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  1. Let's face it. There are a lot of stupid people out there. And stupid people are going to do stupid things, and if they happen to be on the wrong side of the law when they are committing these stupidities, those same stupid people are going to get caught and end up in the joint long enough to see the hair on their testicoli get gray. And let me tell you, plenty of wiseguys fall into this category, not just civilians -- giving the rest of "us" the reputation of dumb cavemen with greasy hair. But you're smarter than that, right? Of course you are. The first thing you've done is admit that you don't know jack and have decided to read my articles. You are here to learn, so I'm here to teach you. Today's lesson is about not getting caught. I'm not going to waste my time going through the thousand and one things you shouldn't get caught doing, but I am going to reveal some basic rules that you can follow to avoid getting caught with your pants down. How will this apply to you and your squeaky clean life? Easy. There will come a day, whether it's today or 20 years from now, when you do something wrong. It can be because you screwed over a competitor or even sabotaged a colleague's project to get ahead. And those are only corporate world examples. We are all human and we all make mistakes or do things that aren't on the "up and up." We don't live in a fairy-tale world over here; we have to admit this. It's survival of the fittest, and if you don't learn these basic rules of street conduct, you won't survive. So let's move along to these magical rules. Rule No.1 Keep your mouth shut No matter how bad you screw up, no matter how brilliant you think you are when you plan the perfect plan, no matter how much you want to share the news, keep it to yourself. I can't stress this enough. No matter how legit or illegal your transgression, if you get away with it, count your blessings and keep your mouth shut. Opening your trap about how conniving you are won't win you any friends and will just set you up for a fall. You tell your friends you cheated on your wife, or you tell some hooker how you have the perfect racket going on at the docks, and you just fed a stool pigeon the meal they need to save their own arse. For the love of the Madonna , don't talk more than you should. Why make yourself a target for a shakedown from somebody looking to cash in on your mistake? Rule No.2 Be cautious Whether you just clipped someone, banged your girlfriend's sister, stole money from your place of work, or lied in court, you can get away with murder if you are extremely cautious. I've often said that a careless man is often a dead man. No matter how well you plan, no matter how much you try to cover something up, you will always forget something -- I can guarantee it. So be paranoid about details, go over things, and tread carefully. Be the most cautious person in the world; this is healthy paranoia. Plan what's going to happen, and don't leave any stains on that blue dress. Rule No.3 Plan, plan, plan Sometimes things happen, and you have to deal with them on the fly. Other times, we purposely plan bad things and hope they don't come back to bite us where the sun don't shine. Whatever it is you're doing, plan everything out, from the time you are unaccounted for, to the clothes you wear, to who sees you crossing the street, to things you've said, to an escape plan. Plan everything . Don't leave anything to chance. Keep your plan clean and simple because you have to store it in your head. Rule No.4 Don't leave any evidence You'd think this is obvious enough. It isn't. People leave all kinds of things lying around for others to find. This is all about being careless. The simple solution is to keep things as uncomplicated as you can. Use gloves, plan things in your head, use as few tools as possible, always pay cash, etc. Forget using a computer to plan things, it's a trap -- any wet wad with an Internet connection can have access to your things. I actually had a soldier in one of my crews who saved all his profit margins from his rackets in his computer, and had a step-by-step guide on how it was organized. His excuse? In case he one day got amnesia, he wanted to remember all his sources of income. That cafone could have taken a lot of people down, including himself. Needless to say, he paid his dues. Rule No.5 Plan on consequences People who get away with everything and anything have one thing in common: they're visionaries, in that they see all the possible repercussions of their actions. You have no idea how important this is. The ability to predict the outcomes of different developments will help you deal with unexpected f*ckups and come up with excuses, alibis, or evidence ahead of time. This means you need to have an emergency plan and an exit strategy. Don't be an idiot and forget to have a backup plan. Rule No.6 Limit the people in on the deal Sometimes we have to do things that bend the rules, and sometimes these things can't be done alone and we have to bring others in on the action. That's life, you can't do anything about it. Sure, I prefer to eat alone (and so should you), but sometimes you have to share and not be so goddamn greedy so that you have something to share in the first place. If you just whacked a two-ton buffalo, you're not going to be able to carry it yourself, you know what