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Everything posted by ave20

  1. CODEX: control panel - regional and language options si alegi acolo English ( United Kingdom ) si va merge garantat
  2. 1. rulati setup, cand apare update selectati no 2. rulati fix 3. restartati pc-ul, si aveti lifetime updates la nod32 http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?uzhi0lnjovp
  3. am incercat pe xp pro si merge mentioneaza nu am nici un service pack
  4. ave20


    un reupload pls?
  5. eu vreau sa le testez pe calculatorul altora
  6. Hai ca l-am gasit eu destul de repede am pus pe rapidshare varianta drg si mp3 http://rapidshare.com/files/93549916/HandOfGod.drg http://rapidshare.com/files/93549656/hand_of_god.mp3 Hand of God / Premium (Unexplainable) / 30 Minutes A dose that has been a lifetime achievement for I-Doser, and only held internal to I-Doser Labs for a very good reason: It isnt meant for public consumption because it is considered just too powerful. Its like the Holy One reaches from the sky, as you lay with closed eyes, and shows you the universe, everything, infinity. Only 5 people have ever witnessed the power of this dose, and it was put away in the I-Doser vault for fear of release. Fluttering eyelids, great and almost supernatural clairvoyance, rings of light and great insight, but all this comes with a price. It could also bring fear, an unknowing realization of self, and a breakdown of all senses. Weeping, fear, anger: you need to realize with such insight could come bad consequences.
  7. merci pt program, pentru ca-i destul de interesant si nu cred ca l-as fi gasit vreodata citeam pe forumul lor niste posturi despre doza Hand of God care zic ei ca-i cea mai puternica si traiesti nu stiu ce experinetze , ca de exemplu: This was 100% worth my money! I seriously want you guys to read this... Here is what happened: All I can say is holy shit! I felt like i was slowly dying and going to heaven. God was keeping my so warm and i was completely numb, not feeling anything! I still cant feel my hands while typing this! After awhile I started to think of all the fun times me and my grandma had. I seriously started to cry, i swear on my life! I was dying and soon would be with her. I wouldnt have no more troubles once i was dead so i let it happen. Bam i was dead. I felt nothingness. I re-met my grandma. I felt so warm and seriously forgot there was real life and i was still laying on my bed. I was giving my grandma a hug. After maybe 5 mins, I slowly felt like i was coming back to earth. Slowly and slowly i was leaving heaven and my grandma. While coming back, my body got all icy and god was no longer warming me up. WOW! Effect lasted about 10 mins after the dose was done! I still had goosebumps for 20 mins after the dose ended. For all the people who say I-doser doesnt work, your just ignorant! >Just finished. It's indescribable. Like dreaming while awake, only you're dreaming someone else's dream. You still exist, but you are trapped in a plain of non-existence. I know that, having not experienced it, you won't get what I'm saying, but believe me when I say it is unlike any other dose. It's like waking up one day and saying "Hey, I think I left my body in my dream.", then trying to go back and get it. si etc etc cica costa 200$ , daca stie cineva de unde se poate download sau un link va rog?
  8. am incercat si eu programu asta da imi da o eroare cum pot rezolva ? :roll: - target xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. : 27015 - packet size: 55555 - send packets: Error: Invalid argument (not bind)
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