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Everything posted by yakuZza22

  1. GIE Protector 0.2 este in engleza "by default" nu va impacientati Gie Protector description An easy-to-use software that will allow you to ensure that all your applications are protected. Compress and Protect Your EXE File(s). This way, you can be sure that nobody can alter their content. Here are some key features of "Gie Protector": · Customizeable Compression · Anti Debugger. · Fake Signatures Download Link: GIE.rar
  2. fEaRz packer 0.3 private Download Link: fearz.rar
  3. da...de programare.....grafica.....tools base...... poate vreti sa postati shi link catre mine ar fii tare bine
  4. asta asa e ca multi isi fac forumuri.....dar unii isi fac pt ca sunt interesati in programare in design ...in general tot ce tine de IT.....dar majoritatea isi fac sa se afle in treaba
  5. uite sursa poti sa faci ceva? Object = "{831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.0#0"; "MSCOMCTL.OCX" Object = "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.2#0"; "COMDLG32.OCX" Begin VB.Form Form1 BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single ClientHeight = 6465 ClientLeft = 45 ClientTop = 330 ClientWidth = 9990 Icon = "Binder-Form1.frx":0000 LinkTopic = "Form1" MaxButton = 0 'False MinButton = 0 'False ScaleHeight = 6465 ScaleWidth = 9990 StartUpPosition = 2 'CenterScreen Begin VB.Frame Frame2 Height = 3255 Left = 240 TabIndex = 13 Top = 240 Width = 7335 Begin VB.CommandButton Command4 Caption = "OK" Height = 255 Left = 3000 TabIndex = 14 Top = 1800 Width = 1335 End Begin VB.Label Label4 BeginProperty Font Name = "Courier New" Size = 18 Charset = 0 Weight = 700 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty ForeColor = &H00800000& Height = 375 Left = 360 TabIndex = 16 Top = 1200 Width = 2655 End Begin VB.Label Label3 Alignment = 2 'Center BackStyle = 0 'Transparent BeginProperty Font Name = "Courier New" Size = 42 Charset = 0 Weight = 700 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty ForeColor = &H00800000& Height = 975 Left = 0 TabIndex = 15 Top = 360 Width = 7335 End End Begin VB.Frame Frame1 Height = 1335 Left = 240 TabIndex = 3 Top = 3960 Width = 7095 Begin VB.CommandButton Command3 Caption = "Update" Height = 255 Left = 1920 TabIndex = 12 Top = 1680 Visible = 0 'False Width = 1455 End Begin VB.TextBox Text1 Height = 285 Left = 2280 TabIndex = 10 Text = "Stub.exe" Top = 360 Width = 2175 End Begin VB.OptionButton Option4 Caption = "App Path" Height = 255 Left = 5520 TabIndex = 9 Top = 840 Width = 975 End Begin VB.OptionButton Option3 Caption = "Temp" Height = 255 Left = 4440 TabIndex = 7 Top = 840 Width = 975 End Begin VB.OptionButton Option2 Caption = "Windows" Height = 255 Left = 3360 TabIndex = 6 Top = 840 Width = 975 End Begin VB.OptionButton Option1 Caption = "System" Height = 255 Left = 2280 TabIndex = 5 Top = 840 Width = 975 End Begin VB.CheckBox Check1 Caption = "Run File After Install" Height = 255 Left = 4800 TabIndex = 4 Top = 360 Width = 1815 End Begin VB.Label Label1 Caption = "FileName After Run :" Height = 255 Left = 600 TabIndex = 11 Top = 360 Width = 1575 End Begin VB.Label Label2 Caption = "Unpack Where :" Height = 255 Left = 600 TabIndex = 8 Top = 840 Width = 1215 End End Begin VB.CommandButton CmdBind Caption = "Bind" Height = 255 Left = 5880 TabIndex = 2 Top = 3600 Width = 1455 End Begin VB.CommandButton CmdAddFile Caption = "Add File" Height = 255 Left = 240 TabIndex = 1 Top = 3600 Width = 1455 End Begin MSComctlLib.ListView ListView1 Height = 3255 Left = 240 TabIndex = 0 Top = 240 Width = 7095 _ExtentX = 12515 _ExtentY = 5741 LabelEdit = 1 LabelWrap = -1 'True HideSelection = -1 'True FullRowSelect = -1 'True _Version = 393217 ForeColor = -2147483640 BackColor = -2147483643 BorderStyle = 1 Appearance = 1 NumItems = 0 End Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog CommonDialog Left = 3720 Top = 1680 _ExtentX = 847 _ExtentY = 847 _Version = 393216 CancelError = -1 'True DefaultExt = "*.pak" DialogTitle = "Open PAK" Filter = "PAK File (*.pak)|*.pak" Flags = 38930 End Begin VB.Menu Menu_Item Caption = "Item" Visible = 0 'False Begin VB.Menu Menu_Remove Caption = "Remove this File" End End End Attribute VB_Name = "Form1" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Explicit Private Const BinderName As String = "ZylomBinder" Private Const BinderVersion As String = "1.0" Private bGet As Boolean Private bSet As Boolean Private Sub CmdAddFile_Click() On Error GoTo AddFileError CommonDialog.Flags = &H1000 + &H4 + &H8 + &H800 CommonDialog.DialogTitle = "Add files to Bind" CommonDialog.Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*" CommonDialog.DefaultExt = Empty CommonDialog.ShowOpen Me.Enabled = False Me.MousePointer = 11 With Me.ListView1.ListItems.Add(, , CommonDialog.FileName) .SubItems(1) = CommonDialog.FileTitle .SubItems(2) = FileLen(CommonDialog.FileName) .SubItems(3) = "1" .SubItems(4) = "T" End With AddFileError: Me.MousePointer = 0 Me.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub CmdBind_Click() On Error GoTo BindError Dim v1 As Long CommonDialog.Flags = &H400 + &H4 + &H8 + &H2 + &H800 CommonDialog.DialogTitle = "Save Binded file" CommonDialog.Filter = "Exe File (*.exe)|*.exe" CommonDialog.DefaultExt = ".exe" CommonDialog.ShowSave If (CommonDialog.FileName = Empty) Then Exit Sub End If If FileExist(CommonDialog.FileName) = True Then Kill CommonDialog.FileName Call BindFiles(CommonDialog.FileName) MsgBox CommonDialog.FileName & vbCrLf & "was build OK", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Done" BindError: End Sub Private Sub SetSettings() Dim v1 As Integer If bGet = True Then Exit Sub bSet = True v1 = Me.ListView1.SelectedItem.Index Me.ListView1.ListItems.Item(v1).SubItems(1) = Me.Text1.Text If Me.Check1.Value = 1 Then Me.ListView1.ListItems.Item(v1).SubItems(3) = "1" Else Me.ListView1.ListItems.Item(v1).SubItems(3) = "0" End If If Me.Option4.Value = True Then Me.ListView1.ListItems.Item(v1).SubItems(4) = "A" If Me.Option3.Value = True Then Me.ListView1.ListItems.Item(v1).SubItems(4) = "T" If Me.Option2.Value = True Then Me.ListView1.ListItems.Item(v1).SubItems(4) = "W" If Me.Option1.Value = True Then Me.ListView1.ListItems.Item(v1).SubItems(4) = "S" bSet = False End Sub Private Sub GetSettings() If bSet = True Then Exit Sub bGet = True Me.Text1.Text = Me.ListView1.SelectedItem.SubItems(1) If Me.ListView1.SelectedItem.SubItems(3) = "1" Then Me.Check1.Value = 1 Else Me.Check1.Value = 0 End If If UCase(Me.ListView1.SelectedItem.SubItems(4)) = "A" Then Me.Option4.Value = True If UCase(Me.ListView1.SelectedItem.SubItems(4)) = "T" Then Me.Option3.Value = True If UCase(Me.ListView1.SelectedItem.SubItems(4)) = "W" Then Me.Option2.Value = True If UCase(Me.ListView1.SelectedItem.SubItems(4)) = "S" Then Me.Option1.Value = True bGet = False End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() Me.Frame2.Visible = False Me.Height = 5865 Me.Width = 7695 Me.ListView1.