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Everything posted by xTremeSurfer

  1. Network Forensics Evasion: How to Exit the Matrix Privacy and anonymity have been eroded to the point of non-existence in recent years. Our personal, private information is stockpiled and sold to the highest bidder like so much inventory at a warehouse. National Security Letters are written to make countless requests for records from our search engines, libraries, and book stores with no court oversight. Email and especially searchable data is practically unprotected from anyone who might ask to have it. All our electronic communications are tapped. Massive governmental data mining schemes are being built to record everything we publish on the web. In many workplaces, employers spy on and control their employees' Internet access, and this practice is widely considered to be acceptable. These are dark times. The Fourth Amendment has all but disappeared, thanks to the Wars on Drugs, Porn, and Terror. Any practicing trial lawyer will tell you that you can no longer rely on unreasonable search to be the basis for excluding evidence, especially for digital evidence in the hands of a third party. Likewise the First Amendment has been shredded with exceptions and provisos, and is only truly available to those with the money to fight costly (and usually frivolous) court battles against large corporations. In short, you can say what you want so long as it doesn't effect corporate profits. How we got to a legal state where this all this activity is the accepted norm, I'm not quite sure. It seems to stem from an underlying assumption that our function at work and at home is that of a diligent slave - a single unit of economic output under the direct watch and total control of our superiors at all times; that we should accept this surveillance because we should have nothing to hide from our benevolent overlords who are watching us merely to protect us from evil. I believe this view is wrong. Moreover, I believe it is time to reverse the tide. This document seeks to provide the means to protect your right to privacy, freedom of speech, and ********* net access even under the most draconian of conditions - including, but not limited to, both private and criminal investigation (which happens far more often to innocent people than one might like to think). "So what are you saying? That I can dodge bullets?" "No.. What I am trying to tell you is that when you're ready, you won't have to."
  2. Cam cat de greu ar fi sa faci un program gen winrar . dar mult mai simplu doar arhiveaza si dezarhiveaza fara celalalte optiuni .
  3. pai nu vezi ? e javascript din cate vad eu
  4. Paste fericit tuturor!
  5. poti lasa un link sa ma uit ?
  6. da nu se zicea ca , cu programu asta TinKode a atacat pentagonu ?
  7. mda. Papa e robot si poti sa ii dai flood O_O
  8. cumpar termopane si parchet ! PM me
  9. dami pm cu email
  10. Ma eu chiar nu inteleg. Din cate am vazut "hackeri anoynmous" is grupari din astea de hackeri foarte buni si nu cred ca ar pune ei pe net programele lor and stuff . Tot ce se posteaza pe internet despre *********( gen programe , ********* OS ) ori sunt de astea de fatada , skiddies de astia , ori ceva ca sa fraiereasca lumea , pararea mea .
  11. gj !
  12. si eu am cine doreste de asemenea PM
  13. Puteti sa imi recomandati o carte php care explica bine ? thx
  14. Rusko -everyday ( netsky remix )
  15. imi poate trimite si mie cineva codul pentru C++ al unui cuvant palindrom ? thx
  16. No link! E un program cu carea accesezi mai usor forumul Scuze daca am fost prea indraznet ! Is incepator fac si eu ce imi trece prin minte P.S. e pus sa dea run la chrome
  17. i told you guys ^^
  18. mai exact ce face acest program ?
  19. mie inca imi merge sa il downloadez
  20. Am 2-3 zile de cand m-am apucat de Visual Basic 2008 si am facut calculatorul asta . Download calc.exe
  21. "Bine v-am gasit! Si sper sa o luati mai incet cu mine sa nu sariti imediat cu cuvinte de gen : spart, noob , troll sau mai stiu eu ceva de genu :" Eu nu cred ca WolfX este asta din video o_O
  22. HTML si CSS stiu cam 70% asa , dar as vrea niste idei , niste indicii cum as putea sa fac mult mai simplu sa nu ma complic ( zic de la a la z ) thx
  23. Multumesc . Dar asa ca incepator daca as vrea sa fac un site HTML si php simplu cu un menu ceva in care sa postez news si sa modific categorii fara sa umblu in html ? cam de unde ar trebui sa incep ?
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