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Everything posted by Wisa
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("Kw3rLn")</div> ma lesi balta in Romania ??
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("d!G!t@L_hPo6")</div> cine a zis ca e greu ?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("Kw3rLn")</div> te`o invitat careva ?? zii ca vin si io serios. pretzu sa fie pana`n 300€
foarte frumos post maleficus, Mersi. ~Walter
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("mc1")</div>
Anonymity Gateway masks the real IP of a user, allowing him to browse all kind of pages without ever worrying that the ISPs or any other marketing tool is monitoring your surfing habits or spammers are attacking your computer. The simplest way to do this is to have traffic redirected through anonymous proxies. A proxy server is a kind of buffer between your computer and the Internet resources you are accessing. The data you request come to the proxy first, and only then it transmits the data to you. As a result, the websites see the IP address of the proxy server instead of your own IP address. This tool has a comprehensive proxy list, containing proxies from various countries so that you can choose one from a specific one. Anonymity: Stay Invisible Online Anonymity Gateway uses anonymous proxies routing all your Internet traffic through them. These proxies allow you to: # browse anonymously, check mails, participate in newsgroups using proxies form different countries at your choice, having the identity well hidden # interact with websites anonymously: using proxies that allow you to post messages, game, cast votes, post on forum, use IP – based trials Online Privacy When surfing, web pages leave traces on your computer traces that may harm or use inadvertently information on your computer. Anonymity Gateway helps you clean effectively all online traces, such as: # Clear Internet History # Clear Typed URL # Clear Temporary Internet Files # Clear Cookies # Clear Auto Complete Forms History # Clear Auto complete Password History # Clear Internet Favorites Block Invasive Code Anonymity Gateway provides protection for computer from the action of invasive codes: # Blocks ActiveX - ActiveX controls add interest to sites through multimedia but the controls can also harbor malicious code such as viruses. Most sites will function properly with ActiveX controls disabled. # Blocks JavaScript - This code may be used in harmful way such as to information on your computer. DOWNLOAD: http://rapidshare.de/files/23155916/Anonym...eymaker-BRD.rar
http://rapidshare.de/files/22421072/Hide_ip_2.8.rar ~Walter
sincer.. mi`e din album imi plac urmatoarele melodii : 1)Sisu & Puya feat. C.I.A & Alex - Mai vrei 2)Sisu & Puya feat. Supered - Aici e Romania
virusz, ai inceput cu dreptul nice post
mda. e bun linku . ms virusz,
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("mc1")</div> mc1 ce naiba .. oamenii mai gresesc..
File Not Found (404)- yeah link is down
virusz, bv .. primu post.a tau sper sa mai primim posturi .. de la tine Bafta..
frumos.. post ip-u de la Groom Lake Area 51 care`i ??
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("Death")</div> pai asta am zis si io .. ca toti ar sta acolo si nu ar mai posta intrebari pe forum .. ca ar inrteba acolo ..
ca venii vorba de Keyloggers... Care ii cel mai bun Keylooger ?? Nice post maleficus
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("nos")</div> BIne ai facut nos , adu cat de multa lume aici sa ne adunam .
clar .. deci Hannibal, nu merge faza cu IRC`u
Andreiask, stai linistit nu el l-a scris..
Funky DJ's - Dimineata.mp3
Sisu & Puya - Misca-te Sisu & Puya - Nu ati inteles nimic Sisu & Puya - Stai calm Sisu & Puya feat. Aleko & Ada - Ignorant Sisu & Puya feat. C.I.A & Alex - Mai vrei Sisu & Puya feat. Dima - Camin fericit Sisu & Puya feat. Nico - Generatii Sisu & Puya feat. Supered - Aici e Romania Sisu & Puya feat. Verabal - O Familie De Bogati Sisu & Puya - Asta e pentru Sisu & Puya - Pune-i la pamant Sisu & Puya feat. Shoby & Cabron - Dependent Sisu & Puya feat. Brugner & Ada - Care-i smecheria Sisu & Puya feat. Cabron - Cand venim Sisu & Puya feat. Ross & Monik - Revers interdit Sisu & Puya feat. Alex - Binecuvantat Sisu & Puya - V.I.P. Dowonload: http://www.ten28.com/modules.php?name=Cont...howpage&pid=235
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("Kw3rLn")</div> Exact Kw3rLn . Indoz nu merita.. sa mai faci o sectiune blabla pt anumite forumuri .. E bine in Club ShowOFF incap toate acolo