I mean? Bobby De Niro likes his buffalo mozzarella fresh, so you don't have all week to chop up the buffalo alone, capisce ? If you have to bring people in on whatever racket you have going, limit the amount of people and, more importantly, limit the amount of info they know. Never reveal 100% of anything to anyone. Keep people in the dark; they won't be able to piece everything together and if they're busted, they won't be able to provide a complete picture leading to your downfall. Don't be a dumb stronzo ; prepare to drop it all if your gut tells you to. Rule No.7 Be ready to abandon everything Here's an important rule that people forget. No matter how much time you've spent planning your score, courting the skank in the cubicle next to you for an affair, or operating a profitable Friday night poker get-together, if your instincts tell you that you're about to get pinched, abandon everything. Spending years rotting away in the can doesn't justify the risk. When something gets out of control, when your stomach is sending you messages, cut the anchor loose and walk away. I can't give you a how-to guide on what to look for -- every situation is different -- but in this thing of ours, you develop a sixth sense when a deal is about to go bad. This is where your emergency plan goes into effect. You'll be glad you planned it when you were calm and in control because when crap hits the fan, the last thing you'll be able to do is come up with another plan. So have that exit strategy in place. Rule No.8 Don't change your habits Most people can't hide it when they've done something wrong. They wear their guilt on their faces like a big zit. I said before to be paranoid, but don't look it. Add suspicious and guilty to the list of ways not to look. Don't give away your transgressions via your body language, it's a rookie's mistake. Don't all of a sudden change personalities or habits. The best way for you to not rouse suspicion is by maintaining your same habits. If you know your patterns are going to change as a result of something you did, plan ahead and gradually include that new pattern into your lifestyle. Use your freaking brain and imagination to picture what I'm referring to. I'm not going to tell you everything. Do I have to breastfeed you too? Rule No.9 Remember the little things There are plenty of small things you can do to make sure you cover your arse. Not using your credit card at inconvenient times is an obvious one (like the clown who uses his card at a motel with his mistress just to get frequent flier points). Use pay phones at random locations; the US government's NSA branch has a giant factory the size of a football field in Kansas recording every phone call, fax and e-mail transmission the world over. They can track your conversations no matter where you are, but why should you make their lives easy and do the leg work for them? Have meetings in public places and never stay in one spot -- walk around. Don't use your own car either; rent one. Sure, the cops can track the rental car down, but again, why make it easy for them? Have an alibi -- the more the better. Time things so that you have as little "unaccounted" gaps of time as possible. change your name And, please, pretty please, with a cherry on top, never use your real name. You have no idea how many dumb stronzos use their real names for things they shouldn't. If you ask me, if you think you can't remember your own fake name, then chances are you won't remember your plan or emergency plan either. Either way, you'll get pinched, so why even try? Watch your backs and keep your noses clean.
  2. Table Room location: 001-003 New Hampshire 004-007 Maine 008-009 Vermont 010-034 Massachusetts 035-039 Rhode Island 040-049 Connecticut 050-134 New York 135-158 New Jersey 159-211 Pennsylvania 212-220 Maryland 221-222 Delaware 223-231 Virginia 691-699 Reserved for future use. 232-236 West Virginia 232 North Carolina 237-246 Reserved for future use. 681-690 Reserved for future use. 247-251 South Carolina 654-658 Reserved for future use. 252-260 Georgia 667-675 Reserved for future use. 261-267 Florida 589-595 Reserved for future use. 766-768 Reserved for future use. 769-772 Reserved for future use. 268-302 Ohio 303-317 Indiana 318-361 Illinois 362-386 Michigan 387-399 Wisconsin 400-407 Kentucky 408-415 Tennessee 756-763 Reserved for future use. 416-424 Alabama 425-428 Mississippi 587-588 Reserved for future use. 752-755 Reserved for future use. 429-432 Arkansas 676-679 Reserved for future use. 433-439 Louisiana 659-665 Reserved for future use. 440-448 Oklahoma 449-467 Texas 627-645 Reserved for future use. 468-477 Minnesota 478-485 Iowa 486-500 Missouri 501-502 North Dakota 503-504 South Dakota 505-508 Nebraska 509-515 Kansas 516-517 Montana 518-519 Idaho 520 Wyoming 521-524 Colorado 650-653 Reserved for future use. 525585 New Mexico 648-649 Reserved for future use. 526-527 Arizona 600-601 Reserved for future use. 764-765 Reserved for future use. 528-529 Utah 646-647 Reserved for future use. 530 Nevada 680 Reserved for future use. 531-539 Washington 540-544 Oregon 545-573 California 602-626 Reserved for future use. 574 Alaska 575-576 Hawaii 750-751 Reserved for future use. 577-579 District of Columbia 580 Virgin Islands 580-584 Puerto Rico 596-599 Reserved for future use. 586 Guam 586 American Somoa 586 Philippine Islands 700-728 Registrirovalis for Railways to the 1961.
