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Everything posted by deserty

  1. deserty


    Il foloseste careva ? Vreau sa stiu daca sunt de cuvant si chiar fac platile. publisher exoclick.com
  2. Poate intereseaza pe cineva Intre 5 noiembrie ?i 14 decembrie te a?teapt? cinci cursuri intensive cu traineri Google despre business ?i marketing online. Tot acum vei deschide primul t?u cont AdWords pentru promovare pe web. Cursurile vor include urm?toarele teme: S?pt?mâna 1 - Introducere în online (trend-uri si modele de business online) S?pt?mâna 2 - Instrumente Google pentru business-uri online S?pt?mâna 3 - Promovarea online - AdWords (1/3): no?iuni introductive Între cursurile 3 ?i 4, vei deschide primul tau cont AdWords pentru promovare online S?pt?mâna 4 - Promovarea online - AdWords (2/3): raportare ?i set?ri avansate S?pt?mâna 5 - Promovarea online - AdWords (3/3): optimizare https://services.google.com/fb/forms/OnlineMarketingAcademy/
  3. Mda ... m-am lamurit cu $_server['http_referer']; Vroiam sa fac ceva simplu, mergea totul perfect pe chrome, dar ie si mozilla sucks si nici nu e safe. Mc de raspunsuri. Am rezolvat cu sesiuni.
  4. Exemplu : <?php $referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; if (preg_match("/pagina100/",$referer)) { echo "vizita a venit din pagina100"; } elseif (preg_match("/pagina200/",$referer)) { echo "vizita a venit din pagina200"; } else { echo "vizita fara referer"; } ?> Pe chrome functioneaza perfect. Insa pe Mozilla nu. Testat pe mai multe calculatoare si la fel face.
  5. Firefox vad nu accepta $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; si nu-mi returneaza nimic. Ceva alternative ?
  6. deserty

    O mega surpriza

    L-am vazut si eu acum ceva timp. Da e foarte tare tipul, foarte tare organizarea.
  7. deserty


    Urmatorul cod genereaza linkuri random. Cum as putea pune intr-o variabila linkul ce il genereaza ? if (typeof _adhtzu=='undefined') var _adhtzu=Math.floor(Math.random()*4294967296); if (typeof _adhtzc=='undefined') var _adhtzc=0; if(++_adhtzc<=4) { (function() { var s=[],l=window.location,r=document.referrer; if (l.hostname.replace(/^www\./i,'')==r.replace(/^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?([^\/]+).*$/i,'$1')) { l=parent.window.location; r=parent.document.referrer; } function f(o) { var b,m; for(var i=0;i<o.childNodes.length;i++) { b=o.childNodes[i]; if (b.childNodes.length)f(; if (b.nodeName=='SCRIPT'&&(m=b.src.match(/^(?:https??\/\/site.com\/([0-9]+)(?:\/([a-z0-9]{1,32}))?\/?$/)))s.push(m); } } f(document); for(var i=0;i<s.length;i++) if(_adhtzc-1==i)document.write('<scr'+'ipt src="http'+(window.location.protocol=='https:'?'s':'')+'://site.com/?z='+s[i][1]+(s[i][2]?'&s='+s[i][2]:'')+'&p='+_adhtzu+'&l='+escape(l)+(r?'&r='+escape(r):'')+'&c='+_adhtzc+'" language="javascript"></scr'+'ipt>'); } ) () }
  8. Daca oferea factura cumparam
  9. De ce nu iti faci un dual boot WIN & Ubuntu si gata ? De unde sa stim noi daca si in cat timp te vei familiariza tu cu el ? Eu sper ca singur vei gasi raspunsul la intrebarea ta.
  10. Daca nu te deranjeaza da-mi si mie un PM cu testul, sunt foarte curios despre ce este vorba.
  11. Eu unul nu-l folosesc pentru site-urile mele. Era un post mai vechi in care cineva cauta un bot pentru a genera vizite care sa fie recunoscute de trafic.ro si ma gandeam ca sunt mai multi doritori.
