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Everything posted by unbeliever

  1. Vand conturi PRO VPN pe Hide My Ass! Free Proxy and Privacy Tools - Surf The Web Anonymously la jumatate de pre Preturile pe site : 1 month $11.52 6 months $50.66 1 year $78.66 Preturile mele: 1 month $5 6 months $25 1 year $36 Oferte PM.
  2. Welcome :!
  3. eu zic sa fie la VIP sau Closed rog administrator
  4. Era mai simplu sa pui link-ul de download Iar la XP poti sa intrii in /system32 sa modifici numele fisierelor wgalogon.dll si wgatray...si mai simplu in 3,5 secunde:))
  5. Bitter & vermouth : CINZANO, RAMAZZOTTI AMARO ,Campari ,Martini,Sambuca,Ouzo Sampanie : Don perignon,Moet et chandon. Cognac:Camus,Metaxata,Courvoisier, Martel, Remy Martin,Alexandrion Digestive : Amaretto Di Saronno, Fernet Branca Amaro Ramazzotti Unicum JAGERMEISTER Gin: Beefeater Bombay Wembley GORDON'S, Lichior : Cointreau BAYLEY'S CAROLANS DRAMBUIE KAHLUA DE KUYPER Rom: Bacardi Havana Club Tequila : Camino Real Blanco Camino Real Gold Olmeca Silver Olmeca Gold Sauza White Sauza Gold Vin Spumant: Asti Cinzano Asti Martini Chateau Massard Vodka : Absolut Vodka Smirnoff Vodka Minard Vodka Stalinskaya Belvedere Finlandia Skyy Grey Goose Whisky: Ballantine's Gold 12y. Jack Daniel's Old 4ani Johnnie Walker Blue Label 25 ani Johnnie Walker Black Label 12 Johnnie Walker Gold Label - 18 y.o. Johnnie Walker Green Label - 15 y.o. Tullamore Dew de la 5 la 8 ani. GLENLIVET 12-18-21-30YO GLENFIDDICH 12-15-18-21-30YO JACK DANIEL'S -Bourbon JIM BEAM – Bourbon CUTTY SARK - Scotch Whisky TEACHER'S - Scotch Whisky BALLANTINE'S - Scotch Whisky J & B RARE -Scotch Whisky JOHNNIE WALKER RED LABEL -Scotch Whisky Ce am gasit eu cat de cat..acum ma duc la 4 la interviu la fratelli:D va zic ce am facut dupaia
  6. As vrea si eu sa invat bauturile din bar pentru un bun ospatar . Am tot cautat pe internet m-am mai documentat cat de cat, dar n-am gasit cum vreau eu. Vroiam ceva de genul : Whisky - Jack daniel's - Black Label - 12 ani - Blue Label - 21 ani Gin : Beefeater Bombay Etc . Cine ma poate ajuta, sa faca o lista cu bauturile alcoolice dar si cocktailuri...apreciez. Astept PM sau aici. Thx Succes!
  7. Doar nu o sa te reclami tu insusi ...incearca sa vezi succes!
  8. unbeliever

    Hipnoza online

    Stiti faza cu drogurile auditive?...daca nu o sa fac un tutorial
  9. La cate milioane de utilizatori are facebook-ul, voi chiar credeti acum ca o sa faca ei ancheta pentru un profil inchis?!..eu nu cred ...si zic sa nu abuzati de metoda asta...doar daca credeti ca "dusmaniti" pe cineva foarte grav .Succes!
  10. Cum sa dezactivezi un cont de facebook ?tiind doar adresa de mail ?i data nasterii . Il declari decedat .Testat de mine. 1. Intrii pe link --> Denun?? Profilul unei Persoane Decedate | Facebook Acest formular v? permite s? raporta?i o persoan? decedat? (pe cineva care este mort). 2.Completa?i câmpurile --> Full Name: Numele complet (Prenumele + nume de familie) Date of birth: Du-te la profilul respectiv ?i click pe tab-ul de la Info, ob?ine data lui de na?tere. Account Email Addresses: La fel ca la dat?. Networks: Din nou, merge?i la profil ?i face?i click pe tab-ul Info ?i re?elele sale(network) copia?i ?i lipi?i-le în chenar. Relationship to this person: Selecta?i ce vre?i, eu am selectat prieten bun. Requested Action: Remove Profile Proof Of Death: Aceasta este cea mai grea parte a acestui formular. Acum, pentru a face o dovad? c?uta?i pe google "Certificat de deces" sau "Certificat de moarte". ?i putin photoshop modifica?i numele acolo, v? descurca?i voi ca sunteti iste?i , dac? nu...PM Anuntati decesul [numele respectivului].Salvati imaginea cu certificatul de deces undeva pe desktop modifica?i numele ?i ii face?i un upload pe un site gen ImageShack? - Online Photo and Video Hosting Cam asta a fost Additional Information: Scrie ce vrei tu, doar s? scrii c? esti ruda lui / ei ?i dori?i s? închide?i contul de Facebook, deoarece nu va place c? v? aminteste de el/ea si este decedat, Tutorial insipirat de pe HF. Testat de mine pe un profil de fat?, cam in 4 zile se dezactiveaz? profilul, adic? profilul mai apare dar nu se poate conecta deoarece zice c? e decedat . Cine consider? bun TUT +rep Succes!