  3. Staying legit and true to customers and other members of the forum as been one very important part that brings success i.e you get referrals, respect etc from people. Looking at the time I've spent on the boards, I've learnt couple of things that makes the good people turn the bad-guy. Below I'm gonna put a short list that briefly explain mistakes good guys do. 1. Being A Reseller: Many times resellers on the forum turn rippers mostly when they get out of supply or when the original seller gets into trouble. This degenerates into bigger problems for the reseller fronting for the original seller on the forum. Most of these cases are unexplainable to the customers. Have you ever had a reseller that confesses being a reseller? They'll always look for other ways to explain whatever the situation is, which sounds more unreasonable or illogical. The reseller situation is synonymous to having a whack partner to do ops with. To stay long and true on the forum --- make sure you get your franchise directly from yourself and by yourself. 2. Doing Biz you don't have full knowledge about: Not testing your schemes properly and coming for a fluke review could land you into troubles too. When people trust you with there money, they don't wanna stories. Be sure of what you do and how you did it. Make sure they know the risk of not getting the ops correctly successful too. Never make statements like "100% Cash-out" when you understand the risk probabilities of the business are slim. This happened to me a while ago when I was pushed by some friends that they would give some huge returns on online forex investments if I could gather investors. I got fucked... so I fucked the investors. And loss all the respect I got vending for about 3yrs. 3. Greed and Need: If you have a fucking target to meet. You dont let it get into your head! Dont take funds for services you can't offer or stuffs that are'nt in stock. When you create little doubt it might expand into something that will ruin your all rep. 4. Delivery/Ops Timeline: When you dont deliver on-time. You may get the "RIPPER" tag before you know it. And when you get it.... you might not get a chance of explaining yourself out. 5. Just let your YEAH be YEAH and NO be NO.
  4. Who are Phishers and what do they do? Phisher (pronounced as “fisher”) is a term used for a person who does the act of Phishing. PHISHERS are like parasites in this Web World, who take the advantage of the vulnerabilities in the system and pose a big threat to the very existence of Online Transactions. Phishers are basically fraudsters who use social engineering tricks on the Internet and some harmful software to pry on your important personal and financial information. They gather important information like your bank logins or credit card information and then use it like their own. Phishers Psychology An insight into the Phishers mind will reveal that not all of the Phishers do it for money. There are some who do it because they think it is fun. Some others do it because they get a kick out of it. Find below the common characteristic traits of these fraudsters They mostly fall under the age group of 15 to 30. They are easily susceptible to online crime because of easy access to internet and also because of the negative environment they grow up in. They don’t fear being caught or their identity being revealed because it’s on the internet and there’s no physical appearance at any point of time. Most of them wish to make big money in short time. On a good day, they even make $20,000 to $50,000 in 24 hours. They think it is fun. Some start with having fun then get into serious crime. Mostly the fraudsters are from poor nations or developing countries. They hardly bother about victim’s emotions and feelings. For most of them, it’s their job to make a living. They have unlimited access to technology and have extremely good technical expertise. They are smart and often think of innovative ways to cheat people. Target The most favorite target for the fraudsters are innocent people who are not aware of the various kinds of technology frauds that are prevalent. Also among the target are people who are not so savvy with the computer and who are usually lured with the prospect of making easy money or dating. When it comes to targeting large organizations, the Phishers usually target the financial organizations because these organizations do a lot of financial transactions everyday and all of their work and information is dependant on technology. Tricks and Techniques The Phishers or fraudsters use all the tricks and techniques of social engineering to trap innocent victims. The victims usually fall prey to what seems like a genuine request for personal and financial information. Phishing One of the common ways of phishing is to use a Web design and URL which closely resembles that of your bank. The fraudster then sends emails at random, asking you to verify or update your account details along with a link embedded in the email. This is a URL to the fraudulent Web site made to look real with information and other details closely resembling the original. You