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Everything posted by Flubber
jicule, please die. thank you!
Din moment ce liceul la care invat eu este chiar in mijlocul tiganilor (la periferie) ii cunosc destul de bine, dezavantajul imens este ca le permitem, multe si imi permit sa vorbesc aici in numele tuturor fiindca ne afecteaza pe toti (si pe mine inclusiv), s-au obisnuit sa ne fie frica de ei, un lucru bun ar fi daca i-am bate, cel putin cand fac ei pe smecherii si mai stiu eu ce, pur si simplu, ii bati. Cel putin cand am inceput sa invat acolo ma temeam de ce o sa fie, daca o sa ma santajeze, daca o sa ma bata sa-mi ia banii ca na... din moment ce inveti la ei in cartier isi cam permit, poti sa vii tu cu cavaleria, pe degeaba, ca a doua zi, iar or sa te bata si daca nu ei, neamurile lor (desi am vazut si alte situatii, dar acolo au venit niste baieti cu X5-uri si au bagat frica in tigani calumea -- stiti si voi ce mentalitate au (daca respectivul are bani multi si masina smechera, e clar, e respectat de catre tigani) sau cel putin sper)... ca doar stiti cum e cand urla un puradel dupa ma-sa ies 5 colorati ori din boscheti, de sub masini din canalizari... etc... Si dupa un timp mi-am cam bagat-o eu asa putin in ei si am inceput sa-i iau tare, care comenta il pocneam sau ma luam de el si nu le-a mai tinut. Imi amintesc ca eram cu un prieten si plecasem la magazin, in drum erau niste puradei si se luasera de el si am intrat tare in ei, la care am primit o reactie din partea lor si o replica in genul: "Ooo, hai sa il lasam ca asta e smecher." si au fugit, au zis-o pe "bune" insemnand ca nu era vreo vrajeala... Ei se bazeaza pe urmatoarele lucruri: o sunt uniti o cand sunt in gasca sunt 'shmacheri' o in cartier la ei se dau mari fiindca au posibilitatea sa-si cheme cioarahatii imediat o pe naivitatea oamenilor -- mergand pe teoria "daca a tinut odata, mai tine si a doua oara" -- si aici se aplica faza cu frica fata de ei si nu numai o tupeu (care tine) o probabil si mirosul si hainele imputite au un efect (sa redea o imagine cat mai agresiva :laugh:) Un punct forte ar fi sa incepem de aici, daca a comentat vreunul sau in troleibuze,tramvaie s.a.m.d. cand il auzi pe unu ca-si porneste maneaua de se aude in tot 'vagonul', pur si simplu te iei de el sau ii zici ca i-l bagi pe gat daca nu-l opreste Si nu puteti compara tiganii cu romanii sau romanii cu americanii w/e, TOT OAMENI SUNTEM CU TOTII, toti avem in noi ADN, toti avem globule rosii, globule albe in sange, au tiganii cumva "sange verde"? Sau mai stiu eu ce care sa-i difere? Nu puteti spune ca "tiganul arde mai tare ca romanul", poate or fi diferente, dar hai sa fim seriosi, cu totiii purtam asta in sange, vrem sa ne fie bine etc... si recurgem la diferite metode aici doar difera anturajul cu care am copilarit, sau educatia si nu numai, mai multi "parametrii" care te definesc, sa fii mai bun cu unul sau mai rau, experientele au o influenta mare aici (cel putin in cazul meu) Oah cat am scris o.O
GOD DAMN IT!!! Guys! We have been EXPOSED! OH NOEZ o.O just kidding nu schimba nimic comentariul lui "baietasul" ala
pan' la urma si la urma, se mai face ceva sau nu? mie mi-a indexat google comment-urile
multumesc frumos! p.s.: desi cica sunt vechi metodele si cam nefolositoare
Asta ma amuza cel mai tare, in al doilea razboi mondial ei au fost salvarea tuturor (putem spune asa din moment ce Rusia era in prag de colaps), iar acum au schimbat partile, ei sunt nemtii, acum ei vor sa cucereasca lumea dar pe cale diplomatica (si nu numai) -- gen "TERORISTI -- trebuie sa ii atacam! Haideti frati, haideti la arme, haideti sa ne aparam patria" sunt satul de cacaturile astea cand le aud, sunt niste mari minciuni, iar FRAIERII le mananca si se duc crezand ca isi apara patria. Dar tu crezi ca Bush controleaza tot? Poate el e doar marioneta...
Asigura-te ca ai Python 3.x instalat Python Programming Language -- Official Website
Offensive Security Wireless Attacks - Backtrack WiFu
Flubber replied to neox's topic in Tutoriale video
re-upload daca le ai LE: mda, acum am vazut ca e din 2009 thread-ul si l-a inviat "muhamad" ala :-0 -
OMG, deci ma iubesc acum decat orice pe lume... ma ador, ma imbratisez....
