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Everything posted by user3.14159265

  1. user3.14159265


    "The possession of anything begins in the mind" - Bruce Lee Posibil
  2. Nu sunt de mult pe RST. De obicei subiecte dinastea apar cand nu merge chat-ul?
  3. Sunt de acord cu tine da nici chiar asa: -maxim 10 gold -fara chat etc. mai bine nu joci
  4. The following restrictions are placed on all Starter Edition Accounts: - A level cap of 20. - A maximum of 10 gold. - Trade skills are capped at 100 ranks. - Unable to trade via the Auction House, mailbox, or player-to-player. - In-game access to public chat channels unavailable. Players are limited to communicating using only say, party, or whisper. - Characters will be unable to create or join guilds. - Characters are not able to send whispers to other characters unless they have been added to the characters' friends lists or have received a whisper from a character first. - Characters will not be able to invite other players into a party. - Characters will not be able to join parties with other characters above level 20. - Voice chat disabled on Starter Edition accounts. - Realms experiencing login queues will prioritize players who have full, paid accounts. - Starter Edition accounts are not eligible for character transfers - RealID features are disabled on all Starter Edition Accounts. Deci parerea mea e ca mai bine lasa trial de 14 zile
  5. Duke Nukem Forever Hail to the King baby.
  6. Duke Nukem Forever Hail to the King baby.
  7. Mai stiti jocuri de genu asta?
  8. Eu as alege LG KU990i
  9. http://www.oldmobil.hu/tn/alcatel-otmaxdb-blue.jpg
  10. Imi amintesc in clasa a 12-a am invatat la ora de filosofie. Parca se numea Mitul pesterii.
  11. " I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. " Albert Einstein
  12. De ce postezi asa ceva pe forumu asta? Acum cateva zile a mai fost un individ care vroia sa se razbune pe profesori pentru ca l-a lasat repetent. Vizioneaza un film porno si ai sa te simti mai bine.
  13. Defapt john.smith vrea sa ne arate cati pupincuristi sunt pe forum. Va place place place (_(_)
  14. "În cadrul conferin?ei Google I/O din acest an, compania american? a anun?at lansarea lui Chromebook, o nou? genera?ie de notebook barebone (f?r? procesor ?i f?r? HDD), având la baz? platforma de operare Chrome OS." Chrome book are Intel ATOM.
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