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Everything posted by adi123456789

  1. Driver Checker is designed to effectively detect the outdated or broken device drivers and satisfy the application upgrade requirements if you can not find the new versions available from the original manufacturers Driver Checker allows you to easily detect and update the latest drivers for your entire hardware devices. It can also back up the existing drivers and restore the drivers in case that you needed to reinstall or upgrade your operating system. Driver Checker provides an easy-to-use interface through which only a few clicks can make your jobs completely done with ease. If you have been frustrated with the hassles on the process of updating the latest drivers, then take it for a spin URL: Update driver, download drivers with automatic driver error fixing tool ? Driver Checker! Download: FileBox
  2. Edit : Detalii cont filelist : -Ratio: Inf. -Uploaded: 710.00 GB -Downloaded: 0.00 kB -Invitatii: 35 15 euro in paypal __________________
  3. Termina-ti cu circul ca m-am saturat.. Am o oferta si un pret, nu va convine vedeti-va de treburile voastre. Scump ???? Sunt 35 invitatii daca vinzi una cu 1 euro faceti voi calculele + iti ramane un cont cu ratio inf.
  4. DONE... Close this thrade
  5. El era rupt de beat abia vb limba romana si se chinuie sa vb engleza
  6. Edit : Detalii cont filelist : -Ratio: Inf. -Uploaded: 710.00 GB -Downloaded: 0.00 kB -Invitatii: 35 30 $ in paypal __________________
  7. Daca donezi 64 euro primesti 64 invitatii..si gata cu offtopic-ul, daca doriti sa comentati deschide-ti un thread la offtopic. Deci...cumpara cineva ?
  8. OFF Eu nu am cerut 1, 10 sau 100 dolari pe acest cont !!!!!! Am cerut doar oferte...
  9. Asta e buna de mutat in pizda matii de bou........daca nu ai treaba spanzura-te, sa scap de un prost ca m-am saturat de voi........X(X(
  10. Bine ai venit
  11. ai pm.................
  12. Detalii cont filelist : -Ratio: Inf. -Uploaded: 710.00 GB -Downloaded: 0.00 kB -Invitatii: 35 Astept oferte...........
  13. Bine ai venit.....ne asemanam si mie imi plac fetele
  14. Tradus: Am o problema: l-am instalat tot, am bagat licenta, dar este o versiune mai noua si nu apare remote control, am dat la optiuni, am selectat ftp, tot ce trebuie, dar nu-i chestia unde sa se salveze virusul. Cum fac ?? Uffffffff greu ...
  15. VisualSVN Server iti permite sa instalezii si sa gestionezi un server complet func?ional pe platforma Windows.
  16. Bine ai venit.
  17. Da asa se poate.Done.... Cu alta ocazie.. Cu placere....
  18. Ms Jimmy87 +1 rep..
  19. The best HTML, CSS and JavaScript editor is at your fingertips. Navigate through files easily. Use relevant autocompletion for everything in your code. Get notified : about code problems on the fly. Complicated languages mixtures with HTML markup or SQL inside a JavaScript? Check how a modern IDE such as WebStorm handles this. | Open an existing folder, check out the code from a VCS, or even specify your FTP to download and auto-sync your files with. You're up and running in moments. Watch this short demo on getting started. Download: FileBox
  20. VisualSVN Server allows you to easily install and manage a fully-functional Subversion server on the Windows platform. Thanks to its robustness, unbeatable usability and unique enterprise-grade features, VisualSVN Server is affordable both for small business and corporate users. VisualSVN Server is based on open standards and offers rock-solid stability, security and performance. Its key features are: * Works out-of-the-box * Powerful management console * Integrated Windows Authentication * Remote Server Administration * Access and Operational Logging Download: FileBox
  21. DESCRiPTiON N' iNSTALLATiON DualBootPRO is a utility designed to provide a user friendly interface for making changes to the Windows 7 boot menu and the Boot Configuration Data store. It is particularly useful when dual booting with Earlier versions of Windows. Being able to recover the ability to boot to Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP is another great function that it provides. Download: FileBox
  22. DONE ... 5 invitatii ramase
  23. Nu-i nici un deranj......dar nu se poate
  24. Invitatia a fost trimisa.
  25. http://www.220.ro/umor-romanesc/Tutorial-Scos-Capac-Sigurante-La-Logan/MlxZftN5FE/
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