  12. Am testat multe programe de genul si asta chiar da rezultate. L-am testat pe trafic.ro, alexa.com si google analytics. features : - support all proxy type(HTTP, SOCKs, SSL, FTP) - random User Agent - Random Referer HTTP bypass Google Analytics How to use ? * TimeOut: Next proxy if in this time period program cant connect to url through proxy * Delay: Time delay for next view. * Show Browser: Display browser for each connect by proxy * User Agent: List user agent use for each connection. User Agent is random for each connection * Referer: List websites use to set HTTP_REFERER for each connection. Each connection will chose random from the list. Note: HTTP proxy format: [host]:[port] SOCK proxy format: [host]:[port]:[version] Ex: HTTP proxy: and SOCK proxy 111.222.333.4:80:5 The tool realy good if you have used it combined with other seo method as back-link for you site. Your site rank will increase fastest. Ensure your proxies list can pass Google Download : http://mediafire.com/ Ceea ce nu mi-a placut la program este ca mi-a distrus bounce rate-ul la site. Timpul vizitei era de 0 secunde pe site ceea ce nu era ok deloc. Asa ca m-am gandit la un mic script care trebuie scris in pagina pe care doriti ca programul sa o viziteze. <?php $referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $refereri = file_get_contents('refereri.txt'); $refereri2 = explode("\n",$refereri); if (in_array($referer, $refereri2)) { echo "<meta HTTP-EQUIV=\"REFRESH\" content=\"15; url=http://www.site.com\">"; } ?> Ce face ? Pai bounce rate-ul este practic o medie a timpului petrecut pe site. Chiar daca intri pe site si il lasi deschis 10 minute timpul vizitei va fi 0 secunde, insa daca ii vei da un refresh sau vei accesa alta pagina din site (scriptul de monitorizare trafic trebuie sa fie existent si pe pagina nou accesata ) va fi contorizat timpul pana in momentul respectiv. Deci codul nu face altceva decat sa dea un refresh la pagina cu conditia ca vizitele sa fie venite din lista de refereri. Folisiti aceeasi lista de refereri si pentru program si pentru scriptul php. Se va de refresh dupa 15 secunde doar vizitelor venite din program. Eu unul am setat asa : Time out - 150 (s) Delay - 40 to 50 (s) Iar la metatagul din codul php 15 secunde. Nu toate vizitele vor fi de 15 secunde deoarece conteaza si viteza de incarcare a websiteului cu proxy. Va puteti juca voi cu setarile alea. Aveti nevoie de proxy, insa aici cred ca va descurcati toti. trafic.ro in lista de refereri am avut doar : stiri.ro pentru ca faceam ceva teste, insa puteti pune ce vrei voi.
  13. Am crezut ca esti strain si ca ti-ai tradus textul cu google translate. Sper sa nu te superi dar incepe prin a mai studia putin gramatica limbii romane.
  14. Si totusi ce mai faceti cu aceste cartele ? Treaba s-a stricat.
  15. Multumesc pentru raspunsuri.
  16. Se da o bucata laptop nou - Acer aspiren v3-571g Cand folositi laptopul si aveti o sursa de curent cum e cel mai bine sa il folositi ? 1. Cu bateria scoasa si conenctat la priza. 2. Il lasati pana se descarca bateria, il incarcati si reluati procesul. 3. Il tineti in priza tot timpul cu tot cu baterie.
  17. deserty

    Yahoo BOT

    spide112 daca te uitai atent am postat la threadul ala si am spus ca nu ma ajuta si in plus de asta l-am incercat pe serverul local si timpul de raspuns e prea mare. La scriptul postat de mine mesajul se trimite aproape instantaneu. Nu da nici o eroare daca pun un id care nu este in lista. Signon failed iti da pentru ca nu cred ca ai generet cum trebuie CONSUMER_KEY si SECRET_KEY. Fi atent ce drepturi dai la generare.