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() On Error GoTo LoadError Dim StubSize As Long Dim StubPath As String Me.ListView1.Visible = False Me.Width = 7695 Me.Height = 2955 Me.Frame2.Height = 2295 Me.Frame2.Width = 7335 Me.Frame2.Top = 120 Me.Frame2.Left = 120 Me.Label3.Caption = BinderName Me.Label4.Caption = "Version " & BinderVersion ListView1.View = lvwReport With ListView1.ColumnHeaders .Add , , "FilePath", 4000 .Add , , "FileName", 1500 .Add , , "FileSize", 1500 .Add , , "Run File", 1500 .Add , , "Unpack Where", 1500 End With Me.ListView1.GridLines = True StubPath = App.Path & "\stub.exe" StubSize = FileLen(StubPath) With Me.ListView1.ListItems.Add(, , StubPath) .SubItems(1) = "Stub.exe" .SubItems(2) = FileLen(StubPath) .SubItems(3) = "1" .SubItems(4) = "A" End With Me.Caption = BinderName & "-v" & BinderVersion & " StubSize = " & StubSize Exit Sub LoadError: MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error" Err.Clear End End Sub Private Sub BindFiles(BindFile As String) Dim v1 As Long Dim v2 As Long Dim v3 As Long Dim Str1 As String Dim Data() As Byte v2 = 1 For v1 = 1 To Me.ListView1.ListItems.Count v3 = FileLen(Me.ListView1.ListItems.Item(v1)) ReDim Data(v3 - 1) Open Me.ListView1.ListItems.Item(v1) For Binary Access Read As #1 Get #1, , Data() Close #1 Open BindFile For Binary As #1 Put #1, v2, Data() Close #1 v2 = v2 + v3 DoEvents Next v1 For v1 = 1 To Me.ListView1.ListItems.Count Str1 = Str1 & Me.ListView1.ListItems.Item(v1).SubItems(1) & "|" & Me.ListView1.ListItems.Item(v1).SubItems(2) & "|" & Me.ListView1.ListItems.Item(v1).SubItems(3) & "|" & Me.ListView1.ListItems.Item(v1).SubItems(4) & "|" Next v1 Open BindFile For Binary As #3 Put #3, LOF(3) + 1, "<>" & Str1 & "</>" Close #3 End Sub Private Sub ListView1_Click() Call GetSettings End Sub Private Sub ListView1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) If Me.ListView1.ListItems.Count > 0 Then If Button = 2 Then PopupMenu Menu_Item End If End Sub Private Sub Menu_Remove_Click() Dim v1 As Integer v1 = Me.ListView1.SelectedItem.Index If v1 > 1 Then Me.ListView1.ListItems.Remove (v1) End If End Sub Private Function FileExist(FileName As String) As Boolean If Dir(FileName) <> Empty Then FileExist = True Else FileExist = False End If End Function Private Sub Option1_Click() Call SetSettings End Sub Private Sub Option2_Click() Call SetSettings End Sub Private Sub Option3_Click() Call SetSettings End Sub Private Sub Option4_Click() Call SetSettings End Sub Private Sub Check1_Click() Call SetSettings End Sub Private Sub Text1_Change() Call SetSettings End Sub
  6. As dorii sa postez linkul catre voi pe forumul meu....asta daca nu e nici o problema... e ok? astept raspuns din partea administratorilor mersi
  7. nu iau cu copy paste.....pur shi simplu schimb codurile si le modific pt vb 2008....dar unele nu sunt cele care ar trebui sau vb 2008 nu le recunoste uite exemplu Error 1 'ListView1' is not a member of 'ZylomBinDer.Zylom'. Me.Enabled = False Me.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor With Me.ListView1.Items.Add(CommonDialogOpen.FileName) 'UPGRADE_WARNING: Lower bound of collection Me.ListView1.ListItems.Add() has changed from 1 to 0. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="A3B628A0-A810-4AE2-BFA2-9E7A29EB9AD0"' 'UPGRADE_WARNING: CommonDialog property CommonDialog.FileTitle was upgraded to CommonDialog.FileName which has a new behavior. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="DFCDE711-9694-47D7-9C50-45A99CD8E91E"' If Me.ListView1.Items.Add(CommonDialogOpen.FileName).SubItems.Count > 1 Then Me.ListView1.Items.Add(CommonDialogOpen.FileName).SubItems(1).Text = CommonDialogOpen.FileName Else Me.ListView1.Items.Add(CommonDialogOpen.FileName).SubItems.Insert(1, New System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(Nothing, CommonDialogOpen.FileName)) End If 'UPGRADE_WARNING: Lower bound of collection Me.ListView1.ListItems.Add( , , CommonDialog.FileName) has changed from 1 to 0. