Mac.OS.X.Internals.A.Systems.Approach.Jun.2006.txt -a--- 4/13/2009 7:43 AM 4174193 Addison.Wesley.OSPF.and.IS-IS.Choosing.an.IGP.for.Large.Scale.Networks.Nov .2005.txt -a--- 4/15/2009 7:52 PM 7951859 Addison.Wesley.Pub.Exploiting.Software.How.to.Break.Code.eBook-kB.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 8:30 AM 1565802 Addison.Wesley.The.Art.Of.Unix.Programming.eBook-LiB.txt -a--- 4/13/2009 8:29 AM 3369501 Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, 2nd edition.txt -a--- 5/18/2009 1:31 PM 1024157 advancedjavascript.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:53 AM 2959437 AI For Game Developers.txt -a--- 5/18/2009 1:26 PM 8359388 Ajax For Dummies (2006).pdf -a--- 3/5/2008 7:43 PM 331264 Algoritmi 2.doc -a--- 8/31/2007 12:11 AM 3592944 An Introduction To Cryptography 2nd Edition.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:51 AM 835357 Andrei Alexandrescu - Modern C++ Design, Generic Programming and Design Pa tterns Applied.txt -a--- 3/18/2009 2:10 PM 123028 apihooking.pdf -a--- 7/17/2006 4:37 PM 478208 Aplicatii de retea in internet.doc -a--- 4/13/2009 8:28 AM 4135519 Apress.Practical.Ruby.Gems.Apr.2007.pdf -a--- 4/10/2007 10:21 PM 632832 Arhitectura Platformei de Dezvoltare Net Framework.doc -a--- 3/5/2008 5:38 PM 1416192 Arhitecturi de Retea.doc -a--- 2/27/2009 3:45 PM 29246197 Art_Science_Of_CSS_Giveaway.pdf -a--- 6/14/2003 2:21 PM 168448 Aspecte de securitate în retele de calculatoare.doc -a--- 4/13/2009 8:23 AM 7180921 AspectJ in Action - Practical Aspect Oriented Programming.pdf -a--- 2/20/2009 9:12 AM 119007 Authenticode_PE.docx -a--- 9/1/2006 2:05 PM 219136 AutoCad.doc -a--- 10/28/2007 10:24 PM 43008 Backtracking.doc -a--- 1/11/2009 10:49 AM 760737 Baze de Date - In VFP.pdf -a--- 5/26/2008 1:01 AM 466432 Baze de Date Acces.doc -a--- 4/13/2009 8:29 AM 8091180 Beginning Linux Programming 4th ed.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:53 AM 2818547 Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers (New Riders 2004).txt -a--- 4/13/2009 8:26 AM 3959850 Beginning.CakePHP.From.Novice.to.Professional.Jul.2008.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:53 AM 7053450 Break Into The Game Industry.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:51 AM 3025949 Bruce Eckel.Thinking in C++ Vol.1.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:51 AM 2089683 Bruce Eckel.Thinking in C++ Vol.2.pdf -a--- 4/15/2009 7:53 PM 1167666 Bruce Schneier.Beyond Fear - Thinking Sensibly about security in an uncert ain world.pdf -a--- 4/15/2009 7:53 PM 748010 Bruce Sterling The Hacker Crackdown.pdf -a--- 4/15/2009 7:53 PM 5134597 Building Internet Firewalls 2nd ed 2000.pdf -ar-- 6/26/2000 9:25 AM 1346560 C#.DOC -a--- 4/13/2009 7:51 AM 537192 C++ Coding Standards - 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices.txt -a--- 4/13/2009 7:51 AM 510477 C++ Common Knowledge Essential Intermediate Programming.txt -a--- 4/13/2009 7:51 AM 3089594 C++ In Action Industrial Strength Programming Techniques.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:51 AM 754998 C++ Templates - The Complete Guide.txt -a--- 12/4/2007 4:41 PM 302288 Capitolul 5 - Criptografie.pdf -a--- 5/22/2008 9:31 PM 222208 Caracteristici ale Limbajului HTML.DOC -a--- 3/15/2009 10:56 AM 438471 Changing the entry-point.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:53 AM 2255210 Chris Crawford on Game Design.txt -a--- 11/18/2007 2:21 PM 3474177 Cisco Press LAN Switch Security.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 8:30 AM 5378114 Code Complete - A Practical Handbook of Software Construction.2004.pdf -a--- 1/23/2008 3:49 AM 165939 Combinatorica si grafuri 1.pdf -a--- 1/23/2008 3:49 AM 105855 Combinatorica si grafuri 2.pdf -a--- 5/29/2008 5:29 PM 64000 Configurare Bios .doc -a--- 4/13/2009 7:57 AM 19428088 Core.Java.Volume.I.Fundamentals.8th.Edition.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:57 AM 20902725 Core.Java.Volume.II.Fundamentals.8th.Edition.txt -a--- 4/15/2009 7:51 PM 4036624 Covert Java - 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Modelul Client Server.ppt -a--- 10/5/2008 6:31 PM 77486 Socluri.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:48 AM 4704820 Solaris Internals - Core Kernel Components.