  11. E veche faza:)
  12. In ce retea esti? Spune-mi sa vad daca pot sa te ajut
  13. A. ok ..scuze.. inchide-l.:Dms
  14. BlaBlaBla <GILA7 Astept PM . Daca un admin considera stergerea acestui topic, rog sa-l stearga. Ms:)
  15. So here it goes... What you need: - Detected Crypter Stub (shouldn't be a crypter with public sourcecode and not very old) - AVFucker - Offset Changer (sometimes AvFucker is not enough) - Virus Scanner This is my setup: 1. Split your stub We are now going to use AvFucker to split the stub. AvFucker is using the so called "replace byte signature" technique. It replaces the stubs' byte sections and creates a copy of the original with the modified section. By editing byte sections you can eliminate the detected sections of the stub So let's begin... First of all we need to open the AvFucker. Now chose your stub as source file, an empty folder as destination folder. Leave start and end offset on default. Change the value "bytes" to 1000 (this means your are replacing 1000 bytes at a time). It should now look like this: Now hit "Start" and wait till the splitting is finished. 2. Scan splitted files Now you will find a lot of copies of the original stub with the modified byte sections. Scan the folder with your virus scanner. It will show you a lot of detections, but some remain undetected. Delete all detected files. With my AV-Scanner those files were undetected: The names of the files indicate which byte sections was modified. We can not use these files because changing 1000 bytes will most likely corrupt the file. But now we know which byte sections we need to edit. Avoid the first sections because modifying them often corrupts the file. I will chose 0096000_1000 which means the byte section 96000-97000 has been modified. 3. Split the stub (only the undetected sections) Now we use AvFucker once again, but we change the start offset to the beginning of the undetected section (in this case 96000) and the end offset to the end (97000). We also change the value "bytes" to 1 (which means we are now overwriting only one byte at a time) Click start and wait for AvFucker to finish splitting the stub (this takes longer than the first time) Now scan the folder with the splitted files wit your AV-Scanner and delete the detected files. Now check which of the undetected files is still working (the first step is to click on the modified files and check if they are corrupted). If you find a non corrupted file you have to check if it's still working when using it with the crypter (just rename the file to "stub", make a backup of the original and check if the new file is working) In my case the file 0096258_1 is still working. Congratulations, your stub is now undetected against the AV-Scanner you are using. 4. Repeat with other AV-Scanners In order to make your stub FUD you have to do this all over again with other AV-Scanners. I know this takes a lot of time, but when you are done you have your own unique stub which should be FUD for a while. !Attention: When your done with one AV-Scanner make sure you will now modify the new stub, not the original! 5. Advanced Tips Some scanners are harder to bypass than others. I will name some examples of what could happen: 1) All undetected files are corrupted If all your undetected files do not work you have to use a different method of overwriting the byte sections. In this case we use the "Offset Changer" Start it and click on open, select your stub. Then click on parting, set "from offset" to 1000 and "to offset" to the number given in "total offset" (in my case 125951) "Offsets Crypt" is the same as "byte" in AvFucker, so change it to 1000 at first. "Hex Values" is the new feature we need, this will decide with what we overwrite the bytes (default is 00), changing it to other digits (for example 11) sometimes helps to create more undetected files. So you have a higher chance of finding a non corrupt and undetected file. change "steps offset" to 1. It should now look like this: Click on the green tick and follow the same steps as you did with AvFucker. 2) All files are detected In this case try the same as in 1) If this doesn't work you may try to change the value "byte" (in AvFUcker) or "Offsets Crypt" (in Offset Changer) to 100 instead of 1000 Still not working? change the value "start offset"/"from offset" to 1 instead of 1000 (this means the bytes 1-1000 will also be overwritten. In most cases editing this section will corrupt the file but in rare cases this can work out If your splitted files are still detected there is another possibility. After splitting the files and scanning them with your AV-Scanner, DON'T delete all the detected files but check what the detection is called. Different modified sections can cause different detections...so sometimes it helps to find a working modified stub with a different detection than the original. Then split the new stub and see if you can find any undetected files now or if there are other different detections. If all this doesn't work you can only try to use a different AV-Scanner first, then try the other one again. But this only helps in rare cases. Still not working?...then I'm affraid but this method won't work on this stub. This happenes to stubs which are either old or use public sourcecodes. I hope this helps some of you to get your own FUD stubs for crypters,binders or whatever... With this method and the example crypter I made it FUD in a day...this was 4 weeks ago and its still FUD. Here are the scans: Before: After: I also uploaded the crypter and the tools I used: Tut.rar No Pass, use at own risk! Checked all of them in Sandboxie, but you never know... Luat HF.