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="A3B628A0-A810-4AE2-BFA2-9E7A29EB9AD0"' If Me.ListView1.Items.Add(CommonDialogOpen.FileName).SubItems.Count > 2 Then Me.ListView1.Items.Add(CommonDialogOpen.FileName).SubItems(2).Text = CStr(FileLen(CommonDialogOpen.FileName)) Else Me.ListView1.Items.Add(CommonDialogOpen.FileName).SubItems.Insert(2, New System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(Nothing, CStr(FileLen(CommonDialogOpen.FileName)))) End If 'UPGRADE_WARNING: Lower bound of collection Me.ListView1.ListItems.Add() has changed from 1 to 0. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="A3B628A0-A810-4AE2-BFA2-9E7A29EB9AD0"' If Me.ListView1.Items.Add(CommonDialogOpen.FileName).SubItems.Count > 3 Then Me.ListView1.Items.Add(CommonDialogOpen.FileName).SubItems(3).Text = "1" Else Me.ListView1.Items.Add(CommonDialogOpen.FileName).SubItems.Insert(3, New System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(Nothing, "1")) End If 'UPGRADE_WARNING: Lower bound of collection Me.ListView1.ListItems.Add() has changed from 1 to 0. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="A3B628A0-A810-4AE2-BFA2-9E7A29EB9AD0"' If Me.ListView1.Items.Add(CommonDialogOpen.FileName).SubItems.Count > 4 Then Me.ListView1.Items.Add(CommonDialogOpen.FileName).SubItems(4).Text = "T" Else Me.ListView1.Items.Add(CommonDialogOpen.FileName).SubItems.Insert(4, New System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(Nothing, "T")) End If End With
  8. pai vezi tu ....uite un exemplu......isi shimba din visual basic 6 o comanda......iar in visual basic 2008 comanda respectiva nu o mai recunoaste...ini arata posibilitati de a schimba dar stiu ca nu sunt alea....shi faza e ca nu sunt nuci asa de avansat incat sa refac intregul cod sau sa schimb aceea comanda cu un intreg set de comenzi care sa ii tina locul ........ un exemplu.....am incercat sa tranform codul sursa al lui Bifrost 1.12 din VB6 shi apar o groaza de in cel din 2008....apar o groaza de erori poate imi trebuiec power packuri diferite....poate alte baze de date...nu stiu
  9. Cum pot transforma din un cod sursa din vb 6 la cel de 2008 ...pt ca vad ca imi da multe erori...cand se fac unele schimbari.....imi mai trebuie ceva in plus???..decat ce are vb 2008....plz help....vreau sa imi lansez shi eu niste chestii aici....shi imi face numai probleme Asta e un binder la care lucrez....incerc multe pe el.....e facut de mine...shi folosesc multe "imprumutate" din themida shi de la alte bindere...cu el am eu probleme Si asta e RATu pe care ....incerc sa it termin...dar tot dau de probleme...dar o sa il rezolv eu....eu zic ca o sa iasa unu chiar misto...o sa vedeti
  10. uitativa mai bine uite liku direct http://fs05n3.sendspace.com/dl/9062a1933b81de0bf6af4d04f0d4b005/47ff03126c9aa4fe/rhthel/L3vel-Crypter.rar