then enter your account details and password (sadly, it’s for the fraudster and not for your bank.). The fraudster would then see your account details and password in clear characters. This is when your account becomes susceptible to use by the fraudster in any way as he pleases Dating Scams Fraudsters pose as beautiful girls and enroll themselves in various dating and social networking sites. Novice users not aware of this ploy get attracted to them by seeing some fake pictures/videos and contact them. Fraudsters then exploit them to the maximum extent like: Claiming that they are in deep financial trouble and would like you to support them with some money. Claiming that they need money as he/she wants to come to US and marry her/him. Get bank accounts from them for transferring stolen money making them money mules Use their address to send bill pay check (sent from compromised accounts) and asking them to cash the check at their bank account and forward the cash to them. Using their address to send purchased goods bought by stolen cards and then asks them to forward to their country as most of the online shops do not send goods overseas. Users need to be careful when comes to dating scams because it is an emotional loss apart from a monetary loss. They might lose trust on the Internet and people altogether. If you are interested in dating an online partner you need to verify the partner carefully before you begin the relationship. If the partner is based overseas, then make sure to call them and verify the phone number and address of the place given by the partner. Because most of the fraudsters even though use a US or UK phone number, they use the forwarding feature of these numbers and stay overseas. Vishing Here fraudsters setup a fake call center using Voice over IP (VOIP). They usually send emails asking you to confirm your banking details as a security check at the phone number provided in the email. As you are not aware about this, you call the number believing it to be a bank phone number and end up giving your banking details and other personal information at the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) phone number. They record your calls and use it for fraudulent purpose. Fraudsters often think of innovative ways to scam innocent people. Most prevalent are phishing, pharming, URL spoofing, dating or romance scams, job scams, money mules scams, over payment fraud, foreign lottery scams, pharmacy scams, auction scams, Escrow service scams, advanced fee scams, cross border scams, investment scams, charities fraud, Debt elimination scams, Nigerian letter scams or Nigerian 4-1-9 scams, Foreign lottery scams, Sweepstakes or prize scams, Work from home scams, Counterfeit cashiers checks fraud, Counterfeit money order scams, Telemarketing fraud, spam emails, spy ware, hacking and much more. Cashing your information Have you ever wondered how others would use your personal and financial information after they’ve stolen it from you? Below are some of the common ways how they’re used: Identity theft – Your identity can be used to impersonate you and commit hideous crimes. Credit card information – can be used to shop online or create a counterfeit card to shop in stores. Bank Logins – can be used to transfer funds, pay bills or obtain loans and cards. Debit card information - to create duplicate debit cards and withdraw amounts at ATM and Point of Sale transactions ebay logins - to bid auctions PayPal logins – transfer your money to other PayPal accounts Trading accounts - to trade stocks SSN and DL information - to create duplicate cards and get social benefits in your name or commit other crimes. What’s worse is that you could lose all this without you even knowing that you lost it and by the time you realize, it is too late to make amends and you’re probably bankrupt. This is exactly what happens when you disclose your personal details at unknown sources on the Internet. Communication Even in the world of cyber crime there are specialists who are experts in a particular area of crime. Some are experts in hacking, some in setting up fake websites, some in stealing credit card information etc. Though these guys are located at different parts of the world they usually meet at a common place to communicate with each other and sell each other’s expertise. There are various means by which these guys communicate. The most common are underground forums which are not accessible to law enforcement agencies or common public. They also meet in private IRC chat rooms, messenger chat sessions or email conversations to share their services for a price and few of them go to an extent of hosting websites to sell stolen cards. Who’s who? Most of us are familiar with terms Phishing and Phishers, but there are many others who support them. Here are few names Impersonators: These guys take all the stolen data of a cardholder and contact the banks posing as the cardholder. With that information they might change the billing address to receive goods, order for a credit card, obtain a bank loan, or use the cardholder’s identity to commit crime. Pin Cashiers: The PIN cashiers are a group of fraudsters who specialize in making a replica of the ATM cards and then cash them at ATM's using the theft data got by ATM skimming , Point of sale skimming or phishing. Dump Vendors: A dump is the information of your card’s magnetic strip which includes track1 and track2. These guys sell magnetic strip data of credit cards which is either stolen at ATM's using ATM skimmers, POS scams, hacked from merchant Websites and phishing scams. They usually sell each card ranging from 10 USD to 150 USD depending on the card’s credit limit. Bank Drops: The role of these guys is to provide bank accounts by making common people victims of dating scams or money transferring agents so that Phishers can make bank transfers or bill pays using the stolen data. Drops: These guys provide legitimate address to ship goods which are bought using the theft credit cards or collect money made from auctions fraud or other frauds. Hackers: Hackers are those tech savvy individuals who hack into websites for credit cards or to host phishing scams. They hack into novice user computers and can use the victim’s personal or financial information for their own purpose. They might use the victim’s computers as bots (a chain of computers which can be controlled simultaneously) to send millions of spam emails or use them as proxies to cover the tracks of the original IP address. Connectivity: All these guys who are experts in different kinds of fraud meet at a common place like an underground forum which is not accessible to law enforcement agencies or common public. They also meet in private IRC chat rooms and messenger chat sessions to share their services, for a price of course. Money Transactions: These guys are located around the globe and they usually use e-currencies to transact. Covering the tracks One of the reasons why phishing and other cyber crimes are difficult to fight is because of the anonymity and fraudsters location around the globe. Since everything happens on cyber space there is no physical existence or evidence of the fraud. This makes them difficult to track. Thanks to technology, fraudsters find ways to cover the IP address from which they are operating. They use proxy servers, socks chains, Virtual Private Network’s and dedicated servers to cover their IP addresses. Infact things are so worse that the fraudster doesn’t have to be tech savvy to do all this. There are many websites that provide this kind of service. For those fraudsters who want to play it really safe they turn to underground sources where other fraudsters provide the service – “how to cover your IP address”. Threat to e-commerce Industry Life is not the same since the inception of internet and e-commerce. With a single click of your mouse you could be traveling thousands of cyber miles within fraction of a second. Transactions worth billions happen at a click of Mouse. People see their banks in their computers and have started doing their banking and credit card transactions via Web. People started to shop in the virtual world. Many super virtual stores carved their niche in this world. Phishers have taken this as their sole point of existence - started infecting online users with scam emails, with key loggers and started monitoring their online information. This is nothing but Identity Theft. They also started creating scam pages that would look like a copybook of the authentic websites. Innocent and unsuspecting users visit these pages and provide sensitive/personal information like credit card information (CVV code/billing details), debit card information including PIN (Personal Identification Number), Banking Details like Logins, Account/Routing number, SSN (Social Security Number) and other sensitive information including passwords. Amount worth billions of dollars is lost and no one is able trace them. In 2006 the amount of money lost in identity fraud is estimated to be $55.7 billion. Apart from the money that is lost in these transactions, the very reputation of the genuine organizations is at stake. It becomes so bad that unless you are cautious you never know who's watching your computer and where you're landing when you open up a web page. Apart from innocent people, all credit card companies, banks and e-commerce companies are the victims of Phishers activities. All these frauds are a major threat to the e-commerce industry on the whole and unless this is stemmed from the root, the trust of users on making transaction over the internet will be lost. ---------- Post added at 11:44 ---------- Previous post was at 11:43 ---------- Fraudsters on the Internet don’t stop at installing key loggers and spy ware on your computer to ruin your day. They go a step further—they pry on your bank accounts, gather account information, and then use it like it’s their own. And how do they do it? By Phishing (pronounced as “fishing”) So what is phishing? You always admired how convenient it is for you to access your bank account online and transact. What if someone “else” could transact using that little piece of information in your head—your account password? Worse, what if