Poftim?! Yup -- uitati: SOCANT! Femeia-DRAC: i-au crescut COARNE in frunte! - Stirileprotv.ro Ce parere aveti? 'Photoshop-ata' sau nu? Vote.
Am ratat raid-ul sau s-a amanat?
ce tragea vodka la sfarsit
Hahaha, uitati-va ce caterinca este prank call-ul acesta: YouTube - Greatest Prank ever! Tom Mabe .com Cell Phone.m4v Performer: Tom Mabe
Wow, uitati-va la un jongler exceptional (il cheama Marek Born) si puteti vedea niste filmulete cu el facand acasa niste jonglerii Description: Believe!! ..not belive-sorry;) Now on my pc i have normal version ..echhh:p Thanks for all comments!! // Music: Yellowcard - Believe // Practice: more than 3 years // Player: Marek Born from Poland // Believe!!
Symphony of Science - The Poetry of Reality (An Anthem for Science) Description: mp3: http://symphonyofscience.com The Poetry of Reality is the fifth installment in the Symphony of Science music video series. It features 12 scientists and science enthusiasts, including Michael Shermer, Jacob Bronowski, Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Richard Dawkins, Jill Tarter, Lawrence Krauss, Richard Feynman, Brian Greene, Stephen Hawking, Carolyn Porco, and PZ Myers, promoting science through words of wisdom.
"Having a profound conversation can boost happiness levels, but trivial chatter can be depressing, scientists say. Psychologists investigated whether happy and unhappy people differed because of the types of conversations they engaged in. Volunteers wore an unobtrusive recording device to monitor conversations with friends and colleagues for four days. Researchers then listened to the recordings and identified them as trivial small talk or substantive discussions. In addition, the volunteers completed personality and wellbeing assessments. Reporting the findings in the journal Psychological Science, the researchers said the recordings revealed some startling findings. Greater wellbeing was related to spending less time alone and more time talking to others. The happiest participants spent 25 per cent less time alone and 70 per cent more time talking than the unhappiest. But the researchers were surprised to discover that the type of conversations people took part in also affected their happiness levels. The happiest participants had twice as many deep and meaningful conversations and one third as much small talk as the unhappiest. Matthias Mehl, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Arizona, said: "These findings suggest that the happy life is social and conversationally deep rather than solitary and superficial." The researchers conclude that profound conversations may have the potential to make people happier. They said: "Just as self-disclosure can instill a sense of intimacy in a relationship, deep conversations may instill a sense of meaning in interaction with partners." " source: http://www.noonehastodietomorrow.com/agenda/social-engineering/2063
Yes Sir, dar sunt d-abia la inceput; usor usor ma fac eu mare cu Danonino
nu cred ca il mai are pe asta, din cate stiu l-a schimbat
Never Installed a Firewall on Ubuntu? Try Firestarter
Flubber replied to pyth0n3's topic in Tutoriale in engleza
thanks for sharing pyth0n3, imi va fi de folos cat de curand cand va venii vorba de o retea mish: abtine-te -
# UPDATE [02.04.2010]: [*] Am corectat output-ul care il face Python in "cmd" din Windows cand se alege optiunea de output "Bytes" (nu am stiut cum sa o numesc altfel), cu ajutorul lui cmiN -- multumesc frumos. Pastebin url #!/usr/bin/env; # Coded by Flubber in Python 2.6.4; [b][color=red]# *Update: 02.04.2010 - thanks to cmiN: fixed the output script to "bytes", now the script is displaying the "correct" octates.[/b][/color] # Date: 09.03.2010; *02.04.2010 # Strings to hashes. Encryption supported in: MD5; SHA1; SHA224; SHA256; SHA384; SHA512. print "\n[+] Starting up and configuring." print "[+] Importing modules." import time from time import strftime import hashlib print "\n[+] Setting up 24h system clock." timea = strftime("%a, %d %b %Y @ %H:%M:%S") print "[+] " + timea + ":" + " All went OK. No errors." print "[+] " + timea + ":" + " Printing my awes0me banner." print (""" \n|==========================| | Today | | I | | Moo | | | | - "Moo!" | |==========================|\n\n """) print "[+] " + timea + ":" + " Starting up." time.sleep(2) print "[+] " + timea + ":" + " Printing your encrypting options..." option = raw_input(""" Encrypting options: 1: MD5; 2: SHA1; 3: SHA224; 4: SHA256; 5: SHA384; 