  11. HellLabs Proxy Checker v7.4.18 HostScan v1.6.5.531 Invisible Browsing v4.0 IPScanner v1.86 Ascii Factory 0.6 Cool Beans NFO Creator v2.0.1.3 Dizzy v1.10 Feuers NFO File Maker v2.0 Ims NFO&DIZ Maker 1.87 Inserter v1.12 NFO Creator v3.5.2 NFO Maker 1.0 Patchs All In One 2005 SoftIce 4.05 -Win 2000-XP IP Address Scanner IP Calculator IP Converter Port Listener Port Scanner April 2005 Ping NetStat 2005 Cool Trace Route 2005 TCP/IP Configuration Online - Offline Checker Resolve Host & IP Time Sync Whois & MX Lookup Connect0r Connection Analysator and prtotector Net Sender April 2005 E-mail seeker Cool Net Pager Active and Passive port scanner Spoofer Hack Trapper HTTP flooder (DoS) Mass Website Visiter Advanced Port Scanner Trojan Hunter Multi IP April 2005 Port Connecter Tool Advanced Spoofer Cool Advanced Anonymous E-mailer April 2005 Simple Anonymous E-mailer Anonymous E-mailer with Attachment Support Mass E-mailer E-mail Bomber E-mail Spoofer Simple Port Scanner (fast) Advanced Netstat Monitoring X Pinger Web Page Scanner Cool Fast Port Scanner Deep Port Scanner Fastest Host Scanner (UDP) Get Header Open Port Scanner Multi Port Scanner HTTP scanner (Open port 80 subnet scanner) Multi Ping for Cisco Routers TCP Packet Sniffer UDP flooder Cool Resolve and Ping Multi IP ping File Dependency Sniffer EXE-joiner Encrypter Advanced Encryption File Difference Engine File Comparasion Mass File Renamer Add Bytes to EXE 5Cool Cool Variable Encryption 59) Simple File Encryption 60) ASCII to Binary Enigma Password Unmasker Credit Card Number Validate and generate Create Local HTTP Server eXtreme UDP Flooder Web Server Scanner Force Reboot Cool Webpage Info Seeker Bouncer Advanced Packet Sniffer IRC server creater Connection Tester Fake Mail Sender Bandwidth Monitor Remote Desktop Protocol Scanner MX Query Messenger Packet Sniffer Cool API Spy DHCP Restart File Merger E-mail Extractor (crawler / harvester bot) Open FTP Scanner Fast Patch Predators Extreme Loader Generator 0.3 Srlzer - Patch generator Yodas Process Patcher Buddha Patch File Creator 2.2 CodeFusion Cool Beans NFO Creator 2.0.1 build 3 Patch Creation Wizard v1.2 Patch On The Fly v0.75 Rlzer RTD - WINpatch v1.0 Tolas Patching Engine Analysis : OllyDbg 1.10 W32Dasm 8.93 /w patch PEiD 0.92 Rebuilding : ImpRec 1.6 Revirgin 1.3 LordPE RoyalITS Packers : FSG 2.0 MEW 11 1.2 SE UPX 1.25 Patchers : dUP 1.11 CodeFusion 3.0 Universal Patcher Pro 2.0 aPatch 1.07 (*New) PMaker (*New) Tolas Patch Engine 2.03b (*Nuevo) ABEL Loader 2.31 (*Nuevo) Hex Editors : BView 5.6.2 Decompilers : DeDe 3.50.04 Flasm Unpackers : Alot! ( ASProtect, ACProtect etc ) Altele : FileMon RegMon RSATool 2 d*mn HashCalc Krugers ToolBox EVACleaner 2.7 (*New) Process Explorer (*New) Resource Hacker (*New) PUPE (*New) http://rapidshare.com/files/66351345/appz1.zip http://rapidshare.com/files/66351193/appz2.zip sau http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UVW1D7WC
  12. L3vel-Crypter Language - Delphi 7 Coded - x-zer0 Este un cryptor simplu Testat cu Bifrost si PI shi este nedetectabil 97% http://www.sendspace.com/file/rhthel
  13. intradevar ...e vechiut ....dar incearcal...e o varianta private
  14. Hackers Black Pack AIO Cracking: You can use this programs to very easily access password protected sites like XXX sites (sex web sites). If you have forgotten an important password, that is no problem for the password crackers. They automatically track down every password. You can avoid every password. Passwords are every where on computers and the Internet. Proxy: Use this programs to access the net through a proxy server, thus remaining anonymous. "Surfing the net Anonymously" IRC: Has someone ever annoyed you in a chat? You can throw such people out using this program. You can also hack other users' passwords or even those of complete channels. You can do whatever you want in a chat room. This will definitely make chatting much more interesting. Nuke programs: You can bring a PC to a complete standstill using this programs. You simply need to enter the victim's IP and you can then attack