  18. deserty

    Yahoo BOT

    Se da asa : trimite.php <?php require("jymengine.class.php"); define('USERNAME', 'ID'); define('PASSWORD', 'parola'); define('CONSUMER_KEY', 'AICI_VINE_CONSUMER_KEY'); define('SECRET_KEY', 'AICI_VINE_SECRET_KEY'); include_once 'jymengine.class.php'; $engine = new JYMEngine(CONSUMER_KEY, SECRET_KEY, USERNAME, PASSWORD); $engine->debug = false; if ($engine->debug) echo '> Fetching request token'. PHP_EOL; if (!$engine->fetch_request_token()) die('Fetching request token failed'); if ($engine->debug) echo '> Fetching access token'. PHP_EOL; if (!$engine->fetch_access_token()) die('Fetching access token failed'); if ($engine->debug) echo '> Signon as: '. USERNAME. PHP_EOL; if (!$engine->signon('status')) die('Signon failed'); $out="mesaj"; $engine->send_message("id_catre_cine_trimiti", json_encode($out)); ?> si jymengine.class.php <?php class JYMEngine { const URL_OAUTH_DIRECT = 'https://login.yahoo.com/WSLogin/V1/get_auth_token'; const URL_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN = 'https://api.login.yahoo.com/oauth/v2/get_token'; const URL_YM_SESSION = 'http://developer.messenger.yahooapis.com/v1/session'; const URL_YM_PRESENCE = 'http://developer.messenger.yahooapis.com/v1/presence'; const URL_YM_CONTACT = 'http://developer.messenger.yahooapis.com/v1/contacts'; const URL_YM_MESSAGE = 'http://developer.messenger.yahooapis.com/v1/message/yahoo/{{USER}}'; const URL_YM_NOTIFICATION = 'http://developer.messenger.yahooapis.com/v1/notifications'; const URL_YM_NOTIFICATION_LONG = 'http://{{NOTIFICATION_SERVER}}/v1/pushchannel/{{USER}}'; const URL_YM_BUDDYREQUEST = 'http://developer.messenger.yahooapis.com/v1/buddyrequest/yahoo/{{USER}}'; const URL_YM_GROUP = 'http://developer.messenger.yahooapis.com/v1/group/{{GROUP}}/contact/yahoo/{{USER}}'; protected $_oauth; protected $_token; protected $_ym; protected $_config; protected $_error; public $includeheader = false; public $debug = false; /* * constructor */ public function __construct($consumer_key = '', $secret_key = '', $username = '', $password = '') { $this->_config['consumer_key'] = $consumer_key; $this->_config['secret_key'] = $secret_key; $this->_config['username'] = $username; $this->_config['password'] = $password; $this->_ym = array(); $this->_error = null; } public function fetch_request_token() { //prepare url $url = $this::URL_OAUTH_DIRECT; $url .= '?login='. $this->_config['username']; $url .= '&passwd='. $this->_config['password']; $url .= '&oauth_consumer_key='. $this->_config['consumer_key']; $rs = $this->curl($url); if (stripos($rs, 'RequestToken') === false) return false; $request_token = trim(str_replace('RequestToken=', '', $rs)); $this->_token['request'] = $request_token; return true; } public function fetch_access_token() { //prepare url $url = $this::URL_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN; $url .= '?oauth_consumer_key='. $this->_config['consumer_key']; $url .= '&oauth_nonce='. uniqid(rand()); $url .= '&oauth_signature='. $this->_config['secret_key']. '%26'; $url .= '&oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT'; $url .= '&oauth_timestamp='. time(); $url .= '&oauth_token='. $this->_token['request']; $url .= '&oauth_version=1.0'; $rs = $this->curl($url); if (stripos($rs, 'oauth_token') === false) { $this->_error = $rs; return false; } //parse access token $tmp = explode('&', $rs); foreach ($tmp as $row) { $col = explode('=', $row); $access_token[$col[0]] = $col[1]; } $this->_token['access'] = $access_token; return true; } public function fetch_crumb() { //prepare url $url = $this::URL_YM_SESSION; $url .= '?oauth_consumer_key='. $this->_config['consumer_key']; $url .= '&oauth_nonce='. uniqid(rand()); $url .= '&oauth_signature='. $this->_config['secret_key']. '%26'. $this->_token['access']['oauth_token_secret']; $url .= '&oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT'; $url .= '&oauth_timestamp='. time(); $url .= '&oauth_token='. $this->_token['access']['oauth_token']; $url .= '&oauth_version=1.0'; //additional header $header[] = 'Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8'; $rs = $this->curl($url, 'get', $header); if (stripos($rs, 'crumb') === false) return false; $js = json_decode($rs, true); $this->_ym['crumb'] = $js; return true; } public function signon($status = '', $state = 0) { //prepare url $url = $this::URL_YM_SESSION; $url .