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Everything posted by jojo123

  1. Multumesc La scanare pe novirusthanks Necriptat 7/9 Criptat 1/9
  2. Eu am luat cateva truse Proskit de la vitacom si un aparat de lipit cu aer cald de la tehnoelectric (tehnoeletictic au livrat cu intarziere de o saptamana #in schimb aveau pretul cel mai mic la produsul respectiv)
  3. With your Registry backup in place, press the Windows key (Vista) or click Start > Run (XP), type regedit, and press Enter. In XP, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer. In Vista, the key you want to select is HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer. In both versions, double-click NoRecentDocsHistory. If no such key exists, right-click in the right pane, select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value, and name the key NoRecentDocsHistory. In the Value Data field, enter 1. When you restart Windows, your recent documents list will be history. To change the number of files listed on this menu, double-click MaxRecentDocs in the same pane--or if there's no such key, right-click, select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value, name the new key MaxRecentDocs, and double-click it. Enter the number of documents you want to show in the Value Data field, and click OK.
  4. fi?ier C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Temp\TCP Connections 2.0.exe Win32/Packed.Themida.A troian cur??at prin ?tergere
  5. toate rezultatele sunt divizibile cu 9 daca te uiti pe tabel vei vedea ca 9,18,36 samd au acelasi simbol "iluzia" e ca de fiecare data schimba tabelul dar pastrand regula de mai sus
  6. Cred ca e vorba de aceasi aplicatie ca asta daca e aceasi aplicatie e matematica + o mica iluzie
  7. Da mai multe detalii -raid hardware sau software? -0,1,5? -daca e hardware ce controler ai?
  8. -Incerca sa faci o verificare in loguri poate gasesti ce genereaza BsoD. start>run>compmgmt.msc>event viewer -Fa un test la memorie cu memetest 86
  9. Daca am inteles eu bine vrei ca routerul sa functioneze in client mode. In principiu poti face asta daca instalezi pe el dd-wrt -apare in lista de hardware suportat -dd-wrt "stie" de client mode
  10. Verifica intai compatibilitatea intre slot AGP si placa AGP Signalling Voltages Both the AGP slot on the motherboard and AGP video card must signal at the same voltage to function. Different speeds require different signalling voltages for operation. For example, AGP 8x signals at 0.8V, while AGP 1x can signal at 1.5V or 3.3V. Physical keys in the connector and slot dictate which signalling voltages the devices is capable of operating at. Speed Signalling Voltage 1x/2x 1.5V or 3.3V 4x 0.8V or 1.5V 8x 0.8V
  11. Asta vrei?
  12. Teoretic ai viteza mai mare prin dial-up (56kb) dar trebuie ca laptopul sa aiba un modem. Inca mai sunt firme care ofera dial-up free sau la preturi foarte mici ( si romtelecomul oferea conectare dial-up free clientilor, dar nu mai stiu daca mai au acest serviciu ) . //http://www.easynet.ro/ ///http://www.smartcall.ro/document.php?doc=14
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