you were to give it to a fraudster yourself without you knowing it? Before you dismiss that thought, let us tell you that they know of a way to make you do that. How is it done? Your bank’s website is where you’ll most always use your account details and password without worrying about it much. That’s secure alright, but if you were displayed a Web interface which so closely resembles that of your bank, you are subconsciously programmed to assume it to be your bank and provide your login details, which may include your account number, your credit card number, and a password. This is what the fraudster wants. The fraudster uses a Web design and a URL which closely resembles that of your bank. The fraudster then sends emails at random, asking you to verify or update your account details along with a link embedded in the email. This is a URL to the fraudulent Web site made to look real with information and other details closely resembling the original. In the world of Internet fraud, this trick of sending emails to gather personal and banking information leading to identity theft is called phishing. For example, a fraudster designs a website that very closely resembles that of your bank and hosts it at a URL, which is also similar to that of the bank (for example, your-ownbank.com instead of the original your-bank.com - Loans Resources and Information. This website is for sale!). The fraudster then sends emails (seem to be coming from legitimate sources) at random, asking you to verify or update your account details. Here’s what the fraudster wishes will occur: you believe the “urgent” need to update your information and as mentioned in the email, you click on the link. The link takes you to the website the fraudster created (your-ownbank.com or www.fraudster-website.com/your-bank/login). You then enter your account details and password (sadly, it’s for the fraudster and not for your bank.). The fraudster would then see your account details and password in clear characters (encryption is his enemy, remember!). This is when your account becomes susceptible to use by the fraudster in any way as he pleases. What is the impact? Phishing has been around for a few years now and growing in strength. Once your account details are gathered, you are at the mercy of the fraudster as to how they would be used—withdrawals, transfers, checks, to name a few common usages. What can you do to avoid it? Here are some ways of Identity theft prevention and protection from internet fraud: When you receive emails claiming to be sent by financial institution asking you to enter your account details, DO NOT do so! Your institution already has your details and clearly would not want them again. Check if the email that you receive has your name spelt correctly. Fraudsters simply try to guess your name by your email address. DO NOT open emails that have your name spelt incorrectly. Check the email to see if it is addressed to your name. Fraudsters never personalize emails, they will refer you as “Dear Customer” or “Dear Valued Customer” because they send emails randomly to a million email addresses and they even don’t know that you have an account with the bank. Your bank or e-commerce company on the other hand will refer you with your name. DO NOT respond to emails that seem like they are sent from your bank. Some of the claims made in these emails may be the following: The bank is trying to protect you from a fraud. The bank needs some security and maintenance update on your account as asks for your account details. You are to receive a refund. You are to receive a prize If you receive such email always check back with your back directly or speak to the customer service representative of the bank. NEVER enter your credit card details and password in a website which you suspect is not genuine. DO NOT share your account details, password, or credit card details with anyone who you do not know or trust. DO NOT open unsolicited emails. It is a good practice to type in the URL of your bank yourself, or bookmark it if the URL is difficult to remember. DO NOT follow links to a banking website from another website or email. Verify a website’s URL carefully before you provide your login details on any web page. Fraudsters create fake websites that have URLs closely resembling the original. Log in to your accounts regularly and look for account transactions that you do not recognize. DO NOT send your account details and/or password over an email to anyone. Check that the Internet connection you are using is secure. Look for the lock at the bottom or https (an‘s’ appended to ‘http’) in the address field of your browser. These indicate that the connection is a secure one. Make sure that you have automatic updates / firewall turned on and regularly download the security patches if you are a windows user. Sharing and Caring The fight against phishing requires one crucial resource that is at your disposal—knowledge. You know what phishing is and what havoc it could cause to a novice Internet user. Therefore, please share information on this form of Internet fraud with your family and friends.