= '?oauth_consumer_key='. $this->_config['consumer_key']; $url .= '&oauth_nonce='. uniqid(rand()); $url .= '&oauth_signature='. $this->_config['secret_key']. '%26'. $this->_token['access']['oauth_token_secret']; $url .= '&oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT'; $url .= '&oauth_timestamp='. time(); $url .= '&oauth_token='. $this->_token['access']['oauth_token']; $url .= '&oauth_version=1.0'; $url .= '&notifyServerToken=1'; //additional header $header[] = 'Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8'; $postdata = '{"presenceState" : '. $state. ', "presenceMessage" : "'. $status. '"}'; $this->includeheader = true; $rs = $this->curl($url, 'post', $header, $postdata); $this->includeheader = false; list($header, $body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $rs, 2); //get IM cookie $notifytoken = ''; if (preg_match('/set-cookie: IM=(.+?); expires/', $header, $m)) $notifytoken = $m[1]; if (stripos($body, 'sessionId') === false) return false; $js = json_decode($body, true); $js['notifytoken'] = $notifytoken; $this->_ym['signon'] = $js; return true; } public function signoff() { //prepare url $url = $this::URL_YM_SESSION; $url .= '?oauth_consumer_key='. $this->_config['consumer_key']; $url .= '&oauth_nonce='. uniqid(rand()); $url .= '&oauth_signature='. $this->_config['secret_key']. '%26'. $this->_token['access']['oauth_token_secret']; $url .= '&oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT'; $url .= '&oauth_timestamp='. time(); $url .= '&oauth_token='. $this->_token['access']['oauth_token']; $url .= '&oauth_version=1.0'; $url .= '&sid='. $this->_ym['signon']['sessionId']; //additional header $header[] = 'Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8'; $rs = $this->curl($url, 'delete', $header); return true; } public function change_presence($status = '', $state = 0) { //prepare url $url = $this::URL_YM_PRESENCE; $url .= '?oauth_consumer_key='. $this->_config['consumer_key']; $url .= '&oauth_nonce='. uniqid(rand()); $url .= '&oauth_signature='. $this->_config['secret_key']. '%26'. $this->_token['access']['oauth_token_secret']; $url .= '&oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT'; $url .= '&oauth_timestamp='. time(); $url .= '&oauth_token='. $this->_token['access']['oauth_token']; $url .= '&oauth_version=1.0'; $url .= '&sid='. $this->_ym['signon']['sessionId']; //additional header $header[] = 'Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8'; $postdata = '{"presenceState" : '. $state. ', "presenceMessage" : "'. $status. '"}'; $rs = $this->curl($url, 'put', $header, $postdata); return true; } public function send_message($user, $message) { //prepare url $url = $this::URL_YM_MESSAGE; $url .= '?oauth_consumer_key='. $this->_config['consumer_key']; $url .= '&oauth_nonce='. uniqid(rand()); $url .= '&oauth_signature='. $this->_config['secret_key']. '%26'. $this->_token['access']['oauth_token_secret']; $url .= '&oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT'; $url .= '&oauth_timestamp='. time(); $url .= '&oauth_token='. $this->_token['access']['oauth_token']; $url .= '&oauth_version=1.0'; $url .= '&sid='. $this->_ym['signon']['sessionId']; $url = str_replace('{{USER}}', $user, $url); //additional header $header[] = 'Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8'; $postdata = '{"message" : '. $message. '}'; $rs = $this->curl($url, 'post', $header, $postdata); return true; } public function fetch_contact_list() { //prepare url $url = $this::URL_YM_CONTACT; $url .= '?oauth_consumer_key='. $this->_config['consumer_key']; $url .= '&oauth_nonce='. uniqid(rand()); $url .= '&oauth_signature='. $this->_config['secret_key']. '%26'. $this->_token['access']['oauth_token_secret']; $url .= '&oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT'; $url .= '&oauth_timestamp='. time(); $url .= '&oauth_token='. $this->_token['access']['oauth_token']; $url .= '&oauth_version=1.0'; $url .= '&sid='. $this->_ym['signon']['sessionId']; $url .= '&fields=%2Bpresence'; $url .