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Everything posted by Kabron

  1. What Does This Course Cover? This course is split up into 7 different levels, each one building on the skills in the previous levels. The course includes 4 games you will develop, as well as developing game tool, learning animation, game art development, pre-production and getting your games to the market. Level 1: Introduction to Unity 3D Level 2: Game Scripting and APIs Level 3: Your First Game | Click the Ball Level 4: Your First Shooter Game Level 5: Unity Tool Development (Game Pre-Production) Level 6: Create at 2D Mario Brothers Game Level 7: Create a 3D Mario Brothers Game https://www.udemy.com/3d-video-game-development-with-unity-3d/?couponCode=TLDUNI3D
  2. Nu este vorba doar de radioactivitate
  3. Daca sunteti pasionati, enjoy: Mysterious Deaths of 9 Skiers Still Unresolved | The St. Petersburg Times | The leading English-language newspaper in St. Petersburg && Russia's Dyatlov Pass Incident, the Strangest Unsolved Mystery of the Last Century | Motherboard Astept pareri
  4. Look at your clock, add thirty minutes. Did you know you were going to have a live website running before then? This is all possible with the power of Node.js an extremely powerful severside javascript platform, and the ease of use of Heroku, a scalable cloud application platform. First you will be installing the tools, this is taught in Windows, but is possibly even simpler on Linux and Mac and links to the install pages are all included. Then we will do a traditional 'hello, world,' example to make sure our tools are installed correctly. Next we turn our 'hello, world,' into a basic website with Express, finally setting up our Heroku account, Git, and deploying, all within the first 15 minutes. Next you will add Bootstrap, create a very basic task-list web service, and make calls to it via jQuery. For beginners It can be frustrating learning to code without seeing results, so it's important to get in and deploy early. Seeing your website live is such a confidence boost, after that you can start customizing and getting feedback, then adding more advanced features. For established coders and startup hackers this will just teach you an easy workflow to get started, in future courses you can learn how to customize your stack further, but this should get you up and running for your next weekend of hacking! https://www.udemy.com/nodejs-in-30/?couponCode=FREEREDDIT
  5. #mda, vad ca eu nu-l pot sterge, rog un moderator sa o faca. Multumesc.
  6. InDesign offers many options to incorporate images in your print and interactive layouts. With this course you can learn everything you need to know from placing images into your documents to advanced composition techniques. The course includes: 18 instructional video tutorials Quizzes about the techniques learnt in each section Exercise files used in the course to help follow along and practice Essential Skills for Designers & Career Guide PDF Design Terminology PDF Useful Keyboard Shortcuts PDF Collection of Useful websites for Designers PDF Certificate of completion Enjoy: https://www.udemy.com/images-in-indesign/?couponCode=reddit
  7. Over 17 lectures and 3 hours of content! CURS: https://www.udemy.com/design-develop-sell-wordpress-themes/ Price 97$ FREE DOWNLOAD: http://mirrorstack.com/u40z0x1y1fy6
  8. Eii lasa-ma, chiar asa? (13:19:20) Kabron: asa a fost si cu butul ala de a luat ban de la zatarra (13:19:22) Kabron: facuse plangere (13:19:25) Kabron: ca ii dadusem eu ban (13:19:26) Kabron: lol (13:19:27) j1ll2013: )) (13:19:28) Byte-ul: cacat cu ceapa (13:19:29) j1ll2013: lol (13:19:31) kempactick: ) (13:19:46) kalash1337: kabron, esti idiot in fiecare zi :> ? (13:19:53) RST: kalash1337 has been logged out (Kicked). (13:20:16) Kabron: regula 3. Moderatorii/Adminii chatului nu sunt pusi de pomana, de aici rezulta ca orice atac, direct sau indirect asupra lor duce la sanctionare.
  9. Ah, am uitat sa zic, Matt nu a primit niciodata kick de la nici un moderator/admin de pe chat, cel putin eu unul nu am vazut asta
  10. Simplu si la obiect: sugi pula. De ce? De asta: View image: zzzzzzmat si pentru ca esti prost. P.S data trecuta a zis ca nu ai loc pe chat pentru ca se uita Zatarra la poze cu mine dezbracat, acum nu ai loc de lopata?
  11. Curs: https://www.udemy.com/learn-how-to-build-css3-media-queries/ Free access: https://www.udemy.com/learn-how-to-build-css3-media-queries/?couponCode=manni-summer
  12. Matt, nu ai inteles nimic, iar restul care urla cu tine in cor, sunt cei care nu sunt capabili sa spuna doua cuvinte pe chat fara sa injure. In ceea ce priveste activitatea mea pe forum, iar, nu te priveste, si nu, nu e vorba ca nu se vad posturile mele, este vorba stric despre ceea ce spunea si cineva mai sus. Am intrat astazi si tot first page-ul era ocupat de tine, nu spune nimeni sa nu postezi, din contra, eu spuneam clar ca poate ar trebui sa mai filtrezi putin informatia pe care o postezi si sa nu mai deschizi 50 de topicuri noi in mai putin de 10 minute, atata tot.
  13. Ba, ca sa fiu sincer, si sa vreau sa citesc, nu apuc, tu bagi 50 stiri in 20 de secunde, asta este ideea.
  14. Sa ii dea pm lui Zatarra cu toate stirile alea, el zicea ca lui ii plac si ca mai vrea
  15. Ba, daca tot ii zona de offtopic, am zis ca merge perfect aici. Scuzati limbajul dar nu stiu cum sa o spun mai decent: Matt imi bag *** in spam-ul tau cu stirile de securitate Incearca in pana mea sa te limitezi la cele care chiar conteaza si la cateva pe zi, daca bagi 100000 de stiri pe minut si nu apuc sa citesc nici macar pe prima nu inseamna ca ajuti cu ceva, hai, mc.
  16. Curs: https://www.udemy.com/top-marketing-coach Earners Classroom specializes in creating high quality courses on Internet Marketing and Traffic Generation. We have a team of instructors who are experts in different fields like : Wordpress, SEO, Traffic,List building,Copywriting and Graphic Designers. Our latest coursework with over 170 videos with 38 hours of solid content designed to help any beginner to become a pro marketer equipped with all the skills of internet marketing CUPON: FREE4REDDIT
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