his PC straight away. Keylogger: This programs overlook every key typed on your computer and displays this to you. You can therefore know what a third party does on your computer. Protection: Several useful programs that will make things far much easier for you and your computer. You decide what other people may be able to do on your computer, which programs they can see or open up. Very recommendable. Virus protection: Protect yourself against the ever rising risks of viruses using this program, and avoid being a victim of viral attacks, loosing data or even incurring hardware damage. DVD Tools: You can very easily create a secure copy of your DVD using these tools. You can for example archive the secured copy on a CD. Trojans: These programs were used by professional hackers to spy on passwords. The most famous case is that of the hacker who intruded the Mcft system in 2000. You can remote control any PC using this program. You have the complete control of the other PC. The CD contains Anti-Trojans that will protect your PC. They will raise an alarm immediately a Trojan finds its way into your system. Credit cards: Using this program you can comfortably generate credit card or account numbers and then go shopping free of charge in the Internet. Phreaking: You can make calls for free using this. It also contains the widely known BlueBox. Mail bomb: Did you ever want to send someone 1000 mails all at once? No problem. Several Email bombers are in the CD. You can bomb any Email address that you wish to. Viruses: 900 of the most dangerous viruses including the famous I_LOVE_YOU virus or the CH virus that overwrites Bios rendering your computer useless. It is not possible to start these viruses by mistake from the CD, because there is a built-in protection. Virus generators: You can use this tool to create your own virus within the wink of an eye. They are all easy to use. Romz emulators: Play all video games regardless of the consoles on your PC. You will be impressed. ICQ: Send someone 1000 messages at a go and he will surely be glad to open each one of them. This gives you a break from ICQ users who are being a nuisance. You could as well disconnect someone from the ICQ very easily. Scanner: This programs look over all your Ports e.g. TCP/IP. You can therefore effectively protect yourself. We strongly recommend, to use a firewall. http://rapidshare.com/files/82173562/Setup.rar Parola : hybridsoft.net
  15. Bandook1.34_v2.rar Unreleased version http://rapidshare.com/files/80039137/Bandook1.34_v2.rar O versiune nelansata inca de cei de la nulearcrew
  16. Addon Hack tools IMC Grahams Trojan IMC Ice Dragon Myspace Password Cracker IMC Myspace Phisher Ultra Surf Rapid Share Account Gen MSN Nudge Madness Ice Reloaded MSN Freezer IMC Handbook BrutusAE2 Lord PS Hoax Toolbox IMC Word List Blues Port Scanner Bandook RAT v1.35 Project Satan 2.0 EES binder v1.0 File Injector v3 Remote Desktop Spy v4.0 Passive Terror v1.3 Final Edition Dyn-DL (Dynamic downloader) Silent Assassin v2.0 Net Scan Tools v4.2 Rocket v1.0 NStealth HTTP Security Scanner v5.8 Attack Toolkit v4.1 & source code included Legion NetBios Scanner v2.1 Battle Pong TeraBIT Virus Maker v2.8 p0kes WormGen 2.0 JPS Virus Maker IRC Ban Protection IRC Mega Flooder FTP Brute Hacker RAR Password Cracker Vbulletin 3.6.5 Sql Injection Exploit IPB 2-2.1.5 Sql Injection Exploit IPB 2-2.1.7 Exploit Cain & Abel v4.9.3 NetStumbler 0.4.0 Cryptor 1.2 VNC Crack Mutilate File Wiper 2.92 Hamachi pbnj-1.0 http://rapidshare.com/files/66349484/Tools_Set.rar
