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Everything posted by mazyman07

  1. sa le dea mai mult ca mi-au umplut imboxu de mailuri
  2. Unii spun ca daca am CTR mare o sa imi inchida contu dar eu de 2 zile ...am cam asa : Ce ar trebui sa fac? e cam aiurea:| nam avut niciodata decand am contul (de 2 ani) Multumesc anticipat !
  3. Username : HellGate Real Name : Adrian Country : Romania City : Deva Age : 16 WebSite : http://www.fbi-center.com/ Email : hellgate_mistique40@yahoo.com // hellgate_mistique@yahoo.com more to come Sursa: http://h4cky0u.org
  4. Mediahit.ro - Un site simplu , un design placut ochiului, neobositor, stiri la zi , etc.. vizitati !! nu aveti nimic de pierdut ! astept parerile voastre!!
  5. Anti-Terrorist And Monitory Crime Division. Federal Bureau Of Investigation. J.Edgar.Hoover Building Washington Dc Attn: Beneficiary, This is to Officially inform you that it has come to our notice and we have thoroughly Investigated with the help of our Intelligence Monitoring Network System that you are having an illegal Transaction with Impostors claiming to be Prof. Charles C. Soludo of the Central Bank Of Nigeria, Mr. Patrick Aziza, Mr Frank Nweke, Dr. Philip Mogan, none officials of Oceanic Bank, Zenith Banks, kelvin Young of HSBC, Ben of FedEx, Ibrahim Sule,Larry Christopher, Dr. Usman Shamsuddeen, Puppy Scammers are impostors claiming to be the Federal Bureau Of Investigation. During our Investigation, we noticed that the reason why you have not received your payment is because you have not fulfilled your Financial Obligation given to you in respect of your Contract/Inheritance Payment. Therefore, we have contacted the Federal Ministry Of Finance on your behalf and they have brought a solution to your problem by cordinating your payment in total USD$11,000.000.00 in an ATM CARD which you can use to withdraw money from any ATM MACHINE CENTER anywhere in the world with a maximum of $4000 to $5000 United States Dollars daily. You now have the lawful right to claim your fund in an ATM CARD. Since the Federal Bureau of Investigation is involved in this transaction, you have to be rest assured for this is 100% risk free it is our duty to protect the American Citizens. All I want you to do is to contact the ATM CARD CENTER via email for their requirements to proceed and procure your Approval Slip on your behalf which will cost you $250.00 only and note that your Approval Slip which contains details of the agent who will process your transaction. CONTACT INFORMATION NAME: MR. DANIEL SMITH EMAIL: danielsmithng@yahoo.cn Do contact Mr. Daniel Smith of the ATM CARD CENTRE with your details: FULL NAME: HOME ADDRESS: TELL: CELL: CURRENT OCCUPATION: BANK NAME: So your files would be updated after which he will send the payment information
  6. nu stiu daca a mai fost postata sau nu aceasta faza ! pasul1: intrati pe pagina principala www.rstcenter.com pasul2: in tabul de la adress (in loc de www.rstcenter.com) bagati acest cod : javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.images; DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5; DIS.top=Math.cos(R*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5}R++ }setInterval('A()',5); void(0); pasul3: apasati enter sau click pe GO! pasul4: Enjoy !
  7. bine.... dami un PM cu idu tau! Multumesc Anticipat!
  8. Haha ... o fi si greu tare .... eu zic sa o lasati balta cu DotSIS-ul ... omul se chinuie sa adune 600k de utilizatori si voi vreti sa va faceti de cap cu situl...credeti ca sunteti mai interesanti daca scrie acolo CODEX was here sau postand linkuri de surveys? Eu cred ca NU ! ... nu va suparati pe mine dar asta e adevarul ! Multumesc! :wink:
  9. Si eu am primit aceeasi eroare!! e de la ei o sa-si revina:)
  10. http://hi5robot.com/download.php Source: www.h4ack-y0u.org Enjoy!
  11. cn sa merite ban? si ce faze sa faca?
  12. niciuna...scuze..eram nervos... :roll:
  13. imi cer scuze kenpachi ..... da am o intrebare....tu le-ai pus poza aia in post...?
  14. atunci ce mai cauti pe forum? iesi draq odata ca ne-am saturat de prostiile pe care le debitezi :!:
  15. nu prea cred....ai grija :evil:
  16. extraordinar .... ca tu stai excelent cu gramatica..si am impresia ca tu mananci mai mult cacat decat mine....da daca sunteti buti ce sa intelegeti voi hai ca m-am saturat pe ziua de azi de prosti si idioti ca voi :!: :!: :!:
  17. unde plm stau prost cu gramatica....tu vorbesti care esti un but ordinar ...si nu stau sa cersesc ca tine cqiller...asa ca in locul tau as inchide gura ca s-ar putea sa-ti intre o "musca" ..hai pa :!:
  18. Primul pas: Intrati pe acest link.. http://www.exclusivautomobile.ro/admin.asp Al-2-lea pas: la parola bagati exact asta : "a"="a" Al-3lea pas : savurati!!! 8)
  19. hai mah ndrey acu ma corectezi...esti profesor de romana si nu stiam...? am mancat un "p" si gata ...ai inceput ...ce sa zici si tu acuma...trebuia sa postezti si tu cv
  20. poftim codex...
  22. da....exact ...puskin ...mai lasa visele frate!! ca esti dea dreptul penal !!! ce te-ai vazut aici? asta e un forum de securitate nu de povesti de adormit copii hai ciau;)
  23. Ditai vrajeala pe "puskin'
  24. mazyman07


    Te paste un........BAN....
  25. Nu inteleg rostul acestui post puskin :!: programu oricum nu mai functioneaza......si nu mai inviati posturi de acum 2 luni ... MULTUMESC :!:
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