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Everything posted by cybervu

  1. Este o farsa. Cititi aici
  2. E Delphi. Fara nici un fel de protectie. Offset patch, aici: [B]004CEAEC [/B]7512 -> 7412 [B]004D2A93 [/B]7D69 -> 7C69 [B]004D2B62 [/B]7F0E -> 7E0E [B]004D2B76 [/B]7F36 -> 7E36 [B]004D2BEC [/B]7413 -> 7513 ... e doar un punct de plecare; s'ar putea sa mai fie si alte zone.
  3. Deacord! si merci pt. rep.
  4. ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////! ; ; Eq_G2 v.3 by cybervu - RSTForums.com ; ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////| ; ; Formula: ax^2 + bx + c = 0 ; Radacini: x(1,2) = (-b +/- sqrt(b^2 - 4*a*c)) / (2*a) ; ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////| ; ; x86 CPU instruction set ; ; finit Initialize floating point processor ; fld Floating point load ; fld1 Push +1.0 onto the FPU register stack. ; fldz Push +0.0 onto the FPU register stack. ; fdiv Divide ; fdivp Divide and pop ; fadd Add ; fmul Multiply ; fldz Load 0.0 onto stack ; fcom Compare ; fcomp Compare and pop ; fsqrt Square root ; fchs Change sign ; fsubr Reverse subtract ; fsubrp Reverse subtract and pop ; fst Store ; fstp Store and pop ; fstsw Store status word ; sahf Store AH into flags ; ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////' .686 ; 32 bit code .model flat, stdcall ; 32 bit memory model option casemap :none ; case sensitive include \masm32\include\masm32.inc include \masm32\include\user32.inc include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc include \masm32\include\msvcrt.inc includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\msvcrt.lib include \masm32\macros\macros.asm .Data xA Real10 ? xB Real10 ? xC Real10 ? x1 Real10 ? x2 Real10 ? .Code start: Call Main exit ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- InputR10 Proc ptr10:Ptr Real10 ; citeste o valoare reala (float) // crt_scanf() LOCAL r8:Real8 invoke crt_scanf, SADD("%lf"), ADDR r8 mov eax, ptr10 finit fld r8 fstp Real10 PTR [eax] Ret InputR10 EndP ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- satan Proto:Real10, :Real10, :Real10 Main Proc print "A=" Invoke InputR10, Addr xA ; input A print "B=" Invoke InputR10, Addr xB ; input B print "C=" Invoke InputR10, Addr xC ; input C Invoke satan, xA, xB, xC ; calcule Ffree st(0) ; goleste stiva Ffree st(1) ; Ffree st(2) ; print chr$(13, 10) print "cybervu - RSTForums.com" call wait_key ; "Press any key to continue..." Ret Main EndP ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- satan Proc A_:Real10, B_:Real10, C_:Real10 ; b*b si pune in stiva finit ; init fld B_ ; incarca b fld st ; b fmul ; st(0) = b*b = b^2 ; 4*a*c fld1 ; 1 fld1 ; 1 fadd ; st(0) = 1 + 1 = 2 fld st ; 2 fadd ; st(0) = 2 + 2 = 4 fld A_ ; incarca a fld C_ ; incarca c fmul ; fmul ; st(0) = 4*a*c ; st(1) = b^2 fsub ; st(0) = st(1) - st(0) // = delta ; delta (?) 0 : jmp fldz ; incarca 0 fcomp st(1) ; compara st(1)=0 cu st(0) = ((b^2)-(4*a*c)) // = delta fstsw ax ; salveaza sahf ; jbe delta_ok ; delta >= 0 jmp delta_negativ ; -> "nu are radacini reale" delta_ok: fsqrt ; extrage radical fld st ; copie fld B_ ; incarca b fchs ; schimba semnul // -b fadd st(1),st ; st(1) = [-b] + [sqrt(delta)] fsubrp st(2),st ; st(0) = [-b] + [sqrt(delta)] si st(1) = [-b] - [sqrt(delta)] fld A_ ; incarca a fld1 ; incarca 1 fld1 ; incarca 1 fadd ; 1+1= 2 fmul ; st(0) = 2*a fld st ; fdivp st(2),st ; imparte si pop fdivp st(2),st ; -> st(0) = (((- + [sqrt(delta)])/2a) si st(1) = (((- - [sqrt(delta)])/2a) fstp x1 ; salveaza in x1, pop fstp x2 ; salveaza in x2 print chr$(13, 10) print "x1=" print real10$ (x1) ; print x1 print chr$(13, 10) print "x2=" print real10$ (x2) ; print x2 print chr$(13, 10) jmp gata delta_negativ: ; delta < 0 print chr$(13, 10) print "nu are solutii reale" print chr$(13, 10) gata: Ret satan EndP End start Resurse: X86 Instruction Listings - Wiki Art Of Assembly
  5. DOWNLOAD: SOFTWARE Connecting to server... Established. Verify User/Password ... [Zerro balanse in Account!] Successful! Error verifyng Credits balance. Connection Closed Gracefully.
  6. cybervu

    Intrebare C

    elementCurent->pointerAnteriorElement este de fapt adresa luielementAnterior deci: elementCurent->pointerAnteriorElement->pointerUrmatorulElement e tot una cu elementulAnterior->pointerUrmatorulElement Practic schimbi pointerul spre urmatorul element din elementulAnterior SPRE elementul urmator al elementului curent ... cu alte cuvinte: elementul anterior va indica spre elementul urmator, iar elementul curent va fi exclus din lista asta Astfel de structuri se pot intelege foarte usor daca iti faci un mic desen pe perete
  7. ceva noutati pe'aici ? ..
  8. W8 vine cu DirectX11.1 inclus. Placile video noi, cu suport DirectX 11, nu au drivere pentru XP, deci, daca esti gamer si iti cumperi ultimul laptop de la emag atunci nu prea mai ai de ales... Sigur, tu te referi la diferentele de performanta intre doua PC compatibile XP. In aceeasi configuratie evident XP'ul nu consuma atatea resurse, e mai rapid, dar, dupa cum observi, devine depasit, pentru ca tendinta este sa jucam jocuri noi cu placi video cat mai noi... nu? Asa o fi. N'am testat. Nu ma prea joc...
  9. Ultimele placi video nu au drivere pentru XP, si nici nu se vor mai face. Curand sistemul XP va fi abandonat. Deocamdata, majoritatea celor care folosesc W7/8 o fac pentru ca "arata mai bine" si pentru ca "merg jocurile mai bine". Si cam atat.
  10. Ultimul meu update: Eq_G2v3 - 874 bytes Eq_G2v3-GUI - 1.152 bytes Eq_G2v3-GUI+ - 4.161 bytes (experimental)
  11. NU e virusat. Este comprimat prin diverse metode... Poti fi sigur ca n'am lipit nici un 'server' avand in vedere dimensiunea lui, nu? (sub 1kb!). (N'as putea spune acelasi lucru despre varianta ta... are 957 KB (nu Bytes) si un overlay de la jumatate in acolo, ceea ce il face cel putin suspect; cu ce naiba l'ai compulat??) De multe ori AV dau false-positive, in special cand sculele cu care iti protejezi aplicatia au fost folosite la comprimarea/codarea virusilor. Ca sa nu fie nici un dubiu, va recomand VMware + Process Monitor!
  12. Eq_G2 v.2.0 926 Bytes ! @alinh0 : Ce err? Poate te pot ajuta ...
  13. CLAUS Web . Servere performante, suport tehnic super.
  14. Eq_G2 v.1.0 2.048 bytes !! PS. Hai cu egalarea !
  15. 5.5 kb LE: update mai jos
  16. Show socks5 information nu m'am putut abtine
  17. "Budovsky's businesses in Costa Rica apparently were financed by using money from child pornography websites and drug trafficking." Chiar asa? Personal ma indoiesc de autenticitatea probelor... LR avea succes, si probabil inceput sa'i incurce...
  18. Se poate si cu metasploit http://rwx.biz.nf/code/download/ms10_087_pfragments_rtf.rb Microsoft Word RTF pFragments Stack Buffer Overflow (File Format) Description This module exploits a stack-based buffer overflow in the handling of the 'pFragments' shape property within the Microsoft Word RTF parser. All versions of Microsoft Office 2010, 2007, 2003, and XP prior to the release of the MS10-087 bulletin are vulnerable. The Office 2010 windows 7 target requires that the victim has winword.exe open for a few seconds before they open the file. The file still can be double clicked if winword.exe has been opened for the said time.
  19. Daca este un sistem CMS atunci s-ar putea sa gasesti textele prin ceva XML-uri.. Altfel, este mai dificil, poti incerca cu SOTHINK SWF Decompiler ( SWF Decompiler, Flash Decompiler, SWF to Flex, SWF To FLA Converter, Flash to HTML5, Flash Extract, Recover FLA ) . Decompilezi, modifici, compilezi la loc... In acest caz, mai mult ca sigur, va trebui sa rescri putin unele clase action script pentru ca sa'ti reuseasca compilarea (fara erori) ... Spor!
  20. .... stirea este din 2010, preluata folosind tehnologii copy-paste, iar ordinul se refera doar la un formular ANPC, cu uz intern, etc...
  21. Mi'am amintit despre o campanie ... Dowloadam in 010101, platim in 01010101 ... The Problem The MPAA & RIAA claim that the internet is stealing billions of dollars worth of their property by sharing copies of files. They're willing to destroy the internet with things like SOPA & PIPA in an attempt to collect that money. The Solution Let's just pay them the money! They've made it very clear that they consider digital copies to be just as valuable as the original. That makes it a lot easier to pay them back in two ways: a. We can email them scanned images of dollar bills instead of bulky paper and b. We don't have to worry about the hassle of shipping huge quantities of cash. How to Help Take a picture or scan an image of your money. Send digital copies to the MPAA & RIAA in whatever quantity you feel you can afford. Don't go overboard. If you can only afford 20 copies then that's good enough. If enough people contribute we should be able to fully satisify even their most outrageous demands. sendthemyourmoney com
  22. Asa este.. Indiferent cum te inregistrezi tot Cosma Alexandru apare ca referal... ceea ce este cel putin ciudat! Iar cei 3$ pentru confirmare ... Fiind prima postare personal il consider spam.
  23. Unele functii nu sunt free. Este demo.
  24. Backtrack contine reaver deci se poate folosi pentru testarea retelelor WPA/WPA2 (conditia e ca routerul sa aiba WPS activat). Am incercat ReaverPro, dar nu e compatibil cu orice chipset, si, parerea mea merge mult mai incet (2x). ReaverPro vine ca iso (Ubuntu+reaver+gui) si se gaseste kit la vanzare (stick/CD + adaptor wifi + manual) - la Tactical Network Solutions si in alte parti ... O compilatie frumoasa este si XiaopianOS sau
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