  5. 100

    [Cumpar] Nologins

    Vinzi ce caut eu ? Banuiesc ca nu. Te rog sa te abtii de la flood pe thread. Pot posta ce cerere vreau, atat timp cat este aprobata de admin. Nu trag tepe si nu sunt obligat sa cumpar de unde vrei tu. Te rog sa iti vezi de treaba si sa te abtii de la comentarii inutile.
  6. Cumpar USA nlogins FRESH - vechime max 4 zile. Platesc prin LR. Am nevoie in mod constant, deci va fi o colaborare de lunga durata. Accept doar useri cu feedback. First contact PM.
  7. oricum si fata de asta cred ca PSI cu GPG e mult mai safe si oricum PSI`ul are o interfata mult mai prietenoasa
  8. va dati seama ca daca vrea cineva sa sparga vre`un container dinasta si daca prezentati interes pt ei o sa`l sparga... ganditiva doar ce supercomputer a Bitcoin`u... si cum folosesc placile grafice ale fraierilor sa genereze hash`uri....
  9. If you dont know already ... ICQ IS NOT SAFE. they are constantly changing their protocol to not work with programs like pidgin and otr. the server admin can read ALL plain text messages. there are special programs made to scan thru words searching for words like "skimmer" "drops" "carding" "d+p" etc. and then theyll be watching your account like a hawk. jabber is open source, and a safe protocol. i recommend EVERYONE switch over to jabber. and boycott icq. FUCK ICQ!!! first get the chat IM program and install it. i like pidgin the best hxxp://www.pidgin.im then get the otr plugin to encrypt chats. click on the first link that says "WIN32 installer for pidgin-otr" hxxp://www.cypherpunks.ca/otr/ install pidgin first to the default directory ... then install the otr plugin. then sign up for a public jabber(XMPP) account at any of the sites listed or any other ones you may have done your research on. hxxp://www.jabber.org/create-an-account/ hxxp://www.jabbim.com/ to enable OTR messaging open pidgin ... go to tools ... click plugins. then scroll down untill you see "Off-the-record Messaging" and make sure the little box beside it is checked. now you need to link your jabber account to pidgin ... at the top goto accounts, then click manage accounts. a box will pop up. now click add. there will be a little drop down menu beside protocol. click on this and scroll down to XMPP. in username type in your username from jabber.org in domain type in jabber.org in password type in your password. (replace domain jabber.org if you signed up with another server) in a few seconds you should be connected and can start adding your fellow jabber friends Encrypted chats: once a chat box is opened with one of your friends. you will notice in the bottom right hand side in RED writing "Not Private" click on this and goto Start Private Conversation. now assuming that your friend also has OTR installed, within a few seconds it will change from "Not Private" to "Unverified" again, you want to click on "Unverified" and click on "Authenticate buddy" there are various ways to authenticate your buddy. one thats simple is asking a question. like what color is the sky? Answer: Blue. Once your buddy has entered the correct answer to your question, the letters in the right hand side will now say "Private" Now your safe to chat.
  10. da correct dar uite iti spun ca s`a intamplat sa il mai desfaca... am citit mai multe discutii pe niste forumuri rusesti... si crede`ma toata lumea cel putin ce cunosc eu sunt toti acsati pe DiskCryptor... mai ales ca acum au scos si o versiune care se misca foarte bine pe SSD`uri... o chestie care PGP`u sau TrueCryptu nu o au
  11. mai bine folosesti Diskcryptor, spre deosebire de PGP, truecrypt etc... e open source... PGP`ul de expemplu necrackuit trimite encrypton key`urile la ei pe server.. deci aveti grija...
  12. auzi sunt f curios dc i`ar trebuii cuiva like`uri?? sa fie mai cool in fata prietenilor sau ce ca nu inteleg...
  13. Stie cineva un produs cel putin la fel de bun sau mai bun decat NanoStation M2???
  14. daca ati avut vreo experinta cu ssd`urile astea... eu am cumparat unu si dupa ce il criptez merge foarte prost....
  15. bine ma dar mai sunt si activx`urile alea care il incasezi direct de pe pagina...
  16. Poate deja il stiati dar nu l`ati incercat... mie mi`au spart parolele la vreo 4 retele ale vecinilor hxxp://tools.question-defense.com/wpa-password-cracker/
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