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Everything posted by eassy

  1. The main idea is to replace the content of the Wubi’s root disk. Continue reading to know how to achieve this. First, grab Wubi here: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/wubi.exe and the Ubuntu ISO for your architecture: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso Note: You may change the version number and the mirror for your country. Get also your BT image: BT5 http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/pool/1/mirror/backtrack/BT5-GNOME-32.iso http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/pool/1/mirror/backtrack/BT5-GNOME-64.iso http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/pool/1/mirror/backtrack/BT5-KDE-32.iso http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/pool/1/mirror/backtrack/BT5-KDE-64.iso BT5R1 http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/pool/1/mirror/backtrack/BT5r1-GNOME-32.iso http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/pool/1/mirror/backtrack/BT5r1-GNOME-64.iso http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/pool/1/mirror/backtrack/BT5r1-KDE-32.iso http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/pool/1/mirror/backtrack/BT5r1-KDE-64.iso BT5R2 http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/pool/1/mirror/backtrack/BT5r2-GNOME-32.iso http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/pool/1/mirror/backtrack/BT5r2-GNOME-64.iso http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/pool/1/mirror/backtrack/BT5r2-KDE-32.iso http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/pool/1/mirror/backtrack/BT5r2-KDE-64.iso BT5R3 http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/pool/1/mirror/backtrack/BT5r3-GNOME-32.iso http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/pool/1/mirror/backtrack/BT5r3-GNOME-64.iso http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/pool/1/mirror/backtrack/BT5r3-KDE-32.iso http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/pool/1/mirror/backtrack/BT5r3-KDE-64.iso Once all files are downloaded, you are now ready to go. First part is pretty easy… just install Ubuntu from Wubi inside Windows. Once it is fully installed, you will need to make a backup copy of these files: “/boot/grub/grub.cfg” “/etc/fstab” The easiest way to do that (we need to mount the virtual disk anyway), is to access it from outside. In my case, I already have Ubuntu installed beside Windows. You may also use a Ubuntu Live CD (like the Installer, or even any Linux based Live CD). In fact, all you need is Linux Smilie: To not have to sudo everything (for Ubuntu), we just do it once to become root: sudo -i Create your temporary mount points: cd /mnt mkdir ./windows (your Windows C drive) mkdir ./wubi (Wubi's virtual disk) mkdir ./backtrack (Backtrack CD) mkdir ./bt (Backtrack root disk image) Mount your Windows partition containing Wubi (your C partition). Here is an example (where “Windows” is the label of your partition): mount /dev/disk/by-label/Windows/ /mnt/windows mount -o loop /mnt/windows/ubuntu/disks/root.disk /mnt/wubi Note: “/mnt/wubi” is now our reference to access your root partition (/) inside your Wubi’s installation. Prepare the backup directory: cd /root mkdir ./wubi-backup Now we can backup our two files: cp /mnt/wubi/boot/grub/grub.cfg /root/wubi-backup/ cp /mnt/wubi/etc/fstab /root/wubi-backup/ Once backup is completed, say goodbye to your Wubi’s installation. You can backup “root.disk” if you want, but it’s not an obligation. DON’T DO A TYPO ERROR HERE, OR YOU’LL SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR CURRENT SYSTEM TOO… THAT’S NOT THE OBJECTIVE HERE… rm -r /mnt/wubi/* Extract BT’s root image from the ISO. If you don’t already have your BT ISO, you can download it by typing: wget <a href="http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/pool/1/mirror/backtrack/BT5r3-GNOME-32.iso">http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/pool/1/mirror/backtrack/BT5r3-GNOME-32.iso</a> Note: Again, just use the version for your architecture. See above to know the right file to download. For this step, you have two choices. First is to mount the ISO and copy the file, second is to extract the ISO archive and copy the file. Let’s go for the first one: mount -o loop ./BT5r3-GNOME-32.iso /mnt/backtrack mount /mnt/backtrack/casper/filesystem.squashfs /mnt/bt Summary of your mount points: mount -o loop ./BT5r3-GNOME-32.iso /mnt/backtrack mount /dev/disk/by-label/Windows /mnt/windows mount /mnt/backtrack/casper/filesystem.squashfs /mnt/bt mount -o loop /mnt/windows/ubuntu/disks/root.disk /mnt/wubi Time to copy the system files: cp -fpr /mnt/bt/* /mnt/wubi/ And now, copy the two files that you have made a backup of before: cp -f /root/wubi-backup/grub.cfg /mnt/wubi/boot/grub/ cp -f /root/wubi-backup/fstab /mnt/wubi/etc/ Adjust the boot config file for your kernel version. Use gedit’s find and replace function to do everything in a single step: gedit /mnt/wubi/boot/grub/grub.cfg Note: To know what version your BT ISO have, just get a look in “/mnt/bt/boot/”. It is a good idea to adjust also boot parameters like “ro splash vga=791” Update Root Account: chroot /mnt/wubi pwconv Create root’s password passwd It’s finish! Just unmount your mount points and remove temporary folders: umount /mnt/bt umount /mnt/backtrack umount /mnt/wubi umount /mnt/windows rm -r /mnt/bt rm -r /mnt/backtrack rm -r /mnt/wubi rm -r /mnt/windows exit (to exit root shell) You can now reboot your system, and choose “Ubuntu” at boot… I assume that you know what to do from there… Additional tweaks, once BT is up and running Use Make If you would like to use make instructions (like is you want to compile your wireless drivers) prepare-kernel-sources (ensure that you are connected to Internet) cd /usr/src/linux cp -fr include/generated/* include/linux/ Personally, I prefer to use the BT’s graphical interface rather than the text version: Startx automatically Add these lines to /root/.bashrc if [ -z “$DISPLAY” ]; then startx fi Enable full auto-complete in bash Uncomment these lines: if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && ! shopt -oq posix; then . /etc/bash_completion fi Here is a tweak if you NEVER use the graphical interface: Activate automatically eth0 nano /etc/network/interfaces And add these lines: auto eth0 allow-hotplug eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp (uncomment this line) Other bash tweaks: Disable terminal beep nano /root/.inputrc add “set bell-style none” line in the new file and save it Change keyboard layout apt-get install console-common and follow on screen instructions sursa:solutions-ouvertes.com
  2. nu la toti se aplica.eu unu da(martor). daca ajunge acolo sigur a facut ceva
  3. W3Schools Books - JavaScript and Ajax
  4. eassy