= '&fields=%2Bgroups'; //additional header $header[] = 'Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8'; $rs = $this->curl($url, 'get', $header); if (stripos($rs, 'contact') === false) return false; $js = json_decode($rs, true); return $js['contacts']; } public function add_contact($user, $group = 'Friends', $message = '') { //prepare url $url = $this::URL_YM_GROUP; $url .= '?oauth_consumer_key='. $this->_config['consumer_key']; $url .= '&oauth_nonce='. uniqid(rand()); $url .= '&oauth_signature='. $this->_config['secret_key']. '%26'. $this->_token['access']['oauth_token_secret']; $url .= '&oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT'; $url .= '&oauth_timestamp='. time(); $url .= '&oauth_token='. $this->_token['access']['oauth_token']; $url .= '&oauth_version=1.0'; $url .= '&sid='. $this->_ym['signon']['sessionId']; $url = str_replace('{{GROUP}}', $group, $url); $url = str_replace('{{USER}}', $user, $url); //additional header $header[] = 'Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8'; $postdata = '{"message" : "'. $message. '"}'; $rs = $this->curl($url, 'put', $header, $postdata); return true; } public function delete_contact($user, $group = 'Friends') { //prepare url $url = $this::URL_YM_GROUP; $url .= '?oauth_consumer_key='. $this->_config['consumer_key']; $url .= '&oauth_nonce='. uniqid(rand()); $url .= '&oauth_signature='. $this->_config['secret_key']. '%26'. $this->_token['access']['oauth_token_secret']; $url .= '&oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT'; $url .= '&oauth_timestamp='. time(); $url .= '&oauth_token='. $this->_token['access']['oauth_token']; $url .= '&oauth_version=1.0'; $url .= '&sid='. $this->_ym['signon']['sessionId']; $url = str_replace('{{GROUP}}', $group, $url); $url = str_replace('{{USER}}', $user, $url); //additional header $header[] = 'Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8'; $rs = $this->curl($url, 'delete', $header); return true; } public function response_contact($user, $accept = true, $message = '') { if ($accept) { $method = 'POST'; $message == '' ? $reason = 'Welcome' : $reason = $message; } else { $method = 'DELETE'; $message == '' ? $reason = 'No thanks' : $reason = $message; } //prepare url $url = $this::URL_YM_BUDDYREQUEST; $url .= '?oauth_consumer_key='. $this->_config['consumer_key']; $url .= '&oauth_nonce='. uniqid(rand()); $url .= '&oauth_signature='. $this->_config['secret_key']. '%26'. $this->_token['access']['oauth_token_secret']; $url .= '&oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT'; $url .= '&oauth_timestamp='. time(); $url .= '&oauth_token='. $this->_token['access']['oauth_token']; $url .= '&oauth_version=1.0'; $url .= '&sid='. $this->_ym['signon']['sessionId']; $url = str_replace('{{USER}}', $user, $url); //additional header $header[] = 'Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8'; $postdata = '{"authReason" : "'. $reason. '"}'; $this->includeheader = true; $rs = $this->curl($url, strtolower($method), $header, $postdata); $this->includeheader = true; if (strpos($rs, "\r\n\r\n") === false) { $this->_error = -20; return false; } list($header, $body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $rs, 2); //get status code $code = ''; if (preg_match('|HTTP/1.1 (.*?) OK|', $header, $m)) $code = $m[1]; if ($code != 200) { $this->_error = $code; return false; } return true; } public function fetch_notification($seq = 0) { //prepare url $url = $this::URL_YM_NOTIFICATION; $url .= '?oauth_consumer_key='. $this->_config['consumer_key']; $url .= '&oauth_nonce='. uniqid(rand()); $url .= '&oauth_signature='. $this->_config['secret_key']. '%26'. $this->_token['access']['oauth_token_secret']; $url .= '&oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT'; $url .= '&oauth_timestamp='. time(); $url .= '&oauth_token='. $this->_token['access']['oauth_token']; $url .= '&oauth_version=1.0'; $url .= '&sid='. $this->_ym['signon']['sessionId']; $url .= '&seq='. intval($seq); $url .= '&count=100'; //additional header $header[] = 'Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8'; $rs = $this->curl($url, 'get', $header); $js = json_decode($rs, true); if (isset($js['error'])) { $this->_error = $js['error']; return false; } if (stripos($rs, 'pendingMsg') === false) return false; if (count($js['responses']) < 1) return false; $this->_error = null; return $js['responses']; } public function fetch_long_notification($seq = 0) { //prepare url $url = $this::URL_YM_NOTIFICATION_LONG; $url .