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:48 AM 8996259 Solaris Internals - Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris Kernel Architecture.txt -a--- 4/13/2009 8:31 AM 1452649 Spidering Hacks.txt -a--- 4/13/2009 7:53 AM 690164 SQL Cookbook (2005).txt -a--- 4/13/2009 7:53 AM 6572222 SQL for Smarties - Advanced SQL Programming.pdf -a--- 2/14/2007 2:28 AM 1427309 SSL and TLS Essentials - Securing the Web.pdf -a--- 8/24/2008 12:19 PM 121926 Studiu asupra sistemelor de autentificare cu baze criptografice.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:50 AM 4437884 Subclassing and Hooking With Visual Basic.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:57 AM 3115765 Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Study Guide.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 8:29 AM 4530611 SYNGRESS - Ruby Developers Guide.pdf -a--- 4/15/2009 7:53 PM 11694630 Syngress,.Writing.Security.Tools.and.Exploits.(2006).pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:45 AM 16552820 Syngress.Linksys.WRT54G.Ultimate.Hacking.May.2007.pdf -a--- 4/15/2009 8:00 PM 77537545 Syngress.Sockets.Shellcode.Porting.And.Coding.Reverse.Engineering.Exploits .And.Tool.Coding.For.Se.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:45 AM 8672375 TCP-IPIllustratedvol01.txt -a--- 4/13/2009 7:47 AM 28623839 TCP-IPIllustratedvol02.txt -a--- 4/13/2009 8:27 AM 4651352 The Art of Multiprocessor Programming.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 8:25 AM 2988283 The Art of Prolog 2nd Edition Advanced Programming Techniques (Logic Progr amming).djvu -a--- 9/22/2008 2:10 PM 6199697 The Best of 2600 ~0470294191.pdf -a--- 4/15/2009 7:57 PM 925853 The Cuckoo's Egg.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 8:26 AM 12677798 The Definitive Guide to Symfony.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:48 AM 6541125 The Design And Implementation Of The FreeBSD Operating System (2004).txt -a--- 4/13/2009 7:53 AM 1704305 The Guru's Guide to SQL Server Architecture and Internals - Ken Henderson (2003).txt -a--- 7/12/2005 3:50 PM 1454742 The little black book of computer virus.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 8:31 AM 950148 The Pragmatic Programmer - From Journeyman to Master.txt -a--- 4/13/2009 8:28 AM 1867525 The Ruby Way - Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming, 2Ed.txt -a--- 3/26/2004 5:15 PM 1323741 The Secure Online Business E.Commerce It Functionality and Business Contin uity.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 8:25 AM 5405561 The Tomes of Delphi - Algorithms and Data Structures - Julian Bucknall.pdf -a--- 12/11/2007 4:14 PM 6038226 The Web Application - Hacker's Handbook.pdf -a--- 4/15/2009 7:52 PM 114690 The.Shellcoders.Handbook Source_Code.tgz.tar -a--- 6/18/2008 8:23 AM 895694 TheZendPHPCertificationPracticeTestBook.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 8:26 AM 4488777 Thinking Forth.Leo Brodie.pdf -a--- 6/24/2008 7:55 PM 4924631 Tutorial IT.pdf -a--- 2/20/2009 9:10 AM 32231 Tutorial PE 2.txt -a--- 4/13/2009 7:49 AM 3652078 Ubuntu Hacks(2006).pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:49 AM 6495768 Ubuntu Kung-fu.pdf -a--- 2/27/2009 3:38 PM 10671127 Ultimate HTLM Reference.pdf -a--- 4/15/2009 7:57 PM 1550334 Underground - 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Users.Nov.2007.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:50 AM 12402098 Windows NT File System Internals - A Developers Guide.oreilly.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:50 AM 4001379 Windows via CC++.txt -a--- 4/13/2009 8:29 AM 7157724 Windows.PowerShell.in.Action.Feb.2007.pdf -a--- 4/13/2009 7:50 AM 2392392 Windows.System.Programming.Third.Edition.txt -a--- 5/19/2009 8:50 PM 1772743 Windows_7_Developer_Guide_v1.4.docx -a--- 8/17/2008 5:19 PM 17394621 Wrox.Ivor.Hortons.Beginning.Visual.C.Plus.Plus.2008.pdf -a--- 2/21/2009 9:26 AM 7696778 XSS Attacks.pdf Torrent: http://filelist.ro/details.php?id=57545 E uploadat de mine, cu tot ce am strans de-a lungul timpului. Sunt si Certified Ethical Hacking videos, sunt multe. O singura problema. Sunt arhivate, e un singur fisier. Nu puteam uploada daca nu arhivam, torrentul devenea prea mare.
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    Kiwi Linux

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  23. Kiwi e un sistem de operare adaptat pentru utilizatorii din România. E bazat pe Ubuntu Linux, deci e gratuit, stabil, u?or de instalat ?i folosit, imun la viru?i, spyware ?i malware ?i vine pe un singur CD. O edi?ie nou? apare la fiecare 6 luni sau chiar mai des sincronizat cu lans?rile Ubuntu. Con?ine traduceri ?i corectoare ortografice pentru limbile român? ?i maghiar?, codecuri pentru muzic?, video ?i Flash, suport pentru conectarea la internet prin PPPoE (Romtelecom Clicknet ?i RDS). Poate citi ?i scrie pe parti?iile create de Windows, ?i lucra cu documentele deja existente create cu Microsoft Office. Deoarece Kiwi folose?te depozitele de pachete Ubuntu, actualiz?rile de securitate ?i de corecturi sunt automat disponibile ?i in Kiwi atâta vreme cât sunt ?i pentru versiunea Ubuntu pe care este bazat?, de obicei 18 luni. Pentru a-l încerca, porni?i calculatorul de pe un CD pe care a?i inscrip?ionat imaginea. Ave?i nevoie de 384 Mb de RAM pentru a-l rula in condi?ii bune. Dac? vre?i s?-l instala?i pe disc e nevoie de 4Gb spa?iu liber - fie parti?ie separat?, fie loc liber in parti?ia Windows, în cazul din urm? la instalare se va crea o parti?ie pentru Kiwi. Dac? nu aveti posibilitatea de a desc?rca sau inscrip?iona imaginea, pute?i comanda de la Linux Hangar în schimbul unor CD-uri goale. Linux hangar: http://linux.hangar.ro/linux-cd Download ( torrent sau direct link ): http://www.kiwilinux.org/download.html Discul con?ine nu doar sistemul de operare ci ?i programele care acopera o mare parte a activit??ilor uzuale. Mozilla Firefox 3 , pentru navigare eficienta ?i sigur? pe Internet. Pidgin pentru chat cu cei de pe Yahoo Messenger, MSN, ICQ, Google Talk, IRC ?i alte re?ele. Open Office 3, o suit? de birou compatibil? cu Microsoft Office. Gimp pentru prelucrare de imagini. câteva jocuri simple, playere pentru filme ?i muzic? ?i multe altele Aplica?iile men?ionate au ?i variante care ruleaz? pe Microsoft Windows, deci dac? nu sunte?i înc? deci?i s? trece?i pe Linux, pute?i face un prim pas spre libertate ?i legalitate prin a le desc?rca de la leg?turile de mai sus ?i a le instala. Sunt gratuite, libere ?i 100% legale. Un tutorial video despre folosit ?i instalat Kiwi Linux.
  24. Romania pe locul 19 la outsourcing de Alex Hanea | 19 mai 2009 Romania si-a imbunatatit semnificativ pozitia mondiala ca destinatie atractiva pentru outsourcing, urcand 14 pozitii in ultimii doi ani, pana pe locul 19, intr-un clasament realizat de compania de consultanta A. T. Kearney, in principal datorita imbunatatirii conditiilor din mediul de afaceri. Romania a avut cea mai buna evolutie in clasament si a inregistrat un indice GSLI (Global Services Location Index - indicele atractivitatii pietei locale) de 5,12, fata de 6,91 in India, liderul clasamentului, respectiv 3,98 in Portugalia, considerata cea mai putin atractiva destinatie inclusa in studiul pentru industria outsourcingului. "Romania si-a imbunatatit pozitia ca destinatie atractiva pentru serviciile de outsourcing, insa, pentru a beneficia de realocarea actuala a lantului de distributie, parte a gestionarii crizei, trebuie sa urce in continuare in clasament", se arata intr-un comunicat al A. T. Kearney, transmis luni angentiei Mediafax. Primele trei state clasate in studiu, India, China si Malaezia, si-au mentinut pozitiile din 2004, primul an de publicare a studiului, pana in prezent, iar indicii din 2009 releva un declin al popularitatii mai multor piete din Europa Centrala, respectiv Polonia, Cehia, Ungaria si Slovacia. Atractivitatea acestor tari ca destinatii pentru industria outsourcingului a scazut semnificativ odata cu cresterea costurilor necesare, generata in principal de majorarile salariale si de aprecierea valutelor locale in raport cu dolarul. "Castigatorii" din Europa au devenit, astfel, Romania si Bulgaria, datorita statutului de tari membre UE cu un profil de costuri redus, potrivit A. T. Kearney.
  25. Noi imbunatatiri in Windows 7 de Catalin Calciu | 18 mai 2009 Chiar daca Windows 7 a ajuns deja la versiunea RC, adica o versiune foarte apropiata din toate punctele de vedere de versiunea finala, observam destul de usor ca cei de la Microsoft nu doresc sub nici o forma sa repete greselile de la precedentul sistem de operare, Windows Vista, iar acum, pe langa compatibilitatea foarte buna, a aparut o noua preocupare a producatorilor sai. Conform ultimelor informatii, cei de la compania din Redmond au lucrat foarte indeaproape cu firma Intel pentru a imbunatati modalitatea de lucru alaturi de tehnologia proprietara Intel – Hyperthreading, pentru a profita la maximum de aceasta. Conform asteptarilor celor de la Microsoft, o varianta finala a lui Windows 7 va fi disponibila la mijlocul lunii august a acestuia an, si declara ca sunt “foarte, foarte aproape” de a atinge o compatibilitate de 100 de procente cu orice produs hardware sau software existent pe piata.
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