  16. Here is an intresting topic for you all. You might have seen fake status via Iphone etc etc... Now here is a tutorial to make your app with your own name, so that the updated status looks like - via anything (your name) Instructions See screen shots 1) Go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps and create new app. 2) Name your new app (i.e. yourname) and copy Api key and save it in notepad.(change icon if you want) Now Replace YourApiKey, with the one you saved in notepad. Screenshots [steps] Update your Status http://www.facebook.com/connect/prompt_feed.php?preview=true&display=touch&api_key=YourApiCode Post to a friends wall http://www.facebook.com/connect/prompt_feed.php?preview=true&display=touch&api_key=YourApiCode&target_id=FriendId Luat de pe HF.
  17. You Type 77 Words Per Minute*
  18. iTeleport este o aplicatie pentru iOS care ne permite sa ne conectam la PC/Mac-ul propriu intr-un mod asemanator cu cel oferit de Teamviewer, de exemplu. Vorbim despre una dintre cele mai complete aplicatii de acest gen, o aplicatie care mai nou este capabila sa deschida aplicatii de pe PC/Mac. Practic dezvoltatorii aplicatiei iTeleport au reusit sa implementeze un algoritm care transcrie comenzile rostite de catre utilizatori si le executa direct in PC/Mac OS X fara prea mult efort. Eu l-am instalat pe pc-ul meu, si pe la niste prieteni:D. Si habar nu au , poti sa te uiti ce fac ei pe calculator fara ca ei sa banuiasca ceva .
  19. Doar ce am terminat de instalat...se misca intradevar mai bine, safari, si putin pe la photo ...eu am un 3gs, acum nu stiu la ceilalti.
  20. La numai o zi dupa ce Apple a lansat noua versiune iOS destinata doar device-urilor cu procesor A5 si A5X, dezvoltatorii independenti au eliminat restrictia si au lansat un jailbreak iOS 5.1, in sistem tethered. Masurile de securitate Apple nu au putut amana inevitabilul: iOS 5.1 este acum disponibil pentru toate aproape toate gadget-urile iPad, iPhone si iPod Touch, scrie Gizmodo. Jailbreak iOS 5.1 functioneaza cu succes in sistem tethered, care necesita repetarea hacking-ului la fiecare pornire a device-ului. Este compatibil cu cele mai multe device-uri non A5, dar nu si pe iPhone 4S si iPad 2. Operatiunea a fost facuta posibila de un update la Redsn0w jailbreak tool, de catre iPhone Dev-Team. Utilizatorii care nu sa grabesc sa incerce iOS 5.1 cu complicatii, mai au de asteptat pana la un jailbreak untethered.ne. Sistemul de operare iOS 5 a fost introdus în octombrie 2011, odat? cu lansarea iPhone 4S, iar între timp a mai ap?rut un update, intitulat 5.0.1, care ar fi trebuit s? rezolve problemele pe care noul telefon Apple le are cu bateria (o autonomie sc?zut?). Update-ul s-a dovedit a fi eficient doar par?ial, iar noul firmware promite s? rezolve definitiv aceast? problem?. Iat? câteva alte caracteristici ale iOS-ului 5.1: - Fotografiile pot fi ?terse din Photo Stream. - Un shortcut pentru camera foto-video este prezent întotdeauna pe Lock Screen, în cazul iPhone-ului 4S, iPhone-ului 4, iPhone 3GS ?i a patra genera?ie de iPod Touch. - Un sistem de detectare a fe?elor care eviden?iaz? toate chipurile din imagine. - O nou? aplica?ie pentru camera foto-video de pe iPad-uri.
  21. Thread-ul e din 2011, iar megaupload a fost închis pe 19 ianuarie 2012 de c?tre FBI.
  22. lool ia uite frate ce a dat omu:))
  23. Cum pot sa o rezolv ? in rest merge
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fulNd8w0QyA Cel mai caterinca videoclip
  25. adfly+ref:|
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