    retete urinare. a fost sters
  5. )) old time's
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbTlVoTNhbo
  7. merge aproape pe orice atm.
  8. eassy

    Noobs zone

    ia-o cum vrei tu. dar eu daca pun o intrebare aici: gen cum a fost aia de mai sus sunt vazut prost, noob sau in altfel nu? nu cred ca e correct.... si ce ar mai fi sa pun alte intrebari? crezi ca daca fac "trolling" il fac aiurea? prefer sa incerc de 10 ori ceva decat sa postez si sa fiu luat la misto sau injurat P.S. : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE4wxHHM_tQ&feature=endscreen
  9. eassy

    Noobs zone

    esti glumet de fel? )))) ce argument vrei tu? ce sa intereseze pe cine? si pe cine sa ajute cu ce?
  10. eassy

    Noobs zone

    si ce mi-ar placeeeeeeeeeeeeeee )))
  11. Ingeru meu pazitor e drogat pe canapea Vezi coaie ca n-ai grija de persoana mea Sa moara mata-n zbor, esti mai mort ca noi Daca stiam ca te bagi fumam pentru amandoi
  12. iPhone: un brand cu mult prea multa reclama. mass-media face tot.
  13. gluma e gluma. dar i-a gandeste-te ca metoda asta merge aproape pe orice atm. eu stau si ma gandesc: Oare cati or sa mai incerce? ))))))))))))
  14. Au furat bani dintr-un bancomat cu penseta ))))))))))))
  15. lucrez zi de zi. timp nu am si nici net. pana pe 20sept voi incerca sa tin pasul cu voi cum pot si eu.
  16. ne transforma in sclavi, fara voia noastra. romanu nu e prost, e foarte prostit...
  17. aleg alti pentru noi. asta e partea proasta....
  18. eu nu gasesc asa ceva daca u ai gasit.... imi pare rau de tine ca practici asa ceva.
  19. SA NU FURI, zice una din cele 10 porunci.
  20. ))))))))) esti sigur ca nu mai vrei nimic in plus?
  21. yo mama so stupid that she got hit by a parked car Yo mama so stupid, when she threw a grenade at me, I pulled the pin and threw it back. Yo mama so stupid, she threw a rock at the ground and missed. yo mama so stupid she sold her car for gas money yo mama so stupid that she got fired from the M&M factory for throwing away all the W's ))))))
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