"It will create a sql connection error with ipb forums, May work on other's." by xXKID TWISTEDXx </span> <span style='color:red'>http://www.megaupload.com/?d=D3LZAJ56
baiete nu m-am inreg aici ca sa-mi bat joci de n00bi sa fie FOARTE CLAR + k multe chestii puse pe forum(nu neaparat de mine)mai sunt detectabile dar nu fac nimic si tre' sa lucrezi cu antivu dezactivat dak vrei sa le folosesti sper ca te-am lamurit :? later edit:crezi k dak as posta prog facut de mine ca sa va sparg conturile de mess oricare,nu as lua ban?hm ink n-am luat deci.... you hurt my feelings
www.whois.sc/IP "404 Error - Page Not Found We're sorry, we could not locate the page you were looking for." http://aruljohn.com/track.html mie imi pare destul de interesant Si la al 2-lea n-am zis ca e interesant Si "faza"cu trace ip din cmd... :?
Bruteforcing Programs Accessdiver (AD) by Jean Fages Code: http://www.accessdiver.com Sentry by Sentinel: Code: http://sentinel.deny.de/sentry.php Goldeneye by Madmax Code: http://madmax.securibox.net/products/golde...e/goldeneye.htm Form@ (specifically for FORM sites) by SSS - Code: http://sss.deny.de/ httpbugger By Ken78x (specifically for form sites and httpS form sites) Code: http://ken78x.securibox.net/ Caecus by Sentinel (For form sites that require an OCR [t4wsentry.pl]) Code: http://sentinel.deny.de/Caecus.php Ares by Gamoaa - Code: http://www.xisp.org/downloads/FACE_Setup.zip Brutus Code: http://www.hoobie.net/brutus/ AuthForce by Zachary P. Landau Code: http://kapheine.hypa.net/authforce/index.html Entry by Sparkleware Code: http://www.sparkleware.com/entry/index.html Xavior By LithiumSoft Code: http://www.btinternet.com/%7Elithiumsoft/Products.html Web Password Checker (WPC) .1 For UNIX by g1soft Code: http://www.securityfocus.com/tools/885/scoreit Munga Bunga's http Brute Forcer by Munga Bunga Code: http://www.hackology.com
hmmm l-am facut ^^ i lam dat unuia,la deschis si knd am dat relog la mess nu miau aparut offline messages cu passul sau?why? am config totu ca la carte :@