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Everything posted by mc1

  1. mc1


    Nu prea
  2. mc1


    aha :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@
  3. mc1


    "It will create a sql connection error with ipb forums, May work on other's." by xXKID TWISTEDXx </span> <span style='color:red'>http://www.megaupload.com/?d=D3LZAJ56
  4. mc1


    MD5, MD4, MySQL, SHA-1 hashes password recovery, password keeper, password generator, hash generator, dictionary generator, etc. http://www.insidepro.com/download/passwordspro.zip
  5. deci copii faceti-va toti huburi ca sa apareti inv:))
  6. mc1


    baiete nu m-am inreg aici ca sa-mi bat joci de n00bi sa fie FOARTE CLAR + k multe chestii puse pe forum(nu neaparat de mine)mai sunt detectabile dar nu fac nimic si tre' sa lucrezi cu antivu dezactivat dak vrei sa le folosesti sper ca te-am lamurit :? later edit:crezi k dak as posta prog facut de mine ca sa va sparg conturile de mess oricare,nu as lua ban?hm ink n-am luat deci.... you hurt my feelings
  7. mc1


    young one esti nebun bag de seama asa le detecteaza dar nu fac nimic si de ce pula mea as pune fisiere virusate?ca sa rad de voi? wtf
  8. Ca sa nu fac alt topic,cine imi gaseste un serial pt Switch ip adress v3.5.5
  9. aa nu mi-l schimb dar chiar nu stiu ce nu merge bine...am facut totul ca la carte:D:|
  10. dc spargi forum-uri de dentisti?alege manelistii later edit:Dak iti zic k nu-mi merge,ma crezi?
  11. hm www.poezii.ro ... am facut cum zicea in tut da numi merge
  12. Deejey G e o - M a i s u s m a i t a r e
  13. mc1

    Nice f`C@ing site

    www.whois.sc/IP "404 Error - Page Not Found We're sorry, we could not locate the page you were looking for." http://aruljohn.com/track.html mie imi pare destul de interesant Si la al 2-lea n-am zis ca e interesant Si "faza"cu trace ip din cmd... :?
  14. mc1


    Asta e
  15. mc1

    Trojan Toolkit

    pai sunt multe prog d'asta si tre sati dezactivezi antivu sa lucrezi cu ele...da nu fac nik :@
  16. :@
  17. mc1

    Trojan Toolkit

    pai toolkit ce iti zice ?
  18. Bruteforcing Programs Accessdiver (AD) by Jean Fages Code: http://www.accessdiver.com Sentry by Sentinel: Code: http://sentinel.deny.de/sentry.php Goldeneye by Madmax Code: http://madmax.securibox.net/products/golde...e/goldeneye.htm Form@ (specifically for FORM sites) by SSS - Code: http://sss.deny.de/ httpbugger By Ken78x (specifically for form sites and httpS form sites) Code: http://ken78x.securibox.net/ Caecus by Sentinel (For form sites that require an OCR [t4wsentry.pl]) Code: http://sentinel.deny.de/Caecus.php Ares by Gamoaa - Code: http://www.xisp.org/downloads/FACE_Setup.zip Brutus Code: http://www.hoobie.net/brutus/ AuthForce by Zachary P. Landau Code: http://kapheine.hypa.net/authforce/index.html Entry by Sparkleware Code: http://www.sparkleware.com/entry/index.html Xavior By LithiumSoft Code: http://www.btinternet.com/%7Elithiumsoft/Products.html Web Password Checker (WPC) .1 For UNIX by g1soft Code: http://www.securityfocus.com/tools/885/scoreit Munga Bunga's http Brute Forcer by Munga Bunga Code: http://www.hackology.com
  19. zbeng si daca si celalalt va disparea?si dak toate vor disparea?!crazy
  20. mc1


  21. si dp ce va creste fff mare xtrem de mare..daca dispare? :@ "Totul are un sfarsit" :@
  22. ms :@
  23. deci problema era k antivu sau la detectat si de asta sia pierdut efectu? later edit:kw3rln show me the tut
  24. hmmm l-am facut ^^ i lam dat unuia,la deschis si knd am dat relog la mess nu miau aparut offline messages cu passul sau?why? am config totu ca la carte :@
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