6: SHA512. If you want to exit press x or X and hit enter. If you want to encrypt, please choose one option of the above [1,2,3,4,5,6]: """) if option == '1': h = hashlib.md5() elif option == '2': h = hashlib.sha1() elif option == '3': h = hashlib.sha224() elif option == '4': h = hashlib.sha256() elif option == '5': h = hashlib.sha384() elif option == '6': h = hashlib.sha512() elif option == 'x' or option == 'X': print "\n\n[+] " + timea + ":" + " Exiting. Have a nice day." exit() else: print "\n[-] " + timea + ":" + " Oups, something went wrong." print "[-] " + timea + ":" + " Exiting. Sorry!" exit() print "\n[+] " + timea + ":" + " OK, you chose option number: " + option + "." hashy = raw_input("Enter your message to encrypt: ") h.update(hashy) print "\n\n[+] " + timea + ":" + " Encrypting, please wait..." print "[+] " + timea + ":" + " Done." print "[+] " + timea + ":" + " Printing your hash output options." digesto = raw_input("""\n Please choose your hash output: 1: "Bytes" (e.g. /x139/x26/x153/x83/x196/x97/x18/x150/x168/x39/x171/x248/x196/x120/x4/x215); 2: Hex (e.g. 8b1a9953c4611296a827abf8c47804d7). Number: """) [b][color=red]bytes = "/x" + "/x".join([str(ord(x)) for x in h.digest()])[/b][/color] if digesto == '1': print "\n[+] " + timea + ":" + " Your hash is: " + bytes + " ." print "\n[+] " + timea + ":" + " Have a nice day!" exit() elif digesto == '2': print "\n[+] " + timea + ":" + " Your hash is: " + str(h.hexdigest()) + " ." print "\n[+] " + timea + ":" + " Have a nice day!" exit() else: print "\n[-] " + timea + ":" + " Oups! Something went wrong." print "[-] " + timea + ":" + " Exiting. Sorry!" exit() # OLD OK, sunt incepator (nici macar atat, dar intelegeti ideea), nu va asteptati la cine stie ce script: Pastebin url #!/usr/bin/env; # Coded by Flubber in Python 2.6; # Date: 09.03.2010; # Strings to hashes. Encryption supported in: MD5; SHA1; SHA224; SHA256; SHA384; SHA512. print "\n[+] Starting up and configuring." print "[+] Importing modules." import time from time import strftime import hashlib print "\n[+] Setting up 24h system clock." timea = strftime("%a, %d %b %Y @ %H:%M:%S") print "[+] " + timea + ":" + " All went OK. No errors." print "[+] " + timea + ":" + " Printing my awes0me banner." print (""" \n|==========================| | Today | | I | | Moo | | | | - "Moo!" | |==========================|\n\n """) print "[+] " + timea + ":" + " Starting up." time.sleep(2) print "[+] " + timea + ":" + " Printing your encrypting options..." option = raw_input(""" Encrypting options: 1: MD5; 2: SHA1; 3: SHA224; 4: SHA256; 5: SHA384; 6: SHA512. If you want to exit press x or X and hit enter. If you want to encrypt, please choose one option of the above [1,2,3,4,5,6]: """) if option == '1': h = hashlib.md5() elif option == '2': h = hashlib.sha1() elif option == '3': h = hashlib.sha224() elif option == '4': h = hashlib.sha256() elif option == '5': h = hashlib.sha384() elif option == '6': h = hashlib.sha512() elif option == 'x' or option == 'X': print "\n\n[+] " + timea + ":" + " Exiting. Have a nice day." exit() else: print "\n[-] " + timea + ":" + " Oups, something went wrong." print "[-] " + timea + ":" + " Exiting. Sorry!" exit() print "\n[+] " + timea + ":" + " OK, you chose option number: " + option + "." hashy = raw_input("Enter your message to encrypt: ") h.update(hashy) print "\n\n[+] " + timea + ":" + " Encrypting, please wait..." print "[+] " + timea + ":" + " Done." print "[+] " + timea + ":" + " Printing your hash output options." digesto = raw_input("""\n Please choose your hash output: 1: Bytes; 2: Hex. Number: """) if digesto == '1': print "\n[+] " + timea + ":" + " Your hash is: " + str(h.digest()) + " ." print "\n[+] " + timea + ":" + " Have a nice day!" exit() elif digesto == '2': print "\n[+] " + timea + ":" + " Your hash is: " + str(h.hexdigest()) + " ." print "\n[+] " + timea + ":" + " Have a nice day!" exit() else: print "\n[-] " + timea + ":" + " Oups! Something went wrong." print "[-] " + timea + ":" + " Exiting. Sorry!" exit()
Aveti cumva cartile in forma .pdf? Eu am gasit asta: Hacking Exposed 6: Network Security Secrets & Solutions / McClure & Scambray -- am citit cateva pagini si deja mi-a captivat toata atentia, foarte foarte interesant -- nu stiu ce capitol e, aparent 3 sau 4 (cred) Daca aveti si voi altele de genul, va rog anuntati-ma prin PM
multumesc frumos imi place cum l-ai structurat
Ich will am Überfall besuchen -- vreau sa particip la raid -mi tu! mi tu!