= '?oauth_consumer_key='. $this->_config['consumer_key']; $url .= '&oauth_nonce='. uniqid(rand()); $url .= '&oauth_signature='. $this->_config['secret_key']. '%26'. $this->_token['access']['oauth_token_secret']; $url .= '&oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT'; $url .= '&oauth_timestamp='. time(); $url .= '&oauth_token='. $this->_token['access']['oauth_token']; $url .= '&oauth_version=1.0'; $url .= '&sid='. $this->_ym['signon']['sessionId']; $url .= '&seq='. intval($seq); $url .= '&format=json'; $url .= '&count=100'; $url .= '&idle=120'; $url .= '&rand='. uniqid(rand()); $url .= '&IM='. $this->_ym['signon']['notifytoken']; $url = str_replace('{{NOTIFICATION_SERVER}}', $this->_ym['signon']['notifyServer'], $url); $url = str_replace('{{USER}}', $this->_ym['signon']['primaryLoginId'], $url); //additional header $header[] = 'Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8'; $header[] = 'Connection: keep-alive'; $this->includeheader = true; $rs = $this->curl($url, 'get', $header, null, 160); $this->includeheader = false; if (strpos($rs, "\r\n\r\n") === false) { $this->_error = -20; return false; } list($header, $body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $rs, 2); //get status code $code = ''; if (preg_match('|HTTP/1.1 (.*?) OK|', $header, $m)) $code = $m[1]; if ($code != 200) { $this->_error = $code; return false; } if ($body == '') { $this->_error = -10; return false; } $js = json_decode($body, true); if (isset($js['error'])) { $this->_error = $js['error']; return false; } $this->_error = null; return $js['responses']; } /* * fetch url using curl */ private function curl($url, $method = 'get', $header = null, $postdata = null, $timeout = 60) { $s = curl_init(); curl_setopt($s,CURLOPT_URL, $url); if ($header) curl_setopt($s,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); if ($this->debug) curl_setopt($s,CURLOPT_VERBOSE, TRUE); curl_setopt($s,CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout); curl_setopt($s,CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); curl_setopt($s,CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 3); curl_setopt($s,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($s,CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($s,CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, 'cookie.txt'); curl_setopt($s,CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, 'cookie.txt'); if(strtolower($method) == 'post') { curl_setopt($s,CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($s,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postdata); } else if(strtolower($method) == 'delete') { curl_setopt($s,CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'DELETE'); } else if(strtolower($method) == 'put') { curl_setopt($s,CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PUT'); curl_setopt($s,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postdata); } curl_setopt($s,CURLOPT_HEADER, $this->includeheader); curl_setopt($s,CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1'); curl_setopt($s, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); $html = curl_exec($s); $status = curl_getinfo($s, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_close($s); return $html; } public function get_error() { return $this->_error; } } ?> Daca se acceseaza trimite.php mesajul se trimite pe messenger victimei insa cu conditia sa exista in lista de contacte. Cum as putea face ca mesajul sa se trimita chiar daca nu este in lista ? CONSUMER_KEY si SECRET_KEY se genereaza de aici https://developer.apps.yahoo.com/projects/
  19. Am incercat pe 2 hostinguri diferite care stiu ca suporta CURL insa tot failed imi arata. Nu ma ajuta sa fac un server pe pc-ul meu.
  20. Nu mai merge. Stiti cumva alte alternative de a trimite pm ym cu php ?
  21. bolovanumic de unde sti tu ma ce vrea sa faca el cu ele ? Te bagi asa ca musca in lapte doar sa ai post-uri ?
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