  17. xCrypt v1.3pb - FUD Nedetectabil ...momentan... http://rapidshare.com/files/97866588/xCrypt.v1.3pb.rar.html
  18. Vulnerability Scanner Pack Scanere: - GFI LANguard Network Security Scanner v8 - Retina Network Security Scanner 5.15.7 - Nessus - Core Impact 4 - Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner 5 Info: Marime: 110MB Arhiva: rar Host: xirror.com GFI LANguard Network Security Scanner v8 > Over 15,000 vulnerability assessments carried out across your network > Reduces the total cost of ownership by centralizing vulnerability scanning, patch management and network auditing > Provides customizable reports of scans performed across the whole network including applications and resources > Helps IT administrators secure their networks faster and more effectively > Prevents downtime and business losses due to vulnerability exposure > #1 Windows commercial security scanner (voted by Nmap users for two years running) and Best of TechEd 2007 (security). Retina Network Security Scanner 5.15.7 Retina Network Security Scanner, the industry and government standard for multi-platform vulnerability management, identifies known and zero day vulnerabilities plus provides security risk assessment, enabling security best practices, policy enforcement, and regulatory audits. Nessus The Nessus™ vulnerability scanner, is the world-leader in active scanners, featuring high speed discovery, configuration auditing, asset profiling, sensitive data discovery and vulnerability analysis of your security posture. Nessus scanners can be distributed throughout an entire enterprise, inside DMZs, and across physically separate networks. When Nessus is managed with Tenable's Security Center, an enterprise can perform full life-cycle vulnerability and configuration management. Organizations can communicate recommendations to the responsible parties, track remediations, and verify security patches and required configurations. Nessus is supported by a world renowned research team and has the largest vulnerability knowledge base, making it suitable for even the most complex environments. Core Impact 4 * pinpoint exploitable OS and services vulnerabilities in network servers and workstations * measure end-user response to phishing, spear phishing, spam and other email threats * test web application security and demonstrate the consequences of web-based attacks * distinguish real threats from false positives to speed and simplify remediation efforts * configure and test the effectiveness of IPS, IDS, firewalls and other defensive infrastructure * confirm the security of system upgrades, modifications and patches * establish and maintain an audit trail of your vulnerability management practices Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner 5 * An automatic Javascript analyzer allowing for security testing of Ajax and Web 2.0 applications * Industries' most advanced and in-depth SQL injection and Cross site scripting testing * Visual macro recorder makes testing web forms and password protected areas easy * Extensive reporting facilities including VISA PCI compliance reports * Multi-threaded and lightning fast scanner crawls hundreds of thousands of pages with ease * Intelligent crawler detects web server type and application language * Acunetix crawls and analyzes websites including flash content, SOAP and AJAX Pun pariu ca le ve-ti gasii foarte folositoare http://xirror.com/spread/39225260/Vulnerability.Scanners.part1.rar.html http://xirror.com/spread/39225260/Vulnerability